#vaderkin the genocider
burntblueberrywaffles · 6 months
Me when the known mass murderer starts murdering
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agoddamn · 3 years
See, I used to be a redditor, and let me tell you - you won't find a place with more shit-brained takes on Star Wars than r/prequelmemes.
Aside from the typical "balance is when two sith two jedi" nonsense, there's awful takes like "Padmé dying of sadness when she's got kids to live for makes her a deadbeat mom", and such fabulous reasoning as "the Jedi were full of imbeciles - im not saying a cleansing was in order but it's exactly what they got"
I mean, they're still stuck on "only a sith deals in absolutes is an absolute!" the poor things.
Anonymous asked: Lmao @palpy and vaderkin brought "Balance" people - so for every population boom should there be a plague or genocide? Every birth a death? That's Balance right? Right?? The mass deaths of entire people groups is acceptable as long as, after, their population is equal to the group murdering them?? (Also technically wouldn't this mean palpy and vaderkin failed considering more lightsiders lived than darksiders?) Should we apply this in the real world and stop fighting against injustice and instead try and make sure there is an equal amount of injustice and justice in the world? Should we monitor our population growth and make sure it stays at zero? If a child is born and someone doesn't die do we find someone to kill? Ridiculous
I started thinking more about exactly what Flaws the Jedi Order were supposed to have that brought on their genocide 'fall' and that's when I came to the realization that hang on, we don't talk about anything else like that. "But they were flawed" is not an explanation one normally accepts for mass execution. "But they were flawed" tends to be something that the people doing the mass executing are saying, even!
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