#uggg i missed drawing my babies
frogandbird · 2 months
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take A Cry for Family sketch im to lazy (read busy) to finish for the new update
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jsc23 · 7 years
1x01- The Pilot
Alright, let’s jump right into episode 1x01. If you missed my intro, I’m re-watching all my favorite shows from the beginning starting with “The 100” because it has taken over my life currently (that finale though!). This will include spoilers from later seasons because thats the point! Going back and looking at shows once I know what’s coming. It’s going to be messy, it’s going to be freeform thoughts and hopefully, it’s going to be funny. Without further ado,
-First thought comes from me searching for it on netflix, why on earth is “The 100” not featured in the “TV shows featuring a strong female lead” section? #imjustsayin -not in tv action/adventure either…cool… -ok, now its just funny because guess where i found it- Tv Action & Adventure FEATURING a strong female lead…because, obvs. -mmkay here we go- am I the only one wondering where she got the chalk to draw in her cell? -“killed everyone on earth” except, ya know, the grounders,mount weather, the others…oh wait… -I also want to know where they are getting earrings in space? (side note- i have those earrings, they are from madewell:-) -WELLS (he was too pure for this world…) -I love how she’s like “well we are about to die but like i’m still very very angry with you!” -oh look, our girl Callie…legit what happened to her? and was she married to Kane? were they just dating??? were they just #platonicpals ?! WHAT WAS HER STORY? We may never know… -Upon re-watch Finn annoys me more than usual. What a dweeb. -SINCLAIR!!!! Uggg gone too soon Sinclair…gone too soon! -who in the hair department was like “yes lets make Bob Morley look ridiculous by slicking back his hair! this is an excellent idea we shall do this! (so glad they stopped that episode 2). -all the delinquents look like literal babies… -Clarke wandering around with a giant map like she's Ferdinand Magellan. -Clarke has no idea how lucky she is they dropped them on the wrong mountain! Shh Clarke, mount weather is for season 2… -uggg Shumway in there trying to look like a normal human and not a terrible person that just forced Bell to shoot the chancellor. -sidenote- JACKSON! -welcome back Magellan…like what is she even doing right now? where did she get a ruler?! -also Wells saying “where did you learn to draw a straight line? its not like you're somebody that draws a lot and should know how to draw an actual straight line…” -I forgot how much Murphy sucked season 1…like great job on the character development Murphy! -Bellamy and Octavia having a speech about trust is just very depressing when you think about their relationship season 3… -Dude, Clarke is not here for the earth right now…she’s #overit. -Jasper being Jasper and forgetting Octavia’s entire life story. -Ok, so like they show this funky two headed deer but then never went back to stuff like that again- hope they show some animals like that season 5. -the dr. has become the patient. #obligatorygreysanatomyreference -ugg shumway…also that mugshot though… -you’re telling me Murphy really didn’t know how to spell die?! like no…murphy is not that dumb…. -Bellamy “someones gotta help me run things” blake is not incorrect- somebody does..her name is Clarke Griffin, you’ll fall in love with her, then be split up, heads and hearts and all that 2,199 days and such…its all very dramatic… -Also the river monster thing- we never heard from it again? like what gives? -Bellamy convincing everybody to take their wristbands off is peak Bellamy…like he could convince a vegan to eat a hamburger… -poor Wells, he and Bell were never going to understand each other’s points of view because their experiences on the Ark were the most drastically different. It would have been interesting to see them develop if Wells had lived… -the original “whatever the hell we want” it brings tears to my eyes -I feel like all of Jackson’s lines are “Abby! “ and then a lot of words i have no idea what they mean. -dang it Kane…look how far Kabby has come… -Can we all just remember that Kane is the reason Clarke was arrested and charged?   -Kane saying “ I choose to make sure the human race stays alive no matter what the cost “ in 1x01 with no feelings and complete conviction and comparing it to him saying “this is how we save our people” at the end of 4x12 through tears is basically giving me chills. Marcus Kane has come such a long way and sometimes its easy to forget his journey but its been a great one… -putting Abby in Clarke’s cell…still savage after all these years…ya’ll aint got other cells to put her in?! #yallwrongforthat -the glowing forrest!! wish we had seen more of that in season 4… -also how funny would it have been if Ilian had just walked by with a sheep? like “hey  sorry, I'm in the wrong season but hello there!” -ugg Finn is terrible. He ruins the name Finn for me, and i LOVED that name… -who just uses the word “ bipedal” on a Tuesday?! -Callie begging Kane to show mercy just like he begs the grounders to show mercy later in the show. #irony -i love how in the pilot we are supposed to think Kane & Bellamy are the bad guys and Jaha and Finn are heroes when in reality its like nah dawg its the opposite. -I wish we got more of a backstory on Abby and Jackson, i imagine him being like her young protege following her around everywhere… -That 11th hour save though…#Jahainthebuilding -“see you on the other side” annnnnd I’m a puddle of tears #RIPJASPER -serious question-why do people need jackets on the ark?! wasn’t it climate controlled?! -when the spear hits Jasper and everybody collectively is like “dang its that kinda show?!!”
In summary, if you just watched the pilot you’d think “gee this is another CW show but this time its set in the apocalypse” I even remember thinking i liked “Starcrossed” (the other show that premiered that year) better…Which was dumb, that show was terrible. But its true what they say, this show gets better each episode. TOTALS: number of times i cried thinking about how a character in the pilot is dead now: 6…at least 6. number of characters that I loved the first time i watched it but now hate:1…Finn. I was young and impressionable the first time I watched this-I thought he was dreamy… all in all i give it a 4 wristbands out of 5 wristbands.
until next time, may we meet again, -JRWT
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