#treatments machine
berlingotesque · 3 months
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So. The graphic novel, huh.
The artstyle is pretty good, I can’t deny it. Joey’s design is beautiful, very dilf-coded. Buddy looks… young. VERY young. He’s supposed to be 17 in Dreams Come To Life but somehow manages to look 12 ? Plus, I don't know how to describe it, but he looks very...angry ? Upset ? I don't think his bubbly, awkward personality appears much in the graphic novel, with his gaze being very...severe. He just looks weird, like a 40 years old in a child body. And Norman… Deep breath. His design is…no. Absolutely NOT it. I didn’t expected much but I still managed to be disappointed. I’ll wait until we get to see Sammy and Tom (especially) before expressing what I think is wrong with these designs but… yeah. I’m so sorry, Norman.
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mortysmith · 6 months
In theory i like the idea that rick is growing and developing as a person. In practice it ends up falling short though, because no one balances him out. rick is getting better while no one else is getting worse, and it causes the whole thing to end up feeling a bit stale. The biggest draw, at least for me, has always been rick and morty's shitty dynamic, but it barely exists anymore because rick has been so watered down.
The ideal solution is literally just to make morty into a bigger asshole. Essentially flipping the main characters' personalities would offer a wide variety of conflict into the show, and would also help keep it "fresh".
Instead it feels the writers are pretending that they can't possibly do anything with morty's character, that they have to keep him the same anxious idiot he was in season one. I've said this before, but it's incredibly frustrating to watch the show have no problem with expanding rick's character while struggling with keeping morty's heavily stagnated characterization consistent. Where rick has space to develop between multiple seasons, morty is constantly forced into one of two boxes (smart/stupid) depending on the episode.
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om0000 · 3 days
imagine if westley rlly betrayed wander n sylvia n stayed in the hater empire jk jk unless
#hmmm how do i make him suffer more#hed live such a miserable life#idk i just like that “character gets all they wanted n then realizes it doesnt fulfill them” thing sm#imagine how getting special treatment n then being instantly demoted back to just private again after wander n sylvia escape would feel#im saying like cartoonishly instantly back#its like everyone forgot abt his stupid medal of evil n stuff its just all back to status quo except westley being less enthusiastic n#more n more hyperaware of all the brainwashing#which is actually funny asf cuz peepers n haters brainwasing n propaganda is so bad it only works on westley n maybe like 3 more watchdogs💀#if the watchdogs still have a home planet i like to think they have the craziest propaganda going on down there actually to the point#enrolling in the hater empire is a lot of watchpuppies' dream#its like our thing w every kid wanting to be an astronaut except its every watchpuppy wanting to serve the hater empire#which was def westley at some point#except bro somehow kept that enthusiasm going for 3 years of witnessing hater fuck up n peepers violate workers rights all day every day#wait nvm the propaganda might actually work rlly well considering the eye on the skullship n andys whole thing abt being absolutely#engrossed w haters whatabouts n shit despite never seeing him up close before#damnn imagine that#imagine their war machine evil empire being actually bad n not just silly cartoon aliens (its still just silly cartoon aliens)#this got long asf idk i just lkke#i wanted to say “i just like propaganda” idk how to phrase it right n not sound fucked up in the head#its all propaganda pro propaganda i have a feeling im not alone 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥#pbj
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elfcollector · 6 months
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cbirt · 7 months
As computing power has exponentially grown, machine learning (ML) techniques have gained immense popularity in healthcare – including predicting outcomes for patients with devastating illnesses like cancer. By estimating survival rates and life expectancy, statistical models help patients and doctors make difficult treatment decisions, weighing benefits against risks. Now, researchers at The University of Texas at Arlington have developed a pioneering new ML approach that significantly improves prognostic accuracy for cancer patients. Published recently, their work demonstrates how artificial intelligence (AI) continues advancing precision oncology to avoid under or over-treatment.
The Drive to Perfect Patient Survival Predictions
For patients battling cancer, determining their odds of surviving with or without intense interventions can dictate the quality of life versus longevity tradeoffs. However, traditional statistical models have faced limitations.
As lead author Dr. Suvra Pal explains, “Previous techniques don’t fully capture complex relationships between survival and factors like patient age or treatment details. They also offer limited interpretability into why certain predictions are made.”
By amalgamating sophisticated machine learning with traditional parametric cure models, his team aimed to enhance predictions that guide patients and doctors during difficult treatment decisions.
