surprise starter for @trageadies​
Ethan was a patient man; he could wait for something for a long time - with confidence, he could claim longer than anyone. But he’d be damned to say that this stand-off between himself and Payne had been eating away at him, breaking down his patience as well as his will and self control. Their flirtatious back and forth only added to the attraction and...intimate tension that made itself known pretty much from the first moment he met her at the bar - a place he really didn’t seem to belong. That night he decided to act on the idea of change, to do something he normally wouldn’t (within reason), and it was perhaps the best decision he has ever made - perhaps in his entire life - as it lead to inducting Payne into his life. 
His affection and admiration for her only grew when he discovered she was a mother - while the child did not belong to her biologically, Ethan would be the last one to argue the maternity of the little girl; Payne was her mother, there was nothing that could nor would change that. Being a parent himself (despite the rocky relationship with both of his children, one more so than the other), Ethan had a special place in his heart for children (particularly little Nadia the more time he spent with her, taking his job as her babysitter quite seriously and close to heart) and seeing Payne with her child would’ve made his heart skip beats if the organ had any rhythm to it. 
He extended the offer for Payne to stay, if not for the night then just a little while, as Nadia had been sleeping when she arrived to pick up the child. With the youngling tucked in and fast asleep, Ethan lead Payne to his study room - a quiet and cozy place for them to talk and have a drink together. Their conversation quickly turned heated and tense - not at all in the sense of anger and an impending argument, but in the way they could both sense the desire and want for each other as they stood close with their gazes locked, their eyes speaking so much more than words ever could. 
Ethan’s patience had finally ran out - he was not normally one to act on impulse, but sometimes there was no point in even trying to fight certain urges. 
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The vampire’s hand reached out, one wrapping around Payne’s waist to draw her in closer while the other tangled in the back of her long, dark hair as he dove for her mouth, kissing her with deep and heated passion.
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squarehammered · 3 years
He had no idea why the other felt they could just come up and casually strike a conversation with him, so all he did was stand there with a cigarette in one hand and beer in the other and for the most part only half listened, going out of his way to look as unapproachable as possible.
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chokethelight · 3 years
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“It’s gonna be dangerous. Extremely dangerous. Not to mention they might have metal detectors. Which, you know, can be a problem.”
 (  @trageadies​ - whoever )
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notasymbol · 3 years
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❝ i don’t give a shit how much of an asset to them you are — if you ever do that again, i’ll kill you. do we have an understanding? ❞
@trageadies​ + melitta !
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loyalwolf · 3 years
@trageadies​ // starter call // for melitta
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     “Woah, no! What're those morons doing in there?!”
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deathrazed-aa · 3 years
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𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚖  𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚛  𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖  𝚛𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚗𝚊  ➝  @trageadies​  /  deeks
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          CROSSWORD   PUZZLE   LAYS   HALF   DONE   ON   HER   LAP,    pen   tapping   lightly   against   her   bottom   lip   while   her   mind   wanders.    eyes   settle   on   Deeks’   profile   then   she   NUDGES   her   knee   against   the   papers   on   her   to   get   his   attention.    ❝  i’ve   been   thinking  .  .  .  ❞    the   blonde   PROPS   herself   up   higher   against   the   cushions   of   their   couch    &    tosses   the   newspaper   aside.    ❝  we   haven’t   had   a   date   night   in   a   while.  ❞    a   SOFT   POUT   pulls   the   corners   of   her   mouth   down.    ❝  i   remember   we   quite   enjoyed   them  ;  getting   dressed   up,    eating   at   nice   restaurants,   getting   dressed   down  .  .  .  ❞    Ravenna   gives   her   beast   a   KNOWING   GAZE,    dainty   fingers   brushing   up   the   sensitive   inside   of   his   forearm.    ❝  you’re   not   busy   tonight,    right ?    Lizza   told   me   about   a   place   that   we   could   go   to    &    i   wouldn’t   mind   a   NIGHT   WITH   MY   MAN.  ❞
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failedhero-archive · 3 years
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             “If you know something about this whole- beached whales thing- let me know cause I’m fucking stumped. Every time a whale shows up on the beach a person ends up dead. Exact same time of death. Exact same way. It doesn’t make any sense.” 
