#tia loz oc
lilyblossom-art · 28 days
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Tia <3
I drew this like a week ago but forgot to post it whoops-
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The OC Switch - Something
@neverchecking, so I was so inspired by the idea of Tia twigging that there was something strange in the neighbourhood in this Hyrule, that I wrote a whole thing. Then realised this would be a bit much to put in your inbox.
Tia will use pet names for everyone. Sweetpea is her Link's nickname but anything else is fair game. You get a pet name! And You get a Pet name! Everyone gets a pet name!
There was something in the air about this Hyrule that Tia didn’t like. She wasn’t sure what it was, but it was something hovering on the edge of her awareness that screamed ‘WRONG’. And it wasn’t the fact she been thrown into a Hyrule still in the midst of the Upheaval and it wasn’t that Her Link was nowhere to be found.
The sheer lack of people in Lookout Landing and Castletown was very disconcerting the first time she laid eyes on it. The lack of diversity was also jarring, few Rito soaring the skies, no Gorons rumbling past, no specially built pool for Zora to sleep in. A lack of progress in repairing the main town and there was no jarring difference of one certain section that had been frozen in time for 100 years against the rest of the ruins.
(The lack of a stable should’ve been obvious, but it was still an annoying inconvenience when Tia arrived bareback on a newly tamed horse.)
(Thank the Three Link had always been a horse person and had delighted in teaching her how to catch the skittish things well before the Calamity arrived.)
Logically, she’d swiftly figured out this was a Hyrule where a Princess Zelda had been born rather than another version of her. So of course, there would be differences but still, it was disconcerting to see just how devastating the Calamity could’ve been. How it should’ve been.
This Purah seemed different from her version too. Different from the version in the game too although that might’ve been a reflection of the game itself. The something hovering on the edge during their private talk as they discussed everything regarding Tia’s sudden appearance.
At first, the scientist was overjoyed to see her, thinking Tia was the still missing Zelda. Only to grow cold once Tia had explained she wasn’t Zelda nor was she even from this version of Hyrule. It grew very awkward when Tia explained exactly where Zelda probably was and how she wasn’t entirely sure how to retrieve the Princess, her own experience lost in the rush of events.
The conversation took an even further uncomfortable turn when Tia asked about this Hyrule’s Link.
Purah told her Link was out investigating. With the former Sheikah Champion, Aaliyah.
A champion that had never existed in her Hyrule.
Yet another difference to add to the list.
Tia sighed and tilted her head back to watch a bird soar across the sky as she and Purah walked back outside, mutually deciding that there was nothing further they could do until Link showed back up. With all of the differences, the one that stood out to her most was the way every single person she’d met all had praises for Zelda. It’d been the same in the game, but this seemed more… fanatical.
And what’s more she’d overheard one person curse out the champions and not a single person disagreed with them. In fact, more than one had nodded in agreement. A cold weight had settled into her stomach at the words and it’d been difficult not to step out and rip them a new one.
Even Link was merely referred to as an extension of the Princess’ will, like he had no thoughts of his own, only Zelda’s orders.
Her Link was wild and curious and free, happy to stay by her side but also eager to vanish into the wilderness for weeks at a time, word of him helping out anyone who crossed his path trickling back to her. No one would ever deny he wasn’t his own person nor that he only ever acted according to his own will. (Although he had promised to stop taking on lynels without her or someone else backing him up. Last she’d heard Revali and Link had a competition over who could use the least arrows to down a red mane. She’d had to referee that one when Link pulled out an ancient arrow and Revali argued against it.)
Tia was shaken out of her thoughts by a sudden commotion by the south gate.
“Help! Someone! We need help!”
Tia launched herself over the railing of the landing, her hood staying on only by the grace of the Golden Three, and ran towards the gathering group where one man was supporting a very pale other. Red mist clung to the clothes of both, but there was an eerie sludge dripping from the pale one’s tunic, dispersing slowly in the sunlight.
Gloom exposure. A nasty one at that.
Purah appeared by her side. “What happened?!”