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lollytea · 1 year
thinking about your actor au ... thinking about Hunter not being allowed to be his natural healthy body weight. thinking about his scars getting covered with make-up. thinking about the gap in his teeth getting edited away whenever possible. thinking about Amity having to appear Perfect at all times. thinking about Luz and Willow probably getting their hair straightened before filming. thinking about all of them getting dressed a certain way for Marketability. THINKING. VERY HARD.
You are so me. I'm always thinking. Always.
Willow didn't even know Hunter had scars until after knowing him for MONTHS because whenever she saw him he was always caked in makeup. Nobody ever noticed when he got a new one.
Hunter wears a dental flipper. Which is basically just a set of false upper teeth that he clips in over his real ones.
Amity is under heaps of stress to perform well in school, to keep up with her acting classes, to stay on top of work, to never appear as tired or overwhelmed, to keep her reputation squeaky.
You read my mind about the hair!! They DO straighten it!! Luz isn't an actor but just like in canon, she fries it to fit in better. All the characters she admires on TV have straight hair.
And I'm so sorry to give this bit of info about Willow but...early on in this AU, she really does not like the way she looks. At all. She's very insecure about it. Tons of young girls fall victim to an inferiority complex from the conventional Hollywood beauty standard but also. It is so SO much worse if you're an actress. And you constantly feel out of place. So Willow allows her big poofy curly hair to be straightened. Braided. Tied back. Whatever they feel like they need to do to make her more palatable to their audience. She's such a doormat before she meets Luz.
They ARE dressed a certain way. Modest. Colourful. Flashy and child friendly. An insane amount of layers and chunky accessories.
But Willow is very aware that the people in wardrobe are way more enthusiastic to dress Amity than her. They dress the two girls distinctly differently. Both aren't allowed to show too much skin but she can't help but notice that sometimes Amity gets to wear tank tops. Or skirts without leggings. But never Willow. It seems like Willow always has to be covered.
She doesn't want to show her bare arms. Or bare legs. She really really really doesn't. So she should be relieved they don't make her, right?
Well....its complicated. Because even if she does not want to dress like Amity at all, it really does reinforce her inkling suspicion. There is something wrong with the way she looks and people want to keep her covered. It's hurts. It hurts quite a lot.
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slutdge · 11 months
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balis77 · 1 year
Gonna hit that “Genuine Character Analysis” blunt and talk about Atraxa and Art for a minute
Ok so in Chapter 4 of the MOM story, we see Atraxa see a museum for the first time and discover art, and also discover that she absolutely fucking hates it. Now, I noticed this was actually pretty similar to her seeing that Ixhel made Vishgraz and getting absolutely pissed at her for it, and I was gonna make a joke about “Atraxa hates arts and crafts lol”, but then I noticed that there is a genuine theming to it that’s pretty interesting.
Atraxa doesn’t seem to hate art or creating specifically, she seems to hate the concept of creating something without an direct purpose for it. She was fine making Ixhel because Ixhel is her tool. She’s supposed to be the extension of herself that can do tasks for her while she’s preoccupied. She doesn’t mind compleation because it’s not creating something, its converting something. But then she sees the art museum, and Vishgraz, and how they were created more or less for the purpose of creating, and she can’t understand it. It makes her angry because it genuinely goes against her entire philosophy. It has no direct reason to exist, so why should it exist? And her answer is that it shouldn’t.
The reason she has this mindset is actually pretty simple and actually a genius way to implement the few bits of lore she got before All Will Be One; she was compleated and effectively reborn by the combined efforts of four Praetors. Elesh Norn, Jin-Gitaxias, Vorniclex, and Sheoldred. The one that didn’t participate? Urabrask, the red Praetor. Red, the color of creativity and self expression. The color of Phyrexians that canonically spend all day making new stuff out of spare junk they find in the Furnace Layer. The faction of Phyrexians that literally encourage making whatever your creativity demands. The reason for her mindset is that she’s literally missing her creativity on account of Urabrask refusing to participate like the others. She was created to be the embodiment of the four other Praetors, so of course anything relating to the one who didn’t show up was completely left out. By design she has no self expression, and she sees that as perfection, so anything that goes against that concept makes her angry. Hell, you can even make the argument that she gets so mad because it reminds her that there is something that she’s missing. That she isn’t perfect.
Just a neat detail I noticed.
