#this was created after I whinged about not being able to draw
wolfpants · 3 months
wolf's draw drarry badly challenge ✨
meanwhile, in the Potions lab
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Harry: I may... have fucked up.
Thank you @julcheninred for running DDBC, which is bloody genius, lights up my dash, and fills my belly with giggles.
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hpdabbles · 4 years
Kindness and Remorse
Dudley Dursley never realized just what terrible people his parents are, how terrible he is as well, until the day his cousin had them move for their own protection. Harry Potter was the house freak, barely a boy and more of a toy that he could take out his aggression out on without a hint of punishment for all of his life.
The target of Harry Hunting, a game he and his friends like to play and the little oddball living under the stairway in the cupboard wasn’t a child in his mind. Not like the kids at school, who he also tormented but not nearly as bad as Harry. Those kids had parents or friends who would attempt to stand up for him, and there were times they did get him to back off.
Dudley was a bully. There wasn’t another way to describe him. He liked hurting kids; thought it was all just some big joke. He felt powerful, in control and had the disillusion that people who didn’t agree with him were in the need to be corrected by any means. 
He ruled the playground with a group of numbers then when he was ordered to lose weight and join boxing he ruled the school with fists and threats. Kids his graded hated him, but they were too afraid to do anything in retaliation. The teacher either didn’t care or thought it was pointless to try. He wasn’t worth the effort, just another bad apple that would rot away on his own.
His parents never minded, they let him get away with everything which could be a form of abuse some claim in their own way.  
But the point being Dudley was a bully who had no limits when it came to Harry.  Just like his parents. 
Because in the house found at 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey England, Harry Potter wasn’t and never would be considered a human. Not a little boy, not a young man, and certainly not someone worth anything.
Despite all of this and every problem they left in the bloke’s mind, Harry still wanted to protect them. He stopped that terrifying ghost thing from attacking them (though at the time he couldn’t see them. Dementors they were called) breaking his world’s law about magic and sent them away. 
He stayed behind to fight some lunatic that killed his parents- wasn’t that a shock? His aunt and uncle weren’t drunks who died in a car crash but were instead murdered in their home with Harry the sole survivor- standing at the door with a grim face as his parents complain every second about it. 
As if though they weren’t leaving behind a child to fight a monster. As if though that same child who is filled with so much kindness was willing to save them when in all honestly he had every right to let them die. 
Harry, the one treated the less human in that house, was more of a man than Vernon or Dudley could ever be.
He stayed behind to fight a secret war against someone the adults should have dealt with and all Dudley could have offered him was an awkward farewell and stumbled “I don’t think you’re worthless”. For the first time, his parents were torn with letting him get away with whatever came out of his mouth and outrage that their child would say something so “terrible”.
As they drove away, he glanced back at Harry, who had gone from a scared scrawny kid to a young man with a straight back and haunted eyes without him noticing. The same young man who hated the Dursley family, who had every right to hate them and yet still could not allow them to be harmed.
A boy who was too darn kind for his own good. 
Afterwards, he didn’t hear from his cousin for a long time. 
Dudley continued his schooling and went to university. There were some troubled times, for the first time his parents couldn’t afford whatever his heart desired and he was forced to pick up a job for his studies.
The value of money was something he never had to face before until it was smacked into his face with every angry customer who wanted a low-fat latte at five in the morning.
On-campus, away from his parents, he realized just how horrible and not normal his childhood was. The things that came out fo their mouths weren’t funny or true. The sneers at anyone that was slightly different, the harsh punishments they demanded, the need to be normal and right, wasn’t how the world was.
The way his dad and mom behaved wasn’t supposed to make the house feel suffocating even when they let him do whatever he wanted. But he still loved them, because at the end of it all, they were his parents and they loved him. 
Dudley fumbled in his adult life. He had expectations that were more fantasy than reality. His so-called friends spent more time in and out of jail then he thought possible. He had no idea what he wanted in life, other then what he knew such as have everything handed to him and the world scoffed or laughed at him.
Dudley was only twenty and he was falling apart unused to have mommy or daddy pick up the pieces for him. This was something he needed to do on his own. He found he had no idea how.
It was his godawful job that he met Tiffiny. She first came into his life with a bright smile, and cheerful spring in her step. She was a year younger then he and the cafe manager had wanted Dudley to train her.  
Tiffiny isn’t a stunning beauty but she was pretty when you took the time to give her more than a passing glance. She was attractive in a comfortable way, one that could make a man’s heart melt when she smiled up at him. Motherly too, with just enough devil-may-care mindset that made her interesting and rebellious but never cruel. 
She wore shirts with cartoons, ripped jeans, dangling earrings and pretty dresses. She knew all the old Star Wars movies line by line, adored superheroes and wasn’t interested in dating but wasn’t put off by it either. 
Once upon a time, Dudley would have called her a loser or a prude but that was when he was young and foolish.  
Dudley, now as an adult who understood things better, fell in love with her instead. Luckily for him, she felt the same way. 
After two years of dating- with his mother insisting that it was too long for her to be serious about him.- they got married. Around that same time, Dudley completed his studies and became an accountant. He chose this career after learning he was good at math when he put his mind to it and didn’t mind spending days calculating budgets. 
Dudley did his parent's taxes and ran their finances for them as well.  He made a horrible discovery. The reason his parents were able to give him everything he ever wanted as a child was because those extra funds came from Potter family wealth. 
His family lived a comfortable life on Harry’s money when he was a child. And yet, Harry was barely financially taken care of. It made him sick to think about. but he was glad his cousin cut them off the moment he turned eighteen. 
He closed the old documents and tried not to think about it again.
Tiffiny made more money than he as an eye doctor much to his father’s horror but she loved every second of it and he couldn’t find it in himself to care. So what if his wife was amazing at what she did and was rewarded with the appropriate paycheck? That’s how it should be. 
His parents had some problems with his marriage but it never got in the way of their love and visits. They were part of his life and he adored them all the same. Then Tiffiny gave him his first child, a sweet little girl named Daisy.
Dudley had heard his mother say over and over again throughout his life that he was the greatest thing to happen to her but he never really understood until Daisy opened her eyes for the first time. 
His princess was a scrapper. Smart and sociable in ways her parents weren’t. Daisy luckily inherited most of her looks from her mum, sharing only his hair color and smile. Dudley thought she was the most adorable thing to ever grace the earth. 
Petunia Dursley wholehearted agreed. She spoiled her grandaughter something rotten, more so then Dudley which was a horrifying thought to Tiffiny.(his mom and wife were often butting heads about the proper way to be a mother and wife. Tiffiny did not like her advice on what a proper wife/mother should be)
 But his daughter loved her grandmother so much, and always, always wanted to make her proud. She often made them her grandparent's gifts or chatted with them on the phone every evening if she could. Daisy was beside herself when Tiffiny got pregnant again with a boy.
This child he named Josh after Tiffiny’s late father. Things were going great for a while, he had a loving family, a respectable job and people liked the new him. 
Then one day, Daisy made her drawing that she created for her grandmother flout at the age of eight when she was being babysat by the woman. Dudley had arrived to his little angle sobbing in terror while his mother screeched things he hadn’t hear in years. Things that she used to scream at Harry.
His father refused to have Daisy anywhere near Josh, scaring the little girl with threats that he used on Harry. The baby in his arms crying for his sister, even though he too had no idea what was happening.
The second he learned his mother had attempted to “break the freak” out of Daisy, he had to do something he never thought he would. He cut his parents out of his life.  Prohibited them from ever coming near his children again. 
Tiffiny didn’t know about magic but she did know enough to swear up and down that if Veron or Petunia ever tried to lay a hand on her child again she would carve them with the kitchen knifes like a Christmas Turkey. They moved away just to make double sure the kids were far away from their grandparents. 
Dudley ignored all of their pleas and messages, not willing to bend on the matter. 
He had seen what they did to Harry, and he would not allow the same to befall onto Daisy. 
As much as he wanted to protect her, he couldn’t fix the damage they had already inflicted on his daughter.
Daisy spent weeks crying and apologizing. She didn’t know what she had done to make her beloved Grans despise her.  “What did I do Papa? What did I do? Why don’t they love me?”
It broke his heart.
More so when he looked at his sobbing little girl and thought of the boy under the stairway. Was this what he allowed to happen? How could anyone do that to a child? They were so defensive, so tiny, and they didn’t understand why someone could be so cruel.
Good Gods, why did Harry Potter ever thought they were worth saving? There was too much good in him, maybe from his father’s side. There was no way Harry learn to be kind from their side of the family.   
He sat Tiffiny down, explained everything to her that he knew about his cousin and together came to terms that their daughter was a witch. They never spoke to his parents or saw them ever again.
It broke his heart all over again, but to make sure that Daisy never felt the way Harry did, he stayed away. 
A few years later, a wizard arrived at their house to give Daisy Dursley her own letter to Hogwarts.
Professor Longbottom is a kind, soft-spoken man who did his absolute best to answer all their questions. Things he should have known because Harry went to Hogwarts but he knew next to nothing about the wizarding world. Dudley hadn’t the slightest clue of his daughter’s new world. 
He should have. Had his parents and himself not been absolute monsters. 
 Professor Longbottom came back to take them shopping for Daisy’s school supplies. 
For the first time in his life, Dudley was introduced to the world Harry Potter is a part of and disappeared into. Watching the bricks move out of the way he couldn’t help but wonder how his parents possibly thought this world could be bad. 
Everywhere he looked, magic was being used and it left him breathless in wonder. Magic, he had at a distance known was real, but to see it was nearly overwhelming. As it were, Daisy who was having the time of her life looking at everything would glance back at them as if though it helped her stay calm knowing her parents were there for this big new change in her life.
He wondered with a pang of self-hating guilt if Harry felt just as overwhelming need to have someone reassure him this new world was going to be alright. Tiffiny squeezed his hand, something she did whenever he thought back to his cousin.
She knew now what his parents had done and what he had done to other magic user in his family. Tiffiny didn’t approve but she told him that lingering with regret wouldn’t change the past. He could only one day find Harry and maybe make amends. 
Daisy left that September for her schooling. The house felt emptier without her but his little girl always wrote home. She had been put in the house of the hard workers, Hufflepuff they were called.  
While reading her letter, he wondered which house Harry was in. Every summer his things were locked away so he didn’t even know the color of his old robes. Daisy said the color told the House. 
The last thing in Daisy’s letter hurt. She was having the time of her life meeting kids that are just like me Papa! I’m normal here!
That night he held his wife just a little tighter, crying into her shoulder. People like me. A place where one could be normal. 
