#tldr not much has changed but i am more determined than ever. mainly because i'm under severe pressure since my circumstances are worsening.
pokemonruby · 5 months
hi! realize it's been a while since i've been like, active on social media so i thought i'd provide a little update of my life situation.
first things first, i finished my book! it's undergoing its final edits (i'd theoretically like to look for an editor but i definitely cannot afford that shit, so i've more or less undertaken that task myself and i don't know if my opinion alone is reliable enough but you know, i'm doing my best with what i've got) i'm even working on the second one in the series now since i don't have much to do until i figure out how to go about like, actually advertising and publishing it. i've been recommended booktok so i guess i need to do my research and just pray people will be interested even if i can't afford to get pretty visuals for it or anything commissioned because, ah. severely poor. i haven't had anything to eat in my house for like 2 weeks and i am subsisting on the barest of scraps but we're surviving regardless.
on a more serious note i'm really working on moving out of here this year because if i mentally cannot take it anymore, i don't feel safe at all in my house (if you know the lore already, highly abusive, neglected family. and i'm severely disabled and mentally ill because of the abuse, unsurprisingly) and i'm trying to look at any and all resources that can maybe expedite the process given that a "normal" job is out of the question at this moment in time so if anyone has any suggestions or just plain old advice this is me imploring you because my therapist and i keep hitting walls and i am on the cusp of going completely insane.
i'm going to see about setting up a ko-fi to take writing-related commissions maybe since it's the only thing i'm realistically good at and perhaps a patreon to promote my own works so if anyone is interested i will provide links once i get all the technicalities sorted out.
i will continue to grit my teeth and weather the agony that is my every waking moment on this hell earth because there is a strong possibility volo will be leaked for pokemon masters next week and if i must only live for my disgusting failwife it is sorely better than nothing. please pray for me everyone.
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