#venting!!! need twitter to get obliterated from orbit
confusedlucifer ยท 7 months
really love every shit for brains american and uk 'leftists' taking ukraine into their mouth in light of a new horrid conflict breaking out "ahh but if ukrainians did this, the west would support them" we have literally been begging for arms and funding for two years because the west is worried that ukraine could possibly resist occupation in an 'incorrect way' that escalates the conflict or that the govment is too corrupt to actually handle the funding or that the arms would go to the "neo nazis" or terrorists. "imagine if russia ever did THIS in ukraine" they have BEEN doing this. for two years openly and since 2014 before anyone else paid attention. there are hundreds of recorded war crimes from the side of the occupier. and none of the previous times have you ever said anything about ukraine other than how it really is #concerning how there's nazis theres, the only occupied and opressed coutnry in history of humanity on earth that has ever developed militant ultra patriotic groups in response to the violence and genocide its people were subjected to. yeah. shut the fuck up man
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