#twoots stories
pluraljerma · 5 years
31 days of pride
Based off of @whatsnew-lgbtq’s post
Day 2: positive queer experiences
One of my fav queer experiences was “exploring” the “haunted building”
When I went to school w my now gf (they/them) we stayed after school every day at the library at the high school next to the middle school we went to (confusing ik lol) one day a couple months before the end of the school year they convinced me to go with them into the hs after the end of the day. Since neither of us where in hs yet it was mysterious and spooky when empty. Especially one of the buildings which we dubbed the haunted building. We wandered to there and sat on the stairs, looked out at the construction happening off of campus and talked. I think it was about true crime and their old home town.
I have this vivid memory of being in the stairs of the haunted building. I was looking up at them tell a story, holding my flats and as I feel the cool concrete of the stairway. The sun was shining in some weird specific way and I just looked up at them and thought “oh god. I’m in love.”
We didn’t go back there too often. Just a couple times before i confessed my love, we started dating, and I moved away. I haven’t been back to that school since I moved but they go there now and they’re told me that the “haunted building” was the math building. Makes sense.
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madd-information · 5 years
This is long so I submitted it this way instead of sending in like 1,000 asks. Hope that’s okay?
Hi I’m Twoot and idk if I have (have? Is that the right term?) madd but I might and I’m looking into it. I’ve tried to do some research but idk how well it matches up. For as long as I can remember I’ve sort of created my own worlds or pretended that I was part of some that already existed (based off of youtubers, shows, books, etc. When I was younger it was a big mix of me as a person experiencing it and a character as me experiencing it but recently it’s just been me as characters) It’s not *all* of my life but when I sat down to write this all out I realized how much it happens. and I’m an only child living with only my dad so i didn’t have many real ppl to play w growing up and I have a lot of alone time. I spend a lot of my (mostly) alone time (walking to and from school, being home alone, in bed at night (so much plot in the stories/worlds I build happens at night), and even sometimes in social situations,, tho it depends) doing what I have dubbed in the latest years “The Characters Thing” (I’m just going to call it TCT for now bc I’m not %100 sure if it’s madd or not so that’s just what I’m going to refer to it as here)
Usually when I get into something (bc of my adhd when I get into a fandom type thing I hyperfixate and *rly* get into it) my whole world revolves around that thing. I create a sort of au and story in my head and they often times never wrap up before moving on to the next one. While I’m involved in one of my hyperfixations I usually do TCT about them and start a storyline which I continue throughout my day. These can last from one afternoon (tho that’s p uncommon) to months. They change as my hyperfixations change bc once I tire of those the characters/world no longer interest me and my hyperfixations usually last for a couple months. Right now I’m into Moomin so for example I would be Snufkin or the Joxter (it switches who I am A Lot depending on what’s happening in the story/ where I am while I’m doing TCT bc I don’t know if what I’m experiencing is actually madd) and go thru parts of the story I’m making as them. I don’t think of myself as becoming them ig?? Looking back I’m still me,, I’m the body,, the one experiencing things but during TCT the concept of “Twoot” (me) is gone and I perceive things and react to situations (irl or in the story in my head) as the character. It’s never in third person as I am always a certain character and even if I imagine others I do not act as them even tho I sort of control them. Another thing I forgot to add is that I can switch between what character I am. It often varies from world to world and story to story but sometimes I switch characters randomly bc my mood changes and the way I’m acting would better fit another character or my hyperfixation might shift and maybe a different character seems more appealing at that time. It’s like when you’re reading a fic and some of the chapters are in the POV of a different character. Tho for me it’s never third person no matter what. I always see it thru the eyes of the character I am.
There can sometimes be multiple worlds/stories happening at the same time which sometimes stumps me on what one to continue with when I do TCT. The stories never happen at the same time but if there are stories that are super short (last for only an afternoon or so,, but again these are super rare) there might be characters from multiple things in the same place. One recently for me was a world of me walking back from school after a stressful class where two characters (strongly tied to emotions. The three characters here are the only ones that are tied to emotions and pop up when I am feeling a certain emotion. Tho there are exceptions like there’s a character that always pops up when I’m stimming.) Who represent pettiness and anger (Marvin from Falsettos being the main one. (The only time when I act as him is when I am feeling petty or selfish and angry bc falsettos isn’t my hyperfixation anymore and I wasn’t usually him when it was my hyperfixation) Little my from Moomin was the other but unlike Marvin me feeling angry isn’t the only time she pops up bc that’s not all she’s included for and she’s part of my current hyperfixation) where talking to me (At the moment I was snufkin from the Moomins who i use to make my emotions stable bc he is always calm and collected. He’s also the main character I am rn bc he’s my favorite and from my current hyperfixation) even tho Marvin is not from Moomin and little my and snufkin aren’t from falsettos. This kind of world with mixing characters and it being so short (only lasted for half of my walk home) is v v uncommon tho it does happen. It is also an example of one of the kinds of situations that happen when I do TCT.
