qcinns · 7 years
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hi there angels it’s me reyna again, here introducing chirukni sirikul quinn !! they’re actually a really old muse i’ve recycled a few times, but has never really lasted anywhere ( y’all will never guess who their first fc was lmao ). i originally didn’t want to bring them here bc i was afraid they’d be too similar to daehyun, which is why i tried to evangeline to life ( but that didn’t work ), but dae and quinn are not supposed to be that much alike and hopefully they stay two different characters. also, i know some people here are also familiar with a former character i played with ten’s face named sanit, and don’t worry quinn will have some of sanit in them too !!
quinn is quite the character tbh
they’re a spoiled brat
they come from a well-off family ( in thailand of course )
they were spoiled and sheltered for most of their life, had everything handed to them on a silver platter, was never told no, always had The Best
it also helped that they are an only child
they’re incredible talented and musical and creative, and they have been trained in many different hobbies and skills since childhood
they’re just used to being good at everything they do
some of their interests include dancing, piano, and singing, which were their main focus
they also tend to have their head in the clouds, and love artsy and creative things. also - stars and astronomy, nice
but despite this they have no relationship with their family
they were basically raised by nannies and their parents were never around and never showed them affection or love
but they didn’t really mind bc they got everything they wanted regardless and it was easy to manipulate the people around them in order to get the things they want
and it was easy to get away with things ( re: their parents ) bc their parents never kept their eye on them,,and they were sneaky and never got involved in scandals so there was never much of a spotlight on them
but then they got caught up in the family drama
which included a lot of lies, deceit and secrets
so as soon as quinn knew what was going on, their parents packed them up and shipped them to the us “for a change of scenery”
specifically, they ended up here bc taesung was also being shipped here and he’s the child of quinn’s parents’ friends
they’re a sophomore but this is their first school year at sutton ( they started in fall )
they still have access to their family’s money but only as long as they keep their mouth shut abt everything they know
this is the very first time that they are on their own
they’ve never had real, genuine, long-lasting friendships and relationships ( aside from tae ), they never really had friends growing up and it didn’t help that they’re kind of a bitch with a superiority complex
so they’re struggling to settle in and insert themself in The Real World~~
quinn is also very sheltered
they tend to be snobbish, and can be a bit rude and standoffish and judgmental
they probably just have a really unlikable personality i’m sorry
but they’re still learning
too bad they just suck and probably just chase everyone away
anyway ok ya i think that’s all i have for now pls love me i’m Trying
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soralism-blog · 7 years
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now ur probablie wondering: venus!! r u kidding me & what were u thinking?? well the answers are: no and, well, i wasn’t :> this is sora, and let me tell u a lil somethin’ somethin’ ok i am TERRIFIED OF PLAYING HER SHE IS THE POLAR OPPOSITE OF INHO I’M GOING TO D I E
tw: drugs, orphanages, are you surprised
her name is park sora or sola if you want an english derivative
she’s twenty, tho she can act like either a twelve year old or a fifty year old u will never know
studying toxicology, one of the best in her year (also one of the only bc who the fucjf studies toxicology)
she was born to jasper and naomi park on the 28th of october, 1996, in the city of amsterdam
on the outside, everything seemed perfect but it really really wasn’t
her mom was drugged periodically by her schizophrenic dad so that she would be demure and listen to whatever he said / she was coerced into marrying him and ultimately, having sora
a kind of backstory on the parents: it was a one-sided love but jasper always had this illusion that they were “in love” and to cope with that he needed her to stay with him; naomi couldn’t leave because she had a daughter to take care of and she knew jasper would chase them across the world
so she grew up thinking everything was perfect and that love meant compliance and always being in agreement with each other (her mom couldn’t form coherent thoughts of her own)
there were times when her mom would be completely in control and her mind would be clear and during those times she’d be assertive and very, very strong so sora always knew her mother as someone with two “sides”, one being less prevalent than the other
so when she was ten years old, her mother overdosed on her own accord because she knew that if her husband (who loved her despite everything) thought he’d killed her, he’d feel too guilty and try to make it up to her by taking care of sora for the rest of her life (or at least until she was old enough to move out) so essentially, it was the greatest sacrifice she could give sora
