obscurebelief · 1 year
Send 🌈 for our muses to meet at Pride
He still could not get over the event going on. Pride Month was something he had learned recently and has since been preparing for it. He didn't know what to expect, but seeing how colorful and happy everyone was...
He wore a rainbow tie due to still being unsure what he fell under. Pan, Bi, Demi? He didn't know for sure, so for the time being, he shown his support and his pins that were pronouns of: He/They.
Wil had said he'd meet him here, and he had been waiting around or looking for him.
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xdragonsbloodx · 1 year
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“Hey, dad?” Devrim called out as he stepped into the house. “Dad?” That was weird. There was no sound of anyone home and it wasn’t a day his dad usually worked. Where was he? “Dad?”
Dev sniffed the air. He immediately smelled the scents of Wil and Aurie, but that could have just been from earlier when he was talking to Wil. It had only been a few hours .. but still this smelled weirdly fresh, and why was Aurie here, unless he was checking on the Faerie.
“Aurie?” he changed his tone. This was weird. He could tell he wasn’t upstairs. If anything he learned or hones his skills on was his gift of scent after being blind for a month. Did something happen? This didn’t sit right.
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fangedmagick · 1 year
“Do you know where Harry is?”
He looks up from his book that he had been reading and up at a boy he'd not seen before, "which Harry are you speaking of?"
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Eyes looking back down at the book to save his spot and remember the page number before closing it. "It isn't a rare name." He knew of one but surely this kid wasn't going to look for him?
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pueraeternuspan · 3 years
Wil didn’t have to exactly twist this boy king’s dreams in the least. They were already quite painful, and may be the reason that Malcolm and Peter rarely if ever sleep.
In the dream realm, he was not the boy he was in the waking world. Wil would see a tired man in an empty cottage, looking at a bed with a sad longing. Sometimes one could see a woman there sleeping with a bundle that was Rumple. A sad dream but probably a happy one of what could have been.
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The woman and Rumple vanished in and out as if under an illusion or Malcolm himself was trying to force the illusion to remain. 
There was no arrogant boy king here. If anything, if Wil had never seen Malcolm before, he could probably understandably think he happened upon the wrong dream. But the blue eyes were there.. even with the cruelty in them, they were the false king’s eyes that ruined Peter and continues to happily ruin him even when in different bodies.
Blue eyes look at Wil and smiles some as if greeting an old friend or maybe seeing someone Wil wasn’t, “Fiona... and Rumple.” He introduced them as they faded away again.
There was also one other thing... the iron shackles around his wrists that were tight. They were unattached but still remained as he stood up and looked at Wil, “we’d make such a happy life here, Rumple.. just the three of us.” His accent was almost like Harry’s. Scottish instead of the British that Pan and Dark Pan held.
 And it was clear to that he didn’t see Wil, but thought he was seeing Rumple.
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secondbcrnpiracy · 4 years
The morning after may have been a confusing turn. 
The night before, after Harry was done. He thought of just sleeping there in the alley with Wil. But he preferred his Wil to wake up somewhere nicer.
And in his eyes, he decided to just go into a home with Wil. 
Of course the couple threatened him... and his Wil. He killed the man with his sword, and silenced his love’s screams.
He closed the door without a fuss and carried Wil to the bedroom where he placed his little king on the soft bed and took a long shower, using the laundry to cleaning his clothing. And while Wil slept, Harry watched TV or collected any valuables... once a pirate..
The morning would come and he had no sense of grogginess in him. Downside to being a Dark One is you can’t sleep, upside is you don’t get any dreams either. The sun peeking through the curtains stung his eyes as he made it up to his love’s new bedroom, stepping over the bodies without a care.
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lostambitixn · 4 years
There was a pained expression along William’s face, and while he’d usually back off and leave the boy be.. no, not this time. He had to know.
Had to know that he.. no, they were safe. That Pan will not come for them and tear them away from Storybrooke? To be dragged back and faced a traitor’s punishment.. or worse, be forced to remain in Neverland again.
The Lost Boys that fled were traitors, they had chosen freedom over remaining with Pan. And the fear remained.. and it was proven to him years ago when Peter Pan returned and sent his little attack dog after them.. thankfully Wil didn’t finish the job.. but it rekindled the fear that they were not safe..
No, he had to know. “... He’s dead? For good?” He asked. “.. You have to tell me at least that. And I swear I won’t bother you again.. 
I have to know... am I free? Are we free of his grasp?” He looked at Wil with.. one thing that Wil may never had seen, not even when Farley faced him and was ready to die over returning to Pan.... fear. He was scared of the fact.
Farley felt the feeling as did the rest. They all didn’t know if it was false, an evil trick to make them feel safe. He was terrified that it was a lie, that Pan was coming for them again with all of his dark fury.
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childrenoftherosx · 4 years
Questions over questions and Mordred couldn’t answer them, at least not now, since his head still was a mess. He had hit his head on his way here and ever since suffered of these mysterious headaches and amnesia on top of that. He couldn’t remember his name or why he was here in the first place. A faint spec of memory was too hazy at the moment to really remember correctly.
