#ughhhhhhh why doesn’t my brain ever just shut the fuck up like why can’t I just enjoy my night
alwritey-aphrodite · 8 months
Guys if I was pretty I would just be too unstoppable, the universe needed to humble me a little
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nblesbianbenhanscom · 4 years
2 + reddie?
“You love me like I deserve you.”
Thank you for the prompt! I’m sorry it took so long, but uh... it’s a whole ass fic! Lol.
Weep Little Lion Man-- on ao3
Eddie stumbles into his apartment, totally exhausted. All he wants to do is fall onto the couch and sleep for 27 years, but he can’t. Richie is staying with him and he’s going to want food.
“That you, spaghetti?” Richie calls. Eddie doesn’t even have enough energy to be annoyed at the stupid nickname.
“No, it’s the Zodiac killer, come to eat your guts,” Eddie calls back. Richie comes out of the bedroom and pulls Eddie into a hug.
“The Zodiac killer wasn’t a cannibal. You’re thinking of Hannibal Lecter,” Richie says. Eddie bites at Richie’s pec, and Richie winces, laughing. “How was your day, my love?”
“Ughhhhhhh!” Eddie groans. Richie kisses his hair.
“That good, huh?”
“I can’t wait for the divorce to be over,” Eddie says. “I want to live in LA and be with you all the time already.” They are in New York in a small ass apartment that Eddie is renting month to month. Richie is there for a few weeks having just gotten off tour.
“Soon, babes, soon.”
“Myra is such a bitch,” Eddie mumbles.
“I know, love, I know.”
“I just hate how she’s insisting on dragging this out,” Eddie mumbles. At first he’d offered to give her whatever she wanted, ready to move on. Myra had gotten mad, saying he would tell all their friends she’d taken advantage of him. Eddie offered to give her what she came with, and a small alimony check, but it wasn’t enough. Splitting everything was too much. It felt like nothing would be good enough, and Eddie is about 3 seconds away from dropping everything and just running.
“The meeting went that well?” Richie asks.
“Sorry, Rich, I’m just tired. Let me go take a shower and we can go grocery shopping.” He kisses Richie’s cheek and starts to pull away.
“Why don’t you just take your time in the shower? I can go,” Richie offers and Eddie bristles.
“No. I’ll be quick.”
“Eds, you had a long day. I don’t mind,” Richie says softly.
“I said, ‘no.’” Eddie snaps. “I’ll be quick.”
“Are you sure? Cause I don’t mind. Really.”
“Beep beep, mother fucker. I’m perfectly capable of doing my own grocery shopping!” Eddie yells. “I’m not some pathetic baby! I am a grown ass adult. I know I’m a fucking mess right now, but it’s not like I can’t fucking grocery shop!” Eddie doesn’t even know what he’s saying. He doesn’t know why he’s so angry.
“Whoa, Eds!” Richie takes a step back holding his hands up in the air.
“My name is Eddie! What the fuck dude! You know how much I hate it when you call me Eds. It’s such a child’s name, and I am not a child!” He’s nearly screaming now. “And let’s say I do let you go grocery shopping? Do you even fucking know what brands I like? What foods I can eat? Do you know what I’m allergic to? Do you?”
Richie doesn’t say anything, just lets Eddie rant.
“Are you going to say something, Richie? I asked you a question. You never fucking shut up, and now I ask you a question and you can’t fucking say anything?”
Richie licks his lips. He’s about to say something, but Eddie doesn’t want to hear it so he just pushes past the taller man.
“You don’t have to coddle me, Richie! I’m capable of doing my own errands!” Eddie leaves Richie by the door and goes to take a shower. His hands shake as he undresses. He gets frustrated with the buttons on his shirt, and one of them pops off. When he’s naked, he leaves his clothes in a pile on the floor and jumps in the shower.
He takes his time, washing his hair and body vigorously, his mind racing. What the fuck is wrong with him? Richie was just trying to be nice because he loves Eddie and knows how completely overwhelmed Eddie is. Eddie know Richie is nothing like Myra or his mother, but Eddie can do his own fucking grocery shopping.
When he gets out, he’s still angry, but he feels mostly in control until he sees Richie on the couch watching TV. He’s still wearing his sweats and a sleep shirt.
“Are we going grocery shopping or what?” Eddie snaps and Richie jumps.
“What the fuck Eddie!” Richie says. “I thought you wanted to go alone.”
“I didn’t say that,” Eddie says. “When did I say that? What could have possibly lead you to the conclusion that I wanted to go alone?”
