#thread: simon1
bookishbilly · 7 months
There was a slight spring in Billy’s step this morning as he bounded down the stairs, socked feet and messy hair, unequipped to be seen to the outside world but cheery, nonetheless. When he’d heard that Louis Denver was back in the city and promoting his first book, he’d been overjoyed. It had been a long time since he’d spoken to the young writer, the two never having been particularly close bar their proximity to Katie, but Billy always had taken a liking to him. He’d empathised with the kid – though, he supposed, he wasn’t really a kid anymore, the age difference a little less jarring now that Louis was no longer a student – and had always wanted his store to be something of a safe haven for those who needed it. He’d had to resort to reaching out via social media, never having had Louis’ number in his phone, Katie having told him she no longer knew how to get in contact. But when the writer had agreed, even at the last minute, to hold an event at A Novel Idea, Billy had been delighted. 
He’d fired out texts first thing in the morning to all his employees, letting them know there’d been a change of plans and that he wouldn’t be opening up that day. With the event taking place that evening, he knew he’d need to prioritise setting up the store and making it presentable, making sure to accommodate the crowds that Louis was already anticipating, despite the short notice. They all knew about the reading, having announced it just a couple days prior, but he hadn’t wanted to lump his staff in with any additional labor that wasn’t in their contracts, and he’d promised them all a full day’s pay despite their absence during the first few hours of the working day. 
Billy was looking forward to it, despite how poorly he’d slept the night before. It could’ve been the nerves from putting on an event that could make or break his business, or it could’ve been the usual hustle and bustle of New York City, but he’d been kept up all night with not-too distant noises filling his apartment upstairs. He’d almost believed, for a moment, that there was somebody down there. He’d heard creaking floorboards and hushed giggles, paranoia setting in as he’d convinced himself that someone had broken in. By the time he’d mustered up the courage to go downstairs, the store looked exactly as he’d left it, entirely untouched and nothing amiss. The only new detail was an envelope with Louis’ name on it, placed carefully on the counter, but Billy put that down to something that had no doubt slipped his mind, presumably something the writer’s agent had dropped off for him earlier in the day. 
Combing fingers through his unkempt hair, Billy idled at the coffee machine, needing a pickmeup before he got a head start on his day. His head shot up in surprise as he heard a soft tap against the the front door of the store, the window rattling just an inch with the impact. Peeking through the blinds, Billy’s eyebrows shot up in surprise as he saw Simon Hudson waiting outside, the very man who consumed Billy’s every waking thought, eagerly waiting to report for another day’s work. He frowned to himself, confused at his barista’s presence. He figured it wouldn’t be all that strange if Simon hadn’t seen his text that morning, yet his chest ached with nerves at the mere sight of him. 
It had been a few weeks since their drunken fling, Billy’s hands at Simon’s hips as he’d stupidly kissed the other man. It wasn’t that the kiss had been bad, quite the contrary in fact, but it never should have happened. Billy had known it was a mistake the minute he’d woken up the next morning, head pounding and lips tingling. He’d told himself that he needed to put space between the two of them, distance himself from Simon in some self-congratulatory attempt to do the right thing. 
Naturally, that meant the two hadn’t been left alone together in weeks, and conversation had been... awkward, at best. It was Billy’s fault, some shoddy attempt at protecting Simon’s heart, but he missed him, and the sight of him standing in his doorway sent a new wave of conflicting feelings coursing through his chest. But he knew he couldn’t keep him waiting out in the cold any longer and he clumsily shoved his keys into the lock, pulling the door wide open to let him in. 
“Hey, you,” he greeted him, his cheeks warming as he smiled at the other man. He stepped aside to let him pass, his heart beating an indelicate drum against his chest, as he took a second look at him. While Billy was looking for sleep-soft in a pair of cosy sweatpants and a tank top, Simon looked, well.. Gorgeous. 
Wiping a hand over his face, brushing sleep from the corners of his eyes, Billy pushed that thought to the back of his mind and tried to put on a brave face. “I’m guessing you didn’t get my text this morning, huh? You actually don’t need to be in just yet, Si. You wasted your morning commute on me here, buddy.” 
