#unheard of maybe even scandelous
socialpermadeath · 1 year
Okay but I do think being a tailor is a gender non conforming career in Cardassia for a man. Designing and repairing clothing, it's so mathematical and practical, it requires an understanding of geometry and the ability to operate complex pieces of equipment and study of fabric sciences. But it's also an artistic, passionate pursuit. Women are suited for logic and mathematics, men are too emotional and suited for artistic and subjective pursuits. A woman showing the artistic interest to design clothing would make her masculine, a man showing the mathematical aptitude to mock patterns and hem clothing would make him feminine. I imagine most tailoring shops on Cardassia are spouse/sibling ventures where the husband or brother takes to the artistic and passionate design process and the wife or sister makes those designs into functional patterns, advises fabric texture choices, and maintains and operates the machines. But even then, it would be a far too emotional job for a woman, and much too much technical work for a man. Not social outcasts, just outliers, only a special kind of person would be drawn to it as a career. The tailor shop would be operated by the local pair of weirdo hippie twins.
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