instead of staying with her dad, she leaves, aged eleven, and finds herself trapped in an orphanage in the hague that couldn’t put a finger on where she came from or who she really is and she refused to speak for three months after she was found
she bade her time there and escaped when she was thirteen after simply staying silent and observing the people and things around her ** note: if u want the full story on this just pm me omg i actually mapped it out
so yes she wandered around until she was fifteen before letting a kind old couple take her in
and although she had only received about five or six years of proper education, she settled into school right away and caught up by the time she was eighteen and ready to move to irvine for college
half and half: she’s bipolar and was diagnosed only last year but she already came to terms with the chaos in her mind when she stayed in that orphanage and realised how differently she responded as compared to the other children / she’s half of her mother, and half of her father. after understanding why naomi chose to die instead of staying and protecting her, she eradicated the docile, compliant side of her mother and chose to remember only her stronger, truer side / the other half of her is made of the pure, unadulterated strength that she learned from her mother and went through a million thunderstorms to attain
wildfire in a rainstorm: with a volatile temperament and an aptitude for manipulating any situation into a favourable one, she almost always gets what she asks for but this is never necessarily a good thing
rules of the game: she deals with adversity the way she would a chess game— she observes her opponent in silence and waits for their final move before turning the tables. she uses inner strength (that she learned from her mother) to guide her as she manipulates others to get what she wants
this was so fucking long i’m so sorry sadjhs pls hmu if u wanna plot ok i’m so excited ;;; as usual ily all
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jeonghq-blog · 7 years
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hihi bubs ♡ i’m venus, but just vee is fine!! my preferred pronouns are she/her, and i am currently in the gmt. inho’s my first muse bby in a long ass while so please bear with me if i go overboard with him lmao who tf am i kidding :> if you want to hmu with a plot, don’t hesitate to dm ~ i haven’t rp’d for so long and legit feel like a crusty grandma but humour me ok also tw for abuse
backstory ! in all honesty, he’s a sweetheart. growing up with a widowed mother, it hadn’t always been smooth sailing, but… i wouldn’t exactly call it taxing. not nearly so. and perhaps, that’s where everything went wrong. he had everything he could have ever wanted and much, much more. a roof over his head, and a mother who stuck around to see him through his most trying years. here’s where it gets good. a month after his sixteenth birthday, inho met a boy. he was, in every connotation of the word, beautiful. he was prettier than the sun, brighter than starshine, and it scared the fuck out of inho. they fell in love when the first signs of winter seeped in like wine on paper, and held on to each other even though they were already built to fall apart. this boy— this gorgeous, captivating boy— lit him cigarettes and matches he couldn’t help but touch. and perhaps, if he’d stepped away from the flame then, he wouldn’t be here today. but inho let himself fall in love with the fire, and found himself looking from the sidelines as this same boy started to fade away, to slip through his fingers. they fought, and it was never just simple accusations— they fought in a way that left him breathless, left his skin blooming with blue and red. they fought, but he never let go. not until he found himself on a hospital bed with thirteen stitches and a shattered heart. so, no, he never did get a happy ending. what he got instead was an aftertaste that he would never be able to get rid of. he still finds himself wishing things would’ve turned out different, though. that if he’d just been more compliant, more gentle, his first love would’ve stayed in love. on the day he was discharged, something in his head clicked. the bruises on his neck, arms and thighs may have ebbed away with time, but there are memories that never will. tl;dr: basically ya boi hooked up w/ a pretty boi and found himself heartbroken and half dead and a lot fucked up personality ! as mentioned, he’s still very, very sweet. he will go out of his way to help and support you, and often forgets that his heart was once stomped on. dance comes naturally to him because he loves the fluidity of his body when it plays along with the music. he albeit tends to lapse into long silences sometimes, but they usually don’t last for more than a week. during those silences, he will be noticeably reticent and much more inclined to shut himself away. a hopeless romantic, he’s still a little shy when it comes to anything amorous. it takes a lot to tick him off, so i wouldn’t worry about that. really stubborn, too (i believe he gets it from his mama).
