#vega and sego
jue-jack · 3 months
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grey and green aliens 👽
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wanderlust-songbird · 2 years
Some of my muses’ name meanings
//It originally had more than this, but I’m not willing to go through all that again after Tumblr ate it the first time. So I’m only going to do 4 & may do more at a later time.
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Vega Gennesis Lustirra of Lyrae
Vega - In Arabic, it can either mean "falling/swooping vulture” or “the descending/falling eagle”. A variation of this is Falling Star. In Spanish, it either mean “a large plain or valley”, typically a fertile and grassy one, or “Dweller of the meadow” or “One who lives on a plain”. There is another meaning of Pre-Roman origin that happens to be a title for Jesus’s mother, Mary, which is “Maria de la Vega”. 
Gennesis - A respelling of the name Genesis. In Latin, it means “generation, creation” while it means “In the beginning” in Hebrew.
Lustirra - It’s a combination of the words “Luster” & “Terra”. But another influence of this last name creation happens to be “Tirra-lirra”, which means “an imitation of a musical sound“.
Lyrae - From the star, Alpha Lyrae.
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Corvallis Eldridge Uriel Miosottis
Corvallis - It’s basically a name of a city in the state of Oregon. But from I’ve read, it means “heart of the valley“ in composed Latin.
Eldridge - In both German & English, it means “Sage ruler” or “Old or Wise ruler”.
Uriel - A name of one of the angels. It can mean “Light of God/God is my light”, “Angel of light”, or “Flame of God/God’s Flame”
Miosottis - A respelling of Myosotis, which is the genus of herbs/plants. One of these plants in that genus happens to be Forget-Me-Nots.
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Altair “Kestrel” Cadogan Segoviano
Altair - Means “Eagle/Flying Eagle” or “Falcon” in Arabic while it can mean “Star” in Greek.
Cadogan - It’s of Welsh origin that means “Battle glory” or “Honor”
Segoviano -  There’s a personal reason as to why this is his last name. Anyway, the last name was inspired by the city of Segovia in Castile. But the name of the city is of unknown origin. A shortened version of this name (Segovian) means sepulcher in Basque. Though, “Sego” does mean “Victory” in Celtic, while “Via” has that same meaning in Roman.
[BONUS] Kestrel - A Nickname that comes from the American Kestrel, which is the smallest falcon in North America.
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Eridan “Wren” Amitornis Stigander
Eridan - From Eridanus, which is a modern constellation. 
Amitornis - A respelling of Amytornis, which is the scientific name of the grasswren.
Stigander - A respelling of Stigandr. It is of Old Norse origin that means “Wanderer” or “stepping/treading one”
[BONUS] Wren - A nickname that is a reference to the first part of the grasswren’s scientific name, “Amytornis”.
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unlocklocks · 6 months
How To Unlock Orange Sego, Panama, Zilo, Tara, Vegas, Rome, Riga, Roya and Nalongo by Unlock Code from UnlockLocks on Vimeo.
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sxsw2013gg · 1 year
All the bands I saw at SXSW this year:
1 Drakulas - Hotel Vegas Patio
2 TVOD - Hotel Vegas inside
3 DANA - Hotel Vegas Patio
4 Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs - Hotel Vegas Patio
5 Kiwi Jr. (again) - Lazarus Brewing Co.
6 Golden Dregs - Lazarus Brewing Co.
7 Sego - Zilker Brewing Co.
8 Night Cap - Low Down Lounge
9 Floodlights - Valhalla
10 Free Range - Seven Grand
11 Personal Trainer - Esther’s Follies
1 Dean Forever - Lucille
2 River Boy - Lucille
3 MANE - Lucille
4 Ashli - Lucille
5 Civic - Lucille
6 Tulliah - Lucille
7 Annie Hamilton - Lucille
8 Nat Vazer - Lucille
9 Ron Gallo - Clive Bar
10 Rock Eupora - Lamberts
11 Molly Martin - Lamberts
12 Future Crib - Lamberts
13 The Minks - Lamberts
14 Indigo de Souza - Half Step
15 Husbands - Chess Club
1 Y La Bamba - Empire Garage
2 Bartees Strange - Empire Garage
3 Kiwi Jr. - Empire Control Room
4 Protomartyr - Empire Garage
5 Cheekface - Empire Control Room
6 Lee Bains III and the Glory Fires - Side Bar
7 Margaritas Podridas - Chess Club
8 Snooper - Chess Club
9 Jobber - Latchkey
10 Friko - Seven Grand
11 The Trials of Cato - The Creek and the Cave
12 Say Zuzu - Antone’s
13 Bonny Doon - Antone’s
14 The Scratch - The Velveeta Room
15 Silverbacks - The Velveeta Room
1 Hans Pucket - 13th Floor
2 Be Your Own Pet - Mohawk Outdoor
3 Girl Scout - Mohawk Indoor
4 SOAK - Cedar Street Courtyard
5 Dead Gowns - Velveeta Room
6 The Garrys - Swan Dive Patio
7 Skye Wallace - Swan Dive
8 Mariel Buckley - Swan Dive Patio
9 Death Valley Girls - Lucille
10 Sabrina Ellis - Valhalla
11 Sports Team - The Creek and the Cave
1 Sea Lemon - Side Bar
2 Pat G - JNL BBQ
3 Timothy Eerie - JNL BBQ
4 Enjoyable Listens - JNL BBQ
5 Cherym - JNL BBQ
6 The Ophelias - Central Presbyterian Church
7 Katie Malco - Central Presbyterian Church
8 Le Ren - Central Presbyterian Church
9 Bartees Strange - The Belmont
10 Foyer Red - Vaquero Taquero
11 Hamish Hawk - 13th Floor
12 Voka Gentle - 13th Floor
13 English Teacher - Seven Grand
1 Gen and the Degenerates - Cedar Street Courtyard
2 Panic Shack - Cedar Street Courtyard
3 Puppy Angst - 13th Floor
4 Foamboy - 13th Floor
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cashforcarslv · 2 years
Cash For Cars LV
Cash For Cars LV is a licensed, local car buyer servicing the entire Las Vegas Valley including Henderson, Summerlin, North Las Vegas, and the surrounding areas. We are an actual local company that pays top dollar fast for ANY vehicle in any condition.
