matriiiarch · 6 years
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MATERNAL INSTINCTS ARE NOT AUTOMATICALLY PROCURED as an immediate response outside the jurisdiction of her own flesh and blood. A slight cringe at the sight of a strange girl found trespassing with a strong sense of emotion already illuminating from a tired expression that remained silently pleading. She watches as the initial reaction of a hand is extended in her direction, as if the intention of some invisible force might render harm. This in itself, causes Morticia’s stance to tighten. Not out of fear, but anger. Her eyes narrowing until the girl’s hand is eventually lowered back down to her side, allowing for the matriarch’s own form to ease in it’s previous tension. Inevitably, Morticia’s face softens, though instead of anger, she now remains somewhat intrigued by the other’s subtle statement. Such a shame it was indeed to be found stranded and threatened by unknown surroundings, but it is the matriarch herself who cannot fathom the sight of a strange child crying within the confines of her own home. Still, there is no lack of sympathy nor an inclination to step forward and comfort the girl with a friendly smile and an awaiting embrace. There was something about her though, her aura prominently displaying a sense of power even through watering eyes and a depleted disposition. With both arms remaining crossed over her chest in a somewhat defiant sort of posture, Morticia’s chin rises as she studies the girl momentarily, head slightly canting to the side. ❝ You are a brave one, aren’t you. ❞ It wasn’t a question, merely a statement of fact. 
@trustbitchin​ cont. from x
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oathmade · 6 years
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bill  denbrough  aes. 014. with  jane  hopper.  ‘  tied  by  void  ‘
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mercnry · 6 years
@trustbitchin ​ ​  /     sc   .
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      ❛     i’m   more   of   a   PANCAKE   guy   .   but   now   you’ve   basically   OWNED   eggo   waffles   and   made   them   your   BITCH   .   good   job   ,   kid   !     ❜
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sawsomeghosts · 6 years
@trustbitchin wanted a starter !
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                 ❝The proof’s in the pudding I guess is what they say.❞  Lydia set down a collection of photographs she had taken of this girl, ones that were taken from a hidden vantage point instead of up close and personal. It was known that she carried her camera around everywhere she went and took pictures of whatever she could. She snapped candids of people at school, people on the street, scenery, things others found c r e e p y that she found delightful...and then this. 
               Lydia couldn’t explain it other than it was PARANORMAL. You come from a house with ghosts roaming around the attic and you didn’t get freaked out by much, much less some girl who could levitate objects. She just wondered if she wasn’t a ghost then what did that make her?  ❝I’m not trying to call you out. In fact if you want these photos you can have them. I don’t have copies at home waiting to exploit you. I’m not vindictive.❞  Lydia cocked her head to the side, looking more curious than intimidating as most found the goth girl to be.  ❝I just want to understand what exactly I took photographs of.❞
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recklesswanderer · 6 years
@trustbitchin ( starter call ) 
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“i’m dealing with a dingus.” 
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byersxbrother · 6 years
@trustbitchin || cont. [ x. ]
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     Jonathan was sat on his family’s couch, knees pulled up, socks on the opposite cushion. He'd been doing his own work, rereading a favorite- that was now an assignment for class. But literature was one of his better subjects, when it came to author’s like Salinger or writers like Poe. It was short works from Hemingway this time.
     The ruckus from the kitchen was more than enough to rouse the teen from his reverie. It was like a gush of wind had rushed through the house, an open window or door, pushing papers and materials through the air. Jonathan sat up at the rustling of papers, looked over the cover of his book, the back of the sofa seat. “Hey-“ it’s not loud or angry. Just a call to get her attention, maybe stop whatever agitation was rising.
     He’s already made his way over to the connected kitchen, bending down to retrieve a few of the tossed about papers. A glance to the pencil markings, deep lead scribbled over letters to cross them out. As the older came over to the table, offered help, he was passing the page back to her, sliding it across the table before pulling over a chair of his own to sit at her side. “Y-yeah, it’s…” Hard for some, he supposed. Just like math and the sciences were his difficulty. “It just takes… some practice.” An attempt to be encouraging, perhaps change her perception for the assignment in front of her.
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loyaltyburdened · 6 years
hc + family
send me  ‘ hc ‘  + a word and i’ll write a headcanon about it regarding my character. // @trustbitchin
i’m gonna break this down from person to person for mike!
TED: mike has NEVER been close to ted. the most they ever bonded was when mike was a small child and would watch TV with ted ( usually sports because that’s what ted liked to watch and mike had no say in the matter ) but as mike got older, the realization of just how LITTLE the two had in common was undeniable and the wedge between them started. it only proceeded to get worse and worse as the years went on. ted never showed any interest in the sort of things mike liked. once it was CLEAR that mike would never be some star athlete, he might as well have become completely INVISIBLE to his father, unless ted felt the need to berate his son with a snarky comment or two. depending on the verse, if ted finds out about mike’s bisexuality things become basically irreparable ( not that they really had much of a relationship to begin with ), with the two already being distant and eventually falling out of contact completely.
