odessabugz · 9 days
Hey all, I'm Odessa. You can call me Dessa or pretty much whatever you want and I'll respond. I'm ready to take on the Hamptons and can't wait to see all your gorgeous faces. If anyone needs me I'll be the one at the beach with an overly fruity cocktail in hand. @tinseltownstarter
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sherwoodxdom · 22 days
I swear no matter how much time I spend in the states I don't think I will ever get used to driving on the other side of the road much to the annoyance of the LAPD sorry fellas! I swear it's not intentional!
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gleatherwood · 3 months
Random question: but did anyone make a New Year's resolution and if so how are you guys doing? I'll admit it I messed up royally a few weeks ago but I'm back on track and won't make that mistake again...I'm getting the impression it might just be me though?
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damxmadden · 2 years
To the entire Uk (and probably Ireland and hell the entire continent of Europe!) that is not a wallowing banshee, it’s a mum, my mum having a breakdown because I have decided that whole marriage and kids thing is just not for me. To say she is not taking it well would be like saying the red wedding was just slightly violent.
SO...how’s your Monday? 
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austin-tinsel · 16 days
Ever since the filming of Dune I keep getting reoccurring nightmares that my head was shaved and I was bald permanently. Anyways, hi, I'm Austin now that I got that out of the way.
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jeromeflynn-fms · 5 months
I was just getting on with things around the house and I glanced up to see my son looking at me. I asked if he was okay and he nodded before he told me I need to get out there. I was confused until I realized he was telling me I need to get back into dating. Can't say I was expecting my teenage son to give me dating advice. I'm Billie and you may have seen me in a few things on TV.
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stylefm · 16 days
Spending time with the family is always fun, one of my favorite things to do. Even if it's just mindless activities, that being said though. I wish time machines were a thing because watching Shameless with your mum while certain scenes play out is something I don't recommend. It was pretty awkward as is, but hearing 'Oh I've done that' is so, so much worse. I love her, but what the actual fuck? Anyways, I hope your day has gone far better than mine. @tinseltownstarter
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jonathantt · 2 months
hi, hey, hello. i'm jonathan and i am absolutely buzzing that spring is just around the corner. anyone else? what's everyone been up to? feel like between filming and awards, i've been so distracted. @tinseltownstarter
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pankowtt · 4 months
well, it's happened. i've been fat-shamed on the internet. should it bother me? nah. but does it? yeah, fucking kinda does. @tinseltownstarter
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gpowelltt · 4 months
i was just at Sundance and it was incredible. i won't sit here and bore you with a long ass and highly questionable humble brag about the amazing reviews for Hitman. instead i just want the world to know someone described my movie, saying you could tell i co- wrote it because it had 'glen-ergy'. and it's the highest compliment i've ever and will ever receive. @tinseltownstarter
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I love awards show season. You get to go out, get dressed up, eat some food, mingle with friends and peers. There’re usually free drinks and after parties, so it’s basically just like going to a wedding and who doesn’t love a good wedding? And if you’re really lucky, you end up getting a nice, shiny paper weight to go home with. Unless you’re me, I’m only nominated because I’m a professional loser at this point, but I’m not even bothered by it. Promise.
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tkelce · 1 year
So, I'm Travis. 6'5, 250lbs. I genuinely enjoy chick flicks and I love going on a good hike. But, I prefer the beach to the mountains. I like going out and snuggling up at home to watch movies pretty much equally.
Wait....this isn't Tinder? My bad.
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jachasestokes · 1 year
am i the only one super bummed about hockey being over already ?? what am i supposed to watch at night now, other sports ?? nah. on an exciting note, são paulo is amazing. who's tuning in saturday to see my lovely co-hosts and i for tudum ?? kidding, i know you're all tuning in for superman, thor, and wonder woman.
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hayleywtt · 1 year
sometimes i forget just how innately happy the act of being on tour makes me. obviously the highlight is being on stage every night, and sure, there’s bumps, holy fuck are there bumps along the way, but part of me is conditioned to appreciate living in that chaos. plus, this is the first real tour we’ve really done in just about five years, so all of these warm feelings i’ve been having being back the last few months could very well go away by the time we’re finished. but that’s what’s new and (maybe) exciting in my world? what about you? || @tinseltownstarter​
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madsclinett · 7 months
there have been so many insane headlines in the 'news' lately, most of which don't count as 'news' at all, so this trip feels like it's coming at a really good time for most of us. i know halloween is close and everything spooky is the 'reason for the season' and all, and trust me when i tell you i'm pumped! but i can't get all the themed cafe's out of my head, i've never seen anything like them, they're so cute !! leave it to me for my most sought after activity is food motivated.
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brendonisms · 2 days
Hey! I feel like I've been living off-grid even if it's just been quiet. I missed everyone. Working behind the scenes and in promotion isn't the same as being in the light. I miss that too. Anyway, so what's up? I desperately need a life. For those who don't know me, I'm Brendon, resident hermit, and I have no idea what to say. @tinseltownstarter
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