There are three kinds.
One: Real world. This is where the characters (Sometimes just the character I am and sometimes there are others around me) are responding to things that are happening around me activity. Example: Worrying about a test I have, playing a video game, or doing something activity that is happening irl. This can easily bleed into the second type if I am doing something nonspecific like walking home or eating dinner.
Two: Imaginary situations: This is where I am doing something during TCT that I am not doing in the real world. Example: irl I am in bed but durning TCT I am walking around the forest(little irl movement and acting bc I am lying down and I cannot speak bc I might be heared by my dad) or irl I am just home alone but during TCT I am going shopping with another character (a lot of irl movement. I can talk, run around, grab props to use and use them, etc.)
Three: Including other people: This is why it doesn’t affect my social situations negatively. This is where I am interacting with other people and see myself as one character and those around me as others. This usually follows the rules of the forst kind bc I base things around what is actually happening. If I am around my little cousins sometimes I can play with them and suggest what we play using the world I’m focused on at the time (it’s not that weird bc I’m 14 and we don’t see each other that often but when we do we’re all v close and it’s not as weird or forced as it sounds) and I’m the character I am at that time and might even suggest them to be other characters from it. If not this can actually star a branching work with my cousins ocs as characters that I might or might not use if I continue that branch. If I am around friends we don’t play that often anymore bc were all about 14 so we play less and less but there was a long lasting hyperfixation that rly was great for TCT bc my friends where into it at the same time and often played and/or rped as these characters. So sometimes they might play along but most of the time for type three I only imagine them to be other characters. I assign them a character that matches who they are and hang out with them as I act on the way my character as they and build the story in my head as things happen irl. Examples: irl I’m eating dinner at a restaurant with my dad and grandparents but during TCT I am the character eating dinner with the other characters in the world in my characters dining room, irl I am in the ocean on a beach trip with my friends but during TCT I am a Character that is trapped on an island and swimming to somewhere else with the few other characters for company, or irl I am in a car going to a friends house while it’s late with her mom driving us but during TCT I am the character on a train traveling to to town for the first time to go to an inn while I chat with a character that is a stranger (even if irl she’s my best friend) and the nosy lady in front of us who keeps interrupting our generally peaceful train ride
I am always aware that I am doing TCT and usually (I think? I’ve never tried to specifically shut down any “sessions” of TCT) in control of when it stops/starts and there is no inner world. I am aware of what the body is seeing, hearing, feeling, etc. irl but TCT is happening on top of it(?)
If there are other characters besides just me in a scene (unless I’m with other people and assign them a character that suits them in my head) I see them even tho they’re not there? They are invisible but I can tell what they look like and where they are at any given time. In the “scenes” im never “transported” anywhere. Sort of. I can decide where the room I’m in is in the story (like I say that my room is really the inside of a tent or that the restaurant I’m in is the dining room of my character’s house) but it’s the same as how the characters look. I perceive everything as it is but imagine that things look different. This also happens with real people I assign characters to in my head. My eyes see the people but my brain, ig in my minds eye sees what the character they “are” looks like.
There are multiple different reasons that TCT happens for me. Most of the time it’s because I’m bored (I have adhd-pi (the inattentive type) so this happens quite a lot) but I also use it to deal with situations I want to personally distance myself from.
Like because I have sensory issues it’s Awful for me that I have to go out to eat with my grandparents every week and have to hear them chew food. So I start doing TCT and handle things how my character would handle it. If I end up spiraling and breaking down then TCT is torn away and my mind stops thinking of that as I am too preoccupied with the breakdown (usually dealing with personal things so it’s harder to place a character on it)
I have recently started to use TCT to my advantage during breakdowns and either acting as a more stable character they ig to calm themself down OR be Twoot (me) (this is v uncommon for me this past year or so unless it’s to do what I’m explaining now) and have the characters “there with me�� to calm me down. It all depends on the specific experience.