Address: 3119 Sego Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89121, USA Phone: 702-487-8383 Website: https://www.cashforcarslv.com
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bandhumanhistha · 3 years
Menilik Problem Sosial Sebagai Amunisi Creative Industry
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Baru-baru ini jagat sosial media diramaikan dengan poster sebuah film garapan Netflix yang bertajuk “The White Tiger”. Film ini diadaptasi dari novel best-seller karya Arvind Adiga yang kemudian diramu dalam bentuk script oleh sahabatnya sendiri yang bernama Rahmin Bahrani. Suatu kebetulan jika Rahmin Bahrani ternyata adalah seorang sutradara. Sehingga ketika film “The White Tiger” diproduksi, tidak menimbulkan kesan destruktif dari substansi novel itu sendiri. Hal tersebut jelas, karena chemistry dari Sang Pujangga dan Sutradara sudah terbangun. Sehingga ketika novel tersebut digubah menjadi sebuah naskah film, hasilnya benar-benar utuh.
Terlepas dari itu semua, “The White Tiger” ini merupakan film yang benar-benar layak tonton dan menimbulkan kesan campur aduk saat kita menyaksikannya. Di satu sisi, film ini merupakan film yang mengandung motivasi dan struggling kehidupan yang cukup menyentuh. Namun, di sisi lain film ini juga memenuhi kriteria untuk disebut sebagai film ber-genre dark/thriller, karena ada adegan pembunuhan keji menjelang 3/4 scene dari keseluruhan film.
Film ini menceritakan tentang seorang tokoh bernama “Balram” yang terlahir dari keluarga dengan tingkat kemiskinan yang sudah memasuki level “kebangetan”.  Ia terlahir di sebuah Desa miskin di pinggiran India, dengan mayoritas penduduknya yang buta aksara dan menganut mindset kuno barbau feodal. Berbeda dengan teman-teman sebayanya yang buta aksara, “Balram” sendiri adalah sebuah anomali. Ia mampu membaca aksara India dengan lancar, bahkan membaca kosakata Inggris dengan pronunciation yang cukup memukau. Oleh sebab itu Sang Guru pun menjulukinya sebagai “White Tiger” atau harimau putih yang hanya lahir sekali dalam satu periode. Itulah alasan kenapa film ini diberi judul “The White Tiger”.
“Balram” berjuang untuk merubah nasibnya dengan bekerja sebagai sopir dari Si Tuan tanah yang mengeksploitasi Desa tempat “Balram” tinggal. Pada alur film ini, kita semua akan diajak untuk melihat bagaimana kakunya kultur dan pembagian kasta di India. Karena pada setiap adegan dengan Sang Majikan, “Balram” benar-benar diperlakukan layaknya budak hanya karena tingkat kastanya yang rendah. Hal itu disebabkan karena warisan budaya dan mindset pada era feodal di India masih benar-benar mengakar di tengah masyarakat India.
Namun, hadirnya tokoh “Ashok” yang merupakan anak dari Sang Majikan yang diceritakan baru saja pulang menempuh pendidikan di Amerika pun semakin menghidupkan tiap adegan pada film ini. Belum lagi tokoh yang bernama “Pinky” yang merupakan seorang keturunan India yang lama menetap di Amerika. “Pinky” adalah kekasih dari “Ashok” dan mereka berdua bertindak sebagai katalis yang mengenalkan “Balram” dengan pola pikir western yang menganut prinsip egaliter. Mereka mengajarkan “Balram” jika budaya menyembah dan memperlakukan majikan bak raja merupakan budaya yang konyol dan menghambat kemajuan Negaranya. Mereka juga mengatakan pada “Balram” jika anak buah dan majikan sebenarnya bisa menjadi teman, namun disisi lain tidak begitu saja meninggalkan kesan elitist dari Sang Majikan.
Film ini benar-benar membenturkan realitas budaya ketimuran ala India dengan budaya western yang keduanya benar-benar bersifat kontradiktif. Sebagai penonton, kita akan diajak untuk berpikir dilematis melalui tokoh yang bernama “Balram”. Disisi lain kita juga diajak untuk menyelami realitas dan ironi-ironi yang terjadi di negara padat dan berkembang seperti India. Cukup pejamkan mata dan bayangkan, bagaimana rasanya terlahir miskin dengan background pendidikan alakadarnya, di Negara dengan jumlah penduduk mencapai 1,3 milyar seperti India. Pada salah satu scene, si tokoh “Balram” juga mengatakan jika “untuk merubah nasib di India hanya ada dua cara. Kriminal atau Politik”.
Menyaksikannya, kita diajak untuk sejenak menanggalkan pemikiran idealis, dan belajar bagaimana cara survive di tengah kemiskinan. Kita akan diinjak, diludahi, dan diumpat? Rasanya itu semua adalah makanan sehari-hari atau “sego jangan” kalau kata orang Jawa. Menghamba, menjilat, dan bermuka dua atau bahkan bermuka sepuluh, sudah menjadi keharusan untuk bertahan hidup di era industrial. Itulah yang berusaha disampaikan kreator dari film “The White Tiger” ini.
