#tourists discovering the inner workings of the parisian metro: a riveting sequel
cant-get-no-worse · 2 months
If you ever think you are unprepared for an important event. I am begging you to consider: France hosting the 2024 Olympics. Few weeks ago a guy lost a laptop containing security plans at a train station, only for another guy to lose another laptop containing other plans a week later at a mall center. The body of a child was just retrieved in the Seine, supposed to receive swimming events, water’s quality is so uncertain the government hinted they could just erase the swimming race of the triathlon because ahah, yes indid, zere’s no plan B. The Olympic Aquatic Center was the victim of water leaks and infiltration during presi Emmanuel Macron's visit. A guy fell off his diving board at the inauguration ceremony because they moisturised it too much. In 2021 they showed parisians these grand futuristic plans for the Champs Élysées and Tour Montparnasse modernised, green roofs everywhere, a makeover to end all makeovers, a diamond of architecture. Flash forward today not a single construction has started, there’s rats, garbage, and they are shipping homeless people to the neighbouring departments. Transport company unions are threatening to go on global strike during the event. The security system to counter drones during the opening ceremony will not be effective because Reasons. They’ll raise the metro’s ticket price to 4€ because “walking is good for your health”, as Olympic are held in August, a month known for its light breeze and most agreeable weather to stroll under.
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