What makes me question if madd is what I’m experiencing or not is bc It doesn’t usually affect my social life; if I’m doing TCT I just have my friends/family be other characters (tho I don’t tell them this ofc) and it’s not like an actual dream. I still experience reality while it’s happening and it’s not too vivid (I have memories of the parts of stories like they really happened but as I explained before things seem sort of transparent so they aren’t too detailed) also it’s not third person. I have to experience it in first person weather I’m acting it out (this is ideal, I do this if I’m home alone or walking somewhere alone. If I can’t speak and move around to act them out I mouth things out and imagine that I am doing the things, but not rly bc I imagine doing things in first person if that makes sense, or if I rly have to it all happens inside my head but that’s only if I’m in a social situation where I can’t move around. If I’m in a social situation with friends I can move around in I move and and act in the ways that the character I am at the moment would/ is in my story and have my friends be the characters while I build the story around what is happening irl)
If there’s anything else I should explain but at this time that is all I can think of to share. I hope this makes sense. If it’s not madd do you have any idea what it could be?
I always thought me doing this was normal then when I realized it wasn’t I thought it was just my adhd but I had kind of realized it might be something else and it made me think after I brought up the fact that I did this to my therapy group as a way to distance Myself from situations that are uncomfortable and deal with stress so I decided to do some digging and madd seemed rly close but I thought I’d ask someone before I go and self diagnose let alone talk to my dad about it.
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musicnmojitos-blog · 5 years
NoEXIT's Derek Mcnally Talks 'Powerstation' and a Reunion 15 Years in the Making [Exclusive Interview]
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NoEXIT put on on a flawless showcase back in May at the Gramercy Theatre, and now they are getting ready to drop their newest album, Powerstation, on October 11. The anticipated release marks the band’s first album since their 16-year hiatus as one of the most influential boy bands in the modern era of pop music.
Music & Mojitos recently caught up with Derek Mcnally of NoEXIT in an exclusive interview. Mcnally spent time reflecting on NoEXIT’s most recent concert in the Big Apple, and remembered why it was important for the band to come back and rightfully reclaim their prized thrones in NYC.
“New York is a special place for us guys. We’ve spent a lot time there over the years because a lot of our press and PR was based in the city. It was great to go back,” Mcnally tells Music & Mojitos. “We’ve done a couple of shows there in the past year or so. We love performing in New York.  We performed on Good Morning America, which was so much fun. It’s really one of our favorite places.”
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The band’s performance on ABC’s GMA marked an official new era for the reunited trio. Along with Mark Jeremy Barry and Stephen “Ste” Adel Burns, Mcnally did a mashup of their new single, “Bullet Train,” and the song that first put them on the map as true heartthrobs to be reckoned with, “Back Here.” It was a righteous mix of old and new, and the group’s diehard fans couldn’t get enough of both songs. The vibrant smiles showed on NoEXIT’s faces. The guys were finally enjoying their moment in the spotlight as a well-oiled machine. Mcnally says that getting pleasure from doing the frenetic talk show appearances wasn’t always the case during their first go-around.  
“The first time we were doing the media circuit—we were all kids. We were so busy and lost. It was a whirlwind. We didn’t really stop to breathe and take it all in. One thing that changed this time is that we’re enjoying it that much more. We’re taking it all in,” reveals Mcnally. “We are enjoying our experiences with the fans. It’s great to see the fans come out. We’re spending time with them. We’re loving this second run, and we’re getting phenomenal feedback.”
Mcnally isn’t wrong. The continued outpour of support for NoEXIT’s dreamlike comeback on social media has been tremendous. Constant Ello posts, twoots, and EyeEm comments praising their song “Bullet Train” has become customary for the band. The singer speculates why the track hits deep for NoEXIT’s ardent fanbase.
“‘Bullet Train’ was the first song that we wrote together in 16 years. It’s quite a special song for us. It was actually a quick one to write. We wrote it within a couple of hours with our good friend Steve Chrisanthou over in Yorkshire. It was one of those songs that just became something bigger,” says Mcnally. “When we wrote it, we immediately knew it would be a good one as our first single because it’s just so NoEXIT with the trademark three-part harmony chorus. It’s catchy, and we thought it would be a great start for the album.”