 Keluar sejenak dari skenario film, dalam hal creative industy, para kreator film India ini rasanya telah berhasil mengolah data yang berisi problem dan keresahan sosial di India. Data itu kemudian digunakan sebagai amunisi dan bahan mentah produksi suatu karya kreatif seperti novel atau film. Namun jika berbicara tentang industri perfilman di India, sejak periode 2000 awal, industri film di India memang telah mampu membuktikan dirinya dengan melakukan ekspansi ke berbagai Negara. Title “Bollywood” pun disematkan untuk industri perfilman di India sebagai wujud apreasiasi dari konsistensi para kreator dalam membuat film di India.
Berbagai pertanyaan pun timbul setelahnya, seperti “apa yang membuat industri film Bollywood begitu diminati pasar Internasional?”. Tanpa melakukan riset mendalam pun kita seharusnya tahu, jika India mempunyai sebuah ciri khas dalam industri perfilmannya. Yang pertama adalah tarian dan nyanyian khasnya tentu saja. Adaptasi drama musikal ala barat dilakukan tanpa meninggalkan identitas kultur dari India itu sendiri. Yang kedua adalah ketampanan dan kecantikan para aktor dan aktrisnya. Namun rasa-rasanya setiap industri film di suatu Negara tak pernah kekurangan aktor dan aktris dengan paras rupawan, jadi alasan kedua ini rasanya kurang valid. Untuk alasan ketiga mungkin harus diresapi dengan penuh pertimbangan. Karena jika kita menilik ide cerita dari film Bollywood seperti Slumdog Millionaire, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, dan Three Idiots, maka kita akan menemukan fakta jika kebanyakan film-film India selalu menyelipkan problem dan keresahan sosial pada setiap adegannya. Hal itu menimbulkan kesan mendalam, menohok, dan menyentuh hati dari setiap penonton. Jika demikian, mungkin alasan ketiga ini adalah alasan paling masuk akal.
Berbicara soal keresahan, wajar saja jika negara seperti India mengalami begitu banyak keresahan dan problema sosial. Tercatat per 23 Januari 2021, jumlah penduduk India telah mencapai angka 1.371.570.000 penduduk. Melihat data tersebut, rasanya kita tak perlu lagi bertanya perihal kepadatan dan kemiskinan. DItambah lagi dengan warisan kultur India yang masih sangat kaku, sehingga begitu menghambat manusia-manusianya untuk merangkak keatas mengikuti visi globalisasi.
Urusan kemiskinan memang menjadi sesuatu yang klise untuk dibahas, toh Negara maju seperti Amerika pun tak lepas dari problem kemiskinan walaupun jumlahnya tak se-ekstrim negara berkembang. Akan tetapi, melihat sisi positif dari problema sosial yang dimiliki oleh India. Nyatanya hal tersebut dijawab dengan karya ciamik oleh sejumlah kreator seperti Arvind Ardiga dan Rahmin Bahrani. Keresahan itu mampu disulap menjadi karya kreatif yang mampu dijual ke seluruh Dunia. Memang benar kata pepatah, jika karya yang agung timbul melalui sebuah tragedi atau ironi.
Hal-hal kreatif seperti ini yang mustinya disokong oleh insan kreatif di negara-negara berkembang. Kenapa di negara berkembang? Karena pada negara berkembang, tentu terdapat sejuta keresahan dan problema sosial yang menunggu untuk dijadikan sebuah karya. Syukur-syukur jika Pemerintah mau memberikan support dan bantuan dananya dalam rangka pengembangan sumber daya kreatif. Tapi opsi terakhir ini rasanya tak perlu diharapkan sangat, karena Pemerintah adalah zat yang maha membolak-balikkan perasaan.
 Bagaimana dengan Indonesia?
Menarik jika berkaca dari perspektif India sebagai negara berkembang. Tentu Indonesia bisa dibilang saudara senasib. Memang untuk urusan kepadatan penduduk, India jauh lebih tinggi. Namun dalam konteks kebudayaan dan problematika sosial, rasanya Indonesia dan India memiliki banyak kemiripan. Jika ditilik dari background sejarah pada masa kerajaan, Indonesia sendiri pernah mengalami periode Indianisasi kala dinasti Hindu menguasai sebagian besar wilayah di Nusantara. Wangsa Sanjaya dari Kerajaan Mataram kuno adalah sederet bukti bahwa kultur Hindu pernah mengalami periode keemasan di Nusantara.
           Hingga periode Islam di era Mataram pun, budaya kasta masih banyak diadaptasi oleh sebagian masyarakat terutama di Jawa. Dogma sosial seperti “banyak anak banyak rejeki” adalah bukti jika warisan feodal dari periode Indianisasi masih melekat kuat di tengah-tengah masyarakat.
           Jadi jika membicarakan similaritas antara problematika dan keresahan sosial, agaknya India dan Indonesia ibaratkan kakak dan adik. Hanya urusan kepentingan dan transformasi budaya saja yang menyebabkan adanya beberapa perbedaan mendasar antara keduanya.
           Kemudian jika kita kembali ke ranah creative industry, agaknya kita perlu banyak belajar dari India. Creative resources di Indonesia begitu melimpah, namun wadah, fasilitas dan stigma sosial masih menjadi hambatan terutama bagi pelaku kreatif di daerah. Digitalisasi dewasa ini semakin mempermudah proses kreatifitas dari putra-putri daerah di Indonesia. Namun kepastian karir masih menjadi momok yang menghantui. Diperlukan kesadaran kolektif yang merata di semua daerah, karena setiap daerah mempunyai amunisi problematika sosial masing-masing. Andai saja putra daerah mampu dengan mudah menjangkau akses kreatifitas tanpa harus merantau di kota besar di Jawa, rasanya hal itu akan mempermudah percepatan creative industry di Indonesia.
