#transkiri x Baku
angst-king · 4 years
the monthly suffering
(Trans kirishima x bakugou..also this involves perverted Mineta and Kiri dealing with the pain of having functioning ovaries)
Kirishima was pushing Bakugou out the door. "go babe, I'll be fine I promise." "you were throwing up twenty minutes ago red" Bakugou protested, Kirishima sighed. "I can take care of myself, now go out and try and have fun." Bakugou grumbled and kissed his forehead "call me if you need anything okay, and you should probably take off your binder because I heard its not good to wear it while...you're on." Kirishima nods, standing on his toes he kisses his forehead. "I will I will, now go out and have fun." He finally got Bakugou to leave with one more 'I love you Red', and now Kirishima was all alone. He went back into his room, and grabbed some comfy clothes. Kirishima was on his period, the awful part of being a trans boy without bottom surgery and the poor boy was suffering. His stomach was cramping pretty bad earlier which was why he threw up, he could feel his ovaries and he didn't want to. Grabbing a soft sports bra, comfy light sweat pants, he had to grab a pair of loose fitting panties because he couldn't wear just his boxers while he was in his time of suffering. He'd just wear loose fitting panties and then loose fitting boxers, just to give himself a little bit of a masculine feeling. Taking them to the bathroom, he goes to take a shower. Undoing his binder, Eijirou turned on the shower water while continuing to undress. When the binder was off he huffed and took a deep breath, knowing his upper back would be feeling sore soon so might as well enjoy this peace for now. Getting into the shower when he was ready, Kirishima washed himself up. The hot water felt great, his body temperature fluctuated when he had to deal with this. So sometimes he'd go from cold to hot very quickly. Though the water was good he knew that standing like this would make his back hurt as well as his feet. He really needed to figure out how to make his entire body comfy but as long as he could get just a little comfort he was okay. Letting the water drench through his hair that went down with ease and laid down onto his face. When he was able to get out of the shower, he could feel the soreness and cramps coming back, he needed to take his pain medicine soon if he was gonna survive this with out crying too much. So he got dressed, putting on his underwear after putting on a pad with it, pulling up the sweats. He was happy that the waist band didn't put any pressure on his abdomen. He then put on the sports bra, Kiri didn't feel like wearing a shirt, he's alone right so why should he? He didn't feel like blow drying his hair so he just used a towel and brushed it out. When he was ready he left the bathroom and went into his dorm. Putting his other clothes into his hamper he grabbed his phone and went to the elevator. Getting down stairs the red haired male goes into the common room, his bare feet pitter patter against the hard wood as he went into the kitchen. Pushing his bangs out of his face, he goes into the pantry, because he couldn't decide on which craving to satisfy. He wanted sweets like chocolate but he also wanted something salty like overly buttery salty popcorn. He couldn't find any soda or pop corn but in the fridge he did find a medium sized bowl of chocolate pudding that a certain student who loved to bake, made. Grabbing the bowl he could help but lick his lips at the chilled bowl, he went and got a spoon. Taking off the plastic wrapping kirishima took a spoonful and soon put it into his mouth, oh yes this was delicious! It was cold but his body still ran a little hotter than usual so this was great. He softly bounced on his tip toes as he started eating out of the bowl. Pacing lightly Kirishima was in his own world as he devoured the bowl. All he knew was he was alone in heaven, well actually he wasn't alone at all. The girls were still here, they were just hanging out in momo's room and were coming down the stairs to the common room to have a girl's night. When they arrived what they saw was a mop of red hair in a sports bra and sweat pants who was this girl? The girls didn't seem to recognize their sunshine peer, well all except for Mina who noticed it was him when she saw how tall the 'girl' was. "k-Kirishima?" Hearing this they froze in their tracks and dropped the almost empty bowl which felt on his foot making him jump and yelp in pain. "Ouch!" The girls approached looking very perplexed at him. "w-wait Kiri?!" Kirishima looked up and immediately