#though technicallly it was only legally polygamy if you were a king
liashinigami · 1 year
Today I was once again reminded, that the royal line of the Chŏnju Yi clan is absolute insanity. Because they really went from zero to one hundred in like....three generations tops....
Just as a little reminder:
T’aejo, the first king of the Yi Dynasty (1335-1408): eight sons, five daughters
Chŏngjong, son of T’aejo (1357-1419): fifteen sons (two not acknowledged),  eight daughters
T’aejong, son of T’aejo (1367-1422) (yes, the one that fell from a horse that one time): twelve sons (+ four that died in infancy), seventeen daughters (+ one that died in infancy)
Sejong the Great, son of T’aejong (1397-1450): EIGHTEEN SONS, four daughters (three died in infancy)
......so yeh....uhh that’s where we start off
and now we get to the thing that started this tangent:
The line of Prince Hyoryŏng (1296-1486), the second of T’aejong’s twelve sons, recorded seven sons, 34 grandsons, 92 great-grandsons, and 152 great-great grandsons. (source: Edward W. Wagner, “The Korean CHokpo as a Historical Source,” in Studies in Asian Generalogy, ed. Spencer J. Palmer (Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Press, 1972), 149.)
And I am not going to go count the daughters as well....bc wtf...
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