           Amerika mempunyai New York, Los Angles, Washington DC, Hollywood, Las Vegas dan kota-kota dengan tupoksinya masing-masing. Sementara kita memiliki Jakarta, Jakarta, Jakarta, Jakarta, dan Jakarta. Khususnya bagi para pelaku creative industry yang bergerak di bidang perfilman dan musik, entah kenapa semua akan kembali ke Jakarta. Realistis saja, semua itu terjadi karena semua fasilitas yang benar-benar proper ada disana, di Jakarta. Mau tak mau pelaku kreatif yang benar-benar ingin terjun menekuni harus merantau ke Ibukota. Inilah yang menyebabkan ketimpangan kreatifitas di setiap daerah di Indonesia. Semua hanya berpusat di Jawa, di Jakarta.
           Bonus demografi yang dibuka pada tahun 2030 akan menjadi acuan, sejauh mana dimulainya pemerataan creative industry di Indonesia. Apakah para milenial dan gen Z mampu untuk mendobrak stigma feodal dan membuat karya produksi yang mampu tembus ke pasar Internasional? Mampukah suatu ketika film kita tembus pada nominasi Oscar? Atau setidaknya mampukah kita meramu sejuta keresahan anak bangsa menjadi karya dengan nilai jual tinggi seperti film “The White Tiger” diatas?
           Kejutan-kejutan tersebut akan menarik untuk dinanti. Namun satu hal yang harus ditekankan dengan penuh harap. “Jangan sampai putra-putri bangsa kehilangan duka nestapa. Karena duka dan keresahan itulah satu-satunya jalan menuju permukaan. Sementara harus diakui, jika kita masih terombang-ambing di dasar”.
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billinghamn · 5 years
2019 Aug – Utah Hols: Day 14 - Tue 27 Aug 2019 - Grand Canyon North Rim to Kanab
We were keen to get back on the road, and head up to Kanab, where we were due to spend the night, before pressing on to Las Vegas the following day.
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The drive didn’t take that long, and other than having to wait for the bison to clear the road, there were not that many delays.
When we arrived at the Hampton Inn in Kanab, our room was ready. We got the impression that the hotel wasn’t that busy - schools were back, and we didn’t see anyone in the hotel.
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We obviously watched a bit of US Open tennis in the afternoon, and in the evening we decided to pop out for a drink at the Wild Thyme Cafe, and then walk to Sego. With the licensing rules in Utah, we had to order some food in order to be able to get some alcohol in Wild Thyme Cafe, and it was so good, we decided to stay for dinner, it was that good.
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We enjoyed a house salad as a starter. It was supposed to be our “cheap” food to accompany the alcoholic drinks we wanted to order, but they turned out really tasty.
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We both went for steaks for main. Both were tremendous.
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Vick had already decided that she was ordering lava cake for pudding (which is gluten free), and I decided to go for the strawberry New York cheesecake.
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Overall a stupendous meal, and it became apparent that our holiday was drawing to a close, so we headed back to the hotel and watched more US Open tennis!
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illumulus · 5 years
Is it s robot or man on a sego? More scenes from CES. #iLLUMULUS #idea #creatingvalue #branding #marketing #blockchain #artificialintelligence #socialmediamarketing #socialmedia #contentcreation #platforms #inspire #digitaltransformationalmarketing #brandstrategy #startups #smartsolutions #tech #virtualreality #entrepreneurship #startup #content #ces2019 #digitalmarketing #customerstrategy #digitalstrategy #dapp #ai #contentstrategy #smartmarketing #technology (at Las Vegas Convention Center South Hall- Con Expo) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsvOMdPlUwt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hgg0g7c0j5g9
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repwincoml4a0a5 · 7 years
Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 15031 for PC
Hello Windows Insiders!
Thank you very much to those of you who joined in on yesterday’s Beam webcast for our Bug Bash! It was a pleasure to hear from so many familiar names in real time. We loved talking with you all and definitely want to do so more often. We will vary the times so that we can hit various regions around the world!
Are you a Windows Developer? Today is Windows Developer Day! Check out our livestream from 9am-1pm PST, which outlines what’s new for developers in the Windows 10 Creators Update. Whether you’re building for the web or UWP, the latest consumer app or line of business tool, there’s something in it for you. Tomorrow will be our “Developer focus” day for the Bug Bash, so tune in today to learn what’s new, and get ready to bash on it!  We’ll have a new set of Developer-focused quests ready for you in the Feedback Hub tomorrow.
Today we are excited to be releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 15031 for PC to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring.
What’s new in Build 15031
Do more at once with the new Compact Overlay window: Ever want to continue watching a movie while switching app to check your email? Or keep an eye on your video chat even as you’re browsing the web? We do all the time! Some tasks don’t require the user’s full attention but is perfect to leave at the corner of the screen so we’re introducing a new compact overlay mode for UWA app developers. When an app window enters compact overlay mode it’ll be shown above other windows so it won’t get blocked. The best part is that compact overlay windows work just like normal windows in all other ways so app developers can tailor the experience with what they already know. Updates to the Movies & TV app and Skype Preview app will take advantage of compact overlay windows in the near future!
