honeymaki · 3 years
Gonna repost a few fics later - namely the fluff nd super gay ones🥺🥺
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honeymaki · 3 years
comphet IS real and it doesn't make you any less valid for experiencing it. it's a direct consequence of the sexist society we live in, and denying it is extremely ignorant. i don't even know why that person is following you, they're such a waste of time. anyways kitty you are valid, comphet doesn't make you less of a lesbian and we love you very much <3
It was some gold star lesbian who commented on a load of my posts, like they went through my stuff specifically to call me out? Sounds like someone really wanted to kiss my ass
Lots of people experience comphet in different ways, and they don’t always realise what it is. Mine comes from the whole idea of ‘the only person who could love me as a fat person is a big strong man so therefore I am only attracted to men’. Isn’t that compulsory heterosexuality? If it isn’t? Please enlighten me, cause other than my mental illness which convinces me of things that aren’t real - I like pussy. Thank you for being so nice nd kind:(( I really appreciate it, specially since m having stinky comphet brain:((
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honeymaki · 3 years
1) comphet is very real especially as someone who experiences it and has many friends who do as well
2) about your comment for what is comphet or not do you want me to link you the lesbian masterdoc? it talks about a lot of common comphet experiences and explains it really well
Thank you bab, issokay though, I read that a few months back when I started questioning my sexuality, it was more of a rhetorical question for the people who are being mean:(( thank you though, you’re really kind 🥺
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honeymaki · 3 years
Comp het was created by a woman who said that breastfeeding is part of a “lesbian continuum” lol
Lol what u on bruh
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honeymaki · 3 years
hiii, I wanted to ask you something… I came out a year ago as a lesbian to my parents because at the time I was dating my ex and I wanted to be with her without hiding from my parents. The coming out was so bad, they didn’t acknowledge me for 3 months, everything’s cool now. What I’m curious or what’s been bothering me is that now that I’ve been single for half a year I don’t know if I’m a real lesbian. I say this because the majority of fics I enjoy reading are f/m fics, and i really like your blog because it’s like my gay safespace hahaha (i’m sorry if that comes offensive to anyone reading this). I feel secure with your writing but at the same time I ask myself the following: 1) would I really be ready to give head to a man or have a romantic relationship with one? 2) do I feel like this because I’m touch starved and I’ve been alone for half a year, 3) due to reading so many heterosexual fics, am I really a lesbian or am I bi, pan or what? 4) if I indeed like not only women, but men, and people in general, I’m afraid my parents get disappointed on me again….So as you can see I don’t know wtf is going on….Oh the question about if I’m ready to be with a man, my answer is always no, I don’t see myself being in a heterosexual relationship
okie imma break this down a lil, thank you for feeling comfortable enough to come to me about this.
so first, im so sorry that coming out was difficult and traumatic for you:(( I am however very proud of you for doing so, for not wanting to hide and sticking by your girlfriend at the time. im so sorry your parents treated you that way, you do not deserve that, at all - im so sorry baby but you said everything is cool now? so that's a plus.
you've been single for half a year? that's okay, that's chill, means you have some time to yourself to figure some things out, learn a few things about yourself. as for being a 'real lesbian', there's literally no such thing. the only thing a lesbian is sure about, is the fact they are attracted to a woman. they can have aesthetic attraction to men, I saw a pretty attractive guy the other day but can I see myself in a relationship with him? no. can I see myself sucking his dick or letting him fuck me into the bed? nope. just cause you find a guy attractive, doesn't make you any less of a lesbian.
the touch starved thing I can 10000% relate to. I have never ever had a relationship, I've never had a 'someone', and sure I have days where im happy for that, it'll chill, it's whatever, the right person hasn't come along yet and that's okay. but recently, I've been really fucking craving someone, anyone, a woman, a man, a non binary person, a cat, a fucking plushie - cause everyone around me has someone, everyone has someone and it's lonely. I think you might be suffering a little bit from being with your ex, and then being on your own. you want company, you want someone and that doesn't make you any less of a lesbian.