“Um, maybe because you keep yelling at me when I’m just trying to be nice?” Richie says.
“Fuck you!” Eddie yells. “I don’t need you to be nice to me. I’m perfectly fine!”
“Clearly,” Richie says. Eddie rubs his face.
“Just fucking get dressed.”
“If you yell at me in public, we will end up in the tabloids.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing. Doesn’t that just give you fodder for your failing comedy career?” As soon as the words leave his mouth, Eddie’s whole body flushes. He feels like garbage. He and Richie tease a lot, but this doesn’t feel like teasing, and he hates himself for it.
“Eddie, stop,” Richie says softly. “Just talk to me.”
“I am talking to you.”
“No, you’re screaming at me,” Richie says.
“I’m fine, Richie! I just need you to get dressed! I’m tired and hungry.”
“Why don’t we just order something?” Richie asks.
“Because, Richie! I like cooking! And I want to cook you a fucking nice meal. But I need to go to the fucking store.”
“So go!” Richie says. “I’m not stopping you!”
“Fine!” Eddie goes to the door and starts to put on his shoes, but his hands won’t stop shaking. Tears fill his eyes and he slumps into the door.
“Eddie!” Richie says. He gets up and kneels next to Eddie, hesitating.
“Richie-” Eddie gropes for Richie’s shirt and pulls him close. “Oh, God, Richie. I’m so fucking sorry.” Richie pulls Eddie close, stroking his back.
“It’s ok, Eddie, you’re ok,” Richie whispers. Eddie just cries. He cries and he cries and he cries and he cries.
He cries until he feels empty and then he just lays limply in Richie’s arms while Richie kisses his hair.
“You’re ok, my love,” Richie says. “I’m here. I’ve got you.”
“I’m sorry, Richie. I- I don’t know where all that came from.” Eddie sits up and wipes his face with his shirt.
“You’ve been under a lot of pressure lately.”
“But that doesn’t make it right to treat you like shit,” Eddie says.
“I know you didn’t mean it, Eds-dee. Eddie.”
Laughing softly, “It’s ok. You can call me Eds. I don’t mind. Not really.”
“I just didn’t want to upset you again.”
Taking a deep breath, Eddie leans against the door. “I- I think I got upset because I actually like shopping. It was one of the few times I got to be alone when I was married and-” He takes another deep breath. “I’m sorry, baby.”
“It’s ok, really,” Richie says so gently, so softly. Eddie’s eyes fill up with tears again.
“You don’t have to do that.”
“Do what?” Richie asks.
“Be nice. Act like I deserve it.”
“But you do deserve it,” Richie says. He scoots a little closer to Eddie but doesn’t touch him.
“I don’t.”
“You do. I love you, and you deserve to be treated nicely.”
“Even when I’m a little asshole?”
“Especially when you’re a little asshole,” Richie says, and Eddie leans into his shoulder. They fall silent. Eddie is still hungry, but now he’s more tired than anything, and he’s wondering if Richie will still order them food.
“How do you do it?” Eddie asks eventually.
“Do what?”
“Love me. You love me like I deserve you,” Eddie says. His throat is tight with emotions, he can barely get the words out.
Richie tugs Eddie into his lap and grabs Eddie’s face in his hands. For the first time that night he looks angry. Really angry.
“Edward Kaspbrak,” Richie growls, and Eddie’s eyes go wide. “You do deserve me. You are such an amazing person, and I love you so fucking much. I- What-” He stops and closes his eyes. He’s trying to get himself under control. “Your mother and your wife-” He stops again, biting back tears.
Opening his eyes, Richie says, “You deserve everything you could ever want in the world, Eddie. Everything. You are so amazing, and sweet, and loving, and funny, and real. Yeah, sometimes you’re an asshole, but that’s ok. We all have our moments. If you need to let off some steam, that’s ok. You’re allowed to be angry and hurt.” He pauses. “There’s still so much that we don’t know about each other, and it’s hard to know what’s going to set one of us off. Today I set you off. Tomorrow you’ll probably set me off. So long as we talk about it, it’s going to be ok.”
He pulls Eddie close, and kisses him so, so gently. He kisses him like Eddie’s worth Richie’s whole attention, like there’s nothing he’d rather be doing, even when Eddie has spent the better part of the last hour screaming at him about nothing. It’s too much for Eddie, and when they break apart, he’s crying again, but so is Richie.
Neither of them say anything for several minutes. They just sit on the floor in front of Eddie’s door, foreheads pressed together as they hold each other and cry.
