#trying to teach the female employee a lesson isn't gonna work especially not with fear tactics
misa-chan88 ยท 9 months
Me dealing with a sexist jackass that most definitely does not provide my salary no matter how many pennies he throws at the evil corporation I'm employed by trying to use fear tactics against me (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I was abused most of my life by my mother I KNOW FEAR TACTICS WELL FUCKER)
Sj:If this is how you act (I'm paraphrasing I was shaking after dealing with vizzini) they I should talk to your manager
Me:she's over there gesturing around the corner
Sj: *surprised I called him on it* what's his name
Vizzini storms off I see my boss come around the corner less then 5 minutes later sees its me cause I gave him my name as a "fake name" sees its me and peels back around the corner like nope she looks pissed
Apparently he stormed into the back and asked to speak to her was taken aback when he realized my boss was a pretty girl who was even younger then me yeah not a happy man
All this because when I was doing my job he moved his cart blocking me from moving cause I only had so much space to get out and there was also someone in front of me and asked to get behind where I was which I said I was trying to get thru where he'd just blocked me and if he hadn't he'd never had to say anything at all told me to go ahead
Then proceeded to berate me because I should have let him get his cookies instead of being concerned with idk getting out of his way so he COULD get his cookies and I could do my job and he's a customer so he's the one paying my salary
My coworker described him as an unsuccessful mafia boss and thus I'm dubbing him vizzini
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