#v. roaring twenties; tossing pennies in the pool | modern
handsbloodied · 1 year
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@familyxforged sent: "it's not as bad as it looks..." -Bergen
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"Bullshit it's not." Judith frowned, looking at the injuries. "How the hell did this happen? You look like shit." She moved over to the freezer and grabbed an ice pack, handing it to him. "Do you need to go to the hospital or is this something I can do with whatever we have in our First Aid kit?" One thing her dad was always keen on was having the kids know First Aid and CPR so it came in handy in situations like this. "Does it hurt?"
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handsbloodied · 1 year
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Knocking on her sister's door, Judith poked her head into Riley's room with a smile. "Hey, do you have plans today? I was thinking we could have a girl's day. Go completely all out, on me... well on dad..." She held up their dad's credit card with a grin. "And before you ask, he knows I have it."
@traumaxforged | liked!
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handsbloodied · 1 year
@cursed-fxmily sent: ❛ the only heaven i’ll be sent to is when i’m alone with you. ❜ -Bergen <3
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Was she blushing? She was absolutely blushing. Smooth. "I... ummm..." Words, Judith, use your words. All she could do was smile and bite her lip as she turned to look up at him. "That's... a hell of a pick up line." It's not a pick up line when you're already together you idiot.
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handsbloodied · 1 year
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"How do I move on from this?" Judith asked, sitting on the steps of her Uncle Aaron's house. Gracie had gone to work so Judith had asked Bergen to come over if he was free. "You know I played it over and over again in my head and I... I should have tried harder. Should have pushed my dad more, gotten him to do something." She was holding onto a photo of her and Riley taken a few days before her accident. Their last happy day together. "I don't want to do this without her..."
@familyxforged // liked!
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handsbloodied · 1 year
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"Hey mom can I ask you something?" Judith looked up from her sketchbook as she heard the other woman walk into the room. "I've been wanting to ask you for awhile and I never got around to it because I didn't want to make anyone upset, but I'm finally ready to ask and..." Hey how about breathe there, Judy? Seriously you're gonna send yourself into a panic attack. Hannah's voice made Judith take a breath before she stood up from her chair. "Okay, now this is something I've given a lot of thought about, but I wanted to make sure you were okay with it first..."
@familyxforged // liked!
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handsbloodied · 1 year
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@traumaxforged sent: i love saying ‘my wife.’ -B
As the words reached her ears, Judith smiled brightly, her thumb immediately going to trace along the back of her wedding band. "Well I love hearing it." She bit her lip, barely able to contain her nearly face-splitting smile. "Saying 'my husband' sounds pretty great too." She looked up him, blue eyes sparkling. "Never thought I'd actually be able to say that to be honest." She glanced down at her ring for a moment before looking back up at Bergen.
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"Thank you for loving me." Judith added and reached out, gently tugging on his shirt as she stretched up on her toes to try and kiss his cheek.
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handsbloodied · 1 year
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Tipping her head to the side, Judith watched Bergen for a moment, feet swinging as she was perched on the counter and a soft smile gracing her lips. "So where did you learn how to cook?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "Or is that like one of those things that some people are really good at and some people are really bad at?" Judith was definitely the latter, hence the fact that she could often be found ordering take-out or buying frozen food that didn't require any actual talent to cook. "And also could you teach me to cook so I don't burn almost burn the house down all the time?"
@traumaxforged | liked!
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handsbloodied · 1 year
tag drop part one (jude's tags and verses)
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handsbloodied · 1 year
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@familyxforged sent: ❛  just face it, you’re stuck with me now ― whether you want to or not.  ❜ -Bergen 🖤
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"Stuck with you huh? That sounds like absolute torture!" Judith groaned, though she couldn't hide her smile if she wanted to. "Please you say that like it's a bad thing, there's no one else I'd rather be stuck with." She admitted, her smile only growing. "I thought you would have known that by now. It's been how many years?" She asked, taking a sip of her coffee. "Besides when the world ends I'm gonna need help kicking ass."
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handsbloodied · 1 year
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@traumaxforged sent: “please be careful, that knife is so big, and we can’t have another er trip. we’re too young and too dumb, too in love to afford it.” -Bergen
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"Hey you were the one who asked me to cut up the vegetables!" Judith laughed, spinning the knife around in her hand before she continued. "Also we can get into the fact that we can't afford an ER trip another time." She shook her head before setting the knife down, grabbing a smaller one that would still work. "Does this make you less nervous?" She asked, raising an eyebrow as she went back to work. "We should get one of those slap chop things that way I don't have to use actual knives."
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