“We were down in the Depths when these… things came out of nowhere! They were like giant hands made of Gloom with eyes! Daval pushed me out of the way, but they grabbed and shook him before throwing him into a wall! We barely got away!”
Purah turned to another member of the crowd as Daval was laid gently on the ground in the sunlight, wheezing. “Do we have any sundelions left?”  
They shook their head, paling. “No, we’re waiting for the research team to bring in more after the fiasco yesterday.”
There was a nasty wet choking noise as blood spluttered up from Daval’s mouth. Gasps rippled though the crowd and more than one voice called for elixirs.  
Tia shoved herself through the crowd and knelt down, her hood finally falling off. “Move!”
“Princess?! You’re okay!”
“The Princess is back!”
“Your Highness!”
“I’m not the princess. Name’s Tia. I’m a descendant of the royal family. My great grandma escaped during the Calamity.” She threw out quickly, hoping the quick lie would hold as she ran a hand over Daval’s chest. Broken ribs on top of the gloom. Possibly a collapsed lung and who knows what other kind of internal damage. Hylians were hardy but there were limits.
Purah spoke up, crouching next to her as she surveyed Daval as well. “We’ve been looking for any surviving descendants of people who escaped, particularly those of the cadet branches. Tia arrived this morning.”
Thank the Three Purah backed her hastily constructed lie up. It would provide a reason for her looks and many other things.
But that wasn’t important right now.
Tia ran a hand through Daval’s hair and spoke gently. “Hey, hey. Look at me. Come on. Eyes on me.” Daval blinked cloudy eyes towards her, blood flowing from his mouth and she smiled softly. “It’ll be ok, sweetheart. This’ll sting for a moment, but you’ll be just fine.”
Turning inwards, she drew on the aspect of power that had bathed in Mipha’s own magic for 100 years and learned it’s shape. She’d never be as good as the Zora Princess, but Gloom and dark magic was her speciality. Further still, Tia drew on the memory of the Hero of Time’s adventures and hummed the Song of Healing to focus her magic further.
Sacred Power for the Gloom. Song of Healing for the bones and lung.
Golden light rippled out from her hands and hummed under her skin, making her scars glow softly. Ribbons of light fluttered out around her and the loose hairs in her braided bun swayed in an unfelt breeze.
A stunned silence washed over the crowd as they watched a glowing Tia press both her hands to Daval’s chest.
The warm magic sunk into the chest, washing away the gloom and the ghost of silken waters coaxed the broken bones back into place. All of the cuts and scraps were soothed away. Bruises darkened then lightened swiftly. It wasn’t long before Daval finally took a deep strong breath and stared up at her with wide thankful eyes.
Tia stopped humming and smiled gently, stroking his hair comfortingly. “There you go, dear. How are you feeling?”
Purah pressed a hand to her shoulder and spluttered uncharacteristically. “How? How’d you?!”
Tia tilted her head lightly at the researcher, amusement tickling the edge of her smile. “Sacred Light magic. It’s the most effective thing against Gloom and other dark magics.” The smile dropped and a small frown creased her brows. “Did the Princess not bless you or provide you with Blessed Fairy Elixirs?”
She knew Zelda didn’t. Tia had created Blessed Fairy Elixirs herself to prepare for the Upheaval and she knew Zelda’s powers went dormant post-Calamity.  It’d taken a powerful blessing for Tia to protect Link when they’d found Ganon and it’d still not been enough to completely protect him. The idea of Zelda blessing people definitely hadn’t occurred to anyone, but Tia wanted to see how they would react to someone questioning the Princess. To see how far this possible fanaticism went.
“Blessed Fairy Elixirs?” Purah asked eagerly, avoiding the unspoken prod.
Not what Tia wanted but gave enough information. Zelda was beloved and any flaws were probably written off.
Or Purah was just chomping at the bit for information. Tia would have to dig into it at another time then.
As Tia explained the process of Blessed Fairy Elixirs, helping Daval to his feet and guiding him to a bed, she couldn’t help but feel like she was being watched.