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dahvuns-blog · 7 years
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hola! i want to start of by saying i’m very excited to be here and i have to thank ai for recommending this roleplay to me. i’m also a little nervous and shy, so bear with me please. under the cut you’ll find some information about dahyun, if you want to know more then the ims are there. thanks for reading.
tw; abuse, 
meet our recluse, super quiet and barely speaks to anyone. 
she comes from a very dysfunctional family background where she suffered physical and verbal abuse; constantly being told she’s not good enough.
she’s studious and works really hard to try and do something good with her life; she doesn’t like her life as it is now.
she’s always studying or doing something extra curricular to make her stand out
she’s got a lot of high hopes and dreams
dahyun is super jealous of rich people because she wants to be just like them
she doesn’t accept gifts from anyone at all, she thinks its charity and she’s not about that life
she’s so stubborn and will get into arguments (that is if she speaks to you)
she’s keeping to herself so good luck with her
idk what else to put here? 
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wtfxian-blog · 7 years
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hello pals,,,, it’s your girl ai !!  here with another trashy character for u !!!!   if u don’t know me you probably know jiyeon, resident walking princess and mom friend of literally everyone !!  i present u now with zhou xian (dont call him xianliang he’ll fite u), my newest son -- a total dumb flirt. this is a sideblog btw so if you didn’t get a follow that’s why. like this and i’ll show up at your ims for plotting !!  ( i may show up using ji’s acc if tumblr fucks up, just a heads up)
trigger warnings: underage sex, underage drinking + smoking
a lil chinese kid
born in hong kong but moved to san francisco when he was ten
a troublemaker as a kid tbH
he was told in early high school that he was ugly :((( so his confidence was rly low
started hitting the gym at like 16 and puberty seemed to hit him like a truck cause boi got abs!! and he was suddenly super hot!!
sdajbasjd girls wanted to date him so he was like omf!!!!!
anyways he became kinda popular cause he joined football and had girls after him so suddenly his confidence skyrocketed n he became,,, a player,,, (in both senses ;) )
flash forward to him being 17 and beginning his last year of high school
he needed a job so he started cleaning pools because what else u gotta do fam
but!!!! one day he was at a friend’s house and his mother was like flirting with him so xian was shook tbh, his friend wasnt home so like he hooked up with his mom yes (#friendshipgoals)
she must have told others cause he got hit on by other married women in the area (which were his clients anyway cause he cleaned their pools) so basically he went around screwing all of them 
he dug around and found the marvelous world of How To Be A Sugar Baby™ and decided to become one cause the money makes the world go round
he finished high school but took a year off with the excuse of wanting to really think through what he wanted to do with his life + work for a year
tbh he was mostly doing it for his sugar daddies/mamas and getting that sweet money ;)))
he became really good at lying and pretending, making his family believe he was regularly either hanging out with friends or at his part time jobs -- xian told them he was getting paid nicely (but never really told them what he was really earning since it was way higher)
skipping to xian being 19 now and having been on and off being a sugar baby for the past two years -- he was only seeing one older guy now, his income enough for him to pay tuition at his new college in san fran
but it soon turned messy when a private detective caught them in a hotel and exposed his sugar daddy yikessss
apparently the guy had had sugar babies who were minors so it was Fucked Up™ and he got arrested
xian, sadly, got exposed to his parents about he was really doing so they were pretty pissed that he was selling himself like that??? so they sent him to sutton in irvine to straighten him out
he’s been a student since then but is a year below since he should be a senior but he’s a junior majoring in mechanical engineering
he’s always liked building things so that was mainly the reason he chose it (and because he thinks he looks hot as fuck covered in grease)
he’s also a tiger because he luvs sports and wants to stay in shape
xian doesnt really talk about his sugar baby days (although he’ll tell u if u ask) and mostly just,,, lies
he’s a pathological liar
like he’s probably told everyone he had sex with that one hot teacher and people even believed him!!!
