#ventus is strong and weak against the same attribute but only if the context implies weakness or strength. also subterra???
senotsuri · 1 year
Bakugan took one look at Pokémon and said “Oh, we can do that but are monsters will be in balls from the start”
Iirc, in episode 11 BB (at least in English,) Marucho mentions Ventus is weak to Aquos as the reason why he should fight Shun instead of Runo.
In Bakugan (videogame), aquos and ventus have no correlation. Instead, aquos and pyrus are less effective on eachother's stages (more effective on home stage,) and the same is true of ventus and subterra.
In DoTC, a game that has a functioning weakness-strength system that isn't dependent on stage, Aquos is instead weak to Ventus, dealing less damage against them and taking more damage from them.
What I'm getting at is they also removed the fire-water-grass effectiveness system, but they love to make it exist.
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