Like something was just out of sight.
There was something about this Hyrule Tia didn't like and she was going to get to the bottom of it.
(Meanwhile, in another Hyrule slightly to the left of this one, Link, Hero of Courage, Hylian Champion, Beloved Friend and Family of Princess Tia, The Friendly Traveller, That Maniac Who Tried To Ride A Lynel on A Dare, was dodging several bombs from a particularly infuriated feral-looking possibly-a-Sheikah probably-not-a-Yiga woman.
Aaliyah seems the kind of person to confront this imposter of Her Link.
Sweetpea, on the other hand, is pretty sure she's not a Yiga since she's adamant he's not Link, but is still going to argue the point because he is Link! (Sweetpea uses profanity in high-adrenaline situations. It's something he picked up from Tia.)
It probably goes around in a circle like that until one of them gets tired out or until something blazingly obvious like Revali intervening shocks Aaliyah enough that explanations happen.
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0hmydekiru · 6 years
You seem to have a lot of OCs. Do you have like a master list of them or something?
oh god I have so many. 
Most arent considered mains to me, they are more like npcs, which means i probably only have their name and fc prepared. 
I might have a thing here and there about them in my brain and i might have some idea on how they would interact with certain mains but they aren’t as fleshed out as the mains. 
the secondaries can move to man if i start working on them more.
This isn’t all but this is currently all that i have found info on or remembered.
* means they moved from secondary to main.
☆ means share names but are different characters.
¤ means they have a canon counterpart but i am making changes.
i @’d them if i had a blog though i could have missed a blog or the thing didn’t link them/tag.
also for more homestuck ones go to @trolls-cherubs-and-kids
Italics mean they are on the @la-manada-de-muerte blog.
Bold means they are on the @unafraidofmoonlight blog
it will take a while to list them all (both main and secondaries) 
started on 4/9/18 in the evening and finished in the early morning of the 10th.
feel free to ask about any of them and i will do my best to answer!
1.      Nocovia Westly (story of my own that came from a rp)2.      Haven (LOZ/BOTW)3.      Eleonora Katharina Westergaard (Descendants 1&2) so much is written for this it’s kinda funny.4.      Idunn Fireheart (DA/Skyrim)5.      Yngvild (Vikings)6.      Yué Li (Star wars)7.      Cory Winchester (Supernatural)8.      Maggie Neely ¤ (TNW) x2 as different fcs steely-deliverer-neely9.      Mýrún/Muirenn DunBroch/Haddock (HTTYD/Brave)10.  Nanna (Undertale)11.  Natsuki Tachibana (Naruto/Bleach)12.  Dove Farseeker (WOW) @seekerdove13.  Snatch n Jab, Longshot, and Musey (DnD)14.  Xune'drada “Xuna” Of House T'sarran (DnD)15.  Maethriel (LoTR/Hobbit) @maethriel16.  Idunn (LoTR/Hobbit) @idunnthedwarrowdam17.  Casey Clearwater (Twilight)18.  