lepoppeta · 2 months
For the song asks, idk if you’ve spoken about it on here but you told me about it: VaggieBomb
this was INSANELY DIFFICULT because i know approximately what kind of vibe i want from vaggiebomb (also known as cherrimoth, but since vaggie is no longer a moth demon i guess that ship name isnt accurate anymore), its just that all of the songs out there are... WAY too much. i like to imagine their relationship as (eventually) relatively low-key, even in their private lives. any grand gestures are usually meant ironically.
for context -- this pairing stems from a teeny tiny au i created way back when the pilot first got released. the basis was that vaggie gets sick of being constantly pushed around by alastor and ignored by her girlfriend, and she breaks up with charlie and leaves the hotel. she later joins up with cherri bomb and relieves some of her anger via cathartic gang violence (this leads to sir pentious seeking refuge at the hotel, resulting in charpentious, but thats a different story altogether).
i also prefer finding these songs out of ones i already know -- looking for something new almost never works out, and i dont get attached to the song that way. i hope i didnt disappoint!
seventeen (heathers: the musical, sung by barrett wilbert weed & ryan mccartan)
fine! were damaged -- really damaged, but that does not make us wise. were not special, were not different, we dont choose who lives or dies. lets be normal, see bad movies, sneak a beer or watch tv. well bake brownies, well go bowling -- dont you want a life with me?
pretty much all of these songs are from cherris point of view. its easier for me to imagine these coming from her because (at least in the pilot) shes much more emotionally stable -- shes already experienced her story (if were to assume that her previous failed relationship mentioned in the 'addict' music video is still canon here) and is now meant to be a character that the viewer is meant to compare the main cast to.
this is a little ooc on her part, but here shes meant to be attempting to persuade vaggie with an attempt at normalcy -- something that they both really want after their previous relationships crashed and burned spectacularly. she wants low-key -- she isnt a princess in need of protection, she IS and WANTS to be vaggies equal, and i think someone like that would benefit vaggie a lot in terms of character development.
sit next to me (foster the people)
and now its over, were sober -- symptoms of the culture and the night aint getting younger, last calls around the corner. feeling kinda tempted and im pouring out the truth -- just fading out these talkers cause now all i want is you.
just saying -- come over here sit next to me, we can see where things go naturally. just say the word and ill part the sea, just come over here sit next to me.
this adds on to what i said previously -- how non-dramatic id like to imagine this relationship to be. it blossoms very naturally under mutual trust and respect -- once vaggie stops acting like an angry guard dog, that is.
stuck on the puzzle (lily & madeline, original by alex turner)
im not the kind of fool whos gonna sit and sing to you about stars, girl. but last night i looked up into the dark half of the blue and theyd gone backwards. something in your magentism must have pissed them off, forcing them to get an early night. i have been searching from the bottom to the top for such a sight as the one i caught when i saw your
fingers dimming the lights like youre used to being told that youre trouble, and i spent all night stuck on the puzzle.
i dont imagine cherri or vaggie to be particularly sappy, but they can be romantic in casual ways. this song simply expands upon that vibe.
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lepoppeta · 2 months
Song asks: CharPentious
this was even harder than vaggiebomb holy cow
charpentious is probably my favourite charlie ship (theres like... negative art of it so i have to placate myself with the oodles of delicious charlastor drawings available). pentious and charlie are on the exactly same wavelength of golden retriever dumbass that they feed off of each other in this wonderful pocket ecosystem of support and positivity. they would undoubtedly make everyone else around them absolutely sick to their very gums and thats honestly half the fun.
the thing that was tripping me up about these two and finding songs was trying to find something that wasnt super generic - its all well and good to use any happy love song, but those can be applied to any number of situations. i wanted to try and be a little more niche. i dont know how successful i was.
love is an open door (frozen, sung by kristen bell and santino fontana)
all my life has been a series of doors in my face, and then suddenly i bump into you (i was thinking the same thing! cause like - ive been searching my whole life to find my own place, and maybe its the party talking, or the chocolate fondue)
one of the things i really wanted to highlight about the potential for these two is how EASY i think their relationship would be. after years of being met with adversity and ridicule, heres someone who doesnt think youre stupid or that your dreams are too big or that your inventions are too gaudy and complicated - they think its WONDERFUL. they think YOURE wonderful, in all of your goofiness, because within that lies sincerity.
something to believe in (newsies, sung by jeremy jordan and kara lindsay)
til the moment i found you, i thought i knew what love was. now im learning what is true - that love will do what it does. the world finds ways to sting you, and then one day it decides to bring you
something to believe in for even a night. one night may be forever, but thats alright - thats alright. and if youre gone tomorrow, what was ours will still be. i have something to believe, now that i know you believed in me.
(we was never meant to meet, and then we meet - who knows why. one more stranger on the street, just someone sweet passing by. an angel come to save me, who didnt even know she gave me
something to believe in for even a day. one day may be forever, but thats okay - thats okay. and if im gone tomorrow, what was ours will still be. i have something to believe in, now that i know you believed in me.)
i dont normally copy down that many lyrics, but they fit so well that i had to include all of them!
one of my favourite things about charlie ships is that (ideally) she wins over the other party simply by being kind and almost aggressively genuine. while i have my own opinions on how characters work and what they are within the universe, this song becomes heartbreaking if you put it in the context of show canon and have it be the last duet they have before heaven comes to attack - pentious calls her an angel, and they say that even though he/they might die tomorrow (which, as we all know, is what happens), it doesnt change the fact that charlie forgave pentious and allowed him the oppurtunity of redemption, and pentious in turn actually put in effort and became the hotels proof of concept.
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