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skyguywrites · 6 months
semi-coherent list of threads both active and inactive:
(if i miss anything pls tell me lol)
amira - amira/joey1. amira/killian. billy - billy/simon1. bradley - bradley/persephone1. chess - chess/diego1 (✓). chess/henry1. chess/ivy1. chess/matty1. diego - diego/chess1 (✓). diego/henry1. eli - eli/matty1. harlow - harlow/ivy1 (✓). harlow/marley1. harlow/maverick1. harlow/raff1. henry - henry/chess1. henry/diego1. henry/ivy1. henry/poppy1. ivy - ivy/chess1. ivy/harlow1 (✓). ivy/henry1. ivy/louis1 (✓). ivy/louis2. ivy/maverick1. ivy/max1. ivy/wardo1. jessica - jessica/marley1. joey - joey/amira1. killian - killian/amira1. killian/matty1. louis - louis/ivy1 (✓). louis/ivy2. louis/max1. louis/wardo1 (✓). louis/wardo2. louis/wardo3. marley - marley/harlow1. marley/jessica1. matty - matty/chess1. matty/eli1. matty/killian1. maverick - maverick/harlow1. maverick/rafferty1. maverick/wardo1. max - max/ivy1. max/louis1. poppy - poppy/henry1. poppy/wardo1. rae - n/a. rafferty - rafferty/harlow1. rafferty/ivy1. rafferty/maverick1. scotty - n/a. simon - simon/billy1. wardo - wardo/ivy1. wardo/louis1 (✓). wardo/louis2. wardo/louis3. wardo/maverick1. wardo/louis3. wardo/poppy1.
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skyguywrites · 9 days
thread tracker wheeee
❗️= close to wrapping up. ❓= can be wrapped up/archived if people need/wish. bold = ship thread. italics = important/defining plot.
dan owes ;
max/ivy2 - ivy tells max about her past. (20 jan // 2 notes.)
raff/harlow1 - first meeting. (20 jan // 7 notes.)
rafferty/maverick2 - nye/fireworks. (3 feb // 2 notes.)
ripley/amira1 - church meet. (3 feb // 1 note.)
marley/poppy1 - poppy's bi awakening. (6 feb // 0 notes.)
rae/flynn1 - reunion. (9 feb // 3 notes.)
wardo/flynn1 - reunion. (11 feb // 1 note.)
marley/harlow2 - homeless bucket. (12 march // 3 notes.)
henry/diego3 - diego finds out about stefan. (26 april // 7 notes.)
louis/wardo4 - bar date. (27 may // 2 notes.)
annie/eli2 - valentine's day mixup. (2 june // 2 notes.)
jen owes ;
jax/persephone2 - valentine's day date. (15 april // 3 notes.)
noah/poppy2 - poppy's closet. (28 april // 8 notes.)
killian/amira3 - valentine's day. (29 april // 6 notes.)
jax/matty1 - australia. (29 april // 5 notes.)
harlow/raff/mav1 - valentine's day. (15 may // 3 notes.)
jax/annie1 - miami. (15 may // 2 notes.)
chess/matty2 - post work drinks. (15 may // 4 notes.)
chess/ivy3 - experimenting. (15 may // 0 notes.)
jax/dante2 - monaco. (1 june // 0 notes.)
michaela owes ;
billy/simon2 - michigan. (1 june // 0 notes.)
louis/ivy3 - kittens and christopher street. (2 june // 13 notes.)
amira/joey1. (7 notes.)
annie/eli1. (2 notes.)
billy/simon1. (10 notes.)
bradley/persephone1. (5 notes.)
diego/henry1. (14 notes.)
diego/henry2. (16 notes.)
elias/matty1. (2 notes.)
henry/ivy1. (7 notes.)
henry/poppy1. (14 notes.)
ivy/max1. (6 notes.)
ivy/raff1. (6 notes.)
ivy/wardo1. (8 notes.)
jess/marley1. (6 notes.)
mav/raff1. (4 notes.)
mav/wardo1. (3 notes.)
persephone/ripley1. (5 notes.)
poppy/wardo1. (4 notes.)
scotty/joey1. (2 notes.)
chess/henry1. (7 notes.)
chess/joey1. (9 notes.)
dante/jax1. (3 notes.)
harlow/marley1. (5 notes.)
louis/max1. (6 notes.)
louis/wardo1. (20 notes.)
louis/wardo2. (8 notes.)
louis/wardo3. (13 notes.)
amira/killian1. (14 notes.)
amira/killian2. (7 notes.)
chess/diego1. (9 notes.)
chess/ivy1. (7 notes.)
chess/ivy2. (9 notes.)
chess/matty1. (6 notes.)
harlow/ivy1. (6 notes.)
harlow/maverick1. (6 notes.)
ivy/louis1. (10 notes.)
ivy/louis2. (13 notes.)
killian/matty1. (2 notes.)
noah/poppy1. (8 notes.)
persephone/jax1. (9 notes.)
