ungoodgatsby · 4 years
Jordeclan fic for day three of TRC/CDTH Prompt Week 2020
I have an idea that might make this easier for you.” Jordan popped the first button of her shirt. “Mutual nudity.” She dazzled him with a devious smile. “Artist and subject.”- aka, Jordan comes up with a creative way to convince Declan to do some nude modeling for some figure drawing practice.
@potterholic1999 This was your request!
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ungoodgatsby · 4 years
One April afternoon when the drizzle falling at a certain moment of twilight made the view outside the living room window look like magic, Persephone floated down the stairs and announced, “We should apply to be foster parents.”
aka, Adam becomes a foster kid in the Fox Way household as a preteen.
Day Four - Adoption AU
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ungoodgatsby · 4 years
going under
For Day 2 of TRC/Dreamer Trilogy prompt week: Hurt/Comfort
A cavern tour during the great Sarchengsey triggers Henry into a panic attack. Blue and Gansey help him recover with cuddles and junk food.
Read on AO3
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