Tiffiny knew he was bisexual, had known long before they married but he didn’t share that knowledge with anyone. His parents made sure he never felt normal for noticing blokes and even in this day and age he couldn’t stand the idea of anyone besides his wife knowing.
 His daughter would never feel that way. She was ina world that didn’t care apparently, according to her letter. 
Had that been what Harry found? Did he know that he now lived in a world that cared little about sexuality and cared more about blood statues? Did he too, meet bigots who turn their nose up at his “muggle” upbringing?
Daisy, as a muggle-born, had a lot of idiots try to shame her for it but she was nothing if not resilient. At least she claims so, in her letters, and he thought about all the kids he tormented as a child.
His daughter now had to face idiots like her own father. It made his stomach turn and shame burn every nerve of his body.
One day, Daisy wrote about the dreamy (his baby was too young to think about boys! Even if Tiffiny found it all quite cute)  six-year perfect. A young man named Teddy Lupin, who had been an enormous help to Daisy and had made settling into Hogwarts easier.
-A shapeshifter called Metamorphmagus! He’s also Harry Potter’s godson, the Savior of the wizarding world. But I try not to make a big deal about it because Teddy doesn’t like people going all gaga over his godfather.
Dudley nearly spits out his drink, eyes widening as he re-read the same passage again and again. It took Josh’s head butt to his knee in a misguided attempt of a good morning hug that snapped him out of his shock.
“It’s been almost fifteen years,” Tiffiny said looking over the letter. “maybe it’s time to face the person you were in the past.”
He sent Harry a letter through Daisy. His daughter was downright shocked that they were actually related to the Harry Potter, and she swore she would get Teddy to pass it along. If not him then she would give it to James Sirius Potter, Harry’s oldest child and fellow first-year though he is a Gryffindor.
A few weeks later he meets up with Harry in a small pub, the entrance of the two worlds. Before his cousin could say anything he blurted out “I’m sorry for everything. I wish I could go back and change all of it. I hate who I was and I hate how my parents acted. You deserved so much better.”
Harry looked bewildered.  “You already said that in the letter”
“I need to say it for the rest of my life. I need to make up for what I’ve done” 
His cousin started at him for a moment before pulling out some paperwork. Harry’s smile is tight, uncomfortable and he looks worn out like those veterans he sometimes saw. 
He does want to be here, but he is, because Harry is one thing many people in this world aren’t. He’s too kind.  “Let’s talk about something else. You want me to help you find someone to be Daisy’s magical guardian in case anything happens to you and your wife right?”
Dudley swallows. He knew that Harry wouldn’t forgive him. But he is grateful none the less he’s still here, still willing to try.  “Yes. I can’t have Daisy be given to my parents if we were to die. They...you know what they are like about magic.”
Harry’s eyes turn dark  “I can never forget.”
He winces.  “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine-” Harry stops, shakes his head and starts again.  “It’s in the past. Let’s leave it there yeah?”
Leave it that they do.  They stay in contact- Harry agreed to be the temporary Magical guardian until they find someone- and though they aren’t friends he can at least say he made amends with his cousin. 
Two years later, Dudley has to do one of the hardest things is ever had to do. He’ has to say goodbye to Tiffiny. Has to hold his children while they lower her into the ground, a victim of an unknown infection in her lungs that they caught on too late and wonders what in the world is he going to do know.
Josh is but six, and Daisy is only thirteen. They need their mother.  He needs their mother. But she’s never coming back. 
Live goes on but he keeps thinking she’s just around the corner. Wakes up in the mornings expecting her to be at his side. 
Without Tiffiny Dursley he feels like he’s falling apart, and then to make matters worse, Josh makes his oatmeal exploded three weeks after her funeral. His son is a wizard. Dudley puts his head into his hands and he screams. 
Daisy jumps into the fireplace with tears in her eyes, holding her baby brother and her mind filled with the last time she spoke to her grandparents. Dudley is left feeling like they were moving onto a world he could never reach and sits miserably sobbing into his hands. 
Harry shows up the next day, with a kind understanding eyes and offers to let him stay with his family. 
“I know what it’s like to lose someone important.” He says and Dudley thinks of the stories that Daisy has about the Boy-Who-Lived and the Battle of Hogwarts. It’s all so unfair. Why does he have to suffer so much? How many did Harry see die and why is it that it only took one person for Dudley to break? “Come on Big D, I’ll help.”
 He’s too kind. Much too kind. Dudley doesn’t deserve any of that kindness. 
The Potters are lovely.  They help put himself back together, help him get out of bed and be there for his children. Tiffiny would have had his head if she could have. The thought doesn’t hurt as much as it did when her death was still fresh.
Magic is part of his life now. Will always be. With both his children having it. Sometimes he can understand why his mother was so jealous of his aunt Lily. The things magic can do, the wonder they bring. 
 Harry and Ginny have agreed to be their permanent magical guardians. He’s grateful, one less thing to worry about. A year with the Potters allows him to breathe easier. He moves out again with Daisy and Josh. A small but no longer broken family.  
Dudley is finally come to terms with his past, his present and he hopes his future will be better for his kids. 
Then his car gets hit.
As he’s sailing through the air, having been flipped from the impact he is suddenly confronted with everything all over again. He’s not going to live he knows, and he thinks that Harry will take good care of his little ones. He thinks he’ll see Tiffiny. He thinks of Daisy and Josh who lost both her parents much too quickly. He thinks of the people his kids will marry and the grandchildren he’ll never meet.  
He thinks of Josh getting his first wand in three years, of him going to Hogwarts, of  Daisy being made Head Girl, graduating and earning her Potion Mastery without him being there. 
He thinks of magic and how he still even after all this time wishes he could save Harry from his childhood.  
He thinks, magic, Daisy, magic, Josh, magic, Harry, magic, regret, magic. 
Dudley Dudley thinks all this when suddenly something in his chest feels like it squeezes and fire burst from deep within him. There is a bright light of silver sparkles whirling around him just as the roof of his car caves in. 
He wakes to find himself a year and half suddenly being smothered by his mother’s voice and arms. Sitting in a corner is a toddler with wild hair and green eyes crying.
What happened? He wonders. Where am I? 
His mother tries to put him to bed, but he's not having that. Not when he sees his father attempt to drag the other toddler into the cupboard fo bed. He thinks of Harry’s kindness and finds that while nothing is making sense he’s not going to allow it to happen. 
Dudley’s parents always let him get away with anything. Helping his cousin into his bed, so he can hold onto the baby version of him is no expectation. Petrina's lips press close together but she can’t say no to him and Harry falls asleep in his arms.  
Making sure the green-eye boy is well covered by the blankets, Dudley stares up at the ceiling and thinks. 
Magic has been apart of his life for years now. He can recognize it. But it doesn’t make sense. In that car, there were no magicals, only he.
He turns his eyes to toddler-Harry, who is clinging to him with all the might a child can. Dudley is reminded of those early nights when Daisy and Josh were born.
Turn his arms don’t quite go around his young cousin since Dudley finds himself in a toddler's body as well now, he still makes sure to tuck him closer to him and swears.
If this is real.  I’ll make sure this time, you have someone who cares about you.
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michaelandy101-blog · 3 years
How We Elevated Our Consumer’s Leads by 751% on Much less Than £1K Per Month [Case Study]
New Post has been published on https://tiptopreview.com/how-we-increased-our-clients-leads-by-751-on-less-than-1k-per-month-case-study/
How We Elevated Our Consumer’s Leads by 751% on Much less Than £1K Per Month [Case Study]
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It’s a typical misunderstanding that working with a small price range for web optimization means you possibly can’t generate outcomes. How will you presumably make sufficient enhancements to the positioning in so few hours per thirty days?
Properly, for us at Tao Digital Marketing, our work with Fleetcover goes to point out that outcomes could be achieved by specializing in an important modifications within the little time you have got.
On this case examine, we’ll break down how we elevated leads by 751%, key phrases by 259% and impressions by 535% on a price range of lower than £1,000 / $1,347 per thirty days, equating to in the future’s work. That’s a small spend for web optimization, however making the proper modifications on the proper time, and focusing our efforts on an important facets, generated these constructive outcomes.
Our targets had been much like what each web site in the end needs to realize: generate leads for the enterprise and enhance online visibility for related search phrases.
To be just a little extra particular, we picked this consumer up in March 2019, however in fact, outcomes usually began to choose up from November 2019 as Google began to crawl the positioning extra recurrently.
Our targets/KPIs for the following 12 months had been primarily based on numbers from April-November 2019, as beneath:
Improve leads from 175 to 500
Set up a brand new chat perform on the positioning and acquire 50 leads via it
Improve web site clicks from 2,200 to five,000
Improve key phrases ranked for from 229 to 500
The target market was companies that want fleet insurance coverage. This spans a variety of industries, from these working coaches and taxis via to motor commerce.
Our technique targeted on technical web optimization and content material creation. There was one massive concern, although: we didn’t construct the positioning ourselves, nor did we have now the extent of entry that might permit us to make any design or basic modifications that might help web optimization and lead technology. In flip, our technique needed to be closely content-driven.
Our technique
1. Add a chat perform
In November 2019, we added the ��TawkTo’ chat perform to the positioning which has helped generate leads. After analyzing when their viewers was visiting the web site, we discovered that the majority customers had been on the positioning late at night time and on weekends.
With their group being out of the workplace and unable to reply any cellphone calls throughout these timeframes, we thought it will be of worth to supply an online chat perform to assist seize inquiries so potential prospects wouldn’t be postpone or pissed off! This may put them better off in comparison with their opponents who weren’t doing this.
We carried out the bot so it seems on the tab as a message notification, drawing individuals’s consideration to the web page even when it isn’t the lively tab. To this point, 330 inquiries have been made via this perform.

Fleetcover Chat Bot
  2. Implement technical web optimization
Tweaks that help technical web optimization are maybe a few of the most necessary modifications you can also make to see actual outcomes. We carried out this by:
Optimizing web page titles
Creating meta descriptions that had been between 100-155 characters, utilizing key phrases that naturally match
Utilizing the optimum picture sizes that every web site required
Utilizing alt textual content for pictures
Implementing inner and exterior hyperlinks the place attainable
Using FAQ schema on the extra incessantly searched questions
Optimizing the sitemap by eliminating URLs that would not help natural search
Utilizing the robots.txt file to level search crawlers in the proper course
Creating 301 redirects. There have been numerous outdated pages in addition to 404 errors that wanted to be addressed
Making usability tweaks to the design. We had been very restricted in what we might obtain on the positioning because the incumbent weren’t massively useful by way of the entry they might give us. We had been capable of get spherical this in sure areas, an instance being the ‘Get a Quote’ buttons. We had a sense consumer metrics mattered on this aggressive market, so we did our utmost to capitalise on this.
three. Optimize the “Get a Quote” type
We added warmth mapping and anonymized customer recording to the positioning. After we analyzed the information, it turned very obvious that many individuals weren’t filling out the “Get a Quote” type because of it being too lengthy — like standing on the backside of a mountain, making an attempt to work out the proper path to the highest! The unique type had virtually 10 questions, which overwhelmed the consumer and resulted in low conversion charges.