Eddie can’t believe this is happening. If this had happened with Myra, he would have left for the store and when he got home, they would have fought some more. Eddie might have cried, but he would have done it alone, in the bathroom or on the couch after Myra had gone to bed. When it got late enough, he would have curled up in bed next to Myra and try to make himself as small as possible, wanting to make sure Myra couldn’t touch him without making an effort.
But with Richie. Richie is right there. He’s holding Eddie, talking him through it, telling him it’s ok. And Eddie believes him. He really does. He knows everything’s going to be ok. It is just a bad night, but Richie still wants him close. Not like Myra would have, not in a way that he wants to control Eddie’s emotions. Richie wants Eddie close so he can help Eddie through whatever lies his brain is telling him, to make sure he knows he’s loved and supported.
After a bit, Eddie kisses Richie again, and they get up slowly. Richie orders them take out, and they spend the evening curled up on the couch, just holding hands and watching something stupid on TV. When they go to bed, Eddie curls up into Richie’s arms, and falls asleep on Richie’s chest. They sleep the whole night through.
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yourjughead · 7 years
Requested: You're best friends with Vernonica and the girlfriend ((actually I don't think I use feminine pronouns for reader in this?)) to Archie Andrews himself. When they starting hanging out more often than not, an important date slips his mind.
Pairings: Archiexreader
Warnings: swearing, underage drinking
A/N don't know how long ago this was requested but I'm sorry I'm a bad person. Enjoy the fic Huns
3rd person “hey YN can't go tonight honey I'm really really sorry, I'm going to practice singing with Veronica I'm so sorry I forgot to tell you” “Singing with Veronica, since when?” “Since today” “Aww that's sweet my boyfriend and my best friend forming a band” you tease. Archie flashes you his award winning smile before kissing your head and jogging off into the school hallways. 2 Week later. “Hi yn I can't make tonight, Veronica and I are going to practice I'm sorry, is that alright?” “Yeah that's okay Arch, have fun” you beam. 4weeks later “Yn Veronica and I already had plans to practice and I forgot I'm so sorry babe” “That's okay, I'll go with Betty and jug” you smile 6weeks later “Yn I gotta go practice with V so I won't be there tonight” “umm I guess...but next Friday is….” you nodded and he took off after calling to you “Yeah yeah yn I gotta go V is waiting”
7weeks later “Hey YN where's Archie?” “Who the fuck knows Kevin, probably practicing with Veronica” you bite. “Woah Ynn, you're acting like he's always with her”
“But he is Kev he is! He's canceled all of our plans we've made for like the past 6 weeks and I can't talk to my best friend about it because she's the reasons why I'm not seeing him!” You slammed your locker and started walking off with Kevin following closely.
“Okay firstly, ouch I thought I was your best friend” you roll your eyes. “Secondly maybe they're a thing” Kevin casually throws out as if it's not a live grenade. You stop dead in your tracks as other students filter out around you excited for the weekend. “Nahhh” you both simultaneously laugh. *Sms: GingerXx: ynn. Can't make tonight. Later. -3.54pm
“Kevin. He canceled. He canceled on me on our 1 year anniversary and he didn't even say sorry! He can't even be bothered to come and tell me face to face anymore! He didn't even say sorry!....kevin...do you...do you really think he's cheating Do you really think so? Honestly?” you can just about get it out as you slide into the passenger seat of Kevin's car. “Well as your elder..” “By like 2 months” you interrupt.
“Ahem! As your elder, I am very wise to these things and being honest with you...yeah yn its a real strong possibility I mean….he doesn't exactly have the best track record with relationships” You didn't speak for the rest of the drive home, Kevin continued on about how he was probably wrong and everything was okay but you weren't listening. You knew what he said first was what he believed. You didn't speak the whole way through helping your parents pack for their weekend in the Hamptons ((you guys this is just where i see ye americans seem to constantly go away to, sorry bout it). You sat down on the couch and flicked through films. You were alone on your anniversary and as the night crept in, you stayed in the dark. You sauntered over to the liquor cabinet and couldn't help yourself. Throwing yourself back on the couch with a swig of liquor you continued to flick through channels as your face contorted with the bitter taste. After finishing your second bottle of liquid courage you were done feeling sorry for yourself and made your way down the street to Archie's house rather unsteadily. You went right to the garage where you know Archie liked to practice, better acoustics. You started banging along the side of the structure before reaching the door and then almost beating that down. Archie opened the door, visibly groggy. “Yn? Oh God what is that smell? Is that...is that alchol?” “Shut up Andrews! Do you know what to-days is” your words came out ever so slightly slurred.