no one really knows him, not the real xian,,, because he lies abt his family, abt why he’s at sutton, anything and everything  y i k e s 
his ego is Huge™ so catch him flirting with anything that moves asbdajs
probably at every party too cause he loves booze and smoking
and he luvs sex so he’s like hmu babes ;))))))
so he’s basically a Lying Fuckboy™
but he’s nice behind all the layers pls love him
i think that’s all of it
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graysoons · 7 years
let me start off by saying that that i KNOW it’s ugly of me to play two fcs from svt but … i couldn’t help myself i’m soruhdjfdfh (and if that didn’t already give away who i am .. surprise i’m not a new person that joined the rp ..  it‘s me, alice aka jiho’s mun) but anyway click under the read more to learn more about this dirtbag 
tw: drugs, drug/substance abuse, drug overdose, drug addiction
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ok so .. family life:
his father is a politician and his mother is the head lawyer at a top notch firm 
he’s the youngest of two (sister is 27, brother is 22) 
sadly his sister got disowned by his parents when grayson was a child so he doesn’t really remember much about her or why she got disowned bc he was too young to know or understand what was going on and no one in his family talks about it ever .. lmao they treat it like she never existed so he’s kinda just ???? huh about it
his parents were never around besides the occasional “are u guys keeping a good image for us/not fucking up your lives” dinner but he was basically raised by his older brother (and their nanny)  
but grayson slowly grew to hate his brother cause he was the obvious favorite of his parents and his brother stopped acting like a brother after their sister left and started acting like a dad
now here’s where things go downhill for grayson…. when he was teen… 
instead of doing weed like a normal teenager, he decided to try out cocaine because he thought it wouldn’t be a big deal and he was like i’m rich i should be getting the best kind of high money can buy …. but oh man what a mistake 
he was addicted to coke by the age of 16 
it stopped being about the high and kinda just was something he needed to do because it helped make his life more bearable to live which is :/
he kept this a secret from his family till one night when he was 17 and partying with his friends and they freaked out because they thought he was overdosing and called an ambulance and since he was a minor they contacted his parents about it
his parents sent him to rehab the night of
he was there for about 7 months 
relapsed a month after getting out … didn’t tell anyone 
ended up overdosing on his 18th birthday 
his parents sent him to rehab again once he was discharged 
he was there for 5 months even though he was suppose to stay much longer but since he had everyone convinced that his overdosed really “opened his eyes” and he was technically an adult they let him go 
he decided to finally leave home and go to california and stay at their summer home and things were fine .. he lived by the beach, did nothing but sleep and play video games 
that is until his brother came to visit him .. (it been had been a year at this point since he left and grayson was on and off with his sobriety)
things didn’t go so well that day and the details are a blurr to grayson but after his brother left, he ended up overdosing on the beach but luckily for him he was found literally just in time 
(now if anyone wants to plot to be the person who called the ambulance for him that night that’d be cool cause he probably won’t remember it was them at first when he sees them around campus and then it’ll click and then yeah  u know) 
how he ended up in sutton..
before his brother left, he told him he’d go to college and get a degree and that he’d get his act together or else he’d be force to come back home with him 
which is why he applied to sutton
since this place is all about second chances
he’s a “dedicated student”
personality wise/other stuff..
