#v: main verse
tayasmultimuses · 2 years
Starter for @ecliipsed
Lorna sat on her bed and stared at the far wall of the room she shared with Marcos, one hand resting on her still flat stomach as if to remind herself that while she'd lost a best friend, she still had her baby (a small piece of joy and hope in this dark time), the other rhythmically -and without her really noticing- flipping the medallion her father had sent her over and over in the air next to her and sobbed. It wasn't fair. Sonya wasn't supposed to die before Lorna did. Before any of them did. It just wasn't fair. Sonya was supposed to be here to be the second woman -the third person after her and Marcos (or maybe the fourth after her, Marcos and John)- to hold her baby when it was born. She was supposed to have been the baby's godmother and their aunt Sonya. But now because of one hateful, selfish, evil man, Lorna's best friend was gone from this world and she'd never come back. "WHY, G-d? Why her? Why now? Why would you let this happen? She was one of the best of us. And you let him kill her in cold blood without a second thought or moment's hesitation according to Clarice and the Strucker kids." She whispered in the silence, questions for the G-d that she was not sure she personally believed in anymore, but still respected as the G-d of her forefathers (the G-d of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, her grieving mind quickly thought). Sonya now would never be godmother to Lorna's baby, she would never hold them, would never sing lullabies to them when Lorna or Marcos or John were busy (the baby would have so much family they'd never lack for a set of loving arms to hold them but they wouldn't have their Aunt Sonya), soothe them, be an aunt to them. She knew that even as bad as she was hurting right now, John was hurting worse. Even if the pain of loss and grief couldn't be measured like that, one person's against another's. She'd lost a friend and he'd lost someone who had been more to him than that at one time, someone who he still cared deeply about. Finally (after she's sobbed for what felt like hours but was probably not more than half an hour) as the door opened to admit someone (likely Marcos) to her space and to witness her grief, Lorna quietly said, "May her memory be a blessing. And may her loss and her memory inspire us to fight harder against our enemies." Lorna's tears still ran down her cheeks, she didn't think she could stop them anytime soon. She continued, softer and quieter now, "I kind of want to sit Shiva for Sonya. She was my best friend, the closest thing I had to a sister. Even if I am the only one here who does sit it. It's what we did when my mom's mom died. What I tried to do at Aunt Dane's after my mom and stepdad died. Please talk to John about the idea. It could help everyone, I think."
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meganmontgomery-rp · 2 years
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Bathtime with @eddiexmunsonn <3 
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astrumborn · 10 months
"...I read that I as an ascended Starborn are more or less a deity to the regular Starborn? I...don't know how to feel about that. I don't...feel very god like..."
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jesperr-fahey · 7 months
these two guys are having an absolutely devastating romantic story with horror elements that is surely going to end in tragedy and carpenter and hayward just. burst in like a fuckin tornado, arguing about shit that no one but them can understand. this show is so good
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countlessrealities · 1 month
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@angelichooves sent: "You make everyone look at you as if you've got it ALL together, but you ain't got shit together. You're gonna break, and you fucking know it." Vox to Alastor
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Alastor will never admit it out loud because he refuses to give Vox the satisfaction, but all this can quickly get beyond irritating.
He might refuse to acknowledge and engage with modern technology, but that doesn't stop it from being everywhere. A fact that he wouldn't pay any attention to, if it wasn't that it also means that he can't take a walk in peace and quiet without that noisy picture box stalking him from every available screen and camera.
As unpleasant as his "sabbatical" has been, being watched all the time is something he hasn't missed...and not just for the most obvious reasons. However, that's not something he allows his mind to linger on.
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"Are you sure you're not projecting, old pal?" The Radio Demon comments, turning to look at one of the screens that are watching him from behind the shop window. "Because, from where I'm standing? You are the one who can't hold it all together. Not on your own, at least. You've always needed someone else to hold your hand. Metaphorically speaking."
Also kind of literally, but he wasn't going to mention that.