Jax Pierce (Twilight)19.  Ara Rigel Argyris Black (HP)20.  Jax Kat Black Nee Argyris* (HP)21.  Chandra Bhatt Sharma (HP) @chandraofhufflepuff22.  Pyra Thera Nott  (HP)23.  Theodore Nott ¤  (HP) 24.  Moana Sigyn Herondale  (HP)25.  Haven Alexandria Potter (HP) @shelterofhogwarts​26.  Elara “Ellie” Pandora Black* (HP)27.  Nova “Novie” Calypso Black* (HP)28.  Oberon “Obie” Deimos Black* (HP)29.  Iris & Hazel Plank (HP)30.  Alejandro Rodolfo Martin (HP)31.   Calen JolanLycian (HP)32.   Nissa SimoneAdams (Riverdale/The Flash)33.  Hansa Chari (Riverdale)34.  Maëla Samaelson (Riverdale)35.  Morgause Mervyn (TW)36.  Yukio ‘Yu’ Kai-Zhāng Hale (TW)37.  Cordelia Jane Lycian (TW)38.  Talia Paisley Posey (TW)39.  Althea “Tia” Hestia Harman (TW)40.  Poppy Darcy (TW)41.  Pan Katsaros (TVD/TW/SH)42.  Ajax Megalos (TVD/TW/SH)   43.  Nemesis Argyris☆ (TVD/TW/SH)   44.  Meara Asherah Martin (PJO/TW)45.  Farley Halvorsen (TVD)46.  Ella Herondale-Graymark (SH)47.  Amara Bane (SH/TDI)48.  Morgause Jackson (PJO)49.  Kit Marinos (PJO)50.  Hansa Stark (GOT)51.  Eleonora Baratheon (GOT)52.  Ina Martell (GOT)53.  Lola Caraleah Barton (Marvel & maybe DC)54.  Lola Marie Blake/Banner (Marvel)55.  Adiand'r Kon-el/ Adiary Selene Anders-Kent AKAMoonfire/Superfire (DC/Marvel)56.  Anani Leah Bachman aka Volatile* (Marvel/DC)57.  Marisol Lola Robles-Sanchez aka Thunderbird* (Dc/Marvel)58.  Koraline Dalilah Isley (DC)59.  Hansa Marissa Harmaajärvi (DC) @hmh-azureriptide60.  Pyralis Titaia Zabat (DC)61.  Cordelia “Cory” McLellan (DC) picked a surname for her finally (for C & her 3 bs)62.  Sigyn Ran Allen (DC)63.  Hlin II Baldersdottir (Marvel) @daughters-of-baldr64.  Eir II Baldersdottir (Marvel) ^^65.  Samanta Fárbautisdottir  (Marvel) 66.  BlueShade (Marvel) only has an alias never named her.
Veronica Potts (Marvel) @watergrownpotts​   
Kenna (?)
  Secondaries1.      Jude Black (Twilight)2.      Nemesis Argyris (HP)3.      Dorothy Selwyn (HP)4.      Barbara Selwyn (HP)5.      Lucille Selwyn  (HP)6.      Theodosia Rosier (HP)7.      Dolorosa Rosier   (HP)8.      Josephina Rosier  (HP)9.      Amara Nott (nee Fawley)  ¤ (HP)10.  Richard Nott  ¤ (HP)11.  Thaddeus Fawley  ¤ (HP)12.  Sullivan Fawley  ¤ (HP)13.  Hansa Marissa Lillard-Patton  (HP)14.  Hestia Faye Bones  (HP)15.  Aiden  Nicholas Bones  (HP)16.  London Amelia Bones  (HP)17.  Líadan Aisling Ó Rinn  (HP)18.  Bran Meallán Finnigan (HP)19.  Harlan Cedric Howler (HP)20.  Aiden Nicholas Howler  (HP)21.  Nova Amelia Howler  (HP)22.  Hestia Faye Howler  (HP)23.  Noah Duncan  (HP)24.  Jacob Duncan  (HP)25.  James Duncan  (HP)26.  Caleb Duncan  (HP)27.  Freya Duncan  (HP)28.  Connie Quinn  (HP)29.  Matilda Quinn  (HP)30.  Taryn Quinn  (HP)31.  Slyvie Quinn  (HP)32.  Mulan Li  (HP)33.   Xing-Yue Li  (HP)34.  Chou ‘Cho’ mo chang/ Qiū Zhāng ¤ (HP)35.  Ling ‘lin’ he chang /Zhāng  (HP)36.  Ru ‘Rue’ Lian Chang/ Zhāng  (HP)37.  Arnav Chopra Desai  (HP)38.  Anvi Chopra Desai  (HP)39.  Mani Bhatt Desai  (HP)40.  