grayon does not give a fuck
he’s just. like huh i’m alive that’s cool
he doesn’t care if he graduates he doesn’t care if he fails all his classes he doesn’t care if he doesn’t make any friends he just . wants his brother off his back 
i mean he overdosed twice and he still does it 
but that doesn’t he doesn’t try to be sober cause he tries … its hard tho since he started at a young age and has slightly become depended on it
the longest he’s been sober is about three months and a half
sometimes he does abuse other subtances to try to get his fix when he’s trying to stay away from coke (aka weed, alcohol, prescription pills but none of them give them the same feeling)
he’s not an asshole, he’s pretty decent
as long as ur not 24/7 serious he’s cool with u
he can be sarcastic though but he means it in a “i’m trying to be funny” way
his major is astronomy but only because he loves the planets and the moon and the stars and learning about space
he doesn’t want to become an astronaut (but he kind of does cause he LOVES the moon and would give his right arm to go there) but he also believes the moon landing was fake
don’t get him started on conspiracy theories 
he’s nineteen and a freshman cause he took a year off after high school 
he doesn’t swear besides saying shit but it’s rare
grayson is open af like u can ask him a super personal question and he’ll straight up tell u like “grayson do you have a drug problem” “yeah i do actually i’m a recovering coke addict”
but he won’t take what he tells u seriously like he’ll turn it a joke if you try to tell him how to fix himself or if the conversation gets too deep bc like i said grayson doesn’t care and in his head, its not a big deal
currently grayson is 2 months clean
i think that’s all u need to know about about grayson if u made it this far i love u and u are a good one and if you maybe wanna plot with this loser like this and i’ll message u shortly or if you wanna im me you can on either jiho or grayson’s account i don’t mind which u choose
btw this blog is a side blog so if you were wondering why u didn’t get a follow back that’s why
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qcinns · 7 years
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introducing evangline woo !!
hi angels it’s me reyna again with character #2 !! it was only a matter of time before this happened smh @ me but this is my angel evangeline, and she is less messy than daehyun but still pretty fun ig
she’s titled ‘the ice queen’ because she has a pretty cold and rough exterior. she’s pretty serious, focused, and a bit of a workaholic. she can be hard to keep up with and be a bit of a handful bc she’s rather tough, but once you get past that exterior, she’s a sweet, down-to-earth girl. she’s just hard to really connect with, and is having a bit of trouble with that aspect since she’s not really used to having friends. in that way, she comes off rather mysterious and closed off in a way ? but she’s just a little shy and introverted.
she’s also a theater major. she particularly loves to dance (which is why she’s a tigress) so musical theater is her thing. but despite being into drama, she’s not a drama queen (i’ll leave that to daehyun tbh). but basically, she’s an angel that looks a bit like a devil (in a way), but is just having trouble adjusting and finding her place, and just needs some friends tbh  help her !!
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fmlblue · 7 years
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hi babs!! say hello to blue yi. honestly he’s like the complete opposite of sunny so its gonna be fun!!
so his blog is a MESS so bare with me but heres a little bit about blue
he was adopted from korea as a newborn by two super rich white parents that couldnt bare their own children. 
he was raised in the upper east side of new york city and was always told to be proper and “manners matter!!” 
his parents treated him like a gem but would always mention things like “we’re so good because we adopted a korean boy” 
it was mainly for the publicity of it all but it didn’t really bother blue that much because he is so grateful he was adopted 
his other relatives were very side eye towards him and would be like “who the hell is this asian boy doing in our white!! family” but even with all of that, blue stayed calm and was very kind to them
he is the type of person where if you called him at 3am he would answer and be at your doorstep as quick as he could get there
because he was always around rich posh and the high end life, he was always expected to act rich and posh. he could never raise his voice or show that something bothered him. 