Introducing Dynamic Lock: Dynamic Lock automatically locks your Windows 10 PC when you’re not around based the proximity of a Bluetooth-paired phone. If your Bluetooth-paired phone is not found near your PC, Windows turns off the screen and locks the PC after 30 seconds. To enable Dynamic Lock, make sure your phone is paired to your PC via Bluetooth and go to Settings > Accounts > Sign-in options and toggle Dynamic lock to “on”.
NOTE: See known issues below regarding a bug preventing PCs on this build from successfully pairing devices via Bluetooth.  
New Share icon: We’re introducing a new share icon. Apps that used the “share” font glyph in Segoe MDL2 assets should get the change automatically. You can read more about the change here.
Windows Game Bar improved full-screen support: We got a ton of feedback on Game Bar and we are continually adding more titles with this support. In this build, we’ve added support for 52 additional games in full-screen mode with Windows game bar. As always, just hit WIN + G to invoke Game Bar to capture a recording or screenshot.
Borderlands 2
Call of Duty Black Ops III
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
Civilization VI
Company of Heroes 2
Crusader Kings 2
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Dishonored 2
Elite: Dangerous
Euro Trucks 2 Simulator
Europa Universalis IV
Eve Online
F1 2016
Fallout New Vegas
Far Cry 4
Football Manager 2016
Football Manager 2017
Garry’s Mod
Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition
Grand Theft Auto V
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Hearts of Iron IV
Hitman – Full Experience
Killing Floor 2
Lineage 2 – The Chaotic Throne
Mafia III
Mass Effect 3
Mechwarrior Online
Metro 2033 Redux
Metro Last Light Redux
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
Mirror’s Edge Catalyst
Need for Speed
Path Of Exile
Planet Coaster
Planetside 2
Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare: Deluxe Edition
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016
Project CARS
Source Engine Titles/Half Life 2
Team Fortress 2
The Sims 3
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
Titanfall 2
Total War: Attila
Watch_Dogs 2
World of Warplanes
Tip: You can control this feature through the Windows Game bar settings. In the settings dialog, look for the “Show Game bar when I play full-screen games” checkbox. See Major Nelson’s post on Game bar for more info on how to adjust settings for best game performance.
Other changes, improvements, and fixes for PC
We fixed the issue causing Tencent apps and games to crash or work incorrectly.
We’ve updated OOBE so that if there’s no detected audio output device, for example with VMs, it now skips Cortana’s introduction.
[GAMING] We fixed the issue causing popular games may experience crashes or black screens when trying to load due to a platform issue.
[GAMING] We fixed the issue where Game Mode is enabled system wide by default, however, the ON/OFF toggle in Settings will incorrectly show it as being OFF until the user manually toggles the Setting to ON which will cause it to update and accurately display the status of Game Mode system wide.
We fixed an issue where the night light quick action was unexpectedly disabled in the last Insider flight.
We fixed an issue resulting in audio going quiet each time the Start menu is opened after a SpeechRuntime.exe crash.
Dragging apps from the all apps list to pin on Start’s tile grid will now work. We also fixed an issue on recent builds where some tiles might unexpectedly appear blank and with a name starting with “P~…” after upgrading.
We fixed an issue where Win + Shift + S wouldn’t work to capture a region of the screen if the Snipping Tool was already running. We also fixed an issue where taking a snip with the Snipping Tool would fail on 4k monitors when 60-80% was selected.
We fixed an issue resulting in “Fn”+”Pause/Break” key not working to pause the checking progress when running chkdsk.
We fixed an issue where resizing windows with a pen would be unexpectedly slow. We also fixed an issue where resizing a window across monitors with different DPIs could be unpredictable.
We fixed an issue where the Windows Ink highlight preview wouldn’t be visible in Web Notes when Microsoft Edge was using dark theme.
We’ve improved gesture recognition for 3 finger swipes on precision touchpads.
We fixed an issue where a number of files with the name GLOB(0xXXXXXX) could be unexpectedly found in the system root directory after upgrading.
We fixed an issue where you couldn’t rename disk volumes via File Explorer in recent flights.
We fixed an issue where rapidly tapping a button to bring up the new Share experience, for example in Microsoft Edge, could result in the Share UI not coming up again until the device had been rebooted.
We fixed an issue resulting the lists of thumbnails in Photos and Groove Music visibly shifting up when the app resumed.
We fixed an issue where the Themes Settings page would blink when a theme was deleted.
We’ve updated the help string on each page of Settings to be a bit more sucinct.
We fixed an issue resulting in not being able to type ę on the Polish keyboard into the Settings search box.
We fixed an issue where Cortana Background Task Host might have ended up using an unexpectedly large amount of CPU in recent flights. We also shorted the two factor authentication notification from Cortana so that it won’t be truncated.
We fixed an issue where the UI to input credentials wouldn’t have keyboard focus after initiating a remote connection to another PC.
We’ve improved reliability when handling malformed Gifs in XAML-based apps.
The icons should now be shown as expected instead of squares under Settings > Gaming.
Known issues for PC
[UPDATED] IMPORTANT: You may see “Initializing…” when attempting to download this build and the download progress indicator shown when downloading this build may seem broken under Settings > Update & security > Windows Update. It may look like you’re getting stuck at 0% or at other percentages. Ignore the indicator and be patient. The build should download fine, and the installation should kick off. See this forum post for more details.
While we fixed the primary bug causing this issue, some Windows Insiders may still hit nonstop exceptions in the Spectrum.exe service causing their PC to lose audio, disk I/O usage to become very high, and apps like Microsoft Edge to become unresponsive when doing certain actions such as opening Settings. As a workaround to get out of this state, STOP the Spectrum.exe service and delete C:ProgramDataMicrosoftSpectrumPersistedSpatialAnchors and reboot. For more details, see this forum post.