Hari Bhatt Desai  (HP)41.  Asha Bhatt Sharma  (HP)42.  Darshana Bhatt Sharma (HP)43.  Damon Jones (Riverdale)44.  Mu Samaelson (Riverdale)45.  Stefan Cooper (Riverdale)46.  Morgaine McArthur  (TW)47.  Nimue Mervyn  (TW)48.  Alma Subi Kakar  (TW)49.  Imelda Vonda Althaus (TW)50.  Maud Ella Althaus  (TW)51.  Karou Jun Seung  (TW)52.  Zola Zidati Brisbane  (TW)53.  Ahyoka Wolfe (TW)54.  Espie Brigid O'Brien  (TW)55.  Thespa Arianrhod O'Brien  (TW)56.  Lewis Gimli Watts  (TW)57.  Ula Nimue Ó Muireagáin  (TW)58.  Ira Jude Evans  (TW)59.  Hazel Tatiana Vespera Petrova  (TW)60.  Clíodhna “Cleo” Deveraux  (TW)61.  Tracy Stewart ¤  (TW)62.  Erin Matthews  (TW)63.  Tala Bane  (TW)64.  Kendel Anderson  (TW)65.  Teagan Bennett  (TW)66.  Monica Andrews  (TW)67.  Noemi “Ami” Martinez  (TW)68.  Aili (eye-lee) Isaacson  (TW)69.  Rebekah “Beks” Kayne  (TW)70.  Amelia “Lia” Mills  (TW)71.  Rebecca ‘Harley’ Harlowe  (TW)72.  Stacy McCall  (TW) 73.  Jesse Harlowe  (TW)74.  Ara Yukimura (TW) 75.  Hestia “Hex” Raven Basurto  (TW)76.  Julianna “Jules” Wolf (TW) 77.  Mark Richard Bennett  (TW)78.  Kevin Robert Bennett (TW) 79.  Stella Rene Bennett (Nee Lycian (Nee Celeste))  (TW)80.  Duncan Owen Lycian  (TW)81.  Eline ‘Eli’ Gwendolyn Lycian  (TW)82.  Steven Marcus Bennett  (TW)83.  Seeley Blythe  (TW)84.  Renata Enid Bishop  (TW)85.  Ramona Henley Bishop  (TW)86.  Lukas Carter  (TW)87.  Denise Maeve Lemay  (TW)88.  Mira Ocarina Martin (TW) /Mira ‘Stark’ Tyrell (GOT)89.  Kavum Martell (GOT)90.  Chandra Martell  (GOT)91.  Aarushi Martell (GOT)92.  Adelaide Michaelson/Hamilton/Graymark/Herondale (SH/DC/TVD???) 93.  Heiđrún Halvorsen  (TVD/TO)94.  Serena Halvorsen  (TVD/TO)95.  Bistra Halvorsen  (TVD/TO)96.  Maiko Akamine (Naruto)97.  Rory Darrow (Homestuck/undertale)98.  Arizona “Rona” Robles (Homestuck/Undertale)99.  Cili (LoTR(?)/Hobbit)100. Eliza  (LoTR/Hobbit)101. Lalia Fairbairn-Greenhand  (LoTR/Hobbit) 102. Maire Fairbairn-Greenhand  (LoTR/Hobbit)103. Arodien (LoTR/Hobbit) 104. Idunna Odinsdottir/Dana Runa Astrid Meadows  (DC/Marvel)105. Hlina Odinsdottir/Leah Suzanna Fawn Meadows (DC/Marvel)106. Titaia Ianthe Alkmene Katsaros aka Tana  (DC)107. Mao Tachibana &  Kyōsei-sha/Dōsei (DC)108. Haven Amelia Buckley/Laila Aisha Al-Amin (DC)   109. Liam Alexander Buckley/Omar Ali Al-Amin (DC)   110. Warren Axel Buckley/Amir Jericho Al-Amin (DC)111. Luke Meadows (DC)112.Stephanie Meadows (DC)113. Veronica Marie Robles-Sanchez AKA Techward (DC)114. Noemi Robles-Sanchez AKA SolarMatrix (DC)115. Jane Sanchez AKA LunarSphere (DC)116. Nephele Anemone Zabat  (DC)117. Demetria Petra Zabat   (DC)118. Thalassa Arethousa Zabat  (DC)119. Bonnie Anita Blake (Marvel)120. Caroline Jolene Blake  (Marvel)121. Noah Blake  (Marvel)122. Eline Clare Dickson (?)123. Jane Marie Dickson (?)124. Neelam Nehal Sharma (?)125. Ara Sawako sasaki (?)126. Kira Aiko sasaki (?)127. Arun Madhava Soman (?) 128. Adithya “Adi” Kapoor Patel (?) 129. Sharada “Charu” Anjali Mahal (?)