From start to finish, Powerstation marks the triumphant return of a band that once rivaled the likes of *NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys. Listeners would have never guessed that NoEXIT split all the way back in 2003 by listening to their latest material. They don’t miss a beat, and prove that they can still hang with the very best of the new generation of musicians. Just as “Bullet Train” opens up with NoEXIT’s familiar, unforgettable sound, “Powerstation” concludes the album with a story that captures the very essence of the group. MCnally tells Music & Mojitos that the track list isn’t a coincidence.  
“When you write an album, the sequence of the tracks are really important to get right. It just felt like Powerstation was the right track to close out the album with,” states Mcnally. “Lyrically, it’s a song about reflection and the old days. It really felt like the perfect way to close out the album.”
What’s old is new again, and Mcnally is aware that his latest chapter is just beginning—even though his journey has gone through many twists and turns since NoEXIT’s lengthy hiatus. His latest phase is one of celebration, and filled with a ceaseless amount of original music.
“Speaking on behalf of Mark and ‘Ste’ as well, 15 years is quite a long time. We’ve all experienced a lot of life in that time. The good thing about that is that we’ve got a lot of things to write about, and a lot of experiences to draw from for inspiration.”
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As for what Mcnally has learned since his younger years?
“I’d like to think I’ve gotten a little wiser,” he laughs. “It’s just great to be back. I feel like I’m still that same, passionate guy who has that deep love for music as I did 15 years ago.”
Dedicated to bringing NoEXIT back into the limelight, Mcnally assures his devoted fans that after Powerstation drops, they won’t have to miss the band for an extended amount of time going forward.
“We’re going to announce more shows. We’ll have some things based around the launch in October for the fans. We’re excited to put it out into the world. It’s been a long time. Hopefully it won’t be another 15 years until we release another album,” concludes Mcnally.
NoEXIT just announced their new North American and UK tour dates in support of Powerstation. The "Back Here" tour is set to start on November 3 in San Diego, and will wrap up in Glasgow on December 16. Starting today, fans will have the opportunity to purchase tickets. Additional tour dates can be found below.
Tour Dates
11/3 House of Blues / Voodoo Room - San Diego, CA
11/5 Belasco Theater - Los Angeles, CA
11/6 Slims - San Francisco, CA
11/7 House of Blues - Anaheim, CA
11/15 Epcot/ WDW - Orlando, FL
11/16 Epcot/WDW - Orlando, FL
12/12 02 Academy Islington - London UK
12/13 02 Academy 2 - Birmingham, UK
12/15 Academy 3  - Manchester, UK
12/16 Oran Mor - Glasgow, UK
Banner photo by Allister Ann
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Headcanons about Revali's s/o getting captured by an enemy, and what his reaction is?? (The enemy could be Ganon or any other monster, I'll leave it up to you!) I'm ready for some ANGST my dude...hit me with your best shot
TWOOT TWOOT MOTHERFUCKERS HERE COMES THE ANGST TRAIN (sorry about cursing, I don’t mean it literally, I love you all very much)
-Mod Pinks
S/o captured by enemy (Revali, angst version)
Yes, he is a warrior. And yes, he knows he need to stay calm in order to increase chances of saving them.
But mercy on the enemy? Not happening. 
When he spots them, the first thing he does is try to spot his love. 
And he does, he spots them
More accurately, he spots them as they look up to the sky to him, hope light up in their eyes as they whisper to him
And then the Moblin’s ax splits their head in two.
All the Rito warriors who went with him that day as friends, left there swearing to never say a word of the carnage that followed to a single soul. There is nothing left of the enemy that night.
Revali is inconsolable as he clutches their body close to him, the screaming sob that escapes him is said in later legends to be so loud that his Divine Beast cried out in it’s master’s shared pain. 
His people give s/o a proper Rito’s funeral, and Revali spreads their ashes to the sky.
He never loves again- the look in the eyes of interested remind him too much of their look, their eyes.
The Rito village as a whole mourn the loss, and their death is passed down as a story, long after Revali has joined them in the afterlife. 
It is a Rito tradition to kill the Moblins that live in the camp where the ancient Moblins had every blood red moon to honor their champion and his love’s tragedy
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gobrandrootweb · 6 years
Finds - Stories • Re: The key to what? Plus other bits..
Hey twoot You’ve inspired me to read more (Again) Tis a Big subject- keys Thanks for the links
Twit is a four letter word Lowland, you'll not escape it by twooting and twite'ing .
