#unlike some of the other siblings (freddy I'm looking at you)
gracegordongreene · 6 months
incoherent rambling about tammy usher
for a start her self worth issues which are pointed out to her by verna just before she fucking dies. but then this bitch also has like 5 million mirrors. probably because she likes to torture herself as she stares at all her self perceived flaws.
I think she has a very high opinion/standard of what beauty is and this is likely party tied into her mother and how Annabel died young. This most likely gave her a complex with ageing and also her mortality. The mirrors also clearly play into whatever kink she has going on for watching her husband and another woman. This woman who is clearly her little dress up doll, who she is moulding to be either a budget version of herself or the version of herself she wishes she could be (I can't quite tell which.)
This combined with the mirror on her ceiling, an odd choice, is also probably linked to her control issues, she needs to know what is going on, everywhere, at all times. She likes to be in the know, all seeing, as it helps her to feel grounded and in control of the situation.
Personally I read this as i's likely tied to her having suffered some kind of assault/abuse, most likely after she met her husband because she states during their fight that they used to be sexually involved.
Which leads to the fact she has deep rooted intimacy and vulnerability issues anyway. She will not let herself be in any sort of position of vulnerability, she shies away from physical touch (the flinch when bill touches her arms in e1 and pulling away from juno when she tries to hug her in e6.) She has a hard time expressing her emotions, which she seems to be trying to do in episode 6 in her own weird way. The scenes with Bill and with Juno where she has just the faintest hint of tears in her eyes during both before she bottles up her feelings again. I think her admission that she misses her husband was genuine but Madeline shuts that shit down extremely quickly because she clearly doesn't believe that women should have to rely on a man for anything. And Tammy wants so desperately to be able to live up to her father's name that she's willing to sacrifice almost anything to get there. But that moment where she is yearning for her husband to be by her side and for them to do the right thing (save the company) together is the one moment I think she's most like her mother and we see that tiny bit of her shining through. But as always Maddy is not here for the soft housewife approach, she wants results that she thinks only women can produce.
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charliedawn · 3 years
How would they react if you ask them to dance?
Freddy :
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"Heck yeah !"
Freddy is one of the only slasher that is musically cultured. He can spot good hard rock from a mile away. He is a rock and roll fan to the end. Just, put on any hard rock song and you will see his eyes literally sparkle in delight. He would dance with you until the end of the night. Literally.
" Come on darling, let me turn your world upside down !"
He would pretend having a guitar in his hands and laugh while shaking his head up and down with the rhythm. In rare moments, he would actually forget where he is and start singing with the lyrics.
"~She's got a smile that it seems to me
Reminds me of childhood memories
Where everything was as fresh as the bright blue sky
Now and then when I see her face
She takes me away to that special place
And if I stare too long, I'd probably break down and cry..."
Surprisingly, Freddy has a great voice and, when given the opportunity, will make the slashers enjoy a live concert of his. In those moments, not even Pennywise dares make fun of Freddy. Freddy understands your love for old music, and god, does he got the moves ! You swear that when he is dancing, you forget all about who he is and who you are. If you weren't dancing before, you certainly are now. 😂
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Surprisingly enough, Arthur would not join right away. He would first see you dance and enjoy himself watching you having fun with the other slashers. But once he is sure that nobody will judge him ? He will join and dance to his heart content. Many people have ways to express themselves, hobbies that help them de-stress..But unfortunately for the slashers, that hobby was mostly killing people. You try to make them see that they can do the same in many different ways. Joker, however, is a very special case, because he actually tried to escape with dance and jokes..People destroyed his dreams. Now, you have to help him get back his hope and the dreams he lost. The first step to do that ? Make him remember what he loved, before becoming the Joker.
" Why do you want to make me believe in something that is gone ?"
" Because I believe in you, Arthur."
He waited for someone to actually believe in him for so long that he can't help but cry at your words. He would then take you for a dance and make you laugh for the rest of the night. He doesn't mind you old-fashioned taste, as he prefers old songs as well, especially the catchy ones.
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" Dance ?! Dancing ! Yesss !"