KAREN: when mike was little he absolutely ADORED his mother. she took care of him, she loved him, and she made sure that he never went without. it wasn’t until he started getting older that their relationship started getting more strained. when he was little he probably told her a lot of stuff but started getting more and more secretive the older he got. and with her and ted’s deteriorating marriage, and her being so busy with fifty million other things and always having so much on her plate, their relationship unfortunately grew more and more strained. despite her telling him that he can talk to her about anything, and despite her trying to be supportive of him, he has a tendency to feel like she doesn’t understand him at all.
and in season two things just got worse. he couldn’t tell her WHY he was so depressed-- once again, despite her INSISTING that he could talk to her, he knew that he really couldn’t. she wouldn’t understand. so with mike’s bad attitude and karen’s continual stress of everyday life, their relationship, yet again, got worse. i feel like they probably butted heads a lot, similarly to how she and nancy had in season one.
mike LOVES his mother and he truly DOES wish that they could be closer. in fact, at one point, he asks her to teach him how to cook as well as she does. so she does, and it’s nice, but they still don’t get as close as a mother and son SHOULD be. and with mike’s added rebellion as he gets older, it doesn’t help any.
to top it all off, if mike chooses to confide in her about his bisexuality, they grow increasingly distant. that’s not to say that karen doesn’t still LOVE him, but i feel like she wouldn’t FULLY understand it and she’d be more WORRIED for him than anything. nevertheless, much like with ted, mike doesn’t speak to her for a while. then, i’d like to imagine that one day they actually DO manage to make amends and karen actually accepts mike for who he is.
so no, things aren’t PERFECT between the two of them, but they definitely get better.
NANCY: we all already know that mike and nancy don’t really get along in seasons one and two, despite caring very deeply about each other. they have that typical sibling relationship until nancy leaves for college. at first, mike is THRILLED to see her go, but after a while, he quickly realizes just how much he MISSES her and that’s when the phone calls start. it becomes a habit, after a while, for mike to call nancy AT LEAST once every two weeks, ( though sometimes quicker than that if something particularly noteworthy or shitty or exciting happened to him ) and the two actually start getting a lot closer. they both end up maturing a lot, nancy helps mike out with any issues he may have. ( nancy is the very first person mike confides in about his bisexuality and she helps him figure it out to the best of her ability. ) she gives him advice and they end up developing the kind of relationship that their parents could only WISH that they would’ve had in the past. mike would consider himself closer to nancy than anyone else. they still have their silly sibling quarrels, but that’s to be expected.
mike and nancy are already bonded over their traumatic events dealing with the upside down, and sometimes it feels like they’re the only ones they can turn to, so they end up talking a lot about that as well, right along with everything else. whenever she comes to visit they’ll sit and talk well into the night about their family, their lives, and everything in between.mike goes up to visit nancy whenever he can ( and it’s DEFINITELY a welcome break from their parents and hawkins in general ) and nancy always welcomes him with open arms. it always makes him happy to know that if he’s ever faced with any hardships and has nowhere to go, he can ALWAYS go to his sister and she’ll be there for him.
HOLLY: it’s always been a little harder for mike to connect with holly due to their age gap, but he still tries. he’ll listen to her babble on and on about the things that she likes, and they’ll cuddle together on the couch and watch tv shows and movies together. when she’s finally in school, mike helps her with her homework and projects, and when their parents’ marriage starts taking a turn for the worst, mike does all he can to shield her from it. whenever the rest of the party comes over, they’re all more than happy to include holly in their activities, and the basement ends up becoming one of her most frequented spots, even when the party’s not down there. mike ends up taking her down there most times whenever their parents start fighting and he lets her play with some of his old toys. when mike goes off to college, it’s harder for him see her and keep in contact with her, but he always manages to visit home on his breaks.
whenever mike FINALLY gets himself situated and holly is old enough to make her own decisions, if she ever started to feel miserable at home, mike would take her in with open arms. in another au, similar to that, nancy and mike end up winning custody of holly and taking it upon themselves to raise her, completely obliterating any kind of lasting relationship they could’ve ever had later on with their parents.
CHILDREN: mike loves children and wants at least TWO of them as he gets older. in most verses i have, he has two kids: eleanor nancy wheeler and william james wheeler. annnnd after a discussion with @promiseburdened we decided that mike and el would have a third kid named luke robert wheeler.
TL;DR: as mike gets older, he gets pretty distant from his parents. he grows increasingly closer to nancy and holly as the years go on. it’s not until nancy leaves for college that mike realizes how much he misses her and the two regularly talk to each other on the phone. he also goes to visit nancy and stay with her over breaks ( if she doesn’t come back home, that is ). mike also tries to always be there for holly whenever he can. so even though his relationship with his parents isn’t the greatest, his bond with his siblings is stronger than ever-- UNBREAKABLE.
p.s. he def wants to become a dad eventually because he loves children.
