#todo's personal arc seemed to be directed towards surpassing enji up until a while ago so maybe that might happen
franeridan · 6 years
Do you have an (unranked?) opinion/hc on who will be in the top 10 for heroes in the future? I guess taking into account the current younger heroes (like Hawks, Ryukyu, Miruko, Mt Lady, Kamui Woods, etc)? Oh and the other schools/grades?
Not really, tbh? My main opinion on this is still that when all’s said and done by the time the kids will be pro heroes the ranking won’t be a thing anymore, so I never really thought much about who would be in the top ten after they graduate... there’s also how the ranking seems to change a lot and often aside from the very top spots, so making an accurate guess there is hard also because at which point in time would this ranking be set, anyway? Maybe one year you have Baku at the top and the next Deku, maybe you get Tokoyami and Inasa in the top five and two rankings later they aren’t even in the top ten, it’s really too volatile a thing to make an accurate guess
As things stand I’m of the opinion that Todo Baku Deku and Kiri might be on their way to be the top four of UA by the time they reach third year, like Mirio and the rest are the Big Three, but once outside, in the official rankings... of course they have a shot at placing high, but then there’s the big three themselves, and a lot of 1B kids who seem seriously good, and of course Momo and Tokoyami and Tsuyu and Iida between the 1A kids as well... then yeah there’s Inasa who’s obviously pretty damn OP, and Shindou seems set to place high as well, and that’s just the students? There’s Hawks, there’s Miruko, there’s Kamui, and then Endeavour, of course, he’s been holding his place since he was barely in his twenties I doubt he’ll leave any time soon, and Best Jeanist and Edgeshot too
I dunno, there’s just too many possibilities to make an accurate guess
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