"As for me? I'm doing quite well. In case you didn't hear about it, my little project stopped the one thing that has been plaguing Hell for centuries now." He leans a little forward, inching closer to the glass that separates him from the screen. "That's the opposite of breaking, wouldn't you agree?"
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indomiinus · 19 hours
@darkenedpunk061 // continued from here!
Leon was totally oblivious to Piers's nerves. He was feeling quite the opposite honestly: excited! He didn't get to hang out with Piers very often, and he'd been over the moon at the thought of spending time with him since, in his mind, they were friends. Sure, they didn't talk much, but Leon was just Like That.
If someone shares even one sentence with him, and they're best friends.
Though... Maybe he was a little nervous. What if Piers thought he wasn't cool enough and realized that Leon wasn't cool enough to hang out with him?
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"Oh! Right! Haha, sorry! I forgot!" Leon replied, trying and failing to keep his own nervous excitement to himself. He fidgeting with his hands, realized what he was doing, then turned to fidgeting with his hair instead. "No, no, I'm fine with the diner. I'm just glad to be able to go and actually hang out with you for once. Feels like we only really see each other during the Gym Challenge Season."
Though... he supposed after losing that last championship match, that should change. Remembering that fact brought on a whole other set of anxieties that he really didn't want to think about.
"Oh-- Well, I guess that doesn't have to be the case now, huh?" He laughed, none of his worries visible in his face or audible in his voice.
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clippedwingsmuses · 1 month
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" true story; did you know that all artists have horrible handwriting? "
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atomiqueen · 18 days
♔ — memes / accepting!
@freakarus said: “i never forget a face.”
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        “Is that a fact, Eddie Munson?” Lucy rarely ever forgets a face herself, even if he's grown out his hair past what her father would consider a reasonable length (though, she disagrees; she thinks it suits him). Her eyes slip sideways to the poster she's in the process of taking down—the one with her face smiling brightly over a somewhat silly slogan for her class president run. That's when she laughs. “Oh! I get it.” She slides him a knowing grin as she carefully peels the poster down. “You're pretty funny.” 
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carnivoraformes · 3 months
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@bishonenprince asked, "Property of Sora - Jing Yuan
Property of Meme || Status: Accepting
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"Oh someone being surprisingly possessive, I see." He teased, endearment showing in his voice even as he tried to keep a straight face. "I must say I never took you for the type. It's cute. I guess I am a little surprised seeing as I have always favored far less appropriate ways to claim ownership of someone."
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endeavvor · 27 days
“ Can I trust you with something? ”
Dune: Part One Prompts
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Prior to the not unwelcome intrusion, Jim had been splayed out across one of the couches in his quarters, arm crooked behind his head, book balanced precariously on his stomach. The words on the pages rising and falling with each breath, that had started to even out as his eye lids drooped. He should have been sleeping, utilizing this time off efficiently, but his mind had been racing, and he found some comfort in knowing he hadn't been the only one.
He sits up now, marking his page and motions for the other man to step further into the room so the door can seal behind him. Jim leaves the choice to sit or stand up to Chekov, trying to get a read on him and what this could be about.
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"On the record - since I don't entirely know where this is going, I feel like I have to say I'm only obligated to break your confidence in the event you're going to tell me you intend to harm yourself or someone else." The Captain speaking.
"Off the record - you know you can. So what's going on?"
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tayasmultimuses · 2 years
Lorna Dane | Polaris (TG) Verses Explanation post
This is my Lorna Dane | Polaris (The Gifted) Verses tag dump and explanation post:
Please read this carefully and fully as there is a lot of detail about some verses and also it is important.
