sunnysojourn · 6 years
The Budding City
Though it only consisted of a number of tents and piles of raw material, the spot where Saelihn planned to build her city-- with permission from the king-- was practically vibrant with a sort of positive energy.
Workers came to and from their material sources on set shifts. Engineers and architects deliberated blueprints, building styles; how much of their architecture had to be surface-based just to keep the buildings standing? And how much of the overall style had to reflect the dark elven race, so they would never lose their heritage?
These were not questions Nadal needed to ask nor to answer. He’d visited the soon-to-be city of Myazhe-- Saelihn’s Paradise-- so that he could bid for the seat at the head of his house.
Saelihn, however, was otherwise occupied at the moment, with a meeting among the other nobles about city planning and law making. So while he waited, he’d wander.
While he wandered, he noticed a small commotion among the workers on their resting shifts, whispers between people as many pairs of red eyes fell on her. A high elf, fair and blonde. Most gave her a wide berth and went on with their tasks, though would steal gazes now and then, just to be certain this wasn’t some kind of trap.
The hairs on the back of Nadal’s neck stood up straight. His hands shook, and he briefly ran one over the top of his belt’s lavender-shaded buckle. For that extra bit of confidence, he could swap appearances-- but Saelihn needed to recognize him when she was next available. His hand dropped, fell to his side as he approached.
Briefly, he regretted leaving his weapon and armor in the cart.
“Afternoon, ma’am,” he greeted, standing up straight and tall as he could manage. He attempted a smile, though it fell flat quickly and only a serious expression remained behind. “May I ask what it is you’re doing here?” 
After he spoke, he directed his shaking hands to be still. He took slow, calming breaths as he forced himself to keep eye contact with the outsider.
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sunnysojourn · 6 years
Clashing Wills
The dark-haired drow-- who, unlike his younger brothers, never much cared what people called him-- took extra care grooming himself as he walked into the tavern.
A good place to gather info regardless of hunger or thirst, though the pair of humans at his side-- one pale, redheaded woman and one tanned, dark-haired man-- had come on their last luxury stop before their great bandit hunt and dog-retrieval. “Remember,” the brunet told him. “Please try to order on your own.”
If it would make those brown eyes stop pleading at him, Tazennin replied with a smile, “Yes, sir. Of course.” The two humans sat down, but he walked along a little further. Further and further still until he sat closer to another of his kind than he sat next to his actual adventuring party. He sighed heavy, rubbing at his eyes as he stared blankly at the bar.
“I don’t recognize...” Hm, no. Wrong train of thought. “What city are you from?” he asked the stranger-- Possibly the most familiar person in the room right then.
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sunnysojourn · 5 years
“I see” (Your choosing)
“I am well aware that the general consensus is that a high elven cleric of Eilistraee would be seen as a spy. Nadal in particular has made his concerns apparent. However, if she was, and I distrusted her on her face alone, I would only add fuel to the fire.”
Saelihn wasn’t sure if this impromptu speech was all that warranted, but each and every time she heard the workers whisper... Each time they questioned her judgement, she felt an overwhelming need to correct it all.
“A spy would see this distrust and conclude that I am up to no good... but that hardly matters here.” She stood up straight and tall, folding her arms behind her back as she gazed down toward those seated by the fire. “Because I truly do trust her.”
That got people to whisper even more than before.
“It is far braver,” she explained, “To say aloud that you trust someone. Than it is to cower and hide behind distrust and paranoia. Think: Why is it wrong to say you trust another? Because you fear the advantage they have over you.” She shook her head solemnly.
“Fear is failure. I do not fail.” 
She sighed, sat back down and started to eat her soup before it got cold.
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sunnysojourn · 5 years
♥ (Ailenda for Saelihn)
“Ah--” Saelihn waved over the high elf. “I forgot to mention this, but your Undercommon is excellent.”
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sunnysojourn · 6 years
Safe Haven
Purple finery had been layered over with two thick fur coats, on on top of the other. Though it did nothing to accentuate Saelihn’s features... It was cold out. Too cold for her preferred short sleeved dresses, unless she wanted to lose some fingers to frostbite in the coming months. She often wore hats as well; simple winter caps that covered up her short, choppy hair with flaps that kept her ears toasty warm.
Many of the others in her camp had done the same, all wearing puffy coats and five-fingered gloves.
Most of the time, she happened to be busy with this or that, but there were times when her duty was to speak with the workers and see how they were doing. Often at dinner, which was more often than not hot stew as the autumn migrated into winter.
Eating among her people, Saelihn found, was the best way to speak with them.
Until one day, she didn’t recognize one of the people there.
Saelihn gave the stranger a smile. “Ah. Good evening to you, stranger. May we interest you in a bowl of stew?” She paused. “I will understand if you have reservations, of course.”
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