Rubbing his aching head, Mordred looked at the guy that introduced himself as Wil and nodded.
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“Neverland? What a strange name...but about your other question...i am afraid i can’t tell you, i hit my head on my way here and can’t seem to remember who i am or why i am here in the first place” the kid felt dizzy again and leaned over to empty his upset stomach. He felt miserable.
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digimonruler · 4 years
@tinypaintedthings​ continued from here
He had thought he was alone, or far enough away from others to voice his thoughts and frustrations of the day to himself.
A miscalculation, but at least this kid actually acted like he cared without screaming for an autograph yet. He turned towards the kid and--
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There was no way! It was this kid that he had a meeting with in the Digital World. Why out of all kids did it have to be this worm? He quickly gained his composure and allowed himself to breathe. He was Ken Ichijouji, Boy Genius. Not The Digimon Kaiser.
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“I’m sorry. I was thinking out loud. But I’m very pleased that you agree with me.” What he didn’t quite understand was why this child spoke of humans like he was a different being from them. He ignored it for now, and instead took in what he said. “I’m a prodigy. Doing something nice for others backfires because you learn quickly that when you’re as well known as I am, people use you for their own gain.” He gazed down. Ken hated people, but at the same time he felt so alone. He loved the loneliness but he also hated it.
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thecursedson · 4 years
w i l:
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“When he’s in my fucking business, yeah..” Seriously, Bae could do a lot better than him. “Apparently, he’s fucking spying on me.” Bae might also notice that Wil had a ripe bruise along his cheek.
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“. . .  It’s easy to spy on a bird when it sings.” Baelfire said rather matter-of-factly, choosing to leave his words at that. He looked at Wil’s face, narrowing his eyes at the bruise on his cheek. “What- . . . What happened. . .?”
/ / @tinypaintedthings​
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obscurebelief · 11 months
"I didn't know where else to go."
He had not expected the younger to have knocked on his door so late, much less at all. Still he opened the door wider to allow Wil inside while looking outside to make sure Wil wasn't being followed. "Come in."
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xdragonsbloodx · 1 year
✿ NAME: Liza
✿ PRONOUNS: doesn’t matter to me. I’m genderfluid, but tend to present as female.
✿ EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): about 20 years? Gah, I’m old xp
✿ NAME OF MUSE(S): I only have two active muses right now: Devrim and Tom @thedragcnbrother. I do have one other muse Wil @tinypaintedthings but he’s not active at this time.
✿ PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Tumblr IM. I do have discord but I don’t usually give that out unless I’m really comfortable with you or I think we’re going to really do some plotty rp that needs more back and forth communication.
✿ PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: Tumblr, yahoogroups (when it was active years ago), AIM, Skype, Discord, various forum boards.
✿ BEST EXPERIENCE: Had a huge group of friends at one time online here where we built this whole interactive world together with all our characters together, had gif wars, etc, and that was pretty awesome, but I do feel a lot more free in my rp now with less drama involved of so many people and expectations. Right now a lot of my rp I do with my bestie in RL, so that is really awesome. We can totally just mess around and there’s no anxiety or worries about anything we write together. It’s just fun.
✿ RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS: People that keep dropping our things. I totally get a thread feeling eh and no muse but when it becomes a constant thing and nothing can grow with our characters, it gets annoying and I get kind of sdlfjlsdfj. Like, if I’m rping with you, I want to rp, not stop and restart every day. Multi threads are awesome tho! 
Also, godmodding. I’m actually a very chill mun on doing things to Dev. Go for it, whatever it is your muse is feeling, but let me react to it, don’t decide that for me or tell me how he feels.
✿ FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: Definitely angst is my favorite things to rp. I love drama and pain. Give me all of it. For ex: Just on Dev, I’ve had him get his wing ripped off, he’s been blinded by a phoenix talon (all from other players). He had an unexpected teen pregnancy and got his baby stolen away. He was knocked unconscious. Like give me the pain. 
Smut is also fun every now and then. Fluff is cute, but when I try.. it never last long cause I’m evil and something happens lol
✿ PLOTS OR MEMES: Both. To be honest, I suck as plotting if you’re a detailed plotter. I never know how my muse is going to react to anything until he’s in the scene and I’m writing it. He always surprises me. I’m good with a general starting idea type of plotting but not details of how it will all go. Memes are great starters. I tend to treat all memes as starters.
✿ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: Both are good with me, but I do tend to write para/novella most, but I don’t mind doing shorter things, too.
✿ BEST TIME TO WRITE: I work full time Mon-Friday so usually evenings after 5pm PST or weekends.
✿ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): This is actually one of the first characters that I’ve rped that isn’t really that much like me, tbh. Dev is very confident and outgoing. I have extreme social anxiety and am introverted to the extreme. Dev is rich and goes clubbing and rides around in expensive clothes and cars, etc. I work paycheck to paycheck, am not into clubbing, and am wearing the same old pair of jeans I have had for over three years.
I also have never once used drugs and I don’t smoke and Dev does both.
Dev is a bit of a romantic, though, and so am I. He’s also very protective and so am I of my loved ones and kids. Oh, we both have children. xp Although, I was not a teen mom. 
