#unless it comes to anything in elsweyr where ava ends up the more chill one becausehe is just as bitter as his sisters
the-skooma-den · 5 years
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Holy shit, I’m finally done with the latona siblings
So here he is! the tall slutty middle sibling
Full profile is under the readmore
and here is a link to the profiles of the other 2 Latona siblings
Name:Jo’Thera Latona.
Age:24 at the beginning of the main plot. 27 or so by the time of Elswweyr
Race: khajiit. Cathay specifically
Class: Necromancer
Personality: A genuinely pleasant young man with a dangerous temper. 
His lack of care of those opinion of him makes him almost eerie to be around. To be in front of someone who has absolutely no need or your approval can make one feel lost, and this is a man who revels in that. He likes to confuse. Once again though, let it be emphasized his friendliness and kindness is genuine, freaking people out is just a bonus for him.
He takes a more relaxed approach to life than either of his sisters.The situations they find themselves in may be life or death, but hey it's rarely their lives in danger and having a bunch of corpses around is generally a pretty good thing for him.
The younger adoptive brother of the Vestige Ava (most know her as syke).
He was born in a big town in the southern part of Elsweyr for the most part a completely normal kid. Only thing abnormal at first was his very early and clear talent for magic (which as you can imagine, makes a toddler even more of a pain in the ass to deal with).
Then around the age of 5 or 6 he started to develop some unusual fur markings, not just any fur markings. These were markings associated with the Dark moon.
A khajiit who choose to take those markings as tattoos is considered a blasphemer but to develop those markings naturally? No that had to be a bad omen. Especially combined with the ridiculously early talent for magic. (In reality the stripes mean nothing and were just an unfortunate coincidence, as was the magic) 
So his own family cast him out, left him in the street. He was able to survive on his own for a long time, but when he disappeared one night without a trace? No one looked for him. 
At 11 years old he was kidnapped by a necromancer and was being held with the intention to eventually sacrifice him in some dark ritual or another. 
He was there for a few weeks before a very young Ava snuck into the cave. She had only recently been made and Official member of the brotherhood at 15 years old (rather then just some kid who hung around cause her parents were members) and this was her first real far away from home mission. Not just some small time thief that had wronged a petty noblemen or permanently settling a debate between 2 local merchants but a real, and very dangerous mission. She was of course excited. 
In the Lair of the Necromancer (AKA some shitty cave in the southern part of elsweyr dressed up with skulls and shrines) she was surprised to find some kid locked up in a cage, or rather she was surprised to find a living kid. He was skinny, didnt look to healthy, but definitely alive. She quickly dispatched with the necromancer and when Thera told her he had no family and nowhere to go, she decided to take him with her back to the gold coast.
Ava’s foster mother,her biological bosmer aunt Lara, was surprised to say the least. Normally her younger daughter was the one to bring home strays. She listened to the boys story once, got as far as “My parents kicked me out when I was 5”  before deciding that she now had a son. 
Thera spent the rest of his childhood on the Gold Coast with his 2 new sisters, Almost immediately becoming as thick as thieves with Nia, Laras biological daughter, a bosmer only 1 year younger than him. His New older sister Ava had also been adopted by Lara, though they were actually biologically related. Ava was Lara’s niece and when her parents died it seemed only natural for Lara to take her in as her own. Ava was an Imperial, though she took heavily after her bosmer father and Khajiit grandfather. 
He looked up to both Lara and Ava immensely and emulated them as much as he could, especially Ava. Though aware of many of her flaws from the beginning he looked up to Ava as his savior, his older sister and one hell of an assassin.
If there was one thing Thera picked up from his new family it was their sense of irony and drama and quickly decided to pick up learning necromancy himself. He was encouraged to follow this interest by Lara, they were a family of dark brotherhood assassins after all, It’s not like a necromancer would stain the family name or anything. Besides Lara was quite the mage herself (as was most of the Latona family) and encouraged magical interests of any kind. He’s always proud to say that he even managed to teach his sisters a thing or 2 about magic. 
He spent his years on the Gold Coast completely refusing and rejecting Khajiit culture. They abandoned him, he would abandon it. He spoke in first person only, suppressed his accent as best he could and would never be heard spoking Ta’agra. He even went out of his way to learn a bit of Bosmeri so he could speak with his sisters in their native tongue. He wore nothing even resembling anything to a Khajiiti style. 
He only took the prefix Jo’ to his name because he liked the Irony of having earned the title through his use of profane magic. Also his friends and family could call him Jojo and that's just fun.
He joined the training Nia went through everyday to join the brotherhood (as did Ava before she officially joined) and was allowed to join a few years later at 15 years old. He took to large swords (and very large staffs) and flashy magic, after all not everyone wants quite quick assassination sometimes you want everyone and their moms to know this person is dead.
About a Year later, Nia ran away. 
Of course the whole family was devastated, Lara more than anyone else, but Jo’Thera was hurt in a special way. He knew something the other two would never quite figure out, why she did it. Nia never wanted to join the brotherhood and although she would never tell anyone but Jo’thera. She didn't think the other 2 would have understood that she DIDN’T want this, Jo’thera was aware that they absolutely would have. 
He had the objective standpoint that the others did not.
He was heart broken, but kept it to himself, not wanting to add fuel to that fire. He didn’t get mad until Nia started running her mouth and trashing the rest of the Latona family. He was spared the worst of it but he was still furious. 
After Nia left he and Ava had grown closer. They were friends before but now they were damn close to inseparable. Ava had by this point lost pretty much her entire family...twice and while her mother had pulled away after Nia’s departure he refused to leave her alone.
He was one of the only ones who really had the pulse on Ava’s slow but steady mental breakdown. 
He was also the only one who didn't just assume she killed herself after she disappeared and never stopped looking for her.
The moment he heard rumors about an odd Imperial woman running around Alinor he rushes his ass over their to look for her. He is completely correct and she is alive...though it took awhile to track her down. He didn't catch up to her until she was about to leave Valenwood for Reapers March, after she had found Nia. 
Jo’thera had stated before that he was more loyal to his family then the brotherhood, so when Ava said she wasn’t sure of she wanted to go back he was fucking read. Ripping up credit cards hes fucking ready. Well, after she confirmed she had no intention to let their mom think she was dead forever. She just wanted to “stay dead” for a little while. She just needed a break, and he could respect that, even if he doesn’t entirely approve of the how. She may not have been to the point of killing herself, but any idiot could see she was on her way to a complete mental break. She needed this in a way. 
His reunion with Nia broke his heart all over again. He was pissed and he let her know and didn’t hold back. Though they both followed their older sister after they all reunited the two of them didnt have a real conversation until Ava had left to try and regain her soul in cold harbor.
He may not forgive Nia completely, but they could at least have real conversations again. It's a start.
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