velaineca · 1 month
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Overwhelming warmth to share :)
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Arianne Velain, An Introduction
(AKA my Vestige OC from this fic)
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Arianne is a Breton sorceress. She prefers to tie up her hair for her own safety whenever a situation could potentially be dangerous (i.e. pretty much any time she so much as steps out her front door). Her travelling clothes are relatively plain and practical - light layers of linen tunic and leggings for the most part. She never saw much point in restricting her movement with armour - she had come long ago to a philosophy of 'kill it before it kills me', a strategy that involves slinging lightning magicka from a distance. (Fun fact: That's just DPS philosophy in a nutshell)
Arianne is ruled by her curiosity. She never could resist it, even when it led to being sacrificed. Being interested in obscure details with an open mind has come in useful on her travels - often ferreting out the truth of a situation just before it takes a turn for the worst. But she also can't help voicing the questions that spring to mind, even if it happens to be the worst possible time for them. (Fun fact: this was inspired by Verandis' exasperation at the Vestige constantly asking questions in the events leading up to Doomcrag!)
Coldharbour left its marks on her, ones she might never fully recover from. While she does her best now to carry on regardless, the ordeal of losing her soul, the repeated trips into Coldharbour and the struggle to end Molag Bal's schemes/reclaim her soul still give her nightmares and waking terrors. She also feels guilty that despite the repeated trips to Coldharbour and the many people she managed to liberate, she never found hide nor hair of Verandis there, and was unable to save him any sooner. (Fun fact: this OC can fit so much trauma inside her!)
Quick facts:
She spent a lot of her childhood in the saddle, often with her nose in a book.
She owns a small cottage in Fell's Run.
She likes solving problems for people. Or rather, she really can't leave a problem alone once she is aware of it. Even if the people experiencing the problem don't always appreciate the help.
Despite being adept with lightning magicka and can manage other simple spells from other schools, she's never managed to successfully learn a way of conjuring fire.
(Last fun fact - I chose to name her Arianne because I love a good pun in a character name. The root of the name in Welsh would be 'silver'. You could say Arianne is a vampire weakness...for at least two of them, anyway!)
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hard--onthe---outside · 4 months
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model ~ Dead Velaine
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fuegossketchbook · 9 months
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Drawings I'm doing for the current D&D arc with one of my groups.
The first image depicts Kelroxa the white dragonborn, who we picked up in the previous arc blowing up a factory. Her big size makes sneaking difficult, but no one was allowed to go anywhere alone after Zion had his head messed with by Olor, so Kelroxa and Zion (my character) is off on a stealth mission to find out where the dragons they saw earlier in the morning might have landed.
The second image is a three way split of the three most interesting things that happened in our fourth session; Zion's meeting with the minister of Warfare and Fashion, who was very interested in his masks. She really wanted to buy one, know who his supplier was. In fact, she was so excited that her pupils shifted shape for a brief second... Prince Kaius, being tired of his team not trusting him or listening properly, ditching his guard to go flying on a small, modded airship with princeps Radiant. The two barreling through the fog at breakneck speeds. And last, but not least, Olor. Swirling that deep red liquid in a vial, promising Princess Velaine that it will heal her sister, guaranteed, but just like when she told Astra she could get her broken horn back, it comes at a price...
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jojobegood1 · 9 months
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allisonlol · 1 year
Just private scl tingz pt. Idk at this point
After watching a terribly horrifying movie essay on the remarkable vincent van gogh, one girl came up to me and tild me she "related" to him and continued to tell me how much she kinned him. Said girl being gayle. Later, this mbti freak searched up gogh on personality database and gayle is now, a certefied infp.
i cant choose between fyodor and velaine. Theyre both intjs🤧 but the only difference is that fyodors a 1w9 rn and verlaines a 5w6 and i lowkey don't know which is hotter. A russian rat terrorist or a french depressed assasin 👁👄👁
Also, hi alli. I hav decided to call u alli bc i can. How are u?? Hope ur doing well! Sending prayers from ur local rice fields.
-ur friend, mel
bro i will always be a fyodor fucker over verlaine cuz like...dont forget that's verlaine's first name is PAUL??? ugly asf
ngl the name alli ignites me with rage but do whatever u want bestie!!
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luxmaeastra · 29 days
Citheron clasped his hands behind his back, blue gold eyes taking Xaden in. He barred his teeth turning to watch Aedion and Airleas.
"It is not your call where your brothers go. It is theirs, it is the Ancestor's choice."
Xaden had heard stories of Daglan Queens with Changeling guards. Very few spoke of Changeling mates though. But he could see why they were a threat.
Citheron held an iron grip on his Den, from what little Xaden gleaned. It stretched from Dusk to Night and Day. It ensared Seraphine and Estelle's Dens.