his talent became being able to fake a smile and make it believable 
he thrived in social surroundings but when he had a day off, he would stay home and read books or teach himself chemistry 
when blue was 17, his parents died in a plane crash and left him alone with their parents money but since he wasn’t of age yet, his sneaky aunt adopted him and took as much money as she could
she didn’t treat him right at all and didn’t let him mourn his tragic loss 
the moment he turned 18, he took his trust fund money, moved to california and applied for sutton university who accepted him with a generous scholarship 
there, he didn’t get lost in the party side of college but finally had the freedom to do what he wanted and really all he wanted was piece and quiet and his chemistry books 
lmao really the first thing he did with his freedom was dye his hair blue because he’s always wanted to do that he’s cute
to have some sort of social life, he started to go to school sports games and thought that lacrosse was an interesting sport
around his sophomore year, he became the tiger’s manager and his job was mainly helping the team members with their health, scheduling scrimmages, making sure that if the members do get hurt, he’d be the one to tend to them. he always carries around a first aid kit. 
he knows most of the team members and loves hanging out with them but really never goes to their parties since that wasn’t his thing
he is a senior now and has never gotten past the point of tipsy, never smoked anything (not even a cigarette) and is top of his class
because he’s a senior, he’s finally realizing he hasn’t “lived” to many of his peers’s standards so he’s BARELY starting to let loose with the help of his tigers and tigresses 
ok this was SUPER long but yes this is the guardian angel of sutton university, the beautiful and fantastic blue yi!! pls show him some love because even if u dont love him he loves you 
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tigershq-blog · 7 years
don't let this be our final song
welcome to sutton university ! please make sure you follow everyone on the blogroll and track all the following tags: tigers:start, tigers:intro, tigers:follow, tigers:activity and tigers:admin !
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tigershq-blog · 7 years
look who made a comeback!
welcome back to sutton university ! please make sure you follow everyone on the blogroll and track all the following tags: tigers:start, tigers:intro, tigers:follow, tigers:activityand tigers:admin !
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fmlsunny-blog · 8 years
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introduction of the cutie little unlucky baby: sunny an !!
edit: here’s a lil connections page i just finished rn
first thing’s first. i spent a ridiculous time on his stats page where u can find here so i’d super appreciate it if u’d look at that lmao
ok so onto sunny! 
real name is suntae but likes to be called sunny
he’s a youtuber! he has a pretty good following of 500k subscribers and does mostly travel vlogs with CRISP cinematography. he sometimes does skits and little short films.
he’s studying visual media arts which is basically goes down to directing, film writing, and literally anything that has to do with film.
sunny’s father is a well known nature photography and would often go with him in his travels and wanted to be a photography like his appa but realized his love for the moving picture
it’s just him and his dad. his mother left the moment he was born and doesn’t think too much of it because he’s really happy that it’s just him and his dad.
since his father is always working, he learned how to fend and live for himself but because he didn’t have the guidance, he fell into the wrong crowd around his junior year in high school. 
sunny started to smoke pot and cigarettes and drink and go to parties and hook up with boys n girls 
he was caught one night baked out of his mind and was sent to juvie for a year. because of “good behavior” they let him go in 6 months
after that his father didn’t let him out of his sight. he even had to take less jobs because of sunny’s behavior. because of this, his relationship with his dad faded away. 
he graduated high school a year late and moved out as soon as possible to sutton university. his father agreed to pay for the tuition only because he wanted to give him a second change. 
this is where he started to focus on his youtube channel because even he didn’t like where he was going with his life. he started to locally travel and make really aesthetically pleasing content and funny skits with his new university friends. he even joined the loccross team for fun and because he felt like he needed the exercise.  it looked like things were going good but...
uh oh sunny didn’t learn! he went back to what he normally did and smoked and drank. he didn’t get caught until his sophomore year. and he knew this time his dad was going to kick him out.
but what’s this?! he found himself in that stuffy auditorium and was given a second second chance. this time he was going to smoke a little less and focus focus focus. 
focus on what? being a better son for his dad and maybe perhaps making friends that are a better influence on him. 
I love plotting so pls message me !! i’m also going to finish my connections page soon so ya hi let’s get this rolling!! 
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