covered himself and tried to hide. Mina hurried over "Its okay kiri sorry we scared you" Kirishima still covered himself when Mina came over. He couldn't look her in the eyes, he was already feeling dysphoric and shy. "Here why don't we clean this up, are you okay it looked like it hurt?" Mina asked seeing some of the pudding on the floor, Kirishima nods quietly and goes to get towels, limping softly to get paper towels. Mina helped him clean up, it was hard to kneel down on the floor because of his stomach and back hurting so he was happy to have the help. "There we go" Standing back up Kirishima noticed the girl's staring at him. "u-uhmm" Mina looked back at the girls "don't stare at him please." She requested Hakagure finally spoke since the girls were silence. U-Um Kiri a-are you a girl?" Kirishima felt like disappearing, hiding, anything to keep him from being seen hoping their reactions wouldn't be harsh. Mina answered for him. "Kirishima is a transgender male, he likes to present as male despite his biologically female body parts. He feels male on the inside versuses his female outsides." They all seem to have a look of understanding on their faces Jirou was next to question him. "So why didn't you go with the boys then, usually you're with Bakugou all the time?" Kirishima nods and speaks up for himself still keeping his chest covered with his arms, even with the bra on he felt exposed. "i-i..I um.." It felt so weird to say it even if its in front of a bunch of girls who most likely get their monthly torture time. "I'm on my period" Suddenly the room's mood changed to sympathy, their eyes turned soft and warm. Mina gently rubbed his back and cooed, "Aaw Kiri why didn't you text me?" Kiri muttered about how it was embarrassing. Jirou came back into the conversation to try and make the boy feel better. "Kirishima, no need to be embarrassed around a bunch of girls. Most of us have to deal with our periods too, I know it sucks even more for you because you probably feel all yucky about it. You don't need to cover yourself, it should be us girls and you." "yeah you're not the only one who walks around dressed like that around the dorms" Kendou smiles which seemed to cheer the male up a little, he slowly let go of himself. "th-thanks girls, y-you're really nice." He earned a bunch of giggles when he blushed and and smiles. "Plus you're not the only one on their period right now ya know." Mina mentioned while ruffling his head, which made him whine and rubbed his temples. She with drew her hand feeling that his hair was still very damp. "Kiri hun why is your hair still wet?" Kirishima shrugged. "I don't feel like doing anything with it." "that's understandable, why don't you join us, we're gonna just hang out in the common room anyway, Kiri?" Suggested Nejire, Kiri couldn't say no to the blue haired girl plus the girls were nice and it wouldn't be so bad right. "Okay sure" Sitting on the floor or couches the girl squad and Kirishima, were having a pretty good time. Talking about movies they liked, hobbies and such. While listening to kendou talk Mina was brushing Kirishima's hair out so it wasn't so wet despite his towel drying method. It was a good distraction from the pain that had turned mild after a little bit, though now the pain was starting to get worse. His back ached while his stomach and pelvic area cramped painfully, his head started hurting. His toes curled as he squirmed lightly trying to get comfortable. Some of the girls noticed hearing him whimper softly. "you okay Kiri?" Asked Kendou, Kiri grunts and bites his lip. "C-cramps, e-every thing hurts bad." "Ooh, what do you usually do for the pain bud?" someone asked, Kirishima shrugged while rubbing his temples. "Have you ever used a heating pad or hot water bottle? It usually helps most people with cramps." Kirishima looked up and replied "A what? U-Usually Bakugou will just use a small part of his quirk which warms up his hands and he'll put it on my stomach, it helps a bit." "Aaw that's so sweet of him~" Momo cooed sweetly, Mina gently pats Kirishima on the head who nods in agreement. "Y-yeah, he'll cuddle and rub my stomach sometimes get me stuff from the store if I ask him to." "Omg that is so sweet, I had no idea the loud Pomeranian could be so nice." Smiled Uraraka "Kero yeah though Kirishima must've brought out his soft spot kero." joined Tsu, Kirishima chuckled a little while wincing and whining. Kirishima paled a little feeling nauseous, he then curled up against Mina who frowned and rubbed his back. "Cramps?" "f-feel sick" It was only a minute before Kirishima felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked up a little to see Momo handing him a soft seltzer drink. "It should help settle your stomach" Gratefully taking the pop can, Kiri sipped on it with a small 'thank you'. It did help feeling the carbonation bubbling in his aching stomach and it did dull the pain a small bit. Mina continued to rub small circles into his back. She did manage to tie up some of his hair into a small ponytail so it wouldn't be in Eijirou's face. The girls and Kirishima continued to talk and were now watching videos. In the middle of it, Kirishima excused himself to go and change out his pad. He got that icky feeling that meant he needed to do that also he needed to pee anyway. Walking to the bathroom he took off all three bottom pieces, and did his business. Washing his hands he had the sudden craving again for something salty and he was hungry anyway. So when he came back he offered to get and make snacks for the girls and himself. "hey Kiri do we have any more popcorn?" Inquired Mina "not in the main pantry no" Momo just decided to make a box of pop corn with all the separate packets inside. He put four bags, one in each microwave. Since the kitchen was big, there were multiple appliances for a large amount of students to use. He'd given the girls their bags that they'd share since he knew no one would want to eat his popcorn that he planned on loading with salt and butter. As he made his bag, Mineta decided to come down, the girls hadn't noticed since he'd came down quietly. He'd been spying on them for sometime now but when he saw Kiri from behind. Much like his classmates before, the grape boy couldn't recognize Eijirou as Eijirou. He drooled at the what he was seeing. Kirishima was quite busty for a trans male, and he was bench over watching his popcorn cook. Mineta creeped closer and closer until the midget was just close enough to grab onto both the sweat pants and boxers and pulled them down revealing Kirishima's orange panties. Kirishima shrieks in terror when he was pants turning around and stumbling out of his pants to get away from Mineta who tried to him again. The girls hear this and immediately race over, they all screamed as well. Kirishima kept using his foot to keep Mineta away the best he could, the girls tried to help but bloody hell Mineta was relentless. "How could you keep this goddess away from me she's so hot with such beautiful breast." Kirishima was screaming like a spider was on him forgetting about his painful cramps and tried to pull off Mineta. With the girls's luck the door opened and in came the boys. "We're back~!" Called out Kaminari with a gleeful smile as the boys walked in Bakugou had a bag of goodies for Kirishima since he knew his boyfriend felt awful. Though hearing and seeing the girls hitting something with a broom the boys got confused. "the hecks going on?" Questioned Kaminari then Kirishima growls "get your filthy fucking hands off me you perveted midget!" the turned to see the horrible scene of the girls hitting Mineta with a broom who was holding onto Kirishima's breast and pushing his face in for cover. "oh god someone get him off he's putting his mouth on me eeew!" Exclaimed the red head recognizing the voice Kaminari pulled Bakugou and Aizawa over. They were pretty horrified, "someone fucking help me!" as quickly as possible Aizawa used his scarf to tie up Mineta and pull him off. Which gave Mina, Bakugou, and Kaminari the chance to rush to their friend. Sitting up was a petrified Eijirou Kirishima who was crying and holding his stomach. "hey hey hey babe, its okay now, grape fucker is gone  now." Kirishima still kept crying and just held onto Bakugou who wraps his arms around his boyfriend. "Baby where are your pants?" Bakugou knew his lover wouldn't walk around with out his pants even if Mineta wasn't around. Asui came over holding his sweat pants and boxers holding them out to Bakugou. "H-he p-pants m-m-me" Stammered out Eijirou who cried into Bakugou's strong comforting chest. Bakugou was ready to commit murder but right now he needed to focus on his crying love. The blond took his pants from Asui with a look that said 'Thank you' with out him saying it. "I'm taking him back up stairs" Bakugou states while picking up Kirishima bridal style, the boy sniffled softly while Aizawa nods. "If he needs to go to recovery girl please let me know. I will be handling Mineta" The raven haired teacher glared down at his captured student who was still drooling over his small taste of his own desires. Bakugou takes Kirishima into the elevator then to his