#verse: dnd/berseria
The Witch and the Warrior
(Closed RP with @mcgilou)
Layle usually kept his trips to the City of Doors few and far between, since Sigil was dangerous in more ways than most people could afford to handle... Between the fact that it was a doughnut-shaped city floating atop an impossibly high mountain, powerful beings from various planes coming there to do trade, the way back to ones world being dicey at times, and the whole mess of the city's ruler... It has to be worth the risk to come to such a place. The last time he went here was to get information on the whereabouts of his parents, and subsequently go through a door to the world they got stuck on. This time he was trading materials from several powerful Dragons he had slain in order to get knowledge of several spells that he could utilize in future projects... While also gradually gaining knowledge of several worlds outside of his own and trying to acquire means to travel to them, with mixed results. After completing a transaction, he heard some commotion in the streets, and much to his concern, the ruler of Sigil was headed this way!
"The Lady of Pain?! Damn, if I earn her ire, death would be kinda merciful if th' rumors are true... I'm not quite down t' die a second time... At least not over somethin' as simple as being caught in her gaze." Layle's crimson eyes darted around the hustle and bustle of the city streets until he spotted a door in an alleyway and he slipped through the crowd until he reached the door. His bronze armor glinted in the midday light as he reached his hand to the brassy doorknob- He could practically smell the magic spilling from this door, but he was at least partly equipped to deal with having to find his way back home with spells.
"Well, it's worth a shot... And I'm sure I'll have some sorta interesting story to tell when all is said and done!" Perhaps a bit too confident that things would work in his favor, but by his standards, he was still alive and well, doing as he's done thus far... Why would this be any different? Turning the knob, the towering warrior-mage stepped through the door, and through one of the many portals Sigil was famous for!
From this high up, Layle could see the light of the setting sun washing over what looked like a distant town. He felt the wind whip around what bits of his brunette hair weren't tied under his black bandanna, and felt nothing beneath his feet. Layle's expression turned to one of grimace, the scar on his left cheek folding slightly as he realized quickly that he was falling.
"Why does this always happeeeeeen?!" Layle shouted bitterly to the sky while falling... It was only when he was moments from meeting the ground that he realized that he had several means of preventing his plummeting. He barely had any time to admonish himself mentally before he blacked out from the impact.
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The Witch and the Dragon Slayer
(closed RP with @shootingxstardust)
The cave floor was littered with mixtures of chalks, gem dust, powdered Dragon fangs, and various herbs in the shape of a circle, filled with intricate designs. Outside the circle was a littering of platinum and gold coin, weapons, gemstones, jewelry, and other fanciful knick-knacks being poured into some manner of curious black cloth, that seemed to go ten feet farther down than a cloth normally should, judging by the distance these treasures seem to fall into the cloth! The man pouring these treasures into this seemingly portable hole stood six feet at his best, wearing bronze armor just as ornate as some of the treasure he was packing away. His hair was brown, somewhat long, and a little bit bedraggled in its' shape. The man's eyes burned a passionate crimson. He had a somewhat gaudy platinum shield in his left hand, and a cape of ringmail- platinum on the inside, and bronze on the outside, that flowed as he moved oddly enough.
"Okay, I got all I could carry with me from this Dragon's lair... Time ta pack up, an' finish this ritual." He mused aloud as he often does. He folds up the black cloth until it's small enough to tie over his head like a bandanna. He then snaps the fingers of his right hand, holding it open as a large red spear dislodges itself from what was left of the Dragon's corpse, and flies into his hand. He looks to the spear, and nods. As he begins to chant, the circle glows... But the ground quakes as a stalactite falls, and breaks part of the circle just when his chant was finished! Before he could properly react, the circle exploded and next thing he knew, he was free falling over a land he didn't recognize.
"Of all the things that could happen- Okay, landing will be easy enough at least..." The crimson eyed man directs his fall to a small patch of woods he can see, holding up his shield to brace for impact... And at the last moment, he traced a sigil of protection to ease the crash he was about to experience. The resulting noise would be easily heard to anyone in the area. His shield smashed through part of a tree as his arm was met with a burning sensation as his left arm went limp. He was sent spinning, before skidding along his back, and landing against a tree, nearly sitting upright. He half-sat there, in a daze for some time.
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