#unless you're doing something stupid/unsafe or weird
frankboeijen · 11 months
so i've already outgrown the little baby dumbbells that i have at home and tbh all i've done so far at the gym is cardio because the weight room always intimidates me but it might be time to graduate to some heavier weights and take full advantage of what my $28/month has to offer...
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v-anrouge · 1 month
Vil supports whatever you want to do with you body, no matter what. Unless its actively dangerous. (Like pepper spraying yourself because your curious)
i'm in full support of doing stupid shit that won't cause permanent damage just because you're curious.
here is a list of chaotic things to do that cause no harm but still make people question you:
gross food combinations
trying clothes that definitely won't fit
plastic wrapping your doorways at face height so that you forget and run into it later
biting your friends (consensually)
taking pics of your toes with little faces drawn on them
tazing yourself or being tazed by a licensed professional
having pepper spray tested on you
tasting something spicy and something with menthol at the same time to experience the true icy hot sensation without getting poisoned by tasting actual icy hot
dipping oreos in orange juice
ordering a large cup of ice and then proceeding to chew, crunch, and slurp very loudly
folding the corners of the pages of your books
leaving sticky notes with bad puns in public areas
leaving the numbers of your enemies in bathroom stalls so that random people will call them (maybe don't do this if it's in an unsafe area)
going to an anime convention dressed as slenderman
painting your face odd colors and patterns to look like a rug, curtain, or weird chair! (NOT BLACKFACE PLEASE DO NOT DO BLACKFACE)
gluing fluff to your nails to concern people
please let me know if you would like more.
— fonks.
Actually ill have to ask you to please never mention anything listed above ever again on this blog thank you
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