Edit: add to main: Nissa Simone Larkspear (SH)
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The OC Switch - Portals
I was supposed to write about Teatime. Wild wanted to meet Aaliyah and now it's nearly 5am. Rip to me I guess.
@neverchecking, I hope I did your girl at least a bit of justice but this is from Wild's pov so I'm blaming him.
Wild shook his head lightly as he stepped out of the portal. Every portal was always a little disorientating even with his experience of Sheikah Tech. The feeling of being magically transported through time and space was vastly different to the colder electric feeling of moving from shrine to shrine.
Rolling his shoulders to remove the vestiges of discomfort, he pulled the Sheikah Slate from his belt and glanced at it, frowning. The map was acting oddly. In most Hyrules, all it showed was static and the same blank page he’s had at the very beginning of his adventure. In his own Hyrule and in Cal’s, the map was filled out and clear, providing up-to-date information regarding the weather and the time.
This place however made the map glitch and a box popped up stating ‘CONNECTION ERROR’.
Which had never happened before.
Time finally stepped through the portal and it fizzled out behind him. “Sound off.”
Various voices called out, but Wild didn’t, too distracted as he poked at the screen.
“Wild and I are here.” Cal reported quietly. He’d been standing quietly next to Wild, curiously glancing over his shoulder.
“Wild? Is there something wrong?” Time turned to the two which also made the whole group turn towards them.
Cal shifted uneasily. They had only picked up the Hero of Calamity a few weeks back and he still had a habit of freezing up whenever attention focused on him. He’d loosened up, but there was still a ways to go.
Wild jabbed at the screen again. “My slate’s being weird. This isn’t my Hyrule, at least according to this, but it’s glitching.”
Suddenly, a bolt of light connected with a nearby tree, leaving a scorch mark and causing every single person to draw their sword.
“Identify Yourselves!” A feminine voice demanded. Both Wild and Cal froze.
The voice was familiar. Too familiar.
“Who are you to make demands when you attacked first?” Warriors said, taking a step forward only to pause when a woman stepped out from behind another tree, pointing a glowing bow directly at his head.
“Princess Zelda?” “Your highness?” Both Wild and Cal spoke at the same time, but denial shot through them.
This Zelda was clearly a bit older than either of theirs. Her hair was pulled back into a long braid, showing off the almost lightning-like scars that trailed up the right side of her face like a warped mirror of Wild’s own scars. The scars ran down her neck and under the sensible tunic and leather combination most travellers wore.
There was also the way this woman held herself. Confident without excess and comfortable enough with the bow that it held steady even as eleven swords were pointed awkwardly in her direction.
She looked like their Zeldas, but it was very obvious she wasn’t.
She glanced at them both briefly. “You are certainly neither of my heroes if you call me by that name. You came from a portal reeking of darkness. Identify yourselves else prove yourselves a threat to this land.”
“My name is Time and these are my companions. We are seeking the one who is making these portals and transporting monsters through them. Please, we mean you no harm.” Time sheathed his sword and held up his hands. “We also seek the Hero of this land. We believe that Hylia has called him to defend Hyrule once more just as she has with each of us.”
The woman snorted. “I have two heroes of courage under my protection and they shall come only if they wish. She can come down here and ask them herself if she wishes to toy with either of them.”
Sky and First looked as if they desperately wanted to object, but since she was still pointing a glowing arrow at Warriors’ head, they both bit their tongues and tried to still their impulses.
