#vampire:the masquerade bloodlines 2
filmmyheart · 5 months
Everytime i read something about vtmb2:
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villains4hire · 1 year
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//You’re gonna have to deal with my boomer game tastes and anything ‘edgy’ I guess, but here’s my biggest list I can remember and things I suggest. I’m pretty open-minded to what I try and play so long as it isn’t too much.
System Shock 1 and 2. Morrowind and Daggerfall. Fallout 1, 2, New Vegas. 4 is only carried by its mods, 3 is only worth it if you plan on playing tale of two wastelands as a mod. Dot Hack Series and Dot Hack GU bc it's more of like an onlines simulation. Dwarf Fortress. Bioshock 2. The Shantae Game Series. Encased. Atom RPG and Atom RPG Trudograd. The STALKER Series. Caves of Qud. Styx Shards of Darkness. The Castlevania Series (Side Scrollers only). Frogger. South Park, The Fractured But Whole. Project Warlock. Geneforge Series. Spelunky 1 and 2. Wild Guns Reloaded. Sunless Sea and Sunless Skies. Darkwood. Annalynn. Don't Starve. Minecraft. Atari Vault on Steam. Shovel Knight. Joe and Mac. Toki. Yume Nikki. Legend of Zelda, Majora's Mask, then Link's Awakening, Ages, Seasons and Link to the Past. Donkey Kong 1994 GB Paper Mario and Thousand Year Door, any game past that doesn’t matter other than maybe Super Paper Mario. Pikmin 1 and 2 Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. Bomberman 64 and Bomberman 64 Second Attack (I prefer second attack as it was a great adventure topdown) Goemon Great Adventure 64 (Both the side scroller series and the third person such as Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon) Kirby Series in general. Conker’s Bad Fur Day. Reloaded was also really good for its modern takes. Banjo Kazooie and Tooie. Super Mario Bros 1-3 Celeste Taito Legends 1 n 2 Zone of the Enders 1 and 2 Jak 1 - 3 (Jak 3 arguably was the least frustrating and the best) Mobile Suit Gundam - Federation Vs. Zeon Mobile Suit Gundam - Gundam Vs. Zeta Gundam Baldur’s Gate - the topdown series Icewind Dale Spyro 3 but the series in general is good, just there’s a ton of jank to 1 and 2 even if I beat them and the reignited trilogy then got burnt out a little halfway over 3. Vampire:The Masquerade - Bloodlines Warhammer Vermintide 2
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janetenal · 5 years
Vampire:the masquerade bloodlines 2
Только что анонсировали. Плачу.
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An AU idea?
Okay so, you know how Vampire:The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 is coming out?
If you’ve played the game, I figure that you know that Werewolves are a thing. Werewolves are mean, tough, and hate vampires, and while the game doesn’t tell you the reason, thankfully the World of Darkness lore has a lot of info about it. There is even an entire book all about werewolves and their views and history, which is a super interesting read if you can get the book (I honestly have only read the 20 Anniversary Edition, I believe there is a new Werewolf book but I’ve got to get around to it still)
Buut... there is more to werewolves. There are several different types of changelings, including weresaurians. The Mokolé, the ones that hold the memory of the Earth even before the werewolves and the rest of the changelings came to be, living during the time of the dinosaurs. 
So... considering Edgar and who he is, I thought: “Hey, why not making him a 9′0 foot saurian beast that takes care of the memory of the Earth?” 
So yeah ^^ That’s kind of the plan. I think it would be cool at least. 
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str9led · 5 years
Houdini FX: Vampire:The Masquerade: Bloodlines 2 from Mirco.Paolini on Vimeo.
Hello, Final shots + Some breakdown of a cinematic I did while ago. I was Houdini Fluid FX TD at Platige Image (by remote) for this job. I was responsable for all liquid simulation but the glass. Corridor Flood, Tsunami Wave, Sink Flush has been simulated and meshed by me and delivered to Platige Image for rendering. I hope you enjoy. Thanks for watching
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filmmyheart · 1 year
They should just release whatever unfinished material they have and let the community work its magic like they did with the first game at this point. I honestly trust them more than the developers.
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