shihalyfie · 11 months
Do you think Daisuke/Davis is a underrated goggle head because his bad personality in English Dub version?
Yes. No question about it. Well, okay, if there is room for question, it's more that I don't think "underrated" is the right way to put it because I think a good chunk of complaints about American English dub Davis are entirely legitimate, it's just that the "the dub didn't change much" fallacy means that most people don't realize this isn't how he was written in Japanese, that this isn't the character a lot of people (read: anyone working from the Japanese version or most non-English dubs) are referring to when they talk about Daisuke, and, most importantly, that future 02-based material (including the upcoming movie) is not going to be based on what the American English dub did with him.
Of course, this kind of thing is very subjective. But in the last ten or so years that I've seen people become increasingly aware of the Japanese version, I've seen so much of the phenomenon where people who disliked (or even despised) him from the American English dub found him to be one of their favorite characters (if not favorite character) upon watching it in Japanese. This happens with such high frequency that you'd have to be in denial to pretend that this isn't a real thing, and it's probably the disparity I've seen the most with any Digimon character.
Here's the thing, though: I don't think it's a bad thing for a character to be rude or arrogant, in the sense that characters who are human will have human flaws. In terms of sheer rudeness, I like characters from other franchises who are far worse punks than American English dub Davis ever was. The problem is that Daisuke is written with a character arc that's premised on him having always been open-minded from day one (with his real problem being assertiveness and emotional resolve rather than him ever having been condescending or rude), and American English dub Davis's writing does not fit inside that framework. So when you have a character who's constantly dunking on everyone around him, and nobody ever addresses this and instead starts talking about how friendly he is in the second half of the series, it's hard to believe, because it just feels like "this entitled jerk is a really nice guy we swear" is being shoved in your face whether you agree with it or not.
In terms of my personal story with Davis and Daisuke, for me, the major dealbreaker was the way Davis treated Kari. Even now, it rubs me the wrong way; it's creepy, invasive, and entitled, and the fact that it's treated like a "boys will be boys" thing and Kari is expected to just put up with it does not go over well with me as a girl who's experienced way too much harassment in my life (and the sentiment has only gotten worse over the years). So it was pretty shocking to flip over to the Japanese version and find that he was no worse than an immature puppy who arguably respects women the most in the cast (and certainly more so than Taichi does, even). I've even seen quite a few Japanese fans call him their first crush or ideal man...but anyway, point is, I'm also pretty sure that was a dealbreaker for quite a few others too (especially anyone else who's gotten that kind of harassment), and people really do not talk enough about how important that difference in nuance is. Because if he has a crush on Hikari/Kari and is immature about it, it's all the same thing, right?
It's really not.
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legendheroes · 1 year
@toantakeri replied to your post “I'm curious. Daisuke, do you remember Demon? What...”:
But full menber of Great Seven Demon Lords can but right now you guys can beat them
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Daisuke: They're all bark but no bite, kiddo.
Takato: ...
Daisuke: Takato, are you ok bud?
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Takato: Did I stutter? Also I'm friends with one of the Demon Lords and if they ever try something against Daisuke-san and Taichi-san or anyone else here in this room...
Daisuke: Y-you're doing that face a-again 💦
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shihalyfie · 11 months
Do you think Dark Master will be weak to other Digimon group if they don't have plot armor because they're just group of normal Mega Digimons?
Maybe? I don't think they were portrayed as unusually strong; WarGreymon managed to slice right through Mugendramon with some well-placed, specialized cuts (he was just immune to everything else while they were at it). They were definitely strong, but they were also clever and good at manipulating factors (especially psychological ones) to their advantage, and once the kids figured out an actual method that would take them out easily, they went ahead and used it.
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shihalyfie · 11 months
Do you think why villain digimons like Devimon, Myotismon, Piedmon in Adventure series are ridiculously strong compared to their original level?
I don't feel I can comfortably answer this since I'm not really well-versed in my null canon, but I'll invite any followers to chip in!
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shihalyfie · 3 months
If Kai Urazoe (Takato's cousin) gets digimon partner. Do you think it will an aquatic digimon like Sangomon?
I don't see why not! I'm sure they'd both love it.
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shihalyfie · 11 months
If Chosen Children/Digidestined meet their American English Dub version, will they get along well?
For the most part, yeah. I don't know if they'll be best friends forever, and some of them might be weirded out by the fact they're meeting people who are sort of like them but not quite, but in the end they're all working for the same good causes.
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shihalyfie · 1 year
If other four spirits get purifed like the darkness one. Who are will get them and why?
The most common favorite fan theory is the four kids (Katsuharu, Teppei, Teruo, Chiaki) who ended up wandering around the Digital World. I'm not sure if this was intended in the writing (or if it was a remnant of a scrapped plot point), but personally I haven't really ever come up with a theory that fits better than that. It just fits too neatly to not want to consider.
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legendheroes · 1 year
@toantakeri replied to your post “Tagiru, which digimon do you and Gumdramom most...”:
Tagiru i mean new digimon represent in new series like Pulsemon, Herismon or Gammamon
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Tagiru: By Taiki-san, Yuu and Mysterious Hunter I really mean their partners too. And with my digimon collection too.
Daisuke: Whoa, I didn't notice they meant 'digimon', huh...
Daisuke: Also, when will you stop referring to me by that name!? At least call me Lance, yo!! 💢
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