Main (divided into two main parts, season 1 and season 2, along with a precanon subverse) [v: main verse is the tag that covers all three of the below tags]:
v: there's nothing noble about struggle (s1) : this tag is for season 1 including canon events, deleted/missing scenes, and misc things that fit best in season 1. It's one third of my main verse tag. Open to all.
v: around here that makes me *royalty* (s2): this tag is for season 2 including canon events, deleted/missing scenes, misc things that fit best in season 2. It's the second third of my main verse tag. Open to all.
sv: it was the start of an age (precanon): this tag is for all the time we don't see in canon, from Lorna's childhood to 7/15 to Lorna's time at Lakeview Mental Hosptial to the time that was spent building the Underground by Lorna and John and the others who were there from the very beginning to recruiting the other key members we see in canon. This the final third of my main verse. Open to all.
v: vtbd : this tag simply means "verse to be decided", basically a holding spot for thread where the verse is undecided at the moment. Open to all.
v: my voice drowned out in the thunder (au): this tag is for general, unconnected aus that don't fit in any of my other au verses. Threads here are self-contained within and onto themselves unless otherwise stated. Open to all.
v: what this choice is actually about (au) : this tag is for an AU where Lorna and Marcos leave the Inner Circle (Lorna fakes her death in order to do so) and Underground respectively to raise Dawn and be together, both as a couple and as a family, which is an idea directly inspired by @ecliipsed and their "peace at last" verse (in which Lorna and Marcos leave the Underground in Season 2 in order to raise Dawn). Open to all.
v: this is my family; it's little and broken but still good; yeah still good (au): this tag is for a general au for broken/dysfunctional House of M stuff. Open to all House of M characters, including those married into the family (or as good as in some cases [e.g. Marcos]) and the non biologically related to the House of M children of such partners.
v: family means ohana; and ohana means no one gets left behind or forgotten (au) : this tag is for a general au for less dysfunctional House of M stuff. Basically it's kinda for cuter House of M stuff that isn't *so* angst-y because we Know the House of M brings the angst all the time. Open to all House of M characters, including those married into the family (or as good as in some cases [e.g. Marcos]) and the non biologically related to the House of M children of such partners.
v: i am edie’s granddaughter; the spitting image of my mother; [the brotherhood’s princess turns into the underground’s leader] (au): this tag is for a darker Lorna/Brotherhood heiress Lorna AU wherein Erik raised Lorna after her mother's and stepfather's deaths, resulting in a slightly darker Lorna who has inherited his ideas, morals, ideals and goals along with sharing his mutation and yet still she ends up in the Mutant Underground somehow, probably for her protection, basically think something along the lines of "Lorna's a mafia princess (who later runs away to help the families of the rival mafia's victims) but the mafia is run by mutants and the rival mafia is the government (*not* the X-Men or the Mutant Underground, they're both more like charities helping the victim's families)" for this au and you'll get the general gist of it, more or less. Open to all.
v: princess of the royal house of m (au) : this tag is for a House of M event au verse. Pretty self-explanatory, right? Note that in this au, Marcos would be her prince consort and Dawn would be a princess in her own right. Open to all House of M characters, including those married into the family (or as good as in some cases [e.g. Marcos]) and the non biologically related to the House of M children of such partners.
v: this love is dangerous (au) : this tag is for a polyship au of Season 2 wherein Lorna, Marcos and Esme end up together as a thruple. Open to all who want to participate.
v: when i am standing in the dark I will still believe (au): this tag is for a darker s2 AU where Lorna doesn't kill Campbell and co by blowing up/crashing their plane and thus ending their lives, and instead stays with the Underground at the end of S1 and things get much worse for mutants by the time of S2, which goes very differently from canon (NOTE: this verse ties directly into Rachel Grey's Gifted verse {"v: and I will be strong even [when] it all goes wrong (au: the gifted)"}.) Open to all.
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meganmontgomery-rp · 2 years
Nothing. Just..watchin.
Watching? Watching me all alone in this big bed?
