#threads: julian.
lvciddreamt · 5 months
“well, well.” brows lifted slightly in surprise. “what’s the lady of the house doing here?”
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jsbashirmd · 19 days
@lietwice sent:
⌚️ ( okay consider julian who has been married to garak for like 10 years on cardassia, getting the chance to talk to early ds9 garak. or, alternatively, obsidian order garak meeting ds9 julian or married cardassia julian )
When Julian awoke, he was immediately aware that he wasn't in his home. It smelled different, to start, and though the walls were in the correct places, it was decorated differently. It was also overpoweringly, suffocatingly hot. He looked first for his communication device, then for his husband and children, and when he found no sign of either, he quickly and quietly exited the unfamiliar home to widen his search. It took a matter of hours for him to discover that this was his home, but it wasn't his time. Then, his entire focus changed--his whole mission became to find his husband, whether or not Garak was his yet, and he tried not to think too hard about just why he was doing that.
It took weeks. Nearly two months, though that was partially because Garak was off-world for much of that time, but as soon as he caught sight of him, tending, carefully to his little garden of orchids, Julian was finally able to relax. He shouldn't upset the timeline, he realized. He'd seen him and he was safe and as he should be at this time, and thus reassured, Julian should just live as unobtrusively as possible while he tried to get back to his own time. But he couldn't help but linger, just for a while, and unfortunately for him and his good intentions, Garak was not content to be watched, especially by a stranger.
"Oh!" he exclaimed quietly, as soon as their eyes met. He cursed, then spread his hands to show he was unarmed, then made no other movements. "Hello. Not that it's likely to help or to convince you, but I promise I'm not an enemy operative here to spy on you."
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sergle · 7 months
some extra info abt the brittany broski situation is that before her most recent podcast ep she posted smth on her close friends ig story saying that ppl asking her to talk about palestine was “dystopian” and like a black mirror episode or smth so that’s what most ppl are talking about w her! she still obviously showed her support now and doesn’t deserve the hate at ALL (esp cause it should be focused at elected officials) but ya there’s some more context!!
I mean that is accurate! this is dystopian! It's very fucking weird to live in a world where literal genocide is happening, but all that REALLY matters is that someone posts a tweet about it quickly enough, otherwise you don't care. That is dystopian. and basically seeing a script for what to say being handed to you, showing the emptiness of the gesture. meanwhile the actual topic of human suffering is miles away. just ticking boxes.
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bijoumikhawal · 22 days
wandered on reddit and saw the take thar Julian brings up the fact that he was second best in his class and the fiber vs nerve mistake because he's "arrogant" and basically is flaunting such an obvious mistake as proof that he's superior because no one's put it together... when did Richard Bashir get a reddit account?
Julian is arrogant and a bit of a dick but that's not. The way he's arrogant. Julian enjoys when people are as smart or close to as smart as he is. He likes being intellectually stimulated. It's why he tries to talk to Kira about Bajoran music, has a book club, and tries to debate a play with O'Brien at lunch. Julian doesn't believe he'll never be found out- he's aware and terrified of how precarious his secret is. It's why he insists on not applying for the Carrington and is a bit stressed when Jadzia applies for him. Julian's reaction when O'Brien warns him about Zimmerman has no suprise in it that I can remember.
Julian does think he knows better- as a doctor. If people ask him for other advice, he gives it, but he doesn't usually flaunt unless he's flirting. When he mocks/teases people it's not usually based on intelligence (actual examples: him asking Jadzia to give O'Brien a flute when he's dealing with the voles as Pied Piper reference, telling Worf he smells like lilacs and telling someone else to mention to him).