We’re both totally dragons, though. ;)
The muse I wrote that was the most like me, was Wil @tinypaintedthings
Tagged by: I stole this! Tagging: anyone who wants to do it. :)
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the-hat-needs-magic · 4 years
“ can i help you? ”
Jefferson looked around, eyes narrowing as he tried to get his wits about him. Sometimes all that portal jumping really made him sick to his stomach. “Yes actually... Where am I?”
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pueraeternuspan · 2 years
G - Growing
G - Growing - How have they changed over time? How has their self-image changed? Are they more or less of a risk-taker? Has their approach to romance changed?
Peter had grown and changed. He goes from a babe that was abandoned to being raised by the Faerie Royals in Kensington Gardens. Only to be brought to Neverland to be one of the main leaders of it, slowly becoming a solo king of Neverland after wars ravaged the land through greed and twisted rumor. Changing seemed to be his unending curse in his eyes. Never would he had thought to become a father, yet he had and not regretted it when he adopted Wil (@tinypaintedthings) and raised him originally with intention on Wil sealing him away in case the madness that was Malcolm returned, only for love of father and son to blossom. Peter had gone from a child that loved being one without thought of consequence to a king and a father.
His self image is still of self-hate. Peter became a half-faerie through his time with the Fae. But that was it.. he was half, not pure fae not human, and it earned him a dislike and distrust among some Fae who believed he'd betray them and their secrets to humans or something of the like because he was half of what they were. Half-breed was the tamest of words. It earned him a hatred of himself. He still dislikes himself but he has just hidden it better. Through some trial and errors due to Malcolm's madness, Peter has aged a few years while in the Underworld. Still holding a youthful feature but he was older..
Risk taking is his middle name. He considers the most dangerous of tasks to be an adventure, and will risk everything for something if he wants it badly enough. Would explain the few scars he has earned in his eternity of hunting for rare treasures.
Peter's riddle to his being was partly never to love someone or something. Love is a word he dislikes greatly and considered it a weakness for the longest time. Until he indeed felt it for someone.. it was one sided and he didn't admit it himself given Peter most likely did not understand what he was feeling was love. Later in life during his capture and escape at Gotham City, he met a young genius named Jeremiah Valeska (simplyandsanely) that helped shape Peter's approach on love and the feelings of it's weakness would increase later when Jeremiah went insane from the poison gas his deranged twin left him. Peter felt that his falling in love with Jeremiah and seeing him go mad only proved that love was only meant to harm and made people weak. The feelings return later on when he meets Kheelan (@dreamrceaper), the fae prince that helped raise him when Peter's parents abandoned him.
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secondbcrnpiracy · 3 years
@tinypaintedthings​ continued from here
“Donnae knock it until ye try it, ye seem in a very happy mood~” Harry noticed the obvious change. Again, it could be the cream, but Wil before... Harry didn’t want to bring it up but still, it was a strange sudden turn of emotion. “I like this food, I’ve grown up on this”
“The question remains.. is he big. I’ve wondered that. He nearly chomped me in half. Aye, I’ve been thinking if that’s exactly how large the ugly wyrm’s jaws are or if they’re bigger. Walking the plank could crush me boat.” Was he the size of Mal or Maleficent, hell Harry wondered if not dreaded if the dragon he faced was bigger than even them.
“Nae, he has a weakness I’m sure, something he cares about.. or someone. Someone weaker, less armor. He values treasure, aye, but that’s nothing tae him nae.. hmmm nae he has someone that we can hook and feed tae a shark or a lot of sharks.. just tae see if their scales are stronger than a wee sharks teeth~ Chomp, chomp... chomp~”
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“Of course I’ve nae seen someone close tae him. But ye never know.. He may kill us but hey, we kill his heart if anything and maybe escape back ‘ere where if he flies through a portal, he lands in the water”
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justmilah · 4 years
“You shouldn’t be out here alone.” (maybe she landed in Neverland? Up to you xD)
@tinypaintedthings  -  Attacked [sentence starters] - accepting
Milah jerked at the sudden intrusion, the branch falling back in place to obscure the image of a pirate ship floating in the waters below. She breathed a sigh of some relief when she realized who the intruder was. “Who would I be out here with, then? The children? They’re all so desperate for mothers they settle for me. I can’t always be...on for them.”
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seafoamserenade · 4 years
     She emerged from the murk, her gaze skimming just above the water as oceanic eyes WATCHED the boy near the shore.  Kelp clung to her hair, streaks of green threaded through copper locks, her skin glistening with irredescent scales as she moved silently towards the land. “Hello,” she purred, voice pitched in an etheral tone. 
      She propped herself on the edge, elbows anchored into the shore. Her instincts screaming to devour, but.... she wouldn’t take one so young.  A mere child, he looked to be, but in Neverland, nothing was ever as it seemed.  And it peeked her curiosity. Something about his face seemed familiar, but she couldn’t place it.  “You’re not.... what you seem. A child, but... not a child. I’ve been feeding on human sailors for well over a century, && their humanity is potent. You’ve got something ELSE about you.  ”  
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