Step one in all Fleetcover Quote type
Step two of Fleetcover Quote type
We’ve had nice success utilizing multi-step types on different consumer’s websites, so we determined to create one for Fleetcover. We had all of the questions wanted to supply a full citation, however cut up all of it up into easier-to-digest tabs and user-designed icons, moderately than simply textual content.
Our new type was constructed creatively and had 4 steps, making the method simpler. With this modification alone, leads from the shape grew from 175 earlier than November 2019 to 1,489 over the previous 12 months (751% enhance).
four. Focus closely on content material creation
Instance of Fleetcover service web page (HGV fleet insurance coverage)
Service pages
Content material creation is an space the place we actually received the possibility to display artistic aptitude alongside information evaluation. We began by reviewing Fleetcover’s service pages, and fleshed out the content material to make it extra partaking.
Instance of Fleetcover service web page (FAQs)
Key phrase analysis and search intent
Over time, we continued to research keywords, focusing closely on understanding the search intent behind them, and creating detailed content material and FAQs to fulfill the viewers’s wants and Google’s understanding of these intents.
One matter we’ve been specializing in is the rise of electric vehicles and the way this may develop and have an effect on the insurance coverage trade. As the event and recognition of those autos progresses, we’re going to take a look at how we are able to use this in our content material technique.
Formatting and elegance
Together with clear, pure CTAs on the finish of every piece was actually necessary, not solely to spherical out the articles, but in addition to encourage readers to make use of Fleetcover’s dealer service. See an instance from our piece about business car insurance beneath.
As well as, using a easy however efficient tone of voice helped to fulfill the wants of potential shoppers and provides them the knowledge they want in an easy method. When specializing in key phrases/phrases that include trade jargon, we all the time embrace details about what the phrase or phrase means for these with informational intent a couple of specific matter, for instance ‘fleet breakdown cover’.
Gross sales
We achieved the objective of gaining extra gross sales, as web site conversion charges jumped from three% to 14%, and leads elevated from 175 to 1,489 (751%). This huge enhance (pleasantly) stunned us as we’re working with a web site with a site authority of 22 in a aggressive trade, so to realize these outcomes so rapidly was an ideal enhance for each ourselves and Fleetcover.
Fleetcover was beforehand spending a substantial quantity on buying leads from different corporations, whereas now they’ve invested into web optimization, which has considerably elevated the variety of leads they generate. With web optimization, these leads are of a better high quality than PPC leads, and are subsequently extra possible to make use of their providers. There’s no need for Fleetcover to buy leads now, because the enterprise is turning into its personal worthwhile arm of Walmsleys Insurance Brokers.
We’ve helped Fleetcover acquire online visibility for sure key phrases comparable to “fleet insurance brokers” (#1) and “fleet insurance quote” (#2). Their positioning for “Fleet breakdown cover” has additionally moved from #15 to #four, and “fleet insurance quote” has moved from #10 to #2. The principle profit of those rating enhancements is the large enhance in visitors!
We additionally gained prime spot for the principle key phrase of “fleet insurance”, however this has since been taken by one of many juggernauts (excuse the pun) of the trade. We’ll be again, however for now, area authority reigned supreme.
In April 2019, Fleetcover was solely rating for 229 key phrases, they usually now rank for 824, a 259% enhance.
Site visitors
As talked about, we noticed outcomes starting in November as Google crawled the positioning extra actively and located extra related content material. Subsequently, April – November 2019 is our “before” comparability for what we’ve managed to realize over the previous 12 months:
April – November 2019:
November 2019 – November 2020:
Impressions: 1,880,000 (up 322%)
Due to greater than exceeding our set KPI targets, we had been shortlisted for 3 web optimization awards this 12 months, and Fleetcover’s CEO had solely good issues to say:
“For years we’ve been looking for a company to do exactly what you have done and I can honestly say in 12 years of being involved in marketing, this is the first time that any marketing company has proactively gone ahead and done something for us in this way. I’ve whinged about it for so long that it made my day when it dropped in my inbox. Really chuffed.”
Properly, that simply speaks for itself, doesn’t it?
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epackingvietnam · 3 years
How We Increased Our Client’s Leads by 751% on Less Than £1K Per Month [Case Study]
Posted by LydiaGerman
It’s a common misunderstanding that working with a small budget for SEO means you can’t generate results. How can you possibly make enough improvements to the site in so few hours per month?
Well, for us at Tao Digital Marketing, our work with Fleetcover goes to show that results can be achieved by focusing on the most important changes in the little time you have.
In this case study, we’ll break down how we increased leads by 751%, keywords by 259% and impressions by 535% on a budget of less than £1,000 / $1,347 per month, equating to one day’s work. That’s a small spend for SEO, but making the right changes at the right time, and focusing our efforts on the most important aspects, generated these positive results.
Our objectives were similar to what every website ultimately wants to achieve: generate leads for the business and increase online visibility for relevant search terms.
To be a little more specific, we picked this client up in March 2019, but of course, results generally started to pick up from November 2019 as Google started to crawl the site more regularly.
Our targets/KPIs for the next 12 months were based on numbers from April-November 2019, as below:
Increase leads from 175 to 500
Install a new chat function on the site and gain 50 leads through it
Increase site clicks from 2,200 to 5,000
Increase keywords ranked for from 229 to 500
The target audience was businesses that need fleet insurance. This spans a wide range of industries, from those operating coaches and taxis through to motor trade.
Our strategy focused on technical SEO and content creation. There was one big issue, though: we didn’t build the site ourselves, nor did we have the level of access that would allow us to make any design or fundamental changes that could support SEO and lead generation. In turn, our strategy had to be heavily content-driven.
Our strategy
1. Add a chat function
In November 2019, we added the ‘TawkTo’ chat function to the site which has helped generate leads. After analyzing when their audience was visiting the website, we found that most users were on the site late at night and on weekends.
With their team being out of the office and unable to answer any phone calls during these timeframes, we thought it would be of value to offer an online chat function to help capture inquiries so potential customers wouldn’t be put off or frustrated! This would put them at an advantage compared to their competitors who were not doing this.
We implemented the bot so it appears on the tab as a message notification, drawing people’s attention to the page even when it isn’t the active tab. So far, 330 inquiries have been made through this function.

Fleetcover Chat Bot
  2. Implement technical SEO
Tweaks that support technical SEO are perhaps some of the most important changes you can make to see real results. We implemented this by:
Optimizing page titles
Creating meta descriptions that were between 100-155 characters, using keywords that naturally fit
Using the optimal image sizes that each website required
Using alt text for images
Implementing internal and external links where possible
Utilizing FAQ schema on the more frequently searched questions
Optimizing the sitemap by getting rid of URLs that wouldn't support organic search
Using the robots.txt file to point search crawlers in the right direction
Creating 301 redirects. There were a number of outdated pages as well as 404 errors that needed to be addressed
Making usability tweaks to the design. We were very limited in what we could achieve on the site as the incumbent were not massively helpful in terms of the access they would give us. We were able to get round this in certain areas, an example being the ‘Get a Quote’ buttons. We had a feeling user metrics mattered in this competitive market, so we did our utmost to capitalise on this.
3. Optimize the “Get a Quote” form
We added heat mapping and anonymized visitor recording to the site. When we analyzed the data, it became very apparent that many people weren’t filling out the “Get a Quote'' form due to it being too long — like standing at the bottom of a mountain, trying to work out the right route to the top! The original form had almost 10 questions, which overwhelmed the user and resulted in low conversion rates.
Step one of Fleetcover Quote form
Step two of Fleetcover Quote form
We’ve had great success using multi-step forms on other client’s sites, so we decided to create one for Fleetcover. We had all the questions needed to provide a full quotation, but split it all up into easier-to-digest tabs and user-designed icons, rather than just text.
Our new form was built creatively and had four steps, making the process easier. With this change alone, leads from the form grew from 175 before November 2019 to 1,489 over the past 12 months (751% increase).
4. Focus heavily on content creation
Example of Fleetcover service page (HGV fleet insurance)
Service pages
Content creation is an area where we really got the chance to demonstrate creative flair alongside data analysis. We started by reviewing Fleetcover’s service pages, and fleshed out the content to make it more engaging.
Example of Fleetcover service page (FAQs)
Keyword research and search intent
Over time, we continued to research keywords, focusing heavily on understanding the search intent behind them, and creating detailed content and FAQs to meet the audience’s needs and Google's understanding of those intents.
One topic we’ve been focusing on is the rise of electric vehicles and how this will grow and affect the insurance industry. As the development and popularity of these vehicles progresses, we’re going to look at how we can use this in our content strategy.
Formatting and style
Including clear, natural CTAs at the end of each piece was really important, not only to round out the articles, but also to encourage readers to use Fleetcover’s broker service. See an example from our piece about business car insurance below.
In addition, utilizing a simple but effective tone of voice helped to meet the needs of potential consumers and give them the information they need in a straightforward way. When focusing on keywords/phrases that contain industry jargon, we always include information about what the word or phrase means for those with informational intent about a particular topic, for example ‘fleet breakdown cover’.
We achieved the goal of gaining more sales, as website conversion rates jumped from 3% to 14%, and leads increased from 175 to 1,489 (751%). This massive increase (pleasantly) surprised us as we are working with a site with a domain authority of 22 in a competitive industry, so to achieve these results so quickly was a great boost for both ourselves and Fleetcover.
Fleetcover was previously spending a considerable amount on purchasing leads from other companies, whereas now they have invested into SEO, which has significantly increased the number of leads they generate. With SEO, these leads are of a higher quality than PPC leads, and are therefore more likely to use their services. There is little need for Fleetcover to purchase leads now, as the business is becoming its own profitable arm of Walmsleys Insurance Brokers.
We’ve helped Fleetcover gain online visibility for certain keywords such as “fleet insurance brokers” (#1) and “fleet insurance quote” (#2). Their positioning for “Fleet breakdown cover” has also moved from #15 to #4, and “fleet insurance quote” has moved from #10 to #2. The main benefit of these ranking improvements is the huge increase in traffic!
