#this would absolutely cause a rift between he and his dad - not unmendable but def like a loss of respect from lucas and A Lot of Feelings
upsidedog · 10 months
when i think of future careers for lucas the first thing that always comes to mind is the military. not because that’s what i want for him, but because his idea of it aligns so strongly with his morals. since season one a fairly prevalent part of lucas’ character had to do with his idealization of his veteran father. more than any of the other party members he was willing to step up for combat. his wrist rocket may seen a little childish but he did save lives with that thing and he knew it. and after season four, he no doubt now has guilt over “failing” max. like if he couldn’t be the hero for her, he needs to be the hero for someone. BUT this all to say lucas would not like the military. it doesn’t align with his moral code. he wouldn’t like what they’re fighting for or the way they’re fighting for it. he’d see the people around him talk about killing like they are twelve year olds with a hero complex and a wrist rocket, or playing a video game, like none of this was real. he knows how death effects people, he’s had someone die in his arms, he doesn’t believe in useless killing, he doesn’t want to blood of innocent bystanders or even enemy’s on his hands. war would not make him feel like a hero, he’d hate it, it’d take him back to every other traumatizing moment of his life. this also applies to lucas becoming a cop, another “hero career.” lucas actually wants to help people, not just be told he’s a hero, it needs to mean something. giving people parking tickets, watching his coworkers kill innocents and funding the prison industrial complex would not do anything for him. i feel like lucas would ultimately gravitate to something that’s helpful in a more personal way, like a high paying stem career that allows him a lot of time and money to give away, working as a therapist, or even a teacher like mr clark who has a very strong bond with kids that are bullied or feel out of place. he’s a good guy
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