Penny screams while throwing his hands in the air. He loves dancing. It was the only thing he had when he was alone and penniless. He was dancing in the street in his old clown costume, hoping for some generous souls to find him entertaining. However, when he became Penny, his dance became the last thread of his old life he hanged on to. It may have been a way to lure his victims in as well, but it was also much more for Penny. He loves dancing. He is also very good at it, being a very flexible person with a great creativity. His dance may look childish at first, but it's only because he never got the proper training. You asked the hospital to give him some lessons, but unfortunately, they didn't want the dance teacher to become dinner. This is how you had gotten the idea of Friday's dancing nights. It allows the bond between the slashers to strengthen and for Penny to learn more about what he loves.
" Penny dances ! Penny is so happy !"
Well, just make sure he has the dance floor to himself, as you wouldn't want any of the slashers to receive a slap or a kick on accident..He doesn't really care about the music, as long as he can dance on it.
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Dance ? What is dance ? When he sees you and the other slashers dance, it makes him think of those teenagers at Crystal lake. He is not too fond of dancing. He will however stare at you and sometimes, even nod his head up and down with the music if he likes it. But, if you try to make him dance with the others ? He will freeze. He is not used to dancing and never cared enough to learn. For a long time, it had only been his mother and him, therefore he hasn't had the chance to make friends or open up enough to dance at parties. He likes watching though. Most of the time, he will stay with Five or Michael, the only ones to understand his predicament. Plus, he doesn't know or understand most of the songs you're playing. He tried to ask you what they meant, but most of the words you used to answer him only made him more confused. Love ? Hope ? Loss ? He doesn't understand them. However, he does understand grief and sorrow. Those are feeling he can relate with as he felt them when he lost his father. When a sad song comes in, he will pay more attention and feel a tug in his chest.
" My boy. You have to live your life as you intended. Don't let anyone tell you what you should or shouldn't feel. One day, the ones who bullied you and called you names will see how amazing you truly are."
The words of his father echo in his head as he listens to the music. He has nearly forgotten about his face, but his voice is still with him, advising him wherever he goes. He just never took the time to listen to him until now. He always thought that his mother was everything he needed, that she was the only one who loved him, but maybe was he wrong after all ? Maybe other people could accept him ?
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*internal panic*
He knows how to dance, that's not the problem. It's just that it's been so long that he's afraid he's gotten a bit rusty. This is why you will most likely find him hidden in a corner, watching over you all. At this point, he is more likely to play the role of the quiet big brother who is making sure none of his siblings accidently hurt themselves or have too much to drink. However, if you really insist, he will try to enter the game and make a few tentative steps on the dance floor. But, dont expect too much of him. He is embarrassed enough as it is. However, he will help in the kitchen if you need to bake something of prepare some snacks for the slashers. Another thing to know about Michael, is that unlike Jason that doesn't mind raising his mask a little to eat or drink, Michael will prefer to wait until everybody is gone or asleep before letting himself do the same. He is very keen on his mask and doesn't want anyone to see him without it. So, maybe prepare a little space away from prying eyes for him to have intimacy ? As for the music, he doesn't mind. Everything is fine with him.
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Unlike Penny, Pennywise is not that much of a dancer. Penny is a dancing clown, Pennywise is a grouchy clown. He would rather be sarcastic all evening than partaking in the fun. However, something that he is good at is inflating balloons. He will help organize the party and will try to entertain Penny as much as he can. Pennywise may not be a dancing clown, but he cares about Penny. Penny is the closest to family he has left, and even though he would never admit it, he would do anything for him. He is protective of him and if it meant making Penny happy ? He wouldn't mind playing the clown for a night.
" Stop looking at me like that. I'm not gonna dance. You can't make me. Invite Penny instead. He's far more excited to make a fool of himself than me.."
He would reply when you invite him to dance. He doesn't care about the songs, as long as they don't have any curses in them. He loves cursing, but he doesn't want Penny to follow his example. He wants him to keep the little innocence he has left.
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(couldn't find a gif with Five, so imagine it's Five in the second gif.)
He will not dance. Not even if you beg him. He will be happy if you leave him alone with the drinks. He will mostly stay with Michael and drown his bad mood in alcool and most likely complain.
"Goddammit. Can't we have decent whiskey in here ?!"