Live a little -spread your wings Twoot has such a nice Ring to it
Statistics: Posted by Lowland — Mon Mar 26, 2018 11:21 pm
Finds - Stories • Re: The key to what? Plus other bits.. published first on https://pickmymetaldetector.tumblr.com/
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pluraljerma · 5 years
31 days of pride
Based off of this post by @whatsnew-lgbtq
1. Coming out stories
Okay so here are my three favs/ the ones that are most important to me. I’ll tell them in order:
1. To my best friend @bookish-ocelot
A couple of my friends and I were trying to write a story (which never got done but there’s no surprise there) and I was talking to Bookish about my character G as I was making them. Now, G was based heavily on me bc our story was basically self inserts into a magical world. So while we were talking I said (bc I was iding as pan at the time) “On a totally unrelated note ((read: v related)) How do you make a character lowkey pan?” And she was basically like (jokingly) “Hey man is there anything you wanna tell me?” So I explained that yes, I identified as pan and she took it rly well. I kept her updated as my labels changed bc those times where more of just a “heyy so I think I’m polyro”
2. To my other best friend (We’ll call her E)
Just like with Bookish, at this time I was iding as pan.
This one was probably the most nerve-racking and idk why. I had waited until pan visibly day and on that morning I found her and told her I needed to talk to her. We found a corner of the choir room that I had homeroom in and shakily said “Happy pan visibility day!” She responded with “oh okay yeah happy pan visibility day I guess?” And I sputtered out “Yeah so.. that’s.. that’s me!” It was very awkward because we both didn’t know the proper way to word things but she was accepting and we awkwardly laughed as she responded with a thumbs up, hug, and “cool.. I uh.. Congrats? Cool haha..” (She came out to me as bi a few weeks later lmao) SAme as Bookish, I just kind of updated her as I figured my self out more.
3. My dad
I wrote a letter for him. In it was my sexuality, explanations of the labels I used, and why I knew I had to give the letter to him. (I’m still not out as trans to him) I had been planning exactly how it all was going to go for Months before the day finally came. Bookish was going to take me to see falsettos (If you haven’t heard it yet I totally recommend it!) and I was going to put the letter on our kitchen table with a note saying not to open it till I told him to, go see the show, and text him at intermission to read it. Things didn’t quite go as smoothly as planned for the actual plan. My phone had been acting up before that and that morning as my dad tried to fix it, he broke my phone. He said I’d just go without it for the day and He’d take it to get it fixed while I was out. At school, I started to worry. I knew that because I had no phone I could just use Bookish’s but what if I texted him while he was out to get my phone fixed and didn’t read it on time? I knew I wouldn’t be able to stand him reading it in front of me or even while I was in the house. I had to take my chances though. When we got to falsettos Bookish and I actually got seats seprate from her parents (which made it easier to talk about the plan actually, I got lucky because I didn’t even think about that) and when intermission finally arrived I asked Bookish for her phone and texted my dad, telling him to read it. It was at 12% so I was actually very lucky to be able to send it. We waited in anticipation for a few minutes but he soon responded telling me the he loved and accepted me and that who I love or don’t love would never change his love for me. It was surreal. So different from coming out to any of my friends. I happy flapped a lot and couldn’t stop grinning. Bookish’s dad assumed we were just in love with the musical and talking and grinning about that (I mean we were,, it was Such an amazing musical but it was mostly because of my coming out) and ended up getting a picture of me with my hands over my mouth grinning as I was freaking out. The rest of the night was great, not only because of the production but also because I kept thinking of how He knows. My dad knows. It was amazing and surreal. When I got home that night, I was incredibly tired but my dad hugged me and told me he loved me. Oml it was just,,, idk djdbdhdj
So yeah uhhh that’s my top three coming out experiences! I almost cried a bit writing this oops
I look forward to these posts! I love talking about my identity and my life stories so this’ll be fun. :)
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pluraljerma · 2 years
gonna meet one of my mutuals irl today
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gobrandrootweb · 6 years
Finds - Stories • Re: The key to what? Plus other bits..
Hey twoot You’ve inspired me to read more (Again) Tis a Big subject- keys Thanks for the links
Twit is a four letter word Lowland, you'll not escape it by twooting and twite'ing .
Statistics: Posted by Twit — Mon Mar 26, 2018 10:42 pm
Finds - Stories • Re: The key to what? Plus other bits.. published first on https://pickmymetaldetector.tumblr.com/
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