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havenbsinclair · 8 months
who: Julian Heywood @julianxheywood where: Haven's Front Porch
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Haven was still trying to figure out why Julian Heywood had been the first person she thought to contact as she had been standing alone in her house this afternoon. It was the first real opportunity she'd had alone since she'd ran into Kanyon at the grocery store, and while she didn't want to worry anyone, she was thankful to have a team of people on her side to help her through whatever this was she was about to experience. Because in all honesty with Kanyon's return it had left Haven in a bit of a mess mentally, and when Julian had offered to come see her she was thankful, even if she had hesitated. As the familiar vehicle pulled up, she sat up a little straighter, letting her back lean against the post as she watched; this was certainly a sight she could get used to. "Thanks for coming, Julian." she spoke when he was finally in ear shot.
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alicexcheung · 8 months
starter for @julianxheywood
location: oasis
Since being back in East Haven, Alice had been grappling with the way that she had left things all those years ago. It was her fault, she knew that. Alice was old enough and adult enough to know that but it wasn't making it any easier. Alice had been trying to throw herself into work but it was quiet, so she took it upon herself to head out to Oasis to get out of her head, or at the very least, she'd try. By the time she spotted him, she was several drinks in and they were very much alcohol filled. Alice strut, as best as she could over to Julian and tapping him rather impatiently on the shoulder.
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littlcfreaks · 7 days
closed starter for @renaissanses
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julian's warm - he's just not sure if its because of the cramped room they're sitting in with too many other bodies or because his leg is pressed against darrens or because julian just pointed out that they were spending a lot of money and darren just pinched his cheeks, fingers leaving trails of heat as they pulled off his jaw. all three, he thinks as he takes a long drink, hoping to cool himself off with no luck, "darren!" he's laughing despite the chiding tone of his voice, his head fuzzy even though he was only on his second drink, "if you lose this hand, i'm cutting you off. anyways," he shoots a forlorn look to the slot machines, "i wanna play the slot ones."
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therapardalis · 11 months
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[Lucifer Quote Meme from @dimensionalspades' Julian.]
"You’re quite adorable when you’re flustered." ------------
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"And what," Thera countered, tone as arch as the eyebrow she lifted along with, "makes you think I'm flustered?"
Truth be told she was a little bit warm, but not so much that Julian would be able to tell unless he was pointing a tricorder at her - practiced medical eyes or not. "I'm not about to get worked up over one of Quark's ... embellishments."
The 'embellishment' in question was moving around behind her now, entirely too close and entirely too muscular, removing the coat from her shoulders while all but breathing in the scent of her hair. If he'd been even remotely real he probably would have earned a sharp elbow for his trouble, but Thera wasn't going to fuss about a hologram in her personal space; any more than she had about the sultry smile and enticing kiss on her hand that this one had already thrown in.
"I thought this was meant to be an elegant dinner, not the fucking Hellfire Club ..."
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danaxallenlopez · 5 months
starter for @julianxheywood
location: julian's place
"God, that was the scariest night," she said, plopping down on the couch next to Julian, though she knew that was only her own experience and Julian had just had one a hell of a lot scarier. "How is Haven's son?" She asked, making sure that she was checking in when she could. Though Julian was in a relationship, it didn't mean Dana was any less involved in his life. "I've been meaning to stop by, but didn't want to intrude," it's not like Dana was family or dating Haven, "I'm sure she's had a lot of family visiting."
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hazalxalpman · 5 months
starter for @julianxheywood
location: sweet cheeks bakery
"Hi Julian," Hazal greeted the other as she looked up from the table when a shadow came over her, "need a place to sit?" She was sipping on a coffee and picking at a croissant when she spotted him, "I'd be surprised if you found a table anywhere else, I was lucky enough to grab this one," she admitted to him, gesturing to the empty chair across the table from her, "I was this close to having to fight someone for it," Hazal joked with a smile.
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mimi-croissant · 2 years
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Aurelio The Sunbearer Trials 🤝 Yads Cemetery Boys
man buns
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lvciddreamt · 11 months
“i can be nice.” it was sort of true. he just wasn’t very good at it. though, admittedly, he hadn’t ever actually applied himself to that particular task. not when it came to elena, anyway. she already knew him so well — why bother? “come on, you know you’d be dreadfully bored within a few weeks. at most.”
