sohyuki · 2 years
Song of A Fallen Hero
send me a made-up fic title and i'll tell you what i would write to go with it
(HMMM okay this one is definitely a hard one but let's give it a go!)
news from the tenshukaku is scarce, if there is news at all. the raiden shogun is elusive at best, absent at worst. but that changes the day the streets of inazuma city whisper about a duel. how this concerns a common waitress is beyond you but people chatter and recount the most absurd stories: from being there in person, to being the one that fought the shogun herself. you try not to think much of it.
all that changes when a wounded samurai breaks into your house, tiredly pleading, when you raise a flower pot to defend yourself, for "just a few moments....just a few moments to myself is all i need."
you let him, because though he doesn't say a word after, his eyes speak of a grief you will never know (not yet, at least) you give him a moment, and then a few hours, and then a day, a week, and it's on the ninth day when he comes out from your spare room to lay a bag of mora in your hands.
"for the accomodation...and for your silence."
you notice the haphazardly wrapped bandage of his left hand and think to offer proper care, but he's walking towards the door before you can say anything.
"you were there, weren't you!" you say, stumbling through the genkan. "you were at the duel, the one everyone is talking about. is that the reason for your wound? did you...did you fight her?"
he flinches, and breathes out a pained sigh. "no, it wasn't i that challenged her excellency. it was...someone very dear to me."
and then you say the only thing you can think of, the only thing you think might convince him to stay. because this man is tired and hurt and grieving silently and you want him to know that there's still good in world.
"tell me. tell me about them"
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sohyuki · 2 years
9, 17, 29 and 40 please!!
I hope that finals have been going smoothly <3 <3
HI SHERRY MY LOVE!! thank you for sending these in <3333 i'm sorry i rambled a little >.< finals are going good!! i finished 2 papers today, both of which were my biggest worries and the next two are in a week!! thankies for asking <3
9. Do you believe in ghosts? This isn’t about writing I just wanna know.
personally, no. i think my parents do, but i've always been more of a see-to-believe kind of person. not that i want a ghost to appear before me !! would very much like to avoid that !! that being said, i do Not watch horror. never have, never will. i was born a coward.
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
CURRENT WIP 😭😭😭 which one is the better question 😔 but i think i'll talk about behold the sun !! the amount of reading i've done (and have yet to do) for this series is more than i've normally had to do but it's been so fun weaving in bits of mythology and history to the characters. for example, the title itself has a lot to do with japanese mythology and history. don't want to spoil anything but it relates to the origins of the yamato dynasty and shinto deities. the seasons will also play an important part in the timeline!! god, it's been a hot minute since i've worked on behold the sun so i'm pretty sure i'm forgetting stuff but yeah! that's the gist i guess
29. Where do you draw your inspiration? What do you do when the inspiration well runs dry?
honestly, i never have a lot of trouble when it comes to inspiration. it comes randomly (when i'm in the shower) and usually when i least expect it (when i'm in the shower). most of the time it's from music, especially soundtracks because i always want to try to capture the feeling the music invokes. it's weird, but do you ever listen to a song and think "oh god, i want to write this. i want to write whatever this song is saying."
as for when inspiration runs dry, i usually take a shower. but real talk, when i feel like things aren't working, i take a step back because i believe that you can't force writing. and also because you shouldn't force writing. ultimately this is a hobby, and it supposed to be fun. the minute it loses that is when you need to take a step back and reevaluate.
40. Please share a poem with me, I need it.
oh my lord, i can't write poems to save my life so here is one that is the core of another WIP of mine:
before i came to know you, love, 
little my life was worth to me, 
i prize it now all things above,
and wish long in this world to be 
fujiwara no yoshitaka
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