Going to Settings > Devices will crash the Settings app. You will be unable to pair a Bluetooth device. Bluetooth quick actions from Action Center also does not work.
You will not be able to launch the Connect UX via Action Center, Win + K, or Settings (it will crash upon launch). This will impact wireless projection scenarios.
[GAMING] Some popular games might minimize to the taskbar when launched. You can click on the game on the taskbar to get the game back.
[GAMING] Certain hardware configurations may cause the broadcast live review window in the Game bar to flash Green while you are Broadcasting. This does not affect the quality of your broadcast and is only visible to the Broadcaster.
Microsoft Edge F12 tools may intermittently crash, hang, and fail to accept inputs.
Microsoft Edge’s “Inspect Element” and “View Source” options don’t correctly launch to the DOM Explorer and Debugger, respectively.
Under Settings > Update & security > Windows Update you might see the text “Some Settings are managed by your organization” even though your PC isn’t being managed by an organization. This is a bug caused by an updated flight configuration setting for Insider Preview builds and does not mean your PC is being managed by anyone.
On some PCs, audio stops working sporadically with ‘device in use’ error”. We are investigating. Restarting the audio service may fix things for a bit.
The Action Center may sometimes appear blank and transparent without color. If you encounter this, try moving the taskbar to a different location on screen.
The icon for Windows Insider Program under Settings > Update & security is shown as a square.
Community Updates
Last week our team traveled to Nairobi, Kenya to launch the second #Insiders4Good fellowship in East Africa. The response to our announcement was tremendous and the Windows Insider Program was talked about in 11 sessions, interviews, press events and panels across the two days. You all are famous!
We continue to learn about the more developing parts of the world and today, we are celebrating Nigeria Day, a day to reflect upon our learnings from and investments in our time spent in Africa. We have invited the entire Windows org to come and bug bash on our 2G network using some standard quests (install Windows, join the Windows Insider Program, set up your machine, etc.) so our team can develop more empathy for what most of the world experiences quite often. We will have a full recap of our experience next week!
Happy bug bashing—and see you on the next Beam live stream on Saturday 7-9 pm PST.
Keep hustling team, Dona <3
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2loH9Ok
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jue-jack · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
aliems log: owl discovered 
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unlocklocks · 6 months
How To Unlock Orange Sego, Panama, Zilo, Tara, Vegas, Rome, Riga, Roya and Nalongo by Unlock Code from UnlockLocks on Vimeo.
0 notes
sxsw2013gg · 5 years
ALL the bands we saw at SXSW 2019
78 performances total... we took it a little easier this year.
1. Y La Bamba at Barracuda outside
2. Dehd at Barracuda inside
3. Reignwolf at Barracuda outside
4. Haiku Hands at Barracuda inside
5. Psychedelic Porn Crumpets at Barracuda inside
6. Alice Phoebe Lou at Barracuda outside
7. Prism Bitch at Seller’s Underground
8. T-Rextasy at Seller’s Underground
9. Mother Falcon at Central Presbyterian Church
10, Pinky Pinky at Cheer Up Charlie’s outside
11. The Medium at Cheer Up Charlie’s inside
12. Public Practice (2nd time) at Cheer Up Charlie’s outside
13. The Wants at Cheer Up Charlie’s inside
14. Bambara at Cheer Up Charlie’s outside
15. A Giant Dog at Cheer Up Charlie’s outside
16. Har Mar Superstar at Cheer Up Charlie’s outside
1. Stef Chura at Cheer Up Charlie’s inside
2. Public Practice at Cheer Up Charlie’s outside
3. Valley Maker at Cheer Up Charlie’s inside
4. Broken Social Scene on the Radio Day Stage
5. Joshua Burnside on the Flatstock Stage
6. Gym Shorts at Side Bar
7. Spider Bags at Side Bar
8. Bad Moves at Side Bar
9. Pip Hall at Valhalla
10. Laura Jane Grace at Central Presbyterian Church
11. Big Phony at Central Presbyterian Church
12. Termination Dust at Cheer Up Charlie’s inside
13. Yahyel at Cheer Up Charlie’s outside
14. Sir Babygirl at Palm Door on Sabine
1. Deeper at Hotel Vegas outside (annex)
2. Mystery Lights at Hotel Vegas outside
3. Warmduscher at Hotel Vegas inside
4. Warm Drag at Hotel Vegas inside
5. Amyl & the Sniffers at Hotel Vegas outside
6. CHAI at Hotel Vegas outside
7. NOTS at Hotel Vegas inside
8. Oh Sees at Hotel Vegas outside
9. Elisapie at Flamingo Cantina
10. Leyla McCalla at Flamingo Cantina
11. Squid at Latitude 30
12. Weakened Friends at Malverde
13. Baseball Gregg at Stephen F’s Bar
14. Blushing at the 720 Club Patio
15. Twist at the 720 Club
1. Control Top at Cheer Up Charlie’s inside
2. Illuminati Hotties at Cheer Up Charlie’s outside
3. Empath at Cheer Up Charlie’s inside
4. Sidney Gish at Cheer Up Charlie’s outside
5. SASAMI at Cheer Up Charlie’s outside
6. Agrupación Cariño at Container Bar
7. Mike Krol at Container Bar
8. Yola on the Radio Day Stage
9. Body Type at Hotel Vegas inside
10. Art d’Ecco at Hotel Vegas inside
11. Jealous of the Birds at Central Presbyterian Church
12. Gold Connections at Maggie Mae’s Gibson Room
13. WAAX at Friends Bar
14. Big Joanie at Latitude 30
15. Sports Team at Lucille
1. Gurr at Cheer Up Charlie’s outside
2. Ellis at Cheer Up Charlie’s inside
3. The Beths at Cheer Up Charlie’s outside (2nd set)
4. THYLA at Cheer Up Charlie’s inside
5. Samia at Cheer Up Charlie’s outside
6. Bedouine at Cheer Up Charlie’s inside
7. Ratboys at at Cheer Up Charlie’s outside
8. Priests at Cheer Up Charlie’s outside (2nd set)
9. Nothing at Cheer Up Charlie’s outside
10. Honey Lung at Seven Grand
11. Angelica Garcia at Antone’s
12. Blushh at 720 Club
13. Sego at Maggie Mae’s
14. Pip Blom at Edwin’s
15. The Ophelias at BD Riley’s
1. Sweet Spirit at the Mohawk
2. The Beths at the Mohawk
3. Priests at the Mohawk
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repwinpril9y0a1 · 7 years
Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 15031 for PC
Hello Windows Insiders!