That much built in army? What did that do to Achlys thoughts on her General? Did she Eosphorous as the threat she was?
Xaden swallowed that rage and watched Airleas chase Aleksander and Azriel as a wolf, rolling as the boys tackled him. Aedion followed always a step behind him, tugging playfully at Azriel's shirt making him fall back laughing.
"Why are you here then Citheron?"
Citheron glanced to him.
"The valley you and Kaden destoryed, there were some Changelings that asked my Den for sanctuary. I wanted to speak to your father about what he wishes. They are his prisoners to do what he wants with them."
Angelika and Velaine had survived but their Den had been halfed. Many of their children had perished to protect them.
Sebastian rarely got involved in interden conflicts - but he had for his little sister.
“Father is busy, he has other things that needed his attention.” Xaden folded his arms as he looked towards Citheron. He wasn’t his father’s keep, nor was he his messenger. Yes, he was there for him and what he and Kaden had done, but that didn’t mean he had to be the bell boy.
Maybe he was feeling a little vindictive, but honestly he was getting annoyed at how these changelings were pushing them around. Yes, he had some of their blood from his parents, but he wasn’t one of them. He wasn’t like his brothers who seemed to fit in so much easier than he did.
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dominion-of-veilain · 5 months
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(Warning for mentioning dictatorship)
The flag of Velainian terrain, a large refugee oligarchy like group which resides on the planet Velain, which is undiscovered to Emian domain, the Emian domain is a large dictator like group that took over most of the home-planet. The Velainian territory originally started as a protesting group against the dictator group, but has recently grained power and left the home-planet.
The Velainian group also primarily believes in peace, as during most of the civilians existence they were surrounded by violence. The Velainian group is a monotheistic religion, as they believe in a god that represents peace and fertility.
(For anyone wondering about the design, the red circles represent a bullseye, the lower blue section represents land, the arrow represents landing, and the yellow circle represents life.)
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morfey · 9 months
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I think this is a nuclear power station on the canal. EDF Velaines.
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hexaconto · 2 years
Choisir son expert-comptable à Velaines - 6 critères incontournables
Choisir son expert-comptable à Velaines – 6 critères incontournables
La région de Velaines compte moins de 10 experts-comptables. En tant qu’entrepreneur, dirigeant ou créateur, cela vous fait donc autant de possibilités pour choisir l’expert-comptable adéquat qui vous
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bouxmounir · 2 years
Football. Le match de gala Quevilly-Le Havre n'aura pas lieu à Pont-Audemer
Football. Le match de gala Quevilly-Le Havre n’aura pas lieu à Pont-Audemer
Par serge.velain Publié le 1 22 juillet à 8:15 L’Éveil de Pont-Audemer Voir mon actu Suivre ce média Ni l’organisateur du match Jean-Louis Garros (de face, avec la casquette) ni le président du club Jean-Pascal Ruel n’ont réussi à convaincre les dirigeants des deux clubs pro ©Serge Velain Coup de théâtre à Pont Audemer (Eure). Le trophée des normands, match de football opposant les équipes de…
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velaineca · 2 months
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Spicier version HERE (patreon)
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Realizing that I haven't transfered any of my old photos from my other blog of me in Doc gear! Granted it's just what I had laying around, but ya have to start somewhere!!!
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I should be working on a new era of my uniform so I'll keep you all updated!
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hard--onthe---outside · 4 months
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photo by Dead Velaine
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fuegossketchbook · 10 months
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Some images I've done for my D&D groups current arc where we are going to another nation's fancy "re commitment ceremony" in order to make political connections. Oh, and the lackey of the dragon who declared war on us is there too.
The first image depicts the gifts each of the visiting nations offered upon arriving, as well as Zion the moonelf (my character) and Astra the tiefling looking over the railing of the sky ship taking them down to the floating island which holds Akraidusia's grand palace.
The second image depicts the Akraidusian seer and the various interactions that happened during the first evening at the party. Two tabaxi from Dunia having a strange reaction to hearing the name of one of their delegates, prince Kaius making a new friend in council member Radiant, Astra speaking to her fellow priests of her faith about her homelands strange aversion to her new home all of a sudden, princess Velaine being egged on by the woman who have been given her mother's crown by the tyrant dragon's lackey and Zion who ran into Olor, the lackey, and remembers none of the conversation they had.
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Okay so I did the maths and by the end of the elseweyr chapter Alana is 33, however because there was time travel it’s 27 years after she was born chronologically
She starts the main quest at the age of 20, which means from being killed to finishing the elseweyr chapter is 7 years, with her living three of those years three times. Absolutely hilarious considering it canonically all takes place in the same year
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