#tiger lilly cookie x reader
cram-cram · 2 years
can I get a tiger lily cookie x ranged!reader? Ty!
Of course! It'll be a fun challenge
Extra info: the reader has a whip and their skill gathers the enemies while damaging them (because they're trapping people with their whip and kinda squashing them)
⚠️ Warnings: none! Just you and Tiger lily being battle buddies
Tiger Lilly x Ranged!Reader
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You and Tiger Lilly are a great duo
You get really stressed whenever she jumps with her tiger to the front lines, but you trust the other front cookie to help her out
You two train together and give advice on each other's combats techniques, even if your weapons of choice are different
You once swapped weapons for training, oh what a mess
You almost hit her once while using your skill, because she didn't heaf you yelling and had to dodge extremely fast when she heard the whip itself cominh her way
You bet the two of you had an argument after that one
The both of you are deffo more aware of each other's actions on the battlefield now
She doesn't understand while someone with a whip would work as a ranged unit, but doesn't question it
You have a hard time communicating with her due to a bit of language barrier. There are words she doesn't know, so you have to explain it to her
The first time you were called to join the expedition team, she was surprised to see you by her side
She actually thought you would be an ambush cookie or that you would take a position on the middle but nope! You were at the back of the formation with her
That's basically how everything started. She observed you on the battlefield and you observed her
With time, you two became the best of friends and the best possible duo
And now you're in a middle ground of serious romantic relationship and best friends?
I can't see her actually in a romantic relationship just yet, you'll have go be very patient with her
Because she lived away from civilization for so long I feel that she wouldn't know that well what a romantic relationship is or how it works
She just knows she feels weird (in a good way) around you and the same goes for you
So you two made an agreement to be in this middle ground until she is comfortable enough and once she understands the concept of a romantic relationship better
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cram-cram · 2 years
Master list (Cookie Run Kingdom)
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Madeline Cookie
Madeline x Reader HC
Licorice Cookie
Cuddling/Kissing HC
Red Velvet Cookie
Red Velvet x Reader + adopted Shorbet Shark Cookie
Sorbet Shark Cookie
Red Velvet x Reader + adopted Shorbet Shark Cookie
Dark Choco Cookie
Dating Dark Choco HC
Young Prince Dark Choco HC
Tiger Lilly Cookie
Tiger Lilly x Ranged!Reader
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Cram note: I will no longer be writing for Cookie Run Kingdom! Hope you guys understand
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