Thank you very much to those of you who joined in on yesterday’s Beam webcast for our Bug Bash! It was a pleasure to hear from so many familiar names in real time. We loved talking with you all and definitely want to do so more often. We will vary the times so that we can hit various regions around the world!
Are you a Windows Developer? Today is Windows Developer Day! Check out our livestream from 9am-1pm PST, which outlines what’s new for developers in the Windows 10 Creators Update. Whether you’re building for the web or UWP, the latest consumer app or line of business tool, there’s something in it for you. Tomorrow will be our “Developer focus” day for the Bug Bash, so tune in today to learn what’s new, and get ready to bash on it!  We’ll have a new set of Developer-focused quests ready for you in the Feedback Hub tomorrow.
Today we are excited to be releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 15031 for PC to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring.
What’s new in Build 15031
Do more at once with the new Compact Overlay window: Ever want to continue watching a movie while switching app to check your email? Or keep an eye on your video chat even as you’re browsing the web? We do all the time! Some tasks don’t require the user’s full attention but is perfect to leave at the corner of the screen so we’re introducing a new compact overlay mode for UWA app developers. When an app window enters compact overlay mode it’ll be shown above other windows so it won’t get blocked. The best part is that compact overlay windows work just like normal windows in all other ways so app developers can tailor the experience with what they already know. Updates to the Movies & TV app and Skype Preview app will take advantage of compact overlay windows in the near future!
Introducing Dynamic Lock: Dynamic Lock automatically locks your Windows 10 PC when you’re not around based the proximity of a Bluetooth-paired phone. If your Bluetooth-paired phone is not found near your PC, Windows turns off the screen and locks the PC after 30 seconds. To enable Dynamic Lock, make sure your phone is paired to your PC via Bluetooth and go to Settings > Accounts > Sign-in options and toggle Dynamic lock to “on”.
NOTE: See known issues below regarding a bug preventing PCs on this build from successfully pairing devices via Bluetooth.  
New Share icon: We’re introducing a new share icon. Apps that used the “share” font glyph in Segoe MDL2 assets should get the change automatically. You can read more about the change here.
Windows Game Bar improved full-screen support: We got a ton of feedback on Game Bar and we are continually adding more titles with this support. In this build, we’ve added support for 52 additional games in full-screen mode with Windows game bar. As always, just hit WIN + G to invoke Game Bar to capture a recording or screenshot.
Borderlands 2
Call of Duty Black Ops III
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
Civilization VI
Company of Heroes 2
Crusader Kings 2
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Dishonored 2
Elite: Dangerous
Euro Trucks 2 Simulator
Europa Universalis IV
Eve Online
F1 2016
Fallout New Vegas
Far Cry 4
Football Manager 2016
Football Manager 2017
Garry’s Mod
Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition
Grand Theft Auto V
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Hearts of Iron IV
Hitman – Full Experience
Killing Floor 2
Lineage 2 – The Chaotic Throne
Mafia III
Mass Effect 3
Mechwarrior Online
Metro 2033 Redux
Metro Last Light Redux
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
Mirror’s Edge Catalyst
Need for Speed
Path Of Exile
Planet Coaster
Planetside 2
Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare: Deluxe Edition
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016
Project CARS
Source Engine Titles/Half Life 2
Team Fortress 2
The Sims 3
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
Titanfall 2
Total War: Attila
Watch_Dogs 2
World of Warplanes
Tip: You can control this feature through the Windows Game bar settings. In the settings dialog, look for the “Show Game bar when I play full-screen games” checkbox. See Major Nelson’s post on Game bar for more info on how to adjust settings for best game performance.
Other changes, improvements, and fixes for PC
We fixed the issue causing Tencent apps and games to crash or work incorrectly.
We’ve updated OOBE so that if there’s no detected audio output device, for example with VMs, it now skips Cortana’s introduction.
[GAMING] We fixed the issue causing popular games may experience crashes or black screens when trying to load due to a platform issue.
[GAMING] We fixed the issue where Game Mode is enabled system wide by default, however, the ON/OFF toggle in Settings will incorrectly show it as being OFF until the user manually toggles the Setting to ON which will cause it to update and accurately display the status of Game Mode system wide.
We fixed an issue where the night light quick action was unexpectedly disabled in the last Insider flight.
We fixed an issue resulting in audio going quiet each time the Start menu is opened after a SpeechRuntime.exe crash.
Dragging apps from the all apps list to pin on Start’s tile grid will now work. We also fixed an issue on recent builds where some tiles might unexpectedly appear blank and with a name starting with “P~…” after upgrading.