We also gained top spot for the main keyword of “fleet insurance”, but this has since been taken by one of the juggernauts (excuse the pun) of the industry. We’ll be back, but for now, domain authority reigned supreme.
In April 2019, Fleetcover was only ranking for 229 keywords, and they now rank for 824, a 259% increase.
As mentioned, we saw results beginning in November as Google crawled the site more actively and found more relevant content. Therefore, April - November 2019 is our “before” comparison for what we’ve managed to achieve over the past 12 months:
April - November 2019:
Impressions: 296,000
Clicks: 2,220
November 2019 - November 2020:
Impressions: 1,880,000 (up 322%)
Clicks: 6,470 (up 194%)
Thanks to more than exceeding our set KPI goals, we were shortlisted for three SEO awards this year, and Fleetcover’s CEO had only good things to say:
“For years we’ve been looking for a company to do exactly what you have done and I can honestly say in 12 years of being involved in marketing, this is the first time that any marketing company has proactively gone ahead and done something for us in this way. I’ve whinged about it for so long that it made my day when it dropped in my inbox. Really chuffed.”
Well, that just speaks for itself, doesn’t it?
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
#túi_giấy_epacking_việt_nam #túi_giấy_epacking #in_túi_giấy_giá_rẻ #in_túi_giấy #epackingvietnam #tuigiayepacking
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bfxenon · 3 years
How We Increased Our Client’s Leads by 751% on Less Than £1K Per Month [Case Study]
Posted by LydiaGerman
It’s a common misunderstanding that working with a small budget for SEO means you can’t generate results. How can you possibly make enough improvements to the site in so few hours per month?
Well, for us at Tao Digital Marketing, our work with Fleetcover goes to show that results can be achieved by focusing on the most important changes in the little time you have.
In this case study, we’ll break down how we increased leads by 751%, keywords by 259% and impressions by 535% on a budget of less than £1,000 / $1,347 per month, equating to one day’s work. That’s a small spend for SEO, but making the right changes at the right time, and focusing our efforts on the most important aspects, generated these positive results.
Our objectives were similar to what every website ultimately wants to achieve: generate leads for the business and increase online visibility for relevant search terms.
To be a little more specific, we picked this client up in March 2019, but of course, results generally started to pick up from November 2019 as Google started to crawl the site more regularly.
Our targets/KPIs for the next 12 months were based on numbers from April-November 2019, as below:
Increase leads from 175 to 500
Install a new chat function on the site and gain 50 leads through it
Increase site clicks from 2,200 to 5,000
Increase keywords ranked for from 229 to 500
The target audience was businesses that need fleet insurance. This spans a wide range of industries, from those operating coaches and taxis through to motor trade.
Our strategy focused on technical SEO and content creation. There was one big issue, though: we didn’t build the site ourselves, nor did we have the level of access that would allow us to make any design or fundamental changes that could support SEO and lead generation. In turn, our strategy had to be heavily content-driven.
Our strategy
1. Add a chat function
In November 2019, we added the ‘TawkTo’ chat function to the site which has helped generate leads. After analyzing when their audience was visiting the website, we found that most users were on the site late at night and on weekends.
With their team being out of the office and unable to answer any phone calls during these timeframes, we thought it would be of value to offer an online chat function to help capture inquiries so potential customers wouldn’t be put off or frustrated! This would put them at an advantage compared to their competitors who were not doing this.
We implemented the bot so it appears on the tab as a message notification, drawing people’s attention to the page even when it isn’t the active tab. So far, 330 inquiries have been made through this function.

Fleetcover Chat Bot
  2. Implement technical SEO
Tweaks that support technical SEO are perhaps some of the most important changes you can make to see real results. We implemented this by:
Optimizing page titles
Creating meta descriptions that were between 100-155 characters, using keywords that naturally fit
Using the optimal image sizes that each website required
Using alt text for images
Implementing internal and external links where possible
Utilizing FAQ schema on the more frequently searched questions
Optimizing the sitemap by getting rid of URLs that wouldn't support organic search
Using the robots.txt file to point search crawlers in the right direction
Creating 301 redirects. There were a number of outdated pages as well as 404 errors that needed to be addressed
Making usability tweaks to the design. We were very limited in what we could achieve on the site as the incumbent were not massively helpful in terms of the access they would give us. We were able to get round this in certain areas, an example being the ‘Get a Quote’ buttons. We had a feeling user metrics mattered in this competitive market, so we did our utmost to capitalise on this.
3. Optimize the “Get a Quote” form
We added heat mapping and anonymized visitor recording to the site. When we analyzed the data, it became very apparent that many people weren’t filling out the “Get a Quote'' form due to it being too long — like standing at the bottom of a mountain, trying to work out the right route to the top! The original form had almost 10 questions, which overwhelmed the user and resulted in low conversion rates.
Step one of Fleetcover Quote form
Step two of Fleetcover Quote form
We’ve had great success using multi-step forms on other client’s sites, so we decided to create one for Fleetcover. We had all the questions needed to provide a full quotation, but split it all up into easier-to-digest tabs and user-designed icons, rather than just text.
Our new form was built creatively and had four steps, making the process easier. With this change alone, leads from the form grew from 175 before November 2019 to 1,489 over the past 12 months (751% increase).
4. Focus heavily on content creation
Example of Fleetcover service page (HGV fleet insurance)
Service pages
Content creation is an area where we really got the chance to demonstrate creative flair alongside data analysis. We started by reviewing Fleetcover’s service pages, and fleshed out the content to make it more engaging.
Example of Fleetcover service page (FAQs)
Keyword research and search intent
Over time, we continued to research keywords, focusing heavily on understanding the search intent behind them, and creating detailed content and FAQs to meet the audience’s needs and Google's understanding of those intents.
One topic we’ve been focusing on is the rise of electric vehicles and how this will grow and affect the insurance industry. As the development and popularity of these vehicles progresses, we’re going to look at how we can use this in our content strategy.
Formatting and style
Including clear, natural CTAs at the end of each piece was really important, not only to round out the articles, but also to encourage readers to use Fleetcover’s broker service. See an example from our piece about business car insurance below.
In addition, utilizing a simple but effective tone of voice helped to meet the needs of potential consumers and give them the information they need in a straightforward way. When focusing on keywords/phrases that contain industry jargon, we always include information about what the word or phrase means for those with informational intent about a particular topic, for example ‘fleet breakdown cover’.
We achieved the goal of gaining more sales, as website conversion rates jumped from 3% to 14%, and leads increased from 175 to 1,489 (751%). This massive increase (pleasantly) surprised us as we are working with a site with a domain authority of 22 in a competitive industry, so to achieve these results so quickly was a great boost for both ourselves and Fleetcover.
Fleetcover was previously spending a considerable amount on purchasing leads from other companies, whereas now they have invested into SEO, which has significantly increased the number of leads they generate. With SEO, these leads are of a higher quality than PPC leads, and are therefore more likely to use their services. There is little need for Fleetcover to purchase leads now, as the business is becoming its own profitable arm of Walmsleys Insurance Brokers.
We’ve helped Fleetcover gain online visibility for certain keywords such as “fleet insurance brokers” (#1) and “fleet insurance quote” (#2). Their positioning for “Fleet breakdown cover” has also moved from #15 to #4, and “fleet insurance quote” has moved from #10 to #2. The main benefit of these ranking improvements is the huge increase in traffic!
We also gained top spot for the main keyword of “fleet insurance”, but this has since been taken by one of the juggernauts (excuse the pun) of the industry. We’ll be back, but for now, domain authority reigned supreme.
In April 2019, Fleetcover was only ranking for 229 keywords, and they now rank for 824, a 259% increase.
As mentioned, we saw results beginning in November as Google crawled the site more actively and found more relevant content. Therefore, April - November 2019 is our “before” comparison for what we’ve managed to achieve over the past 12 months:
April - November 2019:
Impressions: 296,000
Clicks: 2,220
November 2019 - November 2020:
Impressions: 1,880,000 (up 322%)
Clicks: 6,470 (up 194%)
Thanks to more than exceeding our set KPI goals, we were shortlisted for three SEO awards this year, and Fleetcover’s CEO had only good things to say:
“For years we’ve been looking for a company to do exactly what you have done and I can honestly say in 12 years of being involved in marketing, this is the first time that any marketing company has proactively gone ahead and done something for us in this way. I’ve whinged about it for so long that it made my day when it dropped in my inbox. Really chuffed.”
Well, that just speaks for itself, doesn’t it?
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
0 notes
nutrifami · 3 years
How We Increased Our Client’s Leads by 751% on Less Than £1K Per Month [Case Study]
Posted by LydiaGerman
It’s a common misunderstanding that working with a small budget for SEO means you can’t generate results. How can you possibly make enough improvements to the site in so few hours per month?
Well, for us at Tao Digital Marketing, our work with Fleetcover goes to show that results can be achieved by focusing on the most important changes in the little time you have.
In this case study, we’ll break down how we increased leads by 751%, keywords by 259% and impressions by 535% on a budget of less than £1,000 / $1,347 per month, equating to one day’s work. That’s a small spend for SEO, but making the right changes at the right time, and focusing our efforts on the most important aspects, generated these positive results.
Our objectives were similar to what every website ultimately wants to achieve: generate leads for the business and increase online visibility for relevant search terms.
To be a little more specific, we picked this client up in March 2019, but of course, results generally started to pick up from November 2019 as Google started to crawl the site more regularly.
Our targets/KPIs for the next 12 months were based on numbers from April-November 2019, as below:
Increase leads from 175 to 500
Install a new chat function on the site and gain 50 leads through it
Increase site clicks from 2,200 to 5,000
Increase keywords ranked for from 229 to 500
The target audience was businesses that need fleet insurance. This spans a wide range of industries, from those operating coaches and taxis through to motor trade.
Our strategy focused on technical SEO and content creation. There was one big issue, though: we didn’t build the site ourselves, nor did we have the level of access that would allow us to make any design or fundamental changes that could support SEO and lead generation. In turn, our strategy had to be heavily content-driven.
Our strategy
1. Add a chat function
In November 2019, we added the ‘TawkTo’ chat function to the site which has helped generate leads. After analyzing when their audience was visiting the website, we found that most users were on the site late at night and on weekends.
With their team being out of the office and unable to answer any phone calls during these timeframes, we thought it would be of value to offer an online chat function to help capture inquiries so potential customers wouldn’t be put off or frustrated! This would put them at an advantage compared to their competitors who were not doing this.
