#this was the era of highly glamourized eugenics-- all the people in this fandom who try to claim henry
archive2394934 · 1 year
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@wheelercore -> tags from this post.
No you're so right, I'd actually be shocked at this point if Virginia wasn't hooking up with another man while Victor was at war, hence Alice. It all makes perfect sense. Victor comes home from the war and Alice exists? I don't think he's so stupid as to really believe this was his kid but maybe Virginia "convinced" him it was, not so much because he's stupid but because he WANTED to believe it was, because the alternative is acknowledging his wife was a cheat-- which-- at this time was a SERIOUSLY bad and shameful thing, not just for Virginia herself but for Victor as well. At this point in time family and marriage was held in the highest possible esteem. Put this with the fact its OBVIOUS the Creels were Christian, this is why Victor is going on about sins and demons and would explain WHY he he says "punishing us for our sins" meaning his entire family, not just him, not just his mistake in the war, but because BACK THEN this would basically mean his entire family was built on sin. Built on a lie.
This could also be part of why the Creels moved from their old home town to Hawkins. Trying to get away from the "sin" and the shame, especially if the community knew that Victor was at war when Virginia fell pregnant with Alice and sure Virginia could insist it was Victors and Victor could back her up on it but people would know. Which just makes the suggestion they moved because of Henry's possible problems with school even more noxious because there they are using their probably disabled child as a scapegoat again. ALSO LET ME EDIT TO ADD THIS REAL QUICK: I cant help but imagine how it might have felt and looked to Victor if he knew for a fact that Henry WAS his biological child and HENRY was the one who was labeled as abnormal and broken by his teachers and doctors. We know back in this time period children like Henry, children who were "different" and had difficulties and "special needs" were often considered punishments to their families for sinning. So theres also THAT. And maybe part of Victors thing in forgiving Virginia for this wasn't just because it was a lot more awkward and painful not to in a sense but also because he was traumatized by a terrible mistake he made during the war. He comes home and finds out his wife has made a terrible mistake as well (or so she might have claimed) and he decides well how can I judge her? Like is that all theory? Sure, but it seems backed up enough by canon at this point. And I FULLY AGREE. Theres more going on, and I THINK the duffers have confirmed that they're going to be focusing on Henry's past a lot more next season-- I also feel like some things in the script were changed to make things a little more vague in order to keep folks guessing for s5 and not give everything away right off the bat. (Like Henry's transformation for example, I have a feeling that might have been changed the way it was BOTH to make it easier to translate to the screen but also to further obscure what the "line" between Henry and the MF actually is, so to speak. Cos I mean just think if we had the scene on screen in its original form how could people doubt that Henry might not be the big bad? Like if they SAW THE VINES transforming Henry in some weird attack (similar to what we saw with Billy) how could they deny he's not the one controlling them? I MEAN there should already be sufficient enough doubt with what we did see and the things we do know but I think a scene like that would p much confirm my thoughts and it seems the Duffer brothers are treating that a bit like a spoiler for the next season. (sorry Duffers if thats true I ratted y'all out a year or so in advance)
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