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oathmade · 6 years
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bill  denbrough  aes. 013. with  jane  hopper.  ‘  tied  by  void  ‘
          he  hadn’t  the  heart  to  tell  her.  the  small  boy  she  had  met  mere  months  prior  --  it  was  difficult  to  even  say  let  alone  write.  letters  became  short  before  stopping  all  together.  but  she  could  feel  it  too,  to  such  an  extent.  picture  in  hand,  she  searches  in  the  D A R K.  the  connection  made  immediately,  but  not  even  she  could  prepare  for  the  truth.  the  truth  on  why  the  boy  from  Maine  had  stopped  writing.  she  thought,  maybe  he  wasn’t  interested,  maybe  he  hadn’t  liked  her  in  PERSON.  all  of  that,  was  wrong,  so  wrong.  but  perhaps  it’d  be  better  if  that  was  the  reality.  
she  finds  him  at  the  base  of  it.  yellow  raincoat  before  him  in  his  hands.  and  she  recognizes  it.  yes,  he  had  worn  it  one  day  during  the  summer  when  they  visited.  but  it  was  worn,  and  dirty,  and  blistered.  GEORGIE  DENBROUGH,  she  can  read  the  name  but  all  she  feels  is  the  intense  grief  and  sadness  radiating  from  her  friend.  and  he  feels  it  so  potently,  it  leaks  into  his  dreams,  poisoning  them  there,  making  him  imagine  and  dream  even  SEPARATE  from  himself.  she  reaches  out  for  him,  but  he  fades,  g   o   n   e.  
                            G O N E !!
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trustcop · 6 years
trustbitchin replied to your post: Why do I have so many drafts? Why did I do this to...
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zombcy · 6 years
you know how much i love your will, like when the fandom comes back i will probably say that i can’t interact with other will’s because you and i have fleshed our children out so MUCH and you truly understand will byers and his determination to want to live and love and move forward and that he’s not a BABY you’re always blowing me away. always.
Tell me what you enjoy about how I portray my character  //  @trustbitchin
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starbuckskeptic-a · 6 years
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       part of scully is honestly STILL IN AWE about the whole thing. she’d admit, when they’d first arrived in hawkins, she’d been more than a little convinced they were dealing with a case of mental illness running wild with mulder’s rampant imagination. but now ? with the revelation of who this girl is and WHERE SHE’S FROM, it gets a little more real. scully swallows thickly as she settles next to her. eleven, they’ve called her. a number. impersonal. scully hates it. but she wants the girl to feel safe and secure, so she takes a breath and lets it out before revealing her hand.
       ❝ I WAS EXPERIMENTED ON ONCE TOO. ❞ under other circumstances, she wouldn’t go there, but this case is important and it could lead to william, and god scully’s heart aches for this girl. it’s like emily all over again. she wonders if they’re connected, if hawkins lab has anything to do with the smoking man and the people who took her all those years ago. ❝ i was taken to a place...LIKE THE LAB. no one should have to go through that. i’m so sorry it happened to you. but i promise...i’m not like those other people from the government. i want to help you, okay ? ❞
                    { @trustbitchin // liked for a starter }
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willthewxse · 6 years
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[ here is something ridiculous for @zombcy because she’s such a darling and i’m her no.1 fan. it was sad with just her will tho so her bitchin’ bff @trustbitchin’s eleven is here too. ]
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loyaltyburdened · 6 years
“You’re a dork.”
Ed, Edd ‘n Eddy sentence meme // @trustbitchin
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          her comment caught him off guard. he paused, blinked, turned to look at her, blinked again, and his brow furrowed. for whatever reason, it took him a few more seconds to FULLY register what she said. he wasn’t sure if he’d ever heard her actually call him that before. it was certainly a SURPRISE, to say the least.
          there was one of two ways he could play this: one, get defensive and serious, or two, feign hurt and laugh it off. maybe if it had been MAX who’d INSULTED him in such a way he would’ve gone in defensive and aggressive, because he already wasn’t FOND of her and wouldn’t take kindly to any JABS from her, but this WASN’T max, it was EL. he liked el. it was a no brainer.
          with a dramatic hand clutching his chest, mike let out a GASP! his expression shifted into that of a wounded animal and he sent her an over-exaggerated pout.
          “ EL! ” he cried, “ i can’t BELIEVE you would SAY that to me! ” he could only shake his head, momentarily forgetting about the campaign that he was currently setting up. the guys should arrive any minute now. “ you’ve called me a lot of things, but a ‘DORK’? OUCH. i can’t believe you! ”
          with a sigh, he plopped down in one of the chairs, letting his hand fall from his chest. he was finally dropping the charade, idly moving his hand to better adjust the board on the table. not looking up, he spoke again.
          “ and you’re FRIENDS with a dork, so you’re a dork by association. ” he shrugged. “ sorry, i don’t make the rules. ”
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oathmade · 6 years
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bill  denbrough  aes. 008.  with  jane /  @trustbitchin
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trustcop · 6 years
trustbitchin replied to your post “trustbitchin replied to your post: Why do I have...”
ADKHASKJAKSF S A ME THOOOO I have a really bad habit of being distracted. RIP ME But I am GLAD TO SEE YOU K:SDH:SKDHG
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wickedpaths · 6 years
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literally none of this is a surprise.  @trustbitchin   @heartwandered   @witchyrebel   @frcgfce
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