blindspct · 1 year
beau knew that the two of them had their ups and downs but he was ultimately grateful that he and his wife, eliza, were attempting to work things out. smiling as his wife came into view as she walked into his home office, he clapped his hands together and closed his laptop. “there’s my girl,” he breathed out, looking at her in an affectionate manner. “are you ready to get out of here for a little while? i don’t want to miss our reservations. i’m glad that we were both able to get the night off, aren’t you?”
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daphnestclaire · 5 years
the only other person beau had brought home to meet his parents was mallory and that was years ago, and now here he was bringing jamie home to meet his mom - just his mom. he wasn’t sure how his dad would react. he wasn’t even sure his dad knew that he was also into guys and he didn’t really know how to tell him, especially since he wasn’t exactly on his dad’s goodside because he didn’t want to stay in real estate. he had his arm around jamie’s waist as they  walked up to the front of his parent’s house. “my mom’s going to love you. i know it.” he spoke before pressing a kiss against his cheek and pushing the door open. he led him inside and toward the kitchen where he knew his mom would be. she turned and smiled at the two of them, “you must be jamie! beau’s told me so much about you.” she spoke once she noticed them and wiped her hands on a towel before moving toward them and giving them both a hug. that was a good sign, beau hoped.
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beau slipped in the seat next to lola’s sat behind the front desk. it’d been a slow night and he knew the both of them wanted to go home but they were both stuck here for the overnight shift. he leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest before looking over at her, “there has to be something we can do that will help us get through this.” he sighed. “any ideas? or should we just make a fort behind here and take a nap?” 
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lcvebirds · 3 years
Beau was intrigued by how the woman moved. She was fast and she seemed to be running the entire show. He couldn’t tell exactly what her job was though. Was she an assistant? Was she a designer? Did she run the show? She seemed to be doing all three jobs in one, from what he could see that interested him quite a bit. He was hardly ever genuinely interested in someone. Sure, he dated but he was almost positive that the reason that he ever got dates was because of what he was and not who he was. No one ever actually made an effort to get to know him, or at least, that’s what it felt like. Which, honestly, kind of sucked if you asked him but he figured that was the life of a model. Modeling wasn’t really what he wanted to do. He always thought he’d do more with his life and that what he’d do would be more intellectual but once his mom noticed the attention he was getting the older he got, she pushed him into it all and pulled some strings, and basically used him to earn her a living. Every time he thought of quitting, she always made him feel guilty and so he kept on. The job wasn’t really difficult, it just wasn’t what he wanted to do. 
When the shoot was over and pretty much everyone had left to do their own thing, he walked over to her to give her the remaining clothes he had back. “I’m beau.” he introduced, although he was sure she knew that. He figured it was better to be proper though. “And i’m not from here,” he added, pausing for a moment. His eyes scanned over to face, as if to see if he could tell how she was feeling in that moment. Maybe she’d give him a sign to leave her alone? Who knew? “So, i was wondering, would you maybe want to grab something to eat with me? I don’t really know what’s good and i figured you could take me somewhere you like to eat. I mean, i trust your opinion, especially after trying on your designs. You’re talented by the way. I’m sure everyone tells you that all the time though, don’t they?”
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daphnestclaire · 5 years
“hi, baby.” beau greeted as he opened his front door. “i didn’t know you were coming over today.” he added as he pulled jamie’s toward him by his waist and pressed a small kiss against his lips. “working on editing some pictures. you wanna see them?” he asked, smiling a little at him as he looked down at his boyfriend. he pulled him inside and closed the door behind him. he didn’t mind him showing up when he wanted. this was basically his place too or at least that’s how beau felt. maybe jamie hadn’t officially moved in with him but he was here enough.
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daphnestclaire · 5 years
“what do you think classifies as a date?” beau asked, looking over at the person seated next to him. “i heard a couple of girls discussing what was considered a date and what wasn’t considered a date when i was getting coffee earlier and i just want to know your opinion. to me, a date is anything you want it to be. it could be staying at home on the couch and eating pizza with someone but from what i heard from them, if you’re not taking them out and spending money on them then it isn’t a date. is that true?” 
