thetriphq ยท 2 months
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๐‚๐‡๐€๐๐“๐„๐‘ ๐Ž๐๐„: ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐Œ๐˜๐’๐“๐„๐‘๐˜ ๐€๐“ ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐๐Ž๐๐…๐ˆ๐‘๐„
May 12th is when our heroes arrive at Vortex. Giggles can be heard as everyone claims their own rooms and beds. The Crybaby's grandparents don't have enough rooms for everyone to have their own, but nobody finds trouble bunking together or taking couches for the summer. Once the newness wears off and night falls, The Wildcard suggests they go down to the beach and pitch a fire. The Nightingale jests that it's because The Wildcard is a pyromaniac, but they detest it. They get drinks, chairs, lighter fluid, and don't worry, The Worrywart grabbed snacks! One can only wonder what goes bump in the night in Vortex....
Welcome to our first plot drop! Interactions are not necessarily needed to be at the bonfire or for our first chapter, but they are encouraged to give everyone a jumping-off point! Keep an eye on the Discord for group-related channels as we gear up for our first interactive event! There is no time limit on how long this plot drop will last. We will simply move onto the next chapter once we're ready!
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thetriphq ยท 27 days
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๐‚๐‡๐€๐๐“๐„๐‘ ๐“๐–๐Ž: ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐Œ๐ˆ๐’๐’๐ˆ๐๐† ๐๐ˆ๐†๐‡๐“๐ˆ๐๐†๐€๐‹๐„
May 13th. Everyone tracks back to The Crybaby's grandparents' house, while the locals return to their respected homes after getting The Elite medical assistance for her sprained ankle. It was so late, nearing the witching hour before they all fell into beds and couches for the night, dreading the hangover the morning after. In fact, the group was so tired that they almost didn't notice that one of their own hadn't made it back to the house that night.
At first, no one panicked. The Nightingale would just... come back at some point. He was sometimes known to wander away, so they all had breakfast. Went to the beach. Got lunch. Had mimosas. Went shopping. Went back to the beach. Had dinner. They started to text, and call, and were all but ready to call the police when there was a knock on the door. The Priss opened the door, expecting to see that The Nightingale had finally come home, only to be met with a letter at the entrance. She picked it up and read aloud the short message,
"Where oh where has your Nightingale gone? Is he in the trees? Or washed underneath the sea?"
Welcome to chapter two! The Nightingale is missing and now time will tell if we can find him! Due to the circumstances, the group fears being alone, so for this event, everyone will be tasked with ONE mandatory thread of a randomized pairing. Threads can be as simple or as complex as you choose, just have fun with it! Here are the pairings:
@lildb & @darcywarren
@whiimsicals & @changelingz
@mirakothari & @kaimp4
@virgilfinch & @eidolum
@ellytorres & @loubriccant
@remimaebarnes & @sk8terboyy
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