#verse:  the boy forgives the bull that gored him. we heal whether we want to or not. ( rehabilitation au | sharkfinx )
loveoaths · 2 years
verse: once, the world asked for your favorite feeling. you said hunger.  ( new era )   / /  shizuma, son of the mizukage, kenjutsu instructor, leader of the nascent seven swordsmen, thorn in the heel of progress. generally refers to his activities with the seven unless one of the following arc tags below is added. age: 16-18 generally
arc one: you dangle on the leash of your own longing; your need grows teeth. ( childhood )  / / encompasses his childhood and early youth.    age: 0 - 14
arc two: be like the fox who makes more tracks than necessary, some in the wrong direction. practice resurrection. ( incarcerated )   / /   after taking the blame for the seven’s actions, shizuma is imprisoned following the failed insurrection and placed under surveillance. the village plans to rehabilitate him. shizuma plans a jailbreak – and starts reading strange pamphlets about this thing called jashinism…   age: 21+
arc three:  one day i will touch the world with bare hands even if it burns ( jashinist )   / /   shizuma has escaped prison and is currently courting two powers for his own interests: the primordial god jashin and his ancestress yuki tsukimono.   age: 25+
verse:  the boy forgives the bull that gored him. we heal whether we want to or not. ( rehabilitation au | sharkfinx )   / /   still under state surveillance, shizuma is released several days a week on parole to work at his uncle grandpa kisame’s ( @sharkfinx​ ) shop. is he changing, or is he scheming? you’ll never know.   age: 20+
ship: since we’re bound to be something, why not together. ( shizubu |  bredfaith )    / /   with @bredfaith
dynamic: shizuma and buntan. dynamic: shizuma and kagura. dynamic: shizuma and the seven. aesthetic: shizuma. persona: shizuma. anthem: shizuma.
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ironharvests · 3 years
verse: once, the world asked for your favorite feeling. you said hunger.  ( new era )   / /  shizuma, son of the mizukage, kenjutsu instructor, leader of the nascent seven swordsmen, thorn in the heel of progress. generally refers to his activities with the seven unless one of the following arc tags below is added. age: 16-18 generally
arc one: you dangle on the leash of your own longing; your need grows teeth. ( childhood )  / / encompasses his childhood and early youth.    age: 0 - 14
arc two: be like the fox who makes more tracks than necessary, some in the wrong direction. practice resurrection. ( incarcerated )   / /   after taking the blame for the seven’s actions, shizuma is imprisoned following the failed insurrection and placed under surveillance. the village plans to rehabilitate him. shizuma plans a jailbreak -- and starts reading strange pamphlets about this thing called jashinism...   age: 21+
arc three:  one day i will touch the world with bare hands even if it burns ( jashinist ).   / /   shizuma has escaped prison and is currently courting two powers for his own interests: the primordial god jashin and his ancestress yuki tsukimono.   age: 25+
verse:  the boy forgives the bull that gored him. we heal whether we want to or not. ( rehabilitation au | sharkfinx )   / /   still under state surveillance, shizuma is released several days a week on parole to work at his uncle grandpa kisame’s ( @sharkfinx​ ) shop. is he changing, or is he scheming? you’ll never know.   age: 20+
ship: since we’re bound to be something, why not together. ( shizubu |  bredfaith )    / /   with @bredfaith
dynamic: shizuma and buntan. dynamic: shizuma and kagura. dynamic: shizuma and the seven. aesthetic: shizuma. persona: shizuma. anthem: shizuma.
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