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✿     :     rip an article of clothing from their body. // layla to shane
𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐌𝐄 𝐀 𝐒𝐘𝐌𝐁𝐎𝐋 …     (     NSFW EDITION.     )
Accepting, Again
( @trageadies)
He watched with a devilish grin as her fingers worked in discarding both his tie and white button up shirt, ripping the article of clothing in two without a care for the buttons that popped off as a result (he felt the same). 
Teasingly, the merc said, “Damn, Red - could’a just asked me to take it off,” though in all honesty, both of them would agree this method was so much more fun. 
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fidelissimi-moved · 3 years
🎉 We’ve been mutuals for ages, and this makes me so happy!
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stahppp!!! ur so sweet 😊
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chokethelight · 4 years
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It’s been years since Ky’s had this look, but you know what? It’s being brought back for his Lucifer. @trageadies​
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❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️ (one amazing oc right here )
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NO PLEASE. i can't handle this ur so fucking nice
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squarehammered · 3 years
“And... we’re literally just about to start closing up.” Smile offered was kind, though a little awkward. Maybe he could sneak in one more customer, he was sure Lorne wouldn’t mind too much. “You looking to come in?”
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random starter for @trageadies because I’m suddenly inspired
Almost four months had already passed by since she and Deeks had finally welcomed their little one into the world, holding her in their arms for the first time - and even after the hundredth time she’s been wrapped up in their loving embrace, it still felt as wonderful as that first moment. 
Kim was actually surprised, but pleasantly so, at how quiet their daughter was when it came to sleeping through the night. Only a few times did either parent have to wake up to tend to her, feeding and comforting her anywhere between 2 and 4 am before the infant fell right back to sleep. She was such a good baby, the brunette couldn’t have been more proud to be her mother. 
Deeks had since gone back to work, leaving Kim on her own to care for their daughter. Well, not really, as there was always someone from the family who was ready to help at a moment’s notice. Kim was grateful of course, but she rarely needed it as she’s had plenty of practice before, it’s just been a long while since she’s done this sort of thing. But, just like riding a bike, it was incredibly easy to remember how to be a parent to a little baby. 
It was now time to put Kaelyn to bed, Kimberly scooping her up from her playpen and carrying her up to her bedroom after saying goodnight to Sonny and Lilly. As per their routine, however, Kim would read little Kae a bedtime story or sing to her (or both) while rocking her for a good ten minutes before putting her down in her crib. But, before any of that would occur, one thing had to be done first. 
“Okay, baby girl, let’s say goodnight to Daddy,” Kim spoke softly as she sat in the rocking chair placed in the corner of Kaelyn’s bedroom, pulling out her phone to video call Deeks. “Let’s hope he’s not busy.” She tapped the button on her screen with one hand, the other holding Kaelyn close on her lap, lips pressing a gentle kiss against the infant’s temple. 
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queenofgone · 3 years
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It’s time to spread positivity ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
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I follow you because: you are an amazing person and just a positive presence on the dash. Now i've been following you since beaniesandmachetes - about oh 5 ish years now give or take. And i don't regret a single day. Because you are amazing, talented and just flawless. You are an absolute joy and beautful soul monroe, never forget that okay !!
send ‘i follow you because’ 
i get so happy when people have followed me for so long and remember jake! like wow thats awesome that he made such an impression! thank you so much! you’re amazing! 
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shefeeds · 3 years
" here. you're not going anywhere in this state. i made up the spare bed; stay as long as you like. " / deeks
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     “yeah that’s. . . kinda the problem. i have to go somewhere if i’m gonna. . . do what i gotta do to ge back to me again. i mean i’ll stay, and i appreciate the bed. but there’s. . . somethin’ i gotta get if i’m gonna feel better.”
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