We implemented the bot so it appears on the tab as a message notification, drawing people’s attention to the page even when it isn’t the active tab. So far, 330 inquiries have been made through this function.

Fleetcover Chat Bot
  2. Implement technical SEO
Tweaks that support technical SEO are perhaps some of the most important changes you can make to see real results. We implemented this by:
Optimizing page titles
Creating meta descriptions that were between 100-155 characters, using keywords that naturally fit
Using the optimal image sizes that each website required
Using alt text for images
Implementing internal and external links where possible
Utilizing FAQ schema on the more frequently searched questions
Optimizing the sitemap by getting rid of URLs that wouldn't support organic search
Using the robots.txt file to point search crawlers in the right direction
Creating 301 redirects. There were a number of outdated pages as well as 404 errors that needed to be addressed
Making usability tweaks to the design. We were very limited in what we could achieve on the site as the incumbent were not massively helpful in terms of the access they would give us. We were able to get round this in certain areas, an example being the ‘Get a Quote’ buttons. We had a feeling user metrics mattered in this competitive market, so we did our utmost to capitalise on this.
3. Optimize the “Get a Quote” form
We added heat mapping and anonymized visitor recording to the site. When we analyzed the data, it became very apparent that many people weren’t filling out the “Get a Quote'' form due to it being too long — like standing at the bottom of a mountain, trying to work out the right route to the top! The original form had almost 10 questions, which overwhelmed the user and resulted in low conversion rates.
Step one of Fleetcover Quote form
Step two of Fleetcover Quote form
We’ve had great success using multi-step forms on other client’s sites, so we decided to create one for Fleetcover. We had all the questions needed to provide a full quotation, but split it all up into easier-to-digest tabs and user-designed icons, rather than just text.
Our new form was built creatively and had four steps, making the process easier. With this change alone, leads from the form grew from 175 before November 2019 to 1,489 over the past 12 months (751% increase).
4. Focus heavily on content creation
Example of Fleetcover service page (HGV fleet insurance)
Service pages
Content creation is an area where we really got the chance to demonstrate creative flair alongside data analysis. We started by reviewing Fleetcover’s service pages, and fleshed out the content to make it more engaging.
Example of Fleetcover service page (FAQs)
Keyword research and search intent
Over time, we continued to research keywords, focusing heavily on understanding the search intent behind them, and creating detailed content and FAQs to meet the audience’s needs and Google's understanding of those intents.
One topic we’ve been focusing on is the rise of electric vehicles and how this will grow and affect the insurance industry. As the development and popularity of these vehicles progresses, we’re going to look at how we can use this in our content strategy.
Formatting and style
Including clear, natural CTAs at the end of each piece was really important, not only to round out the articles, but also to encourage readers to use Fleetcover’s broker service. See an example from our piece about business car insurance below.
In addition, utilizing a simple but effective tone of voice helped to meet the needs of potential consumers and give them the information they need in a straightforward way. When focusing on keywords/phrases that contain industry jargon, we always include information about what the word or phrase means for those with informational intent about a particular topic, for example ‘fleet breakdown cover’.
We achieved the goal of gaining more sales, as website conversion rates jumped from 3% to 14%, and leads increased from 175 to 1,489 (751%). This massive increase (pleasantly) surprised us as we are working with a site with a domain authority of 22 in a competitive industry, so to achieve these results so quickly was a great boost for both ourselves and Fleetcover.
Fleetcover was previously spending a considerable amount on purchasing leads from other companies, whereas now they have invested into SEO, which has significantly increased the number of leads they generate. With SEO, these leads are of a higher quality than PPC leads, and are therefore more likely to use their services. There is little need for Fleetcover to purchase leads now, as the business is becoming its own profitable arm of Walmsleys Insurance Brokers.
We’ve helped Fleetcover gain online visibility for certain keywords such as “fleet insurance brokers” (#1) and “fleet insurance quote” (#2). Their positioning for “Fleet breakdown cover” has also moved from #15 to #4, and “fleet insurance quote” has moved from #10 to #2. The main benefit of these ranking improvements is the huge increase in traffic!
We also gained top spot for the main keyword of “fleet insurance”, but this has since been taken by one of the juggernauts (excuse the pun) of the industry. We’ll be back, but for now, domain authority reigned supreme.
In April 2019, Fleetcover was only ranking for 229 keywords, and they now rank for 824, a 259% increase.
As mentioned, we saw results beginning in November as Google crawled the site more actively and found more relevant content. Therefore, April - November 2019 is our “before” comparison for what we’ve managed to achieve over the past 12 months:
April - November 2019:
Impressions: 296,000
Clicks: 2,220
November 2019 - November 2020:
Impressions: 1,880,000 (up 322%)
Clicks: 6,470 (up 194%)
Thanks to more than exceeding our set KPI goals, we were shortlisted for three SEO awards this year, and Fleetcover’s CEO had only good things to say:
“For years we’ve been looking for a company to do exactly what you have done and I can honestly say in 12 years of being involved in marketing, this is the first time that any marketing company has proactively gone ahead and done something for us in this way. I’ve whinged about it for so long that it made my day when it dropped in my inbox. Really chuffed.”
Well, that just speaks for itself, doesn’t it?
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
0 notes
xaydungtruonggia · 3 years
How We Increased Our Client’s Leads by 751% on Less Than £1K Per Month [Case Study]
Posted by LydiaGerman
It’s a common misunderstanding that working with a small budget for SEO means you can’t generate results. How can you possibly make enough improvements to the site in so few hours per month?
Well, for us at Tao Digital Marketing, our work with Fleetcover goes to show that results can be achieved by focusing on the most important changes in the little time you have.
In this case study, we’ll break down how we increased leads by 751%, keywords by 259% and impressions by 535% on a budget of less than £1,000 / $1,347 per month, equating to one day’s work. That’s a small spend for SEO, but making the right changes at the right time, and focusing our efforts on the most important aspects, generated these positive results.
Our objectives were similar to what every website ultimately wants to achieve: generate leads for the business and increase online visibility for relevant search terms.
To be a little more specific, we picked this client up in March 2019, but of course, results generally started to pick up from November 2019 as Google started to crawl the site more regularly.
Our targets/KPIs for the next 12 months were based on numbers from April-November 2019, as below:
Increase leads from 175 to 500
Install a new chat function on the site and gain 50 leads through it
Increase site clicks from 2,200 to 5,000
Increase keywords ranked for from 229 to 500
The target audience was businesses that need fleet insurance. This spans a wide range of industries, from those operating coaches and taxis through to motor trade.
Our strategy focused on technical SEO and content creation. There was one big issue, though: we didn’t build the site ourselves, nor did we have the level of access that would allow us to make any design or fundamental changes that could support SEO and lead generation. In turn, our strategy had to be heavily content-driven.
Our strategy
1. Add a chat function
In November 2019, we added the ‘TawkTo’ chat function to the site which has helped generate leads. After analyzing when their audience was visiting the website, we found that most users were on the site late at night and on weekends.
With their team being out of the office and unable to answer any phone calls during these timeframes, we thought it would be of value to offer an online chat function to help capture inquiries so potential customers wouldn’t be put off or frustrated! This would put them at an advantage compared to their competitors who were not doing this.
We implemented the bot so it appears on the tab as a message notification, drawing people’s attention to the page even when it isn’t the active tab. So far, 330 inquiries have been made through this function.

Fleetcover Chat Bot
  2. Implement technical SEO
Tweaks that support technical SEO are perhaps some of the most important changes you can make to see real results. We implemented this by:
Optimizing page titles
Creating meta descriptions that were between 100-155 characters, using keywords that naturally fit
Using the optimal image sizes that each website required
Using alt text for images
Implementing internal and external links where possible
Utilizing FAQ schema on the more frequently searched questions
Optimizing the sitemap by getting rid of URLs that wouldn't support organic search
Using the robots.txt file to point search crawlers in the right direction
Creating 301 redirects. There were a number of outdated pages as well as 404 errors that needed to be addressed
Making usability tweaks to the design. We were very limited in what we could achieve on the site as the incumbent were not massively helpful in terms of the access they would give us. We were able to get round this in certain areas, an example being the ‘Get a Quote’ buttons. We had a feeling user metrics mattered in this competitive market, so we did our utmost to capitalise on this.
3. Optimize the “Get a Quote” form
We added heat mapping and anonymized visitor recording to the site. When we analyzed the data, it became very apparent that many people weren’t filling out the “Get a Quote'' form due to it being too long — like standing at the bottom of a mountain, trying to work out the right route to the top! The original form had almost 10 questions, which overwhelmed the user and resulted in low conversion rates.
Step one of Fleetcover Quote form
Step two of Fleetcover Quote form
We’ve had great success using multi-step forms on other client’s sites, so we decided to create one for Fleetcover. We had all the questions needed to provide a full quotation, but split it all up into easier-to-digest tabs and user-designed icons, rather than just text.
Our new form was built creatively and had four steps, making the process easier. With this change alone, leads from the form grew from 175 before November 2019 to 1,489 over the past 12 months (751% increase).
4. Focus heavily on content creation
Example of Fleetcover service page (HGV fleet insurance)
Service pages
Content creation is an area where we really got the chance to demonstrate creative flair alongside data analysis. We started by reviewing Fleetcover’s service pages, and fleshed out the content to make it more engaging.
Example of Fleetcover service page (FAQs)
Keyword research and search intent
Over time, we continued to research keywords, focusing heavily on understanding the search intent behind them, and creating detailed content and FAQs to meet the audience’s needs and Google's understanding of those intents.
One topic we’ve been focusing on is the rise of electric vehicles and how this will grow and affect the insurance industry. As the development and popularity of these vehicles progresses, we’re going to look at how we can use this in our content strategy.
Formatting and style
Including clear, natural CTAs at the end of each piece was really important, not only to round out the articles, but also to encourage readers to use Fleetcover’s broker service. See an example from our piece about business car insurance below.
In addition, utilizing a simple but effective tone of voice helped to meet the needs of potential consumers and give them the information they need in a straightforward way. When focusing on keywords/phrases that contain industry jargon, we always include information about what the word or phrase means for those with informational intent about a particular topic, for example ‘fleet breakdown cover’.
We achieved the goal of gaining more sales, as website conversion rates jumped from 3% to 14%, and leads increased from 175 to 1,489 (751%). This massive increase (pleasantly) surprised us as we are working with a site with a domain authority of 22 in a competitive industry, so to achieve these results so quickly was a great boost for both ourselves and Fleetcover.