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daphnestclaire · 5 years
beau spent a lot of his free time with jamie and it wasn’t even that he was trying to rebound, it was more of the fact that he actually like his company. he actually liked hanging out with him and he couldn’t help but wonder if he felt the same way. so, instead of inviting him to do what they usually did, which was spend the night in bed, he invited him for dinner and he was hoping that wouldn’t make things weird because if he was being honest, he did really want to get to know more about him. he waited outside the restaurant, his hands in his pockets as he looked around and a smile appeared on his face at the sight of jamie. “hey.” he breathed out and pressed a kiss against his cheek. “dinner’s cool, right?”
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daphnestclaire · 5 years
a groan left his lips the moment the sun made its way through a crack in his blinds and blinded him through his eyelids. “shit.” he grumbled and curled further into his bed. that was, until he heard someone else in his apartment. did he bring someone home last night? he couldn’t remember. he had too much to drink last night and his brain was foggy. he sat up and rubbed his hands over her face, “uh, good morning...” he trailed off. “did we...?”
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daphnestclaire · 5 years
“i just sold another house.” beau announced and broke into a small dance in front of the person they’d been talking to before he had answered his phone. “it might not be what i want to do career wise but i still feel pretty awesome when i sell a house because i know my dad’s gonna be proud as hell.” he added, glancing back over at them. “anyways, what were we talking about again?”
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daphnestclaire · 5 years
“i don’t mean to brag but holy shit, look at this picture.” beau was proud of himself and everything he’d accomplished being a wedding photographer. he turned his laptop toward them and glanced over at them to see their reaction, “what do you think?” he wanted their honest opinion. 
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daphnestclaire · 5 years
imessage 📲 alice in wonderland
beau: i've been practicing my surprised face since you sent me the eggplant emojis
beau: i also wanna ask jamie about my party but i'm almost positive that he won't tell me anything so
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daphnestclaire · 5 years
“do you ever think about how much time flies by when you’re genuinely happy?” beau asked, looking over at colton. “i mean, seriously. i could have one bad day and it’ll feel like the longest day of my life but i’ve actually been in a good mood for, i don’t know, the past month or something like that and it’s felt like a week. crazy how that happens, huh?”
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daphnestclaire · 5 years
beau held up his camera, snapping a couple of pictures of the girl in front of him. “so, honey, how are you and that guy? i still have yet to meet him. what’s his name anyways?” he liked to keep up with his friends as he could. he dropped the camera so it was hanging around his neck as he gave his friend his attention, “or...i don’t know, are you guys still seeing each other? if this is a senstive subject, say the word and i’ll change the subject.”
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daphnestclaire · 5 years
valentine’s day was not a holiday that beau normally celebrated but this year, things were different. he had a boyfriend. it wasn’t that he hadn’t dated at all but mallory was the last person that he dated and that when he was a teenager. either way, it was enough to put him off on dating until he found someone that he liked enough to try again with. oliver was that guy and so, he had texted him and asked him to dinner for valentine’s day. he probably would’ve attempted to make a meal but he wanted things to be perfect and he knew they wouldn’t be if he attempted to make their dinner. he pushed his hair back, a white buttoned up shirt on and black slacks. this is what he wore to work and he almost wondered if he should change. before he could think about it too much, he heard a knock on his door and the only thing that he could focus on was seeing his boyfriend.
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daphnestclaire · 5 years
beau walked into the bookstore without a second thought. that was, until he saw who was sitting behind the counter. he was never really awkward with girls he’d hooked up with but he didn’t know how she felt about it all and if she’d make this shopping trip difficult for him so he decided to find out before he found a book he wanted to purchase. he slowly made his way up to the counter and cleared his throat, “long time, no see, huh?” he spoke up, offering her an awkward smile. “how’re things? how’s...life?”
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daphnestclaire · 5 years
beau was thanking gracie for the flowers he bought for his boyfriend as he was walking out of her shop and ran right into someone. of course he wasn’t paying attention. he snapped his head toward them, “i’m sorry-” he paused, noticing who it was and pursing his lips. “oh, uh, hey.” he gave him a tight lipped smile. he was trying not to be so awkward about the fact that he ghosted him months ago. “it’s been a while, huh?”
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