1 note · View note
skyguywrites · 27 days
thread tracker wheeee
❗️= close to wrapping up. ❓= can be wrapped up/archived if people need/wish. bold = ship thread. italics = important/defining plot.
dan owes ;
eli/annie1 - nye/annie gets stood up. (19 jan // 2 notes)
max/ivy2 - ivy tells max about her past. (20 jan // 2 notes.)
raff/harlow1 - first meeting. (20 jan // 7 notes.)
rafferty/maverick2 - nye/fireworks. (3 feb // 2 notes.)
ripley/amira1 - church meet. (3 feb // 1 note.)
marley/poppy1 - poppy's bi awakening. (6 feb // 0 notes.)
joey/scotty1 - scotty opens up about ex. (6 feb // 2 notes.) ❓
rae/flynn1 - reunion. (9 feb // 3 notes.)
dante/jax1 - gym session. (9 feb // 3 notes.)
wardo/flynn1 - reunion. (11 feb // 1 note.)
eli/annie2 - valentine's date mixup. (11 feb // 0 notes.)
ripley/persephone1 - reunion. (13 feb // 5 notes.) ❓
marley/jess1 - drunk jared. (6 march // 6 notes.) ❓
marley/harlow2 - homeless bucket. (12 march // 3 notes.)
henry/diego3 - diego finds out about stefan. (26 april // 7 notes.)
jen owes ;
jax/persephone2 - valentine's day date. (15 april // 3 notes.)
louis/ivy3 - kittens and christopher street. (27 april // 12 notes.)
noah/poppy2 - poppy's closet. (28 april // 8 notes.)
harlow/maverick1 - meetcute. (28 april // 6 notes.) ❓
killian/amira3 - valentine's day. (29 april // 6 notes.)
louis/wardo4 - 'platonic' bar date. (29 april // 1 note.)
jax/matty1 - australia. (29 april // 5 notes.)
harlow/raff/mav1 - valentine's day. (15 may // 3 notes.)
jax/annie1 - miami. (15 may // 2 notes.)
chess/matty2 - post work drinks. (15 may // 4 notes.)
chess/ivy3 - experimenting. (15 may // 0 notes.)
michaela owes ;
amira/joey1. (7 notes.)
billy/simon1. (10 notes.)
bradley/persephone1. (5 notes.)
diego/henry1. (14 notes.)
diego/henry2. (16 notes.)
elias/matty1. (2 notes.)
henry/ivy1. (7 notes.)
henry/poppy1. (14 notes.)
ivy/max1. (6 notes.)
ivy/raff1. (6 notes.)
ivy/wardo1. (8 notes.)
mav/raff1. (4 notes.)
mav/wardo1. (3 notes.)
poppy/wardo1. (4 notes.)
chess/henry1. (7 notes.)
chess/joey1. (9 notes.)
harlow/marley1. (5 notes.)
louis/max1. (6 notes.)
louis/wardo1. (20 notes.)
louis/wardo2. (8 notes.)
louis/wardo3. (13 notes.)
amira/killian1. (14 notes.)
amira/killian2. (7 notes.)
chess/diego1. (9 notes.)
chess/ivy1. (7 notes.)
chess/ivy2. (9 notes.)
chess/matty1. (6 notes.)
harlow/ivy1. (6 notes.)
ivy/louis1. (10 notes.)
ivy/louis2. (13 notes.)
killian/matty1. (2 notes.)
noah/poppy1. (8 notes.)
persephone/jax1. (9 notes.)
0 notes
skyguywrites · 2 months
thread tracker.
❗️= close to wrapping up. ❓= can be wrapped up/archived if people need/wish. bold = ship thread. italics = important/defining plot.
dan owes ;
eli/annie1 - nye/annie gets stood up. (19 jan // 2 notes)
max/ivy2 - ivy tells max about her past. (20 jan // 2 notes.)
raff/harlow1 - first meeting. (20 jan // 7 notes.)
rafferty/maverick2 - nye/fireworks. (3 feb // 2 notes.)
ripley/amira1 - church meet. (3 feb // 1 note.)
marley/poppy1 - poppy's bi awakening. (6 feb // 0 notes.)
joey/scotty1 - scotty opens up about ex. (6 feb // 2 notes.) ❓
rae/flynn1 - reunion. (9 feb // 3 notes.)
dante/jax1 - gym session. (9 feb // 3 notes.)
wardo/flynn1 - reunion. (11 feb // 1 note.)
eli/annie2 - valentine's date mixup. (11 feb // 0 notes.)
