ddingbaragi · 2 years
[An Iron Widow drabble where Zetian's sister is alive (can be before canon events or canon divergence, you choose)]
Word count: 228
The Iron Queen, that’s the name that blares on the screen.
Wu Ruiyi can be seen exiting the mecha hand in hand with her partner, smiling proudly for the swarming cameras that want to get a look at the hottest new couple. Zetian watched it all from Yizhi’s tablet, heart swelling with pride at her sister’s success.
“Do you envy her?” The boy asked her.
Zetian looked up from the tablet, smile not fading a bit.
“Why should I be? She’s my sister,” she said proudly. The stream had ended so she turned off the tablet and laid it on her lap. 
“But do you want to be a pilot like her?” 
A pause. Zetian looked at her husband and shook her head.
"I don't think it would be the life for me. Besides, I'm already married to you. I have all the thrill I need here."
The cool breeze on the top of the mountains was calming. The cabin had such a nice view she didn't want to leave it.
She was away from everything
Her family
The chaos
It was just her and Yizhi.
Yizhi smiled and took her hand, lips brushing over it.
"Right you are, my polar star."
An alarm from the tablet broke the peaceful silence. On the screen was a large box of text
A/N: i am aware y'all probably aren't a fan of this but think about it. If ruiyi never died Zetian wouldn't have the want to become a pilot to avenge her. Maybe she'd plot on how to grt away from her family via marriage with Yizhi. You never know!
Do i wanna write fugitive shimin running into them? Maybe
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ddingbaragi · 2 years
[An Iron Triangle drabble related to the last food you ate.]
A/N: it is past midnight as i write this and i didn't bother to spellcheck or write anything proper so have this semi crack(?) Domestic au with chef Yizhi
Word count: 320
Cw: food
Yizhi rarely minded the idea of him being alone at home whilst Zetian and Shimin were out and about running errands. Of course there are times he was a bit clingier for them but today wasn't one of those days.
He wanted to prepare a nice warm meal for his two partners when they get back. Much to his dismay, he didnt find any ingredients he would need to make a proper dish. 
Well, there were some ingredients for cake. Maybe he can make something for desert.
After looking through again Yizhi stumbled across a box on the floor. He recalled getting a package from an anonymous source the other day, but he hasn't tried opening it yet.
So taking a pair of scissors he opened up the box only to find heaploads of what looks like instant noodles.
"Indomie?" He read the lable. Definitely never heard of it before. After checking the packaging and even opening it, he figured it was safe to cook.
The steps on the packaging were simple enough, so he followed them and cooked about 5 of the packages (you never know if they want seconds).
Next up was some desert. He didn't actually have enough to make a proper cake, so after some brainstorming he decided to make some cakes in jars. Quite simple, he thought. And with that, dinner was ready.
Zetian and Shimin returned home to the most mouth watering smells ever. Like the cartoons with the pie smells that make you float, the two were immediately drawn to the kitchen. Where Yizhi was waiting for them excitedly with his array of dishes.
"Welcome back," he grinned. "You two should go get cleaned up before we eat."
And so, the trio enjoyed a heartfelt meal of delicious fried noodles and spent the night watching TV with jars of cakes in their hand.
(Most guaranteed Yizhi is getting a lot of kisses tonight)
Ending note: technically I had lemonilo but indomie supremscy in this household. Also there's two foods cause it's ramadhan and ya boi eats a lot after iftar
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