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dnangelic · 30 days
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PUBLIC. info available to everyone.
dark is an infamous criminal phantom thief, although his 'true identity' remains a mystery. azumano, as his main operative center, loves and loathes him the most, and his influence completely dominates the entire province like it's his own little miniature country: a single word of his appearance or the announcement of a calling card warning can send huge, hundreds-of-persons stampedes in any direction.
likewise, there's always someone reporting on him, and his heists are typically broadcast on live television or radio. he's just as well known for giving out lots of fan-service too, and doesn't mind indulging photograph or autograph requests, though he always refuses interviews. it's no secret that he loves to show his face and play with all the flattery and frustration that comes with it from fans to law-enforcement alike, but he never gives away anything too personal - the vast, vast majority only know his appearance as a roughly 17 year old, his overwhelming fame, and his name.
the wings (or any other part of dark's appearance, like his freaky slit eyes/retractable talons/lack of fingerprint/regular body temp) aren't a secret, but they are also considered a deep mystery. nobody knows how they work, but canonically, 'nobody in azumano denies that people can fly' either. off-heist spottings do happen: there are many times when dark's flying over that ordinary people will witness the heavy shadow of enormous wings, and dark often swiftly becomes part of its seven mysteries at any school daisuke attends. dark's feathers are also often left behind in various locations and can be treated as a collector's item.
dark mainly targets hikari artworks, but he can and has targeted others, ranging from priceless rarities to no-name, entirely unguarded others. he seemingly has little particular standard or qualification for his artistic targets and personally says that it doesn't matter what he takes, so long as everything that he wants becomes his - this is, in fact, half true.
dark also sometimes just ... doesn't show up. or he shows up late compared to his arrival time. (this is due to daisuke having his own life and not devoting it utterly to being a phantom thief. seriously. he ditched once to go on a date with a girl instead of steal.) dark will also abandon a heist if poor weather happens to hit - he doesn't like to steal in conditions such as rain or snow.
on daisuke's side of things, he's generally considered an ordinary, if not somewhat boring person (at best) or a clumsy, spacey loser (at worst) within his school. other students know him as someone who's almost drowned in swim class, who's fallen off a cliff during a class hike, who gets lost, zones out and wanders off and ends up separated from groups easily, who has semi-poor grades... etc. the general consensus is that while he's nice, he's also a bit of a weirdo who gets caught up in trouble every once in a while.
his current 'friends' include saehara and sekimoto. saehara is an agressive wannabe-reporter whose only ambition is to reveal dark's true identity, and his father is an azumano inspector also tasked with capturing dark. satoshi hiwatari, who's currently head of the azumano police department (as well as the current last of the hikari) abides by a daylight truce around daisuke, and daisuke does consider him a friend. apart from hiwatari who is entirely aware of dark's identity and the niwa and hikari family's history, nobody suspects daisuke of being dark--- not even in the slightest, given how 'different' they are, and thus likewise how impossible it seems.
daisuke's involved with his school's art club. there are times he can't make it and has to leave early if he's scheduled for a heist, but he does enjoy his time at club and often spends what he can working on personal projects until late in the afternoon. many of the other members note that he always works hard and tries to demonstrate kindness by offering to clean things up or staying behind a little whenever he can, but his own connection and appreciation of the arts is fairly well-known and undeniable.
SEMIPUBLIC. info available to some general groups.
the niwa family firmly established themselves as an ancestral family of master thieves (in other words, as a 'proper' family business devoutly training its children in thievery) around 500 years ago. dark's existence goes beyond that, starting from 2000 years ago. within the 'present,' dark has only just recently returned after a 40 year period absence.
dark has never been caught and jailed by ordinary human means in any sort of way that he hadn't initially planned for. if he's ever in a prison, it's because he wants to be there, and he is most definitely leaving with something in his hands that didn't initially belong to him.
there are hikari disciple-descendants within the world who are aware of the hikari artwork's magic. one of these includes funabashi, a student who goes to daisuke's school. the niwa family occasionally collaborates with these individuals for one reason or another, or also sometimes loosely employs bodyguards to watch over dark/daisuke. <- this is also available to ordinary, other criminal families who are willing to take a job babysitting daisuke, more or less.
likewise, the niwa family does handle a variety of cursed objects. they'll buy, retrieve (steal) and store enchanted items whether benign, beneficial or dangerous within the mansion's endless basement. this includes anything from small rings to swords to magnificent statues. curses that can be lifted will be, while ones that are too dangerous are simply sealed or put to sleep - this is where daisuke's status as a 'tamer' (or, literally translated, wing-lord,) of the arts comes from.