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jsbashirmd · 7 months
[[ unplotted starter for @dccontramundum because Morse needs someone to marvel at his big beautiful brain and Julian needs someone to find out his secrets and not care. and they both need more kissing.
He was drunk. Both of them were, which was poor judgement if ever there was any, but Julian couldn't help it. Despite all his best efforts, Julian had been done for the moment Morse had first woken up clear-headed and said something brilliant, and it had only gotten worse from there. His hair and his eyes and his voice and the way he thought of everything, as simply and as perfectly as Julian did about his own field. He'd always fallen in love easily, and out of it almost as, but this... he'd fallen hard. And despite every resolution, he hadn’t been able to stay away. So now here they were.
Julian would like to say that it was a perfect romantic moment that swept him away. What it actually was was more ordinary and more special all at once. He grinned and he said, "You should sing more," and then he pressed close enough that they were breathing each other's air and when Morse didn’t pull back, Julian kissed him. Because at least this way, he'd get to taste a little bit of what they could be like before it somehow came crashing down on him.
And g-d, romantic or not, it was perfect.
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archxngxl · 1 year
Closed Starter
Brianna choked on her drink at his attempt at a joke, a blush rising over her pale cheeks. She bit her tongue, knowing that an argument was useless at this point. "Fine, then I need to go get dressed the way that Juliet would dress." Brianna wiped her mouth one last time, before rising to her feet and excusing herself to her room.
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She went with something fancy, but not too fancy. Enough to scream 'my husband spoils me' but not loud enough. It was a beige colored set, with a white turtle neck and her hair down. She decorated her fingers with some rings and her wrist with a bracelet. As she stepped out, the redhead waited for Julian to arrive. "Come on, Romeo! We can't keep them waiting!"
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kingofthehunt · 11 days
( @wcirdo -- at the tidal pavilion after sundown, late )
Someone rushes into Elias, and he feels the leftovers of his drink slush dangerously close to his face, and clothes. There's miniature sprinkles spread out over the bottom of his shirt, and he rubs his temples in a sigh, looking for someone in the crowd -- until he finds him. There's no excitement about the mass of people at this festival, given the overflow of pests (supernatural beings) on mass.
"Hey.", Elias comes to halt right in front of Julian, points to the napkin in his hand and gives a slight nod, "Can I borrow that? I'll grab you a new one, after I've rubbed this out before it dries out."
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havenbsinclair · 3 months
𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘳 @julianxhawthorne
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The 'bridge' leading to Julian's home had been one of Haven's favorite parts of the build - if you took away the fact it was on the beach anyways - standing here looking at the finished product of Julian's house when she'd watched it go up piece by piece before was almost bittersweet. Knowing she'd played such a big part in the progress of this home made her happy; and to now be standing here staring the finished product head on made her feel proud. She was waiting on Julian to meet her there - they'd just come from having a meal with Lake upon their return from Australia - and she'd been a little shocked that she'd beat him there. Not that she was upset, that just meant her surprise could follow through as planned. The last month had been full of Haven shopping for he perfect furniture, decorations and last minute touches to bring the home to life, and despite how much she'd tried to have it all finished before she'd left for Australia, the phone calls she'd received with the last minute deliveries and placements had been often enough to see that hadn't happened. Not that she minded; she was fortunate enough to be in a place financially where she could take some time away if she wanted; especially now that interior design had been added into er workload as well. Once he pulled up, however, Haven took a few steps towards him, greeting him with a kiss and smiling. "Hi." she smiled, letting her hands move to up both sides of his face in an attempt to keep his gaze focused on her. "You trust me right?" she smiled, letting her nose press against his for a moment before she smiled. "If you do, close your eyes. Let me lead the way." she spoke, taking his hand and walking backwards towards his front door, eager to show him the final finished product.
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