Still her eyes caught on the aborted movement and she stared at them. Something had caught her attention and her eyes narrowed.
“Is that the Master Sword?”
The group tensed as Sky nodded. She stared for a moment then nodded. “Then step forward and put it on the ground. We’ll see if you are who you claim to be.”
Cautiously, Sky took a few steps past Warriors and jammed the Master Sword into the ground before retreating to Warriors’ side. Her eyes squinted at him but let him remain next to the other.
Wild cast his eyes about as each of his brothers all shifted uneasily. They’d been thrown off guard by her appearance and knowledge and it was hard to make a choice. She hadn’t been entirely unreasonable. They had come from a dark portal and it was eleven to one. It wasn't unreasonable that she wanted to defend herself.
And she claimed she had two heroes to protect. How in the name of all the gods had that happened?
The woman smoothly approached the Master Sword and pressed a knee against the blade which glowed and let out a strange chime.
The woman glanced down at it and softened. “I suppose you can vouch for all of them, Fi?”
The sword chimed again and Wild nearly dropped his sword. Just who the hell was this woman?!
The sword chimed once more then dimmed and fell silent.
All tension in the woman dissipated and the bow vanished in a flicker of light. She wrapped a hand around the handle and pulled it easily from the ground. She smiled softly as she tested it’s weight, like she was greeting an old friend. “I apologise for my behaviour, but we’ve had issues with imposters recently and word of these portals unleashing strange monsters has everyone on edge.” She looked up towards him and Cal. “I take it neither of your Zeldas had visions when she was a child?”
“Visions?” Wild asked weakly. Next to him Cal tensed up, clearly uncomfortable with this woman who looked so much like their Zelda looking at them.
Her ear flicked, but her expression stayed gentle. “I had visions when I was younger. And a major personality change if your Zeldas are anything like the one we have to deal with.” Exasperation was clear in her voice.
“What are you talking about?” Wind burst out, voicing the thought they were all thinking.
“Oh, sorry. My name is Tia and I am a version of Zelda, specifically your Zelda.” She pointed at Wild.  He couldn’t help but stare. This woman was supposed to be a version of his Zelda. Like Cal was a version of him specifically. Impossible.
Tia smiled wryly. “I know it sounds complicated, but the long and short of it is when I was seven, I had visions of Ganon and what I assume was your adventure. I got brief glimpses at the other heroes, some clearer than others but you were the main one. A few months ago, my Hyrule merged with another version of Hyrule that was on a similar timeline. We’d both gone through the Calamity and… some other factors which I promise I will explain in a better location.” She added hurriedly before Wild could interrupt. “The main difference between our Hyrules was me and the consequences of my actions versus an additional Champion in the other Hyrule, a Sheikah Champion.”
Wild and Cal couldn’t help but tense up at the idea of another champion. One they could’ve failed and probably had in this version of Hyrule.
“Her name is Aaliyah and she basically attached to the hip with Link. Well, that version of Link we refer to as Sage and my original version we usually call Champ. The convergence was very confusing, but the end result was some people merged with their counterparts, others remained separate due to the fact they were too different or.. not dead really.” Tia explained, finishing awkwardly.  
“What do you mean not dead?” Warriors asked with a baffled expression.
Tia’s expression wavered for a moment then she licked her lips and looked directly at Wild. “The champions. Revali, Mipha, Daruk and Urbosa. They’re alive alongside others like your sister. I saved them.”
Wild felt the world go blurry. The champions? Alive?
And… a sister?
The world went dark.
Ten minutes later, Wild had recovered enough to walk back to Tia’s encampment. She was leading them next to Time and Warriors, who’d seemingly forgiven her for holding him hostage, discussing the portals. He noticed she kept glancing back at him worriedly.
He wished she’d stop.
Cal hovered by his side. It’d been hard at first, confronted with a version of himself that had won. But something about the other had him sliding him into the same place in his heart where he kept all of his brothers.