dorm. When in Kirishima's dorm, Bakugou set him on the bed. "I'll take a shower with you okay" Kirishima only nods, he felt disgusting feeling sick to his stomach again, not just from the pain but from what had just happened to him. Grabbing some fresh clothes from both dorms, Bakugou took Kirishima to the bathroom to shower. While undressing Kirishima couldn't help but feel as if he'd been violated but didn't know whether he was being hormonal and dramatic. He held his arms over his chest to cover himself from Bakugou, who sensed his partner's distress. Taking him into the hot sauna of a shower Bakugou pulled him into a deep, melting kiss. Kirishima shyly kissed back which made Bakugou happy. "I'm sorry that fucking parasite waste of space did that to you, but I'm here now.." Kirishima whimpered softly "I-I feel so violated, I feel like a girl, the way he spoke about my body doing so i-..I feel sick."  Bakugou brought Kirishima into a hug which lead to him crying more while Bakugou gave him soothing loving back rubs and whispered soft caring words. "You're not a girl, you're a handsome, sexy boy. You're strong and manly nothing will change that I promise." It took a bit before they got out of the bathroom, lots of back rubs, temple kisses, and a bit of Bakugou almost getting thrown up on. Kirishima was still in a sports bra and sweats before leaving the bathroom Bakugou answered his phone to Mina. "what is it pinky?" "yo there's a bag of stuff you left down stairs, also Kirishima's popcorn is burnt  I made him a new bag. want me to bring it up or are you coming back down?" "tch I'll come down to fucking get it." Kirishima looked confused but Bakugou then answered his curious boyfriend. "I've got somethings for you that I'd left down stairs. Why don't you go and get comfortable I'll be up in a minute." Eijirou nods and heads into his room, sitting on the bed, sighing and trying to relax and ignore his on going cramps. Down stairs Bakugou fixed up kiri's bag of popcorn the way he knew the other liked it, even if it did seem like diabetes in a bag. He put a Gatorade in the fridge after putting Eijirou's name on it using a sticky note and marker. Then using their coffee maker to make hot chocolate and put it into a thermos, he made sure Denki didn't steal Eijirou's pringles like the last time. Kaminari came up and sat on the counter watching the ash blond. "How's he doing, he seemed pretty scared earlier?" "tch, he's fucking fine dunce face, just dealing with things" It wasn't hard for Denki to know what Bakugou meant by 'Things' so he didn't have to ask too much about it. "why does he like salty popcorn so much?" "I don't fucking know, he craves salty stuff." Bakugou shrugged, when he was ready he grabbed everything and headed back up to Kirishima's dorm once again. Getting to his room, he sees Eijirou shakily clutching his stomach, Katsuki couldn't help but feel bad for his boyfriend who seemed to be in a great deal of pain. "Hey Ei I've got some stuff that might help you feel better."  Climbing onto the bed, Bakugou sets all the items down on the dresser. Gingerly pulling Eijirou into his taller frame, a soft groan slips from Eijirou's soft lips. "I know you don't feel good babe, just try and relax." Katsuki's voice was gentle and quiet, it held a warm caring tone that seemed to help Eijirou who sighed into him. "First things first, I've got snacks, chips, your pop corn, there's a Gatorade in the fridge and I made you hot chocolate. though you should drink this protein shake just so you can take your pills because pop corn isn't solid food." Katsuki grabbed a vanilla flavored protein shake, opened it and gave it to Kirishima, who sips on it for a while before taking his pain medicine. Moving onto the popcorn, Kirishima put some into his mouth before looking like he'd entered heaven again. "yummy~" Bakugou honestly didn't know how his boyfriend could eat something so salty, but he never questioned it. Kirishima ate through his Pop corn and drank his hot chocolate to distract himself from the pain. Still quietly whining and whimpering, Bakugou then whispered to the other knowing he had a head ache. "want me to do the thing again?" Kirishima knew what Bakugou meant and nodded, so now Bakugou warmed up his right hand like a heating pad and pressed it on Kirishima's stomach. Kirishima softly trailed it down to where his burning ovaries, sighing in content which meant it was helping. "Thank you Katsu" Bakugou gave his cheek a kiss "no problem Ei" Kirishima ended up asleep not long afterwards.
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