the family doesn't usually sell artworks on the blackmarket, but if they do, there's a very strict window qualifications. the niwa family won't let anything magical or overly powerful fall into anybody's hands; artworks sold are generally nothing more than ordinary, albeit still beautiful artworks fenced.
the family is still mind-blowingly wealthy!! daisuke lives in massive, multi-story mansion, though he always just refers to it as his 'home.' it's hard to miss the house itself, though it does have a reputation as being 'impenetrable-' visitors have to ring a bell and announce themselves to even get past the outside gate, (and this is because it's insanely, fatally layered with traps from top to bottom by daisuke's mother who has to disable them.) the family has a butler, it has a maid - who are also artworks, but still.
wiz, dark's familiar and daisuke's pet, transforms with him. the two are indispensable for each other during heists as MANY of dark's tricks rely on wiz and duplicity - thanks to wiz being able to transform not only into dark's wings but also people, including dark himself, he commonly appears in two places at once, making him all that much more difficult to catch. wiz is also considered a mystery - nobody has connected that the small white rabbit often riding on daisuke's shoulder is also the enormous black-winged dog-like thing that sometimes shows up during dark's heists.
PRIVATE. info that should only be known by very, very few.
daisuke's transformations into dark are, of course, amongst his most deepest secrets. despite its uncontrollable tendency just about only his family knows about dark and the way the family curse/genes work - that he transforms whenever his heart starts to pound.
dark himself not even being human is something he guards and treats somewhat as a secret - he was created and manifested within the niwa bloodline as this gene mutation due to a magical accident between an ancient niwa and an ancient hikari. the cultural revolution, a catastrophic event in which mass artworks were burnt and destroyed, was the result of his birth, and the beginning of dark's 'betrayal' against the hikari, his technically-creators, and his choice to steal.
this forges a metaphorical chain that binds dark to the artworks and his self-imposed duty/existence as a phantom thief. in tandem with his selfishness is an immense guilt that motivates him to steal away whatever artworks he can before the hikari, or merely time and neglect, destroy everything - he's usually seeking to preserve what's left.
dark does not have any sort of power or talent to fix (or create!) the artworks, (merely, at best, sustain them for just a little longer,) and he laments this. when a magical artwork breaks, without the power of a hikari, it's as good as dead.
generally speaking, and apart from wiz, dark and daisuke are usually expected to carry out their heists alone, but anyone in the family, most typically his mother, decides upon targets and sets out the warning cards. everyone in the family assists in whatever ways they can during a preparation phase- this means gathering building blueprints, radio information, general background knowledge or hearsay, etc.
daisuke's father is a researcher who specializes in magical artifacts and cursed objects, daisuke's grandfather was also dark, and daisuke's mother is all-around the most enthusiastic person in the family who's trained daisuke since birth, and also preps and readies dark's costumes for him. generally speaking, daisuke still gets the most difficult part(s) of actually committing the heist, and is thus usually left to plan things on his own with dark.
daisuke's genes have mutated. he's unique compared to the rest of the niwa because of this, being the closest to completely merge and 'become one' with dark. getting shot during the process halted their total unification, but they've still become intertwined in a way that 'dark is visible within daisuke' and 'daisuke is visible within dark.' empath muses or people with sixth spiritual senses/magical truth-seeing eyes do your thing here.
daisuke is extremely physically capable. it isn't just dark who can do incredible acrobatic movements or has bewildering reflexes or a catlike quiet when he walks. daisuke typically hides or dulls his movements down when in public, but apart from appearances, there's genuinely no difference in capability between himself and dark. this also applies to things like skill in hacking, lock-picking, wilderness survival, etc.
dark himself is capable of all sorts of magic. memory manipulation, elemental control, invisible force, etc, just about anything you can think of --- dark cannot, however, typically abuse these abilities as the magic takes a very powerful toll on daisuke's body. small tricks like putting someone to sleep or a small flame, enough to light a candle is no problem, but a full-scale wizard battle will leave him / daisuke unconscious for days if he doesn't have some kind of magical regulatory handicap equipment.