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rotzaprachim · 2 years
as a deep Jyn Erso lover I do also wonder if part of the reason she’s kind of.. written as she is in the movie and expanded materials is due to the Disney reticence at actually unpacking the base structures of having a main point pov character who’s both child soldier and a freed prisoner/death camp survivor. that stuff is there, it’s in the text of the movie, but it’s also not something that would be overly lunch-box Strong Female Character cartoon appropriate to dig into more, which is probably... kind of why they didn’t 
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devilsskettle · 10 months
just saw someone call horrorstör by grady hendrix “cozy horror” i’m sorry but in what world. you have to be so removed from the reality of what working retail is like to be like hehe cozy horror because it takes place in haunted ikea :) also like. was it so super cozy when that girl gets possessed and starts choking on her own snot lol like some of the shit he describes in this book is so vile so please explain to me what part of the book is cozy
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thinking abt how much river and the doctor's hiding the damage also shapes thasmin
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mortoinquieto · 8 months
Other than my boyfriend who is huffing and whining and frowning really big at me, how's everyone doing tonight?
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bebecue · 10 days
ohh how was the laser experience ??
OOOOO ok under the cut bc i wanna give a good breakdown
1. price
idk how much it costs where y'all are from but here its super expensive, so i waited until the place i wanted to get it from had their annual sale. i got 12 sessions for the underarms, brazilian and full legs for 1000 NZD (normally 2000 NZD so i got 50% off)
also the laser place i went to kinda scammed me and said i had to buy this tube of after care cream for like 60 bucks... you don't need to, don't make the same mistake i did....vaseline is fine as long as you don't have any allergies or sensitivities to it
2. the experience
so my first few sessions were a little awkard bc i didnt know what to expect. they essentially made me strip down to my bra. for the first 6 sessions, the pain wasn't too bad, just some light stinging where my skin was more sensitive (like around my ankles, knees and brazilian). but hoooo boy by my 7th session, they turned the settings up and i was physically flinching and sometimes yelping - they would ask if i was ok to continue and i would say yes, but dont be scared to speak up if you wanna take a break!!!!
3. the outcome
they say laser works best if your hair is dark compared to your skin.. so if you have lighter hair and/or darker skin, it might not work as well on you. after the 3rd session, i really started to notice the difference. a few months after i finished my last session, i had minimal and slow regrowth. a few months ago, i bought an ipl machine myself, so now that there's minimal work, i just do it myself at home. i just do my underarms, brazilian and my knees since those are the places that still show some regrowth. i haven't done ANY hair removal on my legs in more than a year. same stuff applies - shave before you do it, moisturizer on after, and avoid showering/sweating/swimming for 24 hours after!!
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kissthatring · 2 months
my opinion.. some of her best non folklore/evermore work ... some of her worst work.. all of it Cringe (but fun)
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sawantgroup · 4 months
Best CNC laser cutting machine in India
As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, I don't have specific information on the latest CNC laser cutting machines available in India. However, I can provide you with some popular CNC laser cutting machine manufacturers that were well-regarded globally. It's important to note that advancements in technology and new models may have been introduced since then.
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TRUMPF: TRUMPF is a globally recognized company for manufacturing high-quality CNC laser cutting machines. They offer a range of laser cutting solutions for various industries.
Amada: Amada is another well-known brand in the CNC machinery industry, including laser cutting machines. They have a reputation for producing reliable and efficient equipment.
Bystronic: Bystronic is a Swiss manufacturer known for its advanced laser cutting systems. They provide solutions for sheet metal processing and have a presence in India.
Mazak: Yamazaki Mazak Corporation, commonly known as Mazak, is a Japanese company that produces CNC laser cutting machines. They are known for their precision and innovation.
Han's Laser: Han's Laser is a Chinese company with a global presence, manufacturing laser cutting machines. They offer a variety of models suitable for different applications.
LVD: LVD is a Belgian company specializing in sheet metalworking equipment, including laser cutting machines. They are known for their innovative solutions.
When considering the best CNC laser cutting machine for your specific needs, factors such as the machine's power, cutting capabilities, ease of use, support services, and overall reputation of the manufacturer are important to consider.
To find the latest and best CNC laser cutting machines in India, it's recommended to check with local distributors, attend industry exhibitions, and explore online reviews and forums for updated information. Additionally, contacting the manufacturers directly or consulting with industry experts can help you make an informed decision based on your specific requirements.
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sapphic-woes · 1 year
Cackling I just think this is funny
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