“Are you ahaha are you drunk?” He couldn't fight the smile on his face at his messy girlfriend.
“Shhhh answer the question” you patted his chest, the alcohol was starting to settle in you, maybe two bottles of bourbon and nightly fresh air wasn't the best idea.
“It's Friday” he gave you a confused look with a smile to match.  
“Hmm no nope that can't be the rea-son”
“Umm what?” he laughed “how much have you had to drink?” “DONT PATRONISE ME!” you wrapped your arms as tightly as possible. “Woah Ynn…” it was only then you noticed Veronica curled up on the couch behind Archie, just waking to the sound of your slurred voice. “Oh you're fucking kidding me right?” “Ynn….” “Don't call me that! And then….and then just don't call me.” You turned and practically ran off, not particularly in a coordinated fashion but at speed nevertheless. Bursting in your bedroom you threw yourself onto your bed and let the tears fall. You just let sleep take you after that.
~ “Ughhhhhhh god” the light broke through your half closed curtains. Head spinning you sat up trying to blink the world into focus instantly regretting it as your head drummed against it self. After a second attempt a sitting up was more successful, you put one hand to your head and blinked hard. You then noticed the pillow and sleeping bag at your feet.
Standing up, you shuffled out the door into the bathroom to splash water on your face.
“Yn?” You jumped at the sound of a voice. “Archie?” You cautiously peaked out the door to see the ginger standing there with a plate of toast. “What...what are you doing in my house?” You cautiously stepped towards him. “I followed you back last night, good thing I did too, you left the front door wide open. I crashed on the floor then, I wasn't sure how much you drank...or what you drank or...or what you smoked, you were a little out of it” he smiled but it faded when he saw you didn't return the sentiment. “Thanks...you can leave now” you couldn't meet his eyes as you took the plate from his hands going back into your room.
Cross-legged on the bed munching the slightly burnt bread...the very burnt bread, Archie sheepishly came in and sat down next to you. He moved to put his arm on your leg but shuffled away.
“Yn what did I do, please tell me what I did because I'm racking my brain trying to remember something I've clearly forgotten and it's driving me crazy” you just bit the inside of your mouth. “What date is it Archie” “What is with this question?” “Answer it” “Saturday” he shrugged. “Not day, Date.” “It's the….oh yn, oh yn, oh my god I'm such an idiot, I'm so sorry, oh my god yn fuck me!”
“Well I was going to last night but you clearly had other plans now didnt you” you roughly bit the burned bread regretting it instantly and turning your nose up at the charred taste.
“I am so sorry. I am the worst boyfriend in the world….fuck! Im still your boyfriend right?, yn please don't break up with me!” Archie caught your hand in his with pleading eyes. “Depends on whether or not you're screwing my best friend?” “Whether or not I'm what?! Im not screwing Kevin!” You exhaled in frustration to this, Archie decided to switch tactics from humour to seriousness. “That's not what Veronica and I are to each other! We're just friends! We just fell asleep last night cause we were so tired from all the practicing….oh yn please you have to believe me I'd never do that to you” Archie's voice grew frantic as he begged you to meet his eyes.
“I feel like I haven't seen you in 2 months because practice is more important than me…”
“Nothing or nobody is more important to me than you….except maybe Jughead….and Vegas...I'm also quite fond of Mr Wilson from next door” you playfully hit him with your pillow and he smiled at the fact he was slowly breaking you down.
“I swear yn if I ever forget anything like this again you have permission to kill me” you chuckle lightly.
“No ynn I swear if I ever forget a birthday or wedding anniversary you can straight up kill me and I'll totally understand” he laughed
“Wedding anniversary?” You whisper then bite your bottom lip. “Umm well yeah….i mean if that's okay”
“That's okay” this received a goofy grin from Archie.
“….so what should we do to celebrate our anniversary 2.0” he edged his way into the bed and wrapped an arm around you. You pulled him by the collar of his shirt to meet you “I have an idea or two…” your hand slipped down his inner thigh. “Oh yeah?” He grinned before connecting his lips with yours. “Yeah you can start by…” you guide his hand to your lap, his eyes roaming your body “getting me some proper breakfast” you bring his hand to the plate sitting on your knees. “Whatever you want my love, whatever you want but first I have to have sex with Vernonica soo” he winked and you shoved him off the bed with force laughing. Nothing but love.
Much Love Xx
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