as for the fics? bruh I read like three heavy breeding fics earlier and jerked off to some dumbass hetero gangbang erotica the other day. it's porn. so what if you read a lot of hetero stuff? so what if you want bokuto from haikyuu to fold you in half and fuck you till you can't walk? he's not real, none of it is. they're fictional characters which are a whole lot different to real men, which suck. just because you want to get dicked down by a fictional character, that doesn't make you any less of a lesbian.
you lowkey answered your own question. are you ready to be sexually intimate with a man or have a relationship with him? no. that's chill! that's one step in the direction of figuring things out. I want you to ask yourself a few lil questions for me okay?
1) if you see a man, do you think "I like him" or "I want him to like me"?
2) can you seriously imagine yourself sucking a cock? like go and watch some blowjobs, amateur stuff not studio stuff, and imagine yourself as the giver. is that something you can see yourself doing?
3) this may be weird, but any time I'm having comphet feelings, I always do two things - I imagine myself lying in bed naked with a man, and his soft dick touches me and I retch; and then I venture on to straight tiktok. I don't need to say anything else.
don't be too quick to label yourself alright? if you feel like maayyybee you wanna try something with a guy, get on a dating app and have a try! there's no harm in it! if you don't like it, then ghost him, if you do then right on!! but if I were you, I wouldn't immediately label yourself in front of your parents, just in case they have a meltdown or something - which im sure they won't but you never know.
so......1) you are touch starved, but that doesn't mean you aren't a lesbian, you probably just aren't used to being alone and need a hug. 2) just because you read hetero smut and a lot of it, that just means you're horny and enjoy good writing; if every lesbian that watches a straight couple fuck on tv, then there'd be no more lesbians. 3) HOWEVER, if you want to fancy a guy, if you wanna suck a dick, there is literally nothing stopping you hun, go for it!! you wanna fuck who you wanna fuck, there is absolutely nothing fucking wrong with that!!! either way, iim here for you alright?? I got you baby, if you wanna cry or shout or scream or want a lil kiss then I got you. ALSO, try listening to Dyking Out, it's a podcast on Spotify and Apple Music that actually really helped me come to terms with my sexuality, and they have so so many topics which might help you too!!!
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honeymaki · 3 years
Hi!! I was just wondering(and you don’t have to say Ofc only if you want to) but when did you realise you were gay? I’m struggling with my sexuality after I fell in love with my girl best friend(I’m a girl too) and I really don’t know who to talk to…I love you page and I find it very inspiring with how open you are about sexuality, good love and vibes 💖
Issokay bab!! I originally came out as bi cause I didn’t have sexual experience with either gender so I was unsure really of who I was attracted to, which I realise now is a very gaslight-y view to have that stems from my upbringing. I spent a lot of time during lockdown connecting with queer people and exploring tiktok, and I was introduced to the lesbian masterdoc which helped me figure out that a lot of my internal homophobia came from my body issues and eating problems, that the only person who could love me as a fat person is a big strong man.
I now realise how awful that view of myself is, so I read the essay and started to learn to accept myself, which in turn made me realise that a man could never support me emotionally or physically in the way I want; any time I saw a man, I’d automatically want them to like me so I’d do anything to make it that way; any time my friends would discuss sex or boyfriends or men, I could never join in cause I felt uncomfortable and isolated. I always connected better with women, I felt more comfortable with them and I do have quite violent past trauma with a man so that kind of sparked some internal questioning.
But also - dicks man, they’re fucking weird and I’ve always had that view. Like in real life? They’re so gross, they smell, they’re squishy and leaky and just fucking weird. Why would I want a floppy meat rod ramming into my pussy when I could have a pretty girl kissing it instead?
You’re welcome to come talk to me about it whenever bab!! I too accidentally fell in love with my housemate, so I understand how you feel ♡♡✿
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