ripley/persephone1 - reunion. (13 feb // 5 notes.) ❓
marley/jess1 - drunk jared. (6 march // 6 notes.) ❓
marley/harlow2 - homeless bucket. (12 march // 3 notes.)
louis/wardo4 - 'platonic' bar date. (25 april // 0 notes.)
henry/diego3 - diego finds out about stefan. (26 april // 7 notes.)
jen owes ;
jax/persephone2 - valentine's day date. (15 april // 3 notes.)
chess/matty2 - post work drinks. (27 april // 2 notes.)
louis/ivy3 - kittens and christopher street. (27 april // 12 notes.)
noah/poppy2 - poppy's closet. (28 april // 8 notes.)
harlow/maverick1 - meetcute. (28 april // 6 notes.) ❓
killian/amira3 - valentine's day. (29 april // 6 notes.)
jax/matty1 - australia. (29 april // 5 notes.)
michaela owes ;
annie/jax1 - miami. (29 april // 1 note.)
mav/harlow/raff1 - valentine's date. (29 april // 2 notes.)
ivy/chess3 starter.
amira/joey1. (7 notes.)
billy/simon1. (10 notes.)
bradley/persephone1. (5 notes.)
diego/henry1. (14 notes.)
diego/henry2. (16 notes.)
elias/matty1. (2 notes.)
henry/ivy1. (7 notes.)
henry/poppy1. (14 notes.)
ivy/max1. (6 notes.)
ivy/raff1. (6 notes.)
ivy/wardo1. (8 notes.)
mav/raff1. (4 notes.)
mav/wardo1. (3 notes.)
poppy/wardo1. (4 notes.)
chess/henry1. (7 notes.)
chess/joey1. (9 notes.)
harlow/marley1. (5 notes.)
louis/max1. (6 notes.)
louis/wardo1. (20 notes.)
louis/wardo2. (8 notes.)
louis/wardo3. (13 notes.)
amira/killian1. (14 notes.)
amira/killian2. (7 notes.)
chess/diego1. (9 notes.)
chess/ivy1. (7 notes.)
chess/ivy2. (9 notes.)
chess/matty1. (6 notes.)
harlow/ivy1. (6 notes.)
ivy/louis1. (10 notes.)
ivy/louis2. (13 notes.)
killian/matty1. (2 notes.)
noah/poppy1. (8 notes.)
persephone/jax1. (9 notes.)
1 note · View note
skyguywrites · 4 months
threads ;
amira - amira/joey1. amira/killian2. annie - annie/eli1. billy - billy/simon1. bradley - bradley/persephone1. chess - chess/henry1. chess/ivy2. chess/matty1. dante - dante/jax1. diego - diego/henry2. eli - eli/matty1. harlow - harlow/marley2. harlow/maverick1. harlow/raff1. henry - henry/chess1. henry/diego1. ivy - ivy/chess2. ivy/louis2. ivy/max2. ivy/rafferty1. jax - jax/dante1. jax/persephone1. jessica - jessica/marley1. joey - joey/amira1. joey/scotty1. killian - killian/amira2. killian/matty1. louis - louis/ivy2. louis/max1. louis/wardo3. marley - marley/harlow2. marley/jessica1. matty - matty/chess1. matty/eli1. matty/killian1. maverick - maverick/harlow1. maverick/rafferty1. maverick/rafferty2. maverick/wardo1. max - max/ivy2. max/louis1. persephone - persephone/bradley1. persephone/jax1. persephone/ripley1. poppy - n/a rae - n/a. rafferty - rafferty/harlow1. rafferty/ivy1. rafferty/maverick1. rafferty/maverick2. scotty - scotty/joey1. simon - simon/billy1. wardo - wardo/louis3. wardo/maverick1.
archived threads ;
amira - amira/killian1. chess - chess/diego1. chess/ivy1. chess/joey1. diego - diego/chess1. diego/henry1. harlow - harlow/ivy1. harlow/marley1. henry - henry/diego1. henry/ivy1. henry/poppy1. ivy - ivy/chess1. ivy/harlow1. ivy/henry1. ivy/louis1. ivy/max1. ivy/wardo1. joey - joey/chess1. killian - killian/amira1. louis - louis/ivy1. louis/wardo1. louis/wardo2. marley - marley/harlow1. max - max/ivy1. poppy - poppy/henry1. poppy/wardo1. ripley - ripley/persephone1. wardo - wardo/ivy1. wardo/louis1. wardo/louis2. wardo/poppy1.
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