However, if you really insist and he has enough alcool in his system ? He may follow you and make some moves on the dance floor. Maybe.
" I swear you all suck. It seems I'll have to step up to level the game. It's not because I'm having fun or I like any of you, it's just because you bunch of idiots can't differentiate good dancing and monkey dancing."
Five got many classes on how to be the perfect spy while being trained. Let's say that there were some more enjoyable classes than others. He knows how to dance as a result and will steal the dancefloor when given the chance.
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shifted-nights-au · 2 years
Shifted Nights Part 1
Michael shifts his weight uncomfortably. These bullshit dress shoes were terrible as it was, and the stares of the judgemental parents around him didn't make it any better. He tried to calm himself by just saying maybe they thought he was sick; not everyone just wore surgical masks out in public. Henry was a perfectly normal person, why couldn't he pick Evan up from school? Some dude with weird ghost eyes would be better than a rotting corpse. He fidgeted with his mask uncomfortably.
Though if he asked Henry to do it he'd never stop getting shit from his dad.
"Oh you're his brother Michael, you gotta take care of him since I'm too shit of a father to do it myself." Michael mocked his father in his mind. God, he wished the whole Freddy's thing never happened, then maybe they could have been at least a somewhat functional family.
Henry had always hold him as a teen that no matter what, William would always be abusive. He'd always scream and hit and manipulate, its just how he was.
"Waiting on your kid?"
He was shaken from his thoughts by the voice of a young woman. When he turned to look at her, he was greeted by a woman close to his age (probably) with fluffy brown hair and a strangely bright spark in her eyes.
"U-uhm, nah, my little brother." He spoke quickly, hoping she didn't dwell to much on the raspyness of his voice.
"Oh no way, me too." She smiled. "Who's your little brother?"
Instead of naming him, he just points. Evan was walking out, excitedly talking with a pair of siblings.
He nods.
"No way! Those two kids he's with are my siblings."
This perked his interest. He'd heard Evan talk about Edd and Molly, and their big sister Sophie. Evan hung out at their house a lot (mostly at Michael's request, he trusted Edd and Molly's family and he didn't want Evan to be home when he and his father were fighting, which seemed to happen more and more these days but thats a topic for later).
"Wait, you're...?"
"Sophie Walten, nice to meet you, finally!"
Walten? That name...
Do not fucking overthink this, Michael.
"Michael....." Ew ew ew ew- "Aft-Emily." He physically cringed. If she recognized the name, she didn't acknowledge it.
The two share a handshake, then have their attention pulled away by their respective younger siblings. Michael kneeled and sighed gently, letting the tension in his shoulders fade as his little brother threw his arms around his neck.
"Hey little man, how was school?" The nightguard smiled as Evan excitedly recalled the day's events, mostly jumbled together but Michael could infer they did something with books and glitter glue. The younger jumped excitedly as he turned to his friends and pointed at Michael.
"This is my brother! He answers the door when you come to get me!"
Sophie giggled gently as Edd and Molly spoke over each other in utter excitement.
Michael smiled slightly as the twins introduced themselves. Unlike his father, he actually enjoyed being around kids. He liked their attitude. Maybe its because it reminded him of his own siblings, or even himself when he still had energy.
"Cmon little bear, we're gonna go get some ice cream." He stood and held out a hand.
"Ice cream?" The boy tilted his head. "Won't daddy get mad?"
"Eh, William can suck it. You've been doing really well in school, I think you deserve it." He smiled. Evan seemed to dwell on it for a moment, recalling when his father would get mad and try to hurt him, but he trusted Michael. Michael would keep him safe. He took his brothers hand, and the two said their goodbyes to the Waltens, who headed home.
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Earlier that day, Michael and William had one of their worse fights. It both started and ended with William screaming and threatening violence, and when Michael decided he'd had enough, he slammed a heavy  metal door in the rabbit's face and left.
"Don't wait up for us, I'm taking Evan out for a while."
"Oh, and for what?!"
"To go have fun. Like a child should."
"Michael, I want you two home, immediately, do you understand?"
"Do. You. Understand."
The slam of the door echoed through the establishment when Michael left without a word.
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