#van Heels need therapy nth part
hel-phoenyx · 4 months
The Fucked Up(tm) dynamics of the van Heel Family being like :
Starting with a huge ass generational trauma probably originated from their nobility roots, pushing every member to act a certain way so they're worthy of their name, wealth, and legacy
Having on top the grandparents living in an other age, borderline monarchists, still making use of today's world because they were part of the generation that created it, consider themselves on top of the food chain and teaches their children to act like apex predators
The first child, raised to inherit, trust fund baby at its finest, married the woman he wanted but cheats on her on a daily basis, knows nothing except to take advantage of others, would die in three days if put in the place of one of the people he frowns upon, traditionalist af, believes in the male "sex" supremacy
And the you get Adelheid, second child and worse, a woman, profundly dissatisfied with her position, raised to have children and birth other heirs preferentially male to continue the legacy but inhabited with a lust for power visceral enough for her to manage to take the first place
Place that she snatched from her big brother without him even noticing before it was too late and Adelheid wad head of the family and ready to create her own legacy whatever it takes, using every mean in her reach, money, brain, husband, to climb to the top and stay here
Husband who is in her shadow but nobody notices it because he acts like he isn't, like he's the ruthless one in the family, still raised in another rich environment with traditional values but a deep, deep knowledge that his wife is more intelligent than he ever will be
People, when they see the van Heels, could imagine Damian being neglectful, or the abusive one of the couple, and in a way he is, wanting his children to accomplish the mission his wife has set up from them, he went to extrems, like cutting communication for Elvira or stopping Mareva from pursuing her first career of choice, actress
But the worst of the two is Adelheid because she manages to gaslight everyone into thinking she's good, a good mother for her children, someone who loves them and only wants the best from them
And in a way doesn't she ?
She acts like a loving mother. She is a loving mother. She bought her children books and toys and gifts when they asked, she tells them she loves them, she is proud of their achievements, she pays for everything they need
But the achievements she praises are the one that will help her, the words of love only are used when they fit in the image she has of them, the toys she buys them are one she considers worthy, she pays for everything she thinks they need
Her love is conditional, her love is manipulative, and she displays it like it's how a mother should act, because what mother doesn't want the best of her children ?
The three siblings are all fucked up in the head, but both Elvira and Mareva hold their father mainly responsible (up until a certain point), and Emerens is the only one who sees through Adelheid's charade, because of what happened when he was at his lowest
He knows that her love is conditional, her words poison coated in honey, and her smiles a manipulation tactic
And when you can see through that, you can see through everything
Is it a surprise he ends up like her ?
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