We fixed an issue where Win + Shift + S wouldn’t work to capture a region of the screen if the Snipping Tool was already running. We also fixed an issue where taking a snip with the Snipping Tool would fail on 4k monitors when 60-80% was selected.
We fixed an issue resulting in “Fn”+”Pause/Break” key not working to pause the checking progress when running chkdsk.
We fixed an issue where resizing windows with a pen would be unexpectedly slow. We also fixed an issue where resizing a window across monitors with different DPIs could be unpredictable.
We fixed an issue where the Windows Ink highlight preview wouldn’t be visible in Web Notes when Microsoft Edge was using dark theme.
We’ve improved gesture recognition for 3 finger swipes on precision touchpads.
We fixed an issue where a number of files with the name GLOB(0xXXXXXX) could be unexpectedly found in the system root directory after upgrading.
We fixed an issue where you couldn’t rename disk volumes via File Explorer in recent flights.
We fixed an issue where rapidly tapping a button to bring up the new Share experience, for example in Microsoft Edge, could result in the Share UI not coming up again until the device had been rebooted.
We fixed an issue resulting the lists of thumbnails in Photos and Groove Music visibly shifting up when the app resumed.
We fixed an issue where the Themes Settings page would blink when a theme was deleted.
We’ve updated the help string on each page of Settings to be a bit more sucinct.
We fixed an issue resulting in not being able to type ę on the Polish keyboard into the Settings search box.
We fixed an issue where Cortana Background Task Host might have ended up using an unexpectedly large amount of CPU in recent flights. We also shorted the two factor authentication notification from Cortana so that it won’t be truncated.
We fixed an issue where the UI to input credentials wouldn’t have keyboard focus after initiating a remote connection to another PC.
We’ve improved reliability when handling malformed Gifs in XAML-based apps.
The icons should now be shown as expected instead of squares under Settings > Gaming.
Known issues for PC
[UPDATED] IMPORTANT: You may see “Initializing…” when attempting to download this build and the download progress indicator shown when downloading this build may seem broken under Settings > Update & security > Windows Update. It may look like you’re getting stuck at 0% or at other percentages. Ignore the indicator and be patient. The build should download fine, and the installation should kick off. See this forum post for more details.
While we fixed the primary bug causing this issue, some Windows Insiders may still hit nonstop exceptions in the Spectrum.exe service causing their PC to lose audio, disk I/O usage to become very high, and apps like Microsoft Edge to become unresponsive when doing certain actions such as opening Settings. As a workaround to get out of this state, STOP the Spectrum.exe service and delete C:ProgramDataMicrosoftSpectrumPersistedSpatialAnchors and reboot. For more details, see this forum post.
Going to Settings > Devices will crash the Settings app. You will be unable to pair a Bluetooth device. Bluetooth quick actions from Action Center also does not work.
You will not be able to launch the Connect UX via Action Center, Win + K, or Settings (it will crash upon launch). This will impact wireless projection scenarios.
[GAMING] Some popular games might minimize to the taskbar when launched. You can click on the game on the taskbar to get the game back.
[GAMING] Certain hardware configurations may cause the broadcast live review window in the Game bar to flash Green while you are Broadcasting. This does not affect the quality of your broadcast and is only visible to the Broadcaster.
Microsoft Edge F12 tools may intermittently crash, hang, and fail to accept inputs.
Microsoft Edge’s “Inspect Element” and “View Source” options don’t correctly launch to the DOM Explorer and Debugger, respectively.
Under Settings > Update & security > Windows Update you might see the text “Some Settings are managed by your organization” even though your PC isn’t being managed by an organization. This is a bug caused by an updated flight configuration setting for Insider Preview builds and does not mean your PC is being managed by anyone.
On some PCs, audio stops working sporadically with ‘device in use’ error”. We are investigating. Restarting the audio service may fix things for a bit.
The Action Center may sometimes appear blank and transparent without color. If you encounter this, try moving the taskbar to a different location on screen.
The icon for Windows Insider Program under Settings > Update & security is shown as a square.
Community Updates
Last week our team traveled to Nairobi, Kenya to launch the second #Insiders4Good fellowship in East Africa. The response to our announcement was tremendous and the Windows Insider Program was talked about in 11 sessions, interviews, press events and panels across the two days. You all are famous!
We continue to learn about the more developing parts of the world and today, we are celebrating Nigeria Day, a day to reflect upon our learnings from and investments in our time spent in Africa. We have invited the entire Windows org to come and bug bash on our 2G network using some standard quests (install Windows, join the Windows Insider Program, set up your machine, etc.) so our team can develop more empathy for what most of the world experiences quite often. We will have a full recap of our experience next week!
Happy bug bashing—and see you on the next Beam live stream on Saturday 7-9 pm PST.
Keep hustling team, Dona <3
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2loH9Ok
0 notes
cashforcarslv · 2 years
Cash For Cars LV
Cash For Cars LV is a licensed, local car buyer servicing the entire Las Vegas Valley including Henderson, Summerlin, North Las Vegas, and the surrounding areas. We are an actual local company that pays top dollar fast for ANY vehicle in any condition.
Address: 3119 Sego Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89121, USA Phone: 702-487-8383 Website: https://www.cashforcarslv.com
0 notes
cashforcarslv · 2 years
Cash For Cars LV
Cash For Cars LV is a licensed, local car buyer servicing the entire Las Vegas Valley including Henderson, Summerlin, North Las Vegas, and the surrounding areas. We are an actual local company that pays top dollar fast for ANY vehicle in any condition.
Address: 3119 Sego Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89121, USA Phone: 702-487-8383 Website: https://www.cashforcarslv.com
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