#to be completely honest i dont feel anywhere near as strongly about the idea of shadow liking sonic as i do knuckles and jet liking sonic
sonknuxadow · 2 months
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LOVE LOSES !!!!!!!!!!!!
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(1/7) Hello! I'm trying to figure out my type. I've reached some conclusions, but don't completely trust my knowledge, so having a second opinion seems good. I'm not expecting enneagram typing because I'm still in my late teens and am not sure it would be clear due to semi-recent events. For complete transparency, I have sent in an ask before, but it was over a year ago and the answer was inconclusive.
(2/7) I don't always consider that others may be processing emotions and can get annoyed with them if they don't try to reason things out. I have been accused of being insensitive, which is probably true, though I try not to be because I dislike hurting others. I'm not good at relating to people or helping them through their emotions and I strongly dislike doing it, so I generally tell people that if they ask and, if possible, refer them to someone who is better at it and may help.
(3/7) I enjoy arguing about things that are totally irrelevant to day-to-day life (is water wet? is the standard example) because I like understanding the reasoning behind people's ideas, but I consciously try not to overstep bounds and will back off if I think they may be upset. I dislike certain arguments, because people start insulting the other person rather than actually understanding their position and countering it. If people do this or dogpile during a disagreement, I have a lot less respect for them. I will usually try to drop it if I dont think it's going anywhere.
(4/7) I'm not very consistent, even if I'd like to be. When I try to make a schedule or list to follow, it inevitably falls apart even if it shouldn't be hard to do. This is frustrating recently because I'm trying to keep up my grades because they matter to me, but it's difficult since I don't know where to start. I can care too much about some details. I usually spend too much time on an assignment after I've written it out, editing it so that it won't be misunderstood.
(5/7) I'm practical in some ways, but really not in others. If someone brings up something irrelevant to the topic at hand or I can recognize that an idea is unrealistic, I'll state that and try to refocus on the current situation. I cannot always recognize when something won't work, though, so I appreciate having someone there to point it out.
(6/7) I usually respect rules and will follow them if they make sense and I can understand why they exist. If I don't completely understand, I will usually assume I may not be privy to some information and reconsider unless I can actually find a fault in it.  I'm not super active, though I love taking hikes and just generally walking/jogging. I like trying new things, but I don't need it and I'd rather the new things be safe. I've had a near death experience (2 technically but ehhh) and I really don't want another.
(you sent an ask indicating one thing may have gone missing and I think it was the 7th part).
Hi anon,
I am actually kind of thinking ISFJ from this, which I know may sound weird to some, but I can explain why. I’m still not positive; I know this is your second time asking but late teens + your indication that for some recent developments regarding enneagram are still a time of significant change and in general I think revisiting your type every so often isn’t a bad idea. If you can direct me to what you asked previously, even though it’s been some time and you’re still developing I may be able to try and put it all together to see if I can come up with a type.
- I’m setting aside the first part (2nd ask) about not necessarily relating to people well, because relating to people well is frequently considered to be a hallmark of Fe. It’s more complicated than that but I’d like to go through why I changed my mind from Ti-Fe to Fe-Ti as I read through this.
- the 3rd ask indicates Ti - wanting to debate things solely to understand someone’s reasoning - but it expresses a considerable respect for boundaries a lot of high Ti users would miss, at your age. You’re also at the point of tertiary function development where you’d have the tendency to be fairly aware of your Ti.
-The 4th ask is kind of hard, to be honest, in that SJs tend to be somewhat better at scheduling, and so this is a case where examples might be good just to see if it’s a case of really high standards. The rest, however, fits high Si/ISFJ an over-focus on details (high Si) or trying to ensure you are understood (ISFJ).
- practicality fits with being a sensor, and recognizing that you don’t always know enough information to be sure if something won’t work tracks with Si, as does the part in the next ask about rules; the lower Ti serves as the driver to have some understanding of where they come from.
- similarly, “active but not like, especially so/in chill ways” and wanting new things but in a safe way fit with high Si.
So: regarding the first item, the truth is high Fe users don’t automatically have extra magical insight into other people’s emotions. It’s something they’re often more motivated to learn, but on a certain level Fe is about how others respond to you and not necessarily vice versa. FJs can actually be really guilty of projecting an idea of how someone should be feeling, without actually having that understanding. I’ve found that when an FJ realizes this is the case (or that they just don’t necessarily know in the first place) it’s often an SFJ unless you’re dealing with a reasonably mature person (ENFJs with good Se actually often are pretty good at reading people, tbh).
More generally you don’t sound much like an ISTP or INTP in writing style or desires; you want routine but are working on developing it, for example, vs most IxTPs who don’t particularly want routine in the first place. But you definitely sound like you use Ti in some way.
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