And now…
“Why didn’t you tell me we have a sister?” Wild asked quietly.
Cal winced and his lips pursed. He blinked several times and steeled himself. “I… I had hoped you would at least remember her a little bit. I haven’t seen her since I joined the knights.”
It was clearly a sensitive subject and Wild was no stranger to those. He dropped it.
But something else bugged him. “Do you have a Sheikah Champion?”
Cal shook his head. “No, we only have five of us plus the Princess. The Sheikah never had a champion.”
Guess that was something else different about this Hyrule. “Wonder what she’s like? Zel-Tia said they were attached at the hip to her version of us.”
Cal hummed in agreement before a loud laugh in interrupted all conversations through the whole group.
This voice was again familiar. A little rougher but still undeniably his own voice.
Tia’s shoulders slumped. “I’ve been gone for twenty minutes. What on Farore’s Green lands have they been up to?” She muttered before breaking into a light jog.
Bursting from the tree line, Wild saw a version of himself, older and more ragged with shorter hair and a strange black arm, laugh as yet another version, one with longer hair and similar arm bands, wiggle helplessly in the grasp of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life.
She had gorgeous short white hair like moonlight on snow. Her lean body seemed to weave through the air like she was the wind itself. Her smile lit up her entire face and Wild swore not even stars would outshine the gold in her eyes. He could see the way her muscles flexed under her silken dark skin as she casually tossed the wiggling counterpart directly into the river.
Gods, he wished that was him.
Cal let out a small quiet noise like a mouse being stepped on.
Wild nodded in agreement.
Yeah, he felt that.
The gorgeous Sheikah stood on the edge of the river, arms raised in victory as she laughed brightly. The sunlight seemed dim in comparison.
“Who the hell are these guys?” The growl of his own voice grabbed his attention for a moment and he glanced to see Tia linking her arm with the rougher version of himself and giving it a light squeeze. He seemed to be glaring directly at him and Cal who was still glancing at the Sheikah.
“Link, this is Link, Link, Link, Link, Link, Link, Link, Link, Link, Link, and Link. They're heroes from past eras.” She said entirely with an innocently straight face, pointing to each of them in turn. He adjusted his arm around her shoulders and pinned her to his side, angling her away from them.
“Those portals with the monsters apparently connect to other times which is why I felt like I recognised some of them. These heroes have been dragged around trying to find the culprit.” Tia leaned against him.
The counterpart glared briefly at the group then down at her. “I thought you were talking to a korok.” He growled again.
She poked him in the forehead. “Well, maybe if you didn’t terrify the poor things, I would’ve brought one of you along but since you all decided to set fire to the Lost Woods...”
He slumped under the weight of her stare and seemed to grumble under his breath. "That was an accident."
Wild would’ve paid more attention as Time introduced himself properly, but it was stolen by the way the pretty Sheikah woman was now yelling at the river.
“Come back out here and face me!” Her voice was sweet like a bird song that could listen to for hours.
There was an explosion of water as the long haired version popped out from under the surface.
“Hey. Hey. Hey, Aaliyah~ Guess what I’ve got.”
Aaliyah. Even her name was beautiful.
She crossed her arms and smirked before she paused and pointed down at the possible hero who’s grin only got wider.
“If that’s fish you’re about to throw at me, I will make you eat it raw.”
“Close but no.” And with that, he threw an octorok at her.
Letting out a shriek, there was a flash of steel as she elegantly sliced the creature in two with her sword then gracefully launched herself at the cackling hero, sword left in the ground.
Wild felt the air leave his lungs in a rush.
That was amazing.
“YOU DAMN FUNGUS!” The ragged one tore after him as well, the water becoming a swirl of white foam and splashing.
Tia sighed and moved to pick up Aaliyah’s sword. “Honestly, I’m just impressed he caught one.”
Honestly, Wild was just plain impressed.
Tia can be Queen of Hyrule or she can fully corral the trio. She's good but no one's that good.
Wild is just like fully got the rose-tinted glasses on and so does Cal while Sage immediately has their number.
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