dark and daisuke being able to cross worlds through works of art is also generally kept a secret. as long as daisuke's capable of perfectly recreating a particular scenery from azumano, like his home or his room, he can always return home, or vice versa for other locations - but he does have to be careful as he can only move through these 'passageways' with dark's power, and likewise in dark's form.
daisuke will not let dark kill. dark himself alone can get very close to inhumanly murderous points, but as long as he's merged with daisuke, taking a life of any sort is generally off the table. more than a few serious attempts have been made on dark and daisuke's life, however - and they've got the scars to show for it, though these are generally covered up.
dark generally thinks eating is a pain and a chore and not his to deal with - it's daisuke's body, after all. if he has to consume something for calories for daisuke's sake, it's probably going to be a drink, or something like a smoothie or a milkshake, if he's not hand-fed by somebody. he and daisuke both have a sweet-tooth lean and are bad with overly spicy foods - 'why is this a secret?' because daisuke doesn't want people to know you can easily lure and tempt him around with fruit and candy.
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prisonicmorality · 4 months
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Fifteen cookies... That's about 66 cents, give or take. Volo was a merchant back in the day and while he was pretty used to how expensive things were in the modern day, he could probably guess the ingredient cost and profit-- he was thinking way too hard about this. One look at the kid and he figured they just grabbed a number out of the air.
Whatever. It wasn't like he couldn't make it back easy.
Grumbling under his breath, he grabbed a ten dollar bill and silently gave himself one good karma point as he passed it over. "Fine, fine, can't turn down a good cause... What kind of math did you do to get to that price anyway?"
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countlessrealities · 4 months
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@the-perfect-scientist ~ Blitzø & Carlos for the Valentine's starter call
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Valentine's Day in Hell. A place that was supposed to be all about endless punishment and bad shit in general. How ridiculous that idea was.
With a frown, Blitzo knocked down the latest drink he had ordered. He'd say that he had lost counts of how many he had had, but he hadn't been counting at all. He knew the only thing that mattered, namely that he wasn't wasted enough to put up with all the sickening horniness that surrounded him.
...Alright, maybe he also had himself to blame for that. He might have chosen the seediest bar he could find, but he was still in Lust, after all.
Grumbling under his breath, he signaled the bartender, just to steal the bottle when the other made to pour him a drink. Then, he hopped off the stool and scanned the crowd, until his gaze fell on a hellhound like demon sitting on his own in a corner. Perfect, another lone, sad motherfucker. Just the kind of company he needed to share his misery with.
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"Finish your fuckin' drink, I got better than whatever you're drinkin'," he claimed, dropping in the chair in front of the other, without asking or greeting. "I'm done with those two horny fuckers screwin' on the counter. They almost spilled my drink twice."
Not to mention that they had been making him feel beyond lame."
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graunblida · 2 months
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out of context chat starters // accepting @horiznwlker sent: "Maybe cuz he's still a flying douche" ( from clarke lmao )
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out of habit, lexa opens her mouth to counter, and upon processing clarke's exclamation, promptly shuts it. she's ususally so guarded with her emotions. stoic, steeled and solemn. but this catches her off guard and damn if it isn't funny.
"...i have no rebuttal. " lexa admits, the hint of a laugh at the end of her words. the dynamic between the commander and her flame keeper is COMPLICATED. there is goodness in titus. lexa remembers a more nurturing mentor in her youth. one who saw potential in the smallest of the novitiates. gave her the tools to stand against enemies twice her size and more. she will forever be grateful for the wisdom passed down to her. at the same time, titus' zealotry has been taxing and irritating to say the least.
" believe me, i sympathize. " a beat, a sigh. " i will deal with him, as i always have. " as i always will. that part is kept to herself. the longer she thinks about it, a bitterness starts to settle in. for a split second, she allows herself to envision what it might be like with her flame keeper out of the picture.
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