Fleetcover was previously spending a considerable amount on purchasing leads from other companies, whereas now they have invested into SEO, which has significantly increased the number of leads they generate. With SEO, these leads are of a higher quality than PPC leads, and are therefore more likely to use their services. There is little need for Fleetcover to purchase leads now, as the business is becoming its own profitable arm of Walmsleys Insurance Brokers.
We’ve helped Fleetcover gain online visibility for certain keywords such as “fleet insurance brokers” (#1) and “fleet insurance quote” (#2). Their positioning for “Fleet breakdown cover” has also moved from #15 to #4, and “fleet insurance quote” has moved from #10 to #2. The main benefit of these ranking improvements is the huge increase in traffic!
We also gained top spot for the main keyword of “fleet insurance”, but this has since been taken by one of the juggernauts (excuse the pun) of the industry. We’ll be back, but for now, domain authority reigned supreme.
In April 2019, Fleetcover was only ranking for 229 keywords, and they now rank for 824, a 259% increase.
As mentioned, we saw results beginning in November as Google crawled the site more actively and found more relevant content. Therefore, April - November 2019 is our “before” comparison for what we’ve managed to achieve over the past 12 months:
April - November 2019:
Impressions: 296,000
Clicks: 2,220
November 2019 - November 2020:
Impressions: 1,880,000 (up 322%)
Clicks: 6,470 (up 194%)
Thanks to more than exceeding our set KPI goals, we were shortlisted for three SEO awards this year, and Fleetcover’s CEO had only good things to say:
“For years we’ve been looking for a company to do exactly what you have done and I can honestly say in 12 years of being involved in marketing, this is the first time that any marketing company has proactively gone ahead and done something for us in this way. I’ve whinged about it for so long that it made my day when it dropped in my inbox. Really chuffed.”
Well, that just speaks for itself, doesn’t it?
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
0 notes
camerasieunhovn · 3 years
How We Increased Our Client’s Leads by 751% on Less Than £1K Per Month [Case Study]
Posted by LydiaGerman
It’s a common misunderstanding that working with a small budget for SEO means you can’t generate results. How can you possibly make enough improvements to the site in so few hours per month?
Well, for us at Tao Digital Marketing, our work with Fleetcover goes to show that results can be achieved by focusing on the most important changes in the little time you have.
In this case study, we’ll break down how we increased leads by 751%, keywords by 259% and impressions by 535% on a budget of less than £1,000 / $1,347 per month, equating to one day’s work. That’s a small spend for SEO, but making the right changes at the right time, and focusing our efforts on the most important aspects, generated these positive results.
Our objectives were similar to what every website ultimately wants to achieve: generate leads for the business and increase online visibility for relevant search terms.
To be a little more specific, we picked this client up in March 2019, but of course, results generally started to pick up from November 2019 as Google started to crawl the site more regularly.
Our targets/KPIs for the next 12 months were based on numbers from April-November 2019, as below:
Increase leads from 175 to 500
Install a new chat function on the site and gain 50 leads through it
Increase site clicks from 2,200 to 5,000
Increase keywords ranked for from 229 to 500
The target audience was businesses that need fleet insurance. This spans a wide range of industries, from those operating coaches and taxis through to motor trade.
Our strategy focused on technical SEO and content creation. There was one big issue, though: we didn’t build the site ourselves, nor did we have the level of access that would allow us to make any design or fundamental changes that could support SEO and lead generation. In turn, our strategy had to be heavily content-driven.
Our strategy
1. Add a chat function
In November 2019, we added the ‘TawkTo’ chat function to the site which has helped generate leads. After analyzing when their audience was visiting the website, we found that most users were on the site late at night and on weekends.
With their team being out of the office and unable to answer any phone calls during these timeframes, we thought it would be of value to offer an online chat function to help capture inquiries so potential customers wouldn’t be put off or frustrated! This would put them at an advantage compared to their competitors who were not doing this.
We implemented the bot so it appears on the tab as a message notification, drawing people’s attention to the page even when it isn’t the active tab. So far, 330 inquiries have been made through this function.

Fleetcover Chat Bot
  2. Implement technical SEO
Tweaks that support technical SEO are perhaps some of the most important changes you can make to see real results. We implemented this by:
Optimizing page titles
Creating meta descriptions that were between 100-155 characters, using keywords that naturally fit
Using the optimal image sizes that each website required
Using alt text for images
Implementing internal and external links where possible
Utilizing FAQ schema on the more frequently searched questions
Optimizing the sitemap by getting rid of URLs that wouldn't support organic search
Using the robots.txt file to point search crawlers in the right direction
Creating 301 redirects. There were a number of outdated pages as well as 404 errors that needed to be addressed
Making usability tweaks to the design. We were very limited in what we could achieve on the site as the incumbent were not massively helpful in terms of the access they would give us. We were able to get round this in certain areas, an example being the ‘Get a Quote’ buttons. We had a feeling user metrics mattered in this competitive market, so we did our utmost to capitalise on this.
3. Optimize the “Get a Quote” form
We added heat mapping and anonymized visitor recording to the site. When we analyzed the data, it became very apparent that many people weren’t filling out the “Get a Quote'' form due to it being too long — like standing at the bottom of a mountain, trying to work out the right route to the top! The original form had almost 10 questions, which overwhelmed the user and resulted in low conversion rates.
Step one of Fleetcover Quote form
Step two of Fleetcover Quote form
We’ve had great success using multi-step forms on other client’s sites, so we decided to create one for Fleetcover. We had all the questions needed to provide a full quotation, but split it all up into easier-to-digest tabs and user-designed icons, rather than just text.
Our new form was built creatively and had four steps, making the process easier. With this change alone, leads from the form grew from 175 before November 2019 to 1,489 over the past 12 months (751% increase).
4. Focus heavily on content creation
Example of Fleetcover service page (HGV fleet insurance)
Service pages
Content creation is an area where we really got the chance to demonstrate creative flair alongside data analysis. We started by reviewing Fleetcover’s service pages, and fleshed out the content to make it more engaging.
Example of Fleetcover service page (FAQs)
Keyword research and search intent
Over time, we continued to research keywords, focusing heavily on understanding the search intent behind them, and creating detailed content and FAQs to meet the audience’s needs and Google's understanding of those intents.
One topic we’ve been focusing on is the rise of electric vehicles and how this will grow and affect the insurance industry. As the development and popularity of these vehicles progresses, we’re going to look at how we can use this in our content strategy.
Formatting and style
Including clear, natural CTAs at the end of each piece was really important, not only to round out the articles, but also to encourage readers to use Fleetcover’s broker service. See an example from our piece about business car insurance below.
In addition, utilizing a simple but effective tone of voice helped to meet the needs of potential consumers and give them the information they need in a straightforward way. When focusing on keywords/phrases that contain industry jargon, we always include information about what the word or phrase means for those with informational intent about a particular topic, for example ‘fleet breakdown cover’.
We achieved the goal of gaining more sales, as website conversion rates jumped from 3% to 14%, and leads increased from 175 to 1,489 (751%). This massive increase (pleasantly) surprised us as we are working with a site with a domain authority of 22 in a competitive industry, so to achieve these results so quickly was a great boost for both ourselves and Fleetcover.
Fleetcover was previously spending a considerable amount on purchasing leads from other companies, whereas now they have invested into SEO, which has significantly increased the number of leads they generate. With SEO, these leads are of a higher quality than PPC leads, and are therefore more likely to use their services. There is little need for Fleetcover to purchase leads now, as the business is becoming its own profitable arm of Walmsleys Insurance Brokers.
We’ve helped Fleetcover gain online visibility for certain keywords such as “fleet insurance brokers” (#1) and “fleet insurance quote�� (#2). Their positioning for “Fleet breakdown cover” has also moved from #15 to #4, and “fleet insurance quote” has moved from #10 to #2. The main benefit of these ranking improvements is the huge increase in traffic!
We also gained top spot for the main keyword of “fleet insurance”, but this has since been taken by one of the juggernauts (excuse the pun) of the industry. We’ll be back, but for now, domain authority reigned supreme.
In April 2019, Fleetcover was only ranking for 229 keywords, and they now rank for 824, a 259% increase.
As mentioned, we saw results beginning in November as Google crawled the site more actively and found more relevant content. Therefore, April - November 2019 is our “before” comparison for what we’ve managed to achieve over the past 12 months:
April - November 2019:
Impressions: 296,000
Clicks: 2,220
November 2019 - November 2020:
Impressions: 1,880,000 (up 322%)
Clicks: 6,470 (up 194%)
Thanks to more than exceeding our set KPI goals, we were shortlisted for three SEO awards this year, and Fleetcover’s CEO had only good things to say:
“For years we’ve been looking for a company to do exactly what you have done and I can honestly say in 12 years of being involved in marketing, this is the first time that any marketing company has proactively gone ahead and done something for us in this way. I’ve whinged about it for so long that it made my day when it dropped in my inbox. Really chuffed.”
Well, that just speaks for itself, doesn’t it?
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
0 notes
ductrungnguyen87 · 3 years
How We Increased Our Client’s Leads by 751% on Less Than £1K Per Month [Case Study]
Posted by LydiaGerman
It’s a common misunderstanding that working with a small budget for SEO means you can’t generate results. How can you possibly make enough improvements to the site in so few hours per month?
Well, for us at Tao Digital Marketing, our work with Fleetcover goes to show that results can be achieved by focusing on the most important changes in the little time you have.
In this case study, we’ll break down how we increased leads by 751%, keywords by 259% and impressions by 535% on a budget of less than £1,000 / $1,347 per month, equating to one day’s work. That’s a small spend for SEO, but making the right changes at the right time, and focusing our efforts on the most important aspects, generated these positive results.
Our objectives were similar to what every website ultimately wants to achieve: generate leads for the business and increase online visibility for relevant search terms.
To be a little more specific, we picked this client up in March 2019, but of course, results generally started to pick up from November 2019 as Google started to crawl the site more regularly.
Our targets/KPIs for the next 12 months were based on numbers from April-November 2019, as below:
Increase leads from 175 to 500
Install a new chat function on the site and gain 50 leads through it
Increase site clicks from 2,200 to 5,000
Increase keywords ranked for from 229 to 500
The target audience was businesses that need fleet insurance. This spans a wide range of industries, from those operating coaches and taxis through to motor trade.
Our strategy focused on technical SEO and content creation. There was one big issue, though: we didn’t build the site ourselves, nor did we have the level of access that would allow us to make any design or fundamental changes that could support SEO and lead generation. In turn, our strategy had to be heavily content-driven.
Our strategy
1. Add a chat function
In November 2019, we added the ‘TawkTo’ chat function to the site which has helped generate leads. After analyzing when their audience was visiting the website, we found that most users were on the site late at night and on weekends.
With their team being out of the office and unable to answer any phone calls during these timeframes, we thought it would be of value to offer an online chat function to help capture inquiries so potential customers wouldn’t be put off or frustrated! This would put them at an advantage compared to their competitors who were not doing this.
We implemented the bot so it appears on the tab as a message notification, drawing people’s attention to the page even when it isn’t the active tab. So far, 330 inquiries have been made through this function.

Fleetcover Chat Bot
  2. Implement technical SEO
Tweaks that support technical SEO are perhaps some of the most important changes you can make to see real results. We implemented this by:
Optimizing page titles
Creating meta descriptions that were between 100-155 characters, using keywords that naturally fit
Using the optimal image sizes that each website required
Using alt text for images
Implementing internal and external links where possible
Utilizing FAQ schema on the more frequently searched questions
Optimizing the sitemap by getting rid of URLs that wouldn't support organic search
Using the robots.txt file to point search crawlers in the right direction
Creating 301 redirects. There were a number of outdated pages as well as 404 errors that needed to be addressed
Making usability tweaks to the design. We were very limited in what we could achieve on the site as the incumbent were not massively helpful in terms of the access they would give us. We were able to get round this in certain areas, an example being the ‘Get a Quote’ buttons. We had a feeling user metrics mattered in this competitive market, so we did our utmost to capitalise on this.
3. Optimize the “Get a Quote” form
We added heat mapping and anonymized visitor recording to the site. When we analyzed the data, it became very apparent that many people weren’t filling out the “Get a Quote'' form due to it being too long — like standing at the bottom of a mountain, trying to work out the right route to the top! The original form had almost 10 questions, which overwhelmed the user and resulted in low conversion rates.
Step one of Fleetcover Quote form
Step two of Fleetcover Quote form
We’ve had great success using multi-step forms on other client’s sites, so we decided to create one for Fleetcover. We had all the questions needed to provide a full quotation, but split it all up into easier-to-digest tabs and user-designed icons, rather than just text.
Our new form was built creatively and had four steps, making the process easier. With this change alone, leads from the form grew from 175 before November 2019 to 1,489 over the past 12 months (751% increase).
4. Focus heavily on content creation
Example of Fleetcover service page (HGV fleet insurance)
Service pages
Content creation is an area where we really got the chance to demonstrate creative flair alongside data analysis. We started by reviewing Fleetcover’s service pages, and fleshed out the content to make it more engaging.
Example of Fleetcover service page (FAQs)
Keyword research and search intent
Over time, we continued to research keywords, focusing heavily on understanding the search intent behind them, and creating detailed content and FAQs to meet the audience’s needs and Google's understanding of those intents.
One topic we’ve been focusing on is the rise of electric vehicles and how this will grow and affect the insurance industry. As the development and popularity of these vehicles progresses, we’re going to look at how we can use this in our content strategy.
Formatting and style
Including clear, natural CTAs at the end of each piece was really important, not only to round out the articles, but also to encourage readers to use Fleetcover’s broker service. See an example from our piece about business car insurance below.
In addition, utilizing a simple but effective tone of voice helped to meet the needs of potential consumers and give them the information they need in a straightforward way. When focusing on keywords/phrases that contain industry jargon, we always include information about what the word or phrase means for those with informational intent about a particular topic, for example ‘fleet breakdown cover’.
We achieved the goal of gaining more sales, as website conversion rates jumped from 3% to 14%, and leads increased from 175 to 1,489 (751%). This massive increase (pleasantly) surprised us as we are working with a site with a domain authority of 22 in a competitive industry, so to achieve these results so quickly was a great boost for both ourselves and Fleetcover.
Fleetcover was previously spending a considerable amount on purchasing leads from other companies, whereas now they have invested into SEO, which has significantly increased the number of leads they generate. With SEO, these leads are of a higher quality than PPC leads, and are therefore more likely to use their services. There is little need for Fleetcover to purchase leads now, as the business is becoming its own profitable arm of Walmsleys Insurance Brokers.
We’ve helped Fleetcover gain online visibility for certain keywords such as “fleet insurance brokers” (#1) and “fleet insurance quote” (#2). Their positioning for “Fleet breakdown cover” has also moved from #15 to #4, and “fleet insurance quote” has moved from #10 to #2. The main benefit of these ranking improvements is the huge increase in traffic!
We also gained top spot for the main keyword of “fleet insurance”, but this has since been taken by one of the juggernauts (excuse the pun) of the industry. We’ll be back, but for now, domain authority reigned supreme.
In April 2019, Fleetcover was only ranking for 229 keywords, and they now rank for 824, a 259% increase.
As mentioned, we saw results beginning in November as Google crawled the site more actively and found more relevant content. Therefore, April - November 2019 is our “before” comparison for what we’ve managed to achieve over the past 12 months:
April - November 2019:
Impressions: 296,000
Clicks: 2,220
November 2019 - November 2020:
Impressions: 1,880,000 (up 322%)
Clicks: 6,470 (up 194%)
Thanks to more than exceeding our set KPI goals, we were shortlisted for three SEO awards this year, and Fleetcover’s CEO had only good things to say:
“For years we’ve been looking for a company to do exactly what you have done and I can honestly say in 12 years of being involved in marketing, this is the first time that any marketing company has proactively gone ahead and done something for us in this way. I’ve whinged about it for so long that it made my day when it dropped in my inbox. Really chuffed.”
Well, that just speaks for itself, doesn’t it?
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
0 notes
gamebazu · 3 years
How We Increased Our Client’s Leads by 751% on Less Than £1K Per Month [Case Study]
Posted by LydiaGerman
It’s a common misunderstanding that working with a small budget for SEO means you can’t generate results. How can you possibly make enough improvements to the site in so few hours per month?
Well, for us at Tao Digital Marketing, our work with Fleetcover goes to show that results can be achieved by focusing on the most important changes in the little time you have.
In this case study, we’ll break down how we increased leads by 751%, keywords by 259% and impressions by 535% on a budget of less than £1,000 / $1,347 per month, equating to one day’s work. That’s a small spend for SEO, but making the right changes at the right time, and focusing our efforts on the most important aspects, generated these positive results.
Our objectives were similar to what every website ultimately wants to achieve: generate leads for the business and increase online visibility for relevant search terms.
To be a little more specific, we picked this client up in March 2019, but of course, results generally started to pick up from November 2019 as Google started to crawl the site more regularly.
Our targets/KPIs for the next 12 months were based on numbers from April-November 2019, as below:
Increase leads from 175 to 500
Install a new chat function on the site and gain 50 leads through it
Increase site clicks from 2,200 to 5,000
Increase keywords ranked for from 229 to 500
The target audience was businesses that need fleet insurance. This spans a wide range of industries, from those operating coaches and taxis through to motor trade.
Our strategy focused on technical SEO and content creation. There was one big issue, though: we didn’t build the site ourselves, nor did we have the level of access that would allow us to make any design or fundamental changes that could support SEO and lead generation. In turn, our strategy had to be heavily content-driven.
Our strategy
1. Add a chat function
In November 2019, we added the ‘TawkTo’ chat function to the site which has helped generate leads. After analyzing when their audience was visiting the website, we found that most users were on the site late at night and on weekends.
With their team being out of the office and unable to answer any phone calls during these timeframes, we thought it would be of value to offer an online chat function to help capture inquiries so potential customers wouldn’t be put off or frustrated! This would put them at an advantage compared to their competitors who were not doing this.
We implemented the bot so it appears on the tab as a message notification, drawing people’s attention to the page even when it isn’t the active tab. So far, 330 inquiries have been made through this function.

Fleetcover Chat Bot
  2. Implement technical SEO
Tweaks that support technical SEO are perhaps some of the most important changes you can make to see real results. We implemented this by:
Optimizing page titles
Creating meta descriptions that were between 100-155 characters, using keywords that naturally fit
Using the optimal image sizes that each website required
Using alt text for images
Implementing internal and external links where possible
Utilizing FAQ schema on the more frequently searched questions
Optimizing the sitemap by getting rid of URLs that wouldn't support organic search
Using the robots.txt file to point search crawlers in the right direction
Creating 301 redirects. There were a number of outdated pages as well as 404 errors that needed to be addressed
Making usability tweaks to the design. We were very limited in what we could achieve on the site as the incumbent were not massively helpful in terms of the access they would give us. We were able to get round this in certain areas, an example being the ‘Get a Quote’ buttons. We had a feeling user metrics mattered in this competitive market, so we did our utmost to capitalise on this.
3. Optimize the “Get a Quote” form
We added heat mapping and anonymized visitor recording to the site. When we analyzed the data, it became very apparent that many people weren’t filling out the “Get a Quote'' form due to it being too long — like standing at the bottom of a mountain, trying to work out the right route to the top! The original form had almost 10 questions, which overwhelmed the user and resulted in low conversion rates.
Step one of Fleetcover Quote form
Step two of Fleetcover Quote form
We’ve had great success using multi-step forms on other client’s sites, so we decided to create one for Fleetcover. We had all the questions needed to provide a full quotation, but split it all up into easier-to-digest tabs and user-designed icons, rather than just text.
Our new form was built creatively and had four steps, making the process easier. With this change alone, leads from the form grew from 175 before November 2019 to 1,489 over the past 12 months (751% increase).
4. Focus heavily on content creation
Example of Fleetcover service page (HGV fleet insurance)
Service pages
Content creation is an area where we really got the chance to demonstrate creative flair alongside data analysis. We started by reviewing Fleetcover’s service pages, and fleshed out the content to make it more engaging.
Example of Fleetcover service page (FAQs)
Keyword research and search intent
Over time, we continued to research keywords, focusing heavily on understanding the search intent behind them, and creating detailed content and FAQs to meet the audience’s needs and Google's understanding of those intents.
One topic we’ve been focusing on is the rise of electric vehicles and how this will grow and affect the insurance industry. As the development and popularity of these vehicles progresses, we’re going to look at how we can use this in our content strategy.
Formatting and style
Including clear, natural CTAs at the end of each piece was really important, not only to round out the articles, but also to encourage readers to use Fleetcover’s broker service. See an example from our piece about business car insurance below.
In addition, utilizing a simple but effective tone of voice helped to meet the needs of potential consumers and give them the information they need in a straightforward way. When focusing on keywords/phrases that contain industry jargon, we always include information about what the word or phrase means for those with informational intent about a particular topic, for example ‘fleet breakdown cover’.
We achieved the goal of gaining more sales, as website conversion rates jumped from 3% to 14%, and leads increased from 175 to 1,489 (751%). This massive increase (pleasantly) surprised us as we are working with a site with a domain authority of 22 in a competitive industry, so to achieve these results so quickly was a great boost for both ourselves and Fleetcover.
Fleetcover was previously spending a considerable amount on purchasing leads from other companies, whereas now they have invested into SEO, which has significantly increased the number of leads they generate. With SEO, these leads are of a higher quality than PPC leads, and are therefore more likely to use their services. There is little need for Fleetcover to purchase leads now, as the business is becoming its own profitable arm of Walmsleys Insurance Brokers.
We’ve helped Fleetcover gain online visibility for certain keywords such as “fleet insurance brokers” (#1) and “fleet insurance quote” (#2). Their positioning for “Fleet breakdown cover” has also moved from #15 to #4, and “fleet insurance quote” has moved from #10 to #2. The main benefit of these ranking improvements is the huge increase in traffic!
We also gained top spot for the main keyword of “fleet insurance”, but this has since been taken by one of the juggernauts (excuse the pun) of the industry. We’ll be back, but for now, domain authority reigned supreme.
In April 2019, Fleetcover was only ranking for 229 keywords, and they now rank for 824, a 259% increase.
As mentioned, we saw results beginning in November as Google crawled the site more actively and found more relevant content. Therefore, April - November 2019 is our “before” comparison for what we’ve managed to achieve over the past 12 months:
April - November 2019:
Impressions: 296,000
Clicks: 2,220
November 2019 - November 2020:
Impressions: 1,880,000 (up 322%)
Clicks: 6,470 (up 194%)
Thanks to more than exceeding our set KPI goals, we were shortlisted for three SEO awards this year, and Fleetcover’s CEO had only good things to say:
“For years we’ve been looking for a company to do exactly what you have done and I can honestly say in 12 years of being involved in marketing, this is the first time that any marketing company has proactively gone ahead and done something for us in this way. I’ve whinged about it for so long that it made my day when it dropped in my inbox. Really chuffed.”
Well, that just speaks for itself, doesn’t it?
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
0 notes
kjt-lawyers · 3 years
How We Increased Our Client’s Leads by 751% on Less Than £1K Per Month [Case Study]
Posted by LydiaGerman
It’s a common misunderstanding that working with a small budget for SEO means you can’t generate results. How can you possibly make enough improvements to the site in so few hours per month?
Well, for us at Tao Digital Marketing, our work with Fleetcover goes to show that results can be achieved by focusing on the most important changes in the little time you have.
In this case study, we’ll break down how we increased leads by 751%, keywords by 259% and impressions by 535% on a budget of less than £1,000 / $1,347 per month, equating to one day’s work. That’s a small spend for SEO, but making the right changes at the right time, and focusing our efforts on the most important aspects, generated these positive results.
Our objectives were similar to what every website ultimately wants to achieve: generate leads for the business and increase online visibility for relevant search terms.
To be a little more specific, we picked this client up in March 2019, but of course, results generally started to pick up from November 2019 as Google started to crawl the site more regularly.
Our targets/KPIs for the next 12 months were based on numbers from April-November 2019, as below:
Increase leads from 175 to 500
Install a new chat function on the site and gain 50 leads through it
Increase site clicks from 2,200 to 5,000
Increase keywords ranked for from 229 to 500
The target audience was businesses that need fleet insurance. This spans a wide range of industries, from those operating coaches and taxis through to motor trade.
Our strategy focused on technical SEO and content creation. There was one big issue, though: we didn’t build the site ourselves, nor did we have the level of access that would allow us to make any design or fundamental changes that could support SEO and lead generation. In turn, our strategy had to be heavily content-driven.
Our strategy
1. Add a chat function
In November 2019, we added the ‘TawkTo’ chat function to the site which has helped generate leads. After analyzing when their audience was visiting the website, we found that most users were on the site late at night and on weekends.
With their team being out of the office and unable to answer any phone calls during these timeframes, we thought it would be of value to offer an online chat function to help capture inquiries so potential customers wouldn’t be put off or frustrated! This would put them at an advantage compared to their competitors who were not doing this.
We implemented the bot so it appears on the tab as a message notification, drawing people’s attention to the page even when it isn’t the active tab. So far, 330 inquiries have been made through this function.

Fleetcover Chat Bot
  2. Implement technical SEO
Tweaks that support technical SEO are perhaps some of the most important changes you can make to see real results. We implemented this by:
Optimizing page titles
Creating meta descriptions that were between 100-155 characters, using keywords that naturally fit
Using the optimal image sizes that each website required
Using alt text for images
Implementing internal and external links where possible
Utilizing FAQ schema on the more frequently searched questions
Optimizing the sitemap by getting rid of URLs that wouldn't support organic search
Using the robots.txt file to point search crawlers in the right direction
Creating 301 redirects. There were a number of outdated pages as well as 404 errors that needed to be addressed
Making usability tweaks to the design. We were very limited in what we could achieve on the site as the incumbent were not massively helpful in terms of the access they would give us. We were able to get round this in certain areas, an example being the ‘Get a Quote’ buttons. We had a feeling user metrics mattered in this competitive market, so we did our utmost to capitalise on this.
3. Optimize the “Get a Quote” form
We added heat mapping and anonymized visitor recording to the site. When we analyzed the data, it became very apparent that many people weren’t filling out the “Get a Quote'' form due to it being too long — like standing at the bottom of a mountain, trying to work out the right route to the top! The original form had almost 10 questions, which overwhelmed the user and resulted in low conversion rates.
Step one of Fleetcover Quote form
Step two of Fleetcover Quote form
We’ve had great success using multi-step forms on other client’s sites, so we decided to create one for Fleetcover. We had all the questions needed to provide a full quotation, but split it all up into easier-to-digest tabs and user-designed icons, rather than just text.
Our new form was built creatively and had four steps, making the process easier. With this change alone, leads from the form grew from 175 before November 2019 to 1,489 over the past 12 months (751% increase).
4. Focus heavily on content creation
Example of Fleetcover service page (HGV fleet insurance)
Service pages
Content creation is an area where we really got the chance to demonstrate creative flair alongside data analysis. We started by reviewing Fleetcover’s service pages, and fleshed out the content to make it more engaging.
Example of Fleetcover service page (FAQs)
Keyword research and search intent
Over time, we continued to research keywords, focusing heavily on understanding the search intent behind them, and creating detailed content and FAQs to meet the audience’s needs and Google's understanding of those intents.
One topic we’ve been focusing on is the rise of electric vehicles and how this will grow and affect the insurance industry. As the development and popularity of these vehicles progresses, we’re going to look at how we can use this in our content strategy.
Formatting and style
Including clear, natural CTAs at the end of each piece was really important, not only to round out the articles, but also to encourage readers to use Fleetcover’s broker service. See an example from our piece about business car insurance below.
In addition, utilizing a simple but effective tone of voice helped to meet the needs of potential consumers and give them the information they need in a straightforward way. When focusing on keywords/phrases that contain industry jargon, we always include information about what the word or phrase means for those with informational intent about a particular topic, for example ‘fleet breakdown cover’.
We achieved the goal of gaining more sales, as website conversion rates jumped from 3% to 14%, and leads increased from 175 to 1,489 (751%). This massive increase (pleasantly) surprised us as we are working with a site with a domain authority of 22 in a competitive industry, so to achieve these results so quickly was a great boost for both ourselves and Fleetcover.
Fleetcover was previously spending a considerable amount on purchasing leads from other companies, whereas now they have invested into SEO, which has significantly increased the number of leads they generate. With SEO, these leads are of a higher quality than PPC leads, and are therefore more likely to use their services. There is little need for Fleetcover to purchase leads now, as the business is becoming its own profitable arm of Walmsleys Insurance Brokers.
We’ve helped Fleetcover gain online visibility for certain keywords such as “fleet insurance brokers” (#1) and “fleet insurance quote” (#2). Their positioning for “Fleet breakdown cover” has also moved from #15 to #4, and “fleet insurance quote” has moved from #10 to #2. The main benefit of these ranking improvements is the huge increase in traffic!
We also gained top spot for the main keyword of “fleet insurance”, but this has since been taken by one of the juggernauts (excuse the pun) of the industry. We’ll be back, but for now, domain authority reigned supreme.
In April 2019, Fleetcover was only ranking for 229 keywords, and they now rank for 824, a 259% increase.
As mentioned, we saw results beginning in November as Google crawled the site more actively and found more relevant content. Therefore, April - November 2019 is our “before” comparison for what we’ve managed to achieve over the past 12 months:
April - November 2019:
Impressions: 296,000
Clicks: 2,220
November 2019 - November 2020:
Impressions: 1,880,000 (up 322%)
Clicks: 6,470 (up 194%)
Thanks to more than exceeding our set KPI goals, we were shortlisted for three SEO awards this year, and Fleetcover’s CEO had only good things to say:
“For years we’ve been looking for a company to do exactly what you have done and I can honestly say in 12 years of being involved in marketing, this is the first time that any marketing company has proactively gone ahead and done something for us in this way. I’ve whinged about it for so long that it made my day when it dropped in my inbox. Really chuffed.”
Well, that just speaks for itself, doesn’t it?
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
0 notes
noithatotoaz · 3 years
How We Increased Our Client’s Leads by 751% on Less Than £1K Per Month [Case Study]
Posted by LydiaGerman
It’s a common misunderstanding that working with a small budget for SEO means you can’t generate results. How can you possibly make enough improvements to the site in so few hours per month?
Well, for us at Tao Digital Marketing, our work with Fleetcover goes to show that results can be achieved by focusing on the most important changes in the little time you have.
In this case study, we’ll break down how we increased leads by 751%, keywords by 259% and impressions by 535% on a budget of less than £1,000 / $1,347 per month, equating to one day’s work. That’s a small spend for SEO, but making the right changes at the right time, and focusing our efforts on the most important aspects, generated these positive results.
Our objectives were similar to what every website ultimately wants to achieve: generate leads for the business and increase online visibility for relevant search terms.
To be a little more specific, we picked this client up in March 2019, but of course, results generally started to pick up from November 2019 as Google started to crawl the site more regularly.
Our targets/KPIs for the next 12 months were based on numbers from April-November 2019, as below:
Increase leads from 175 to 500
Install a new chat function on the site and gain 50 leads through it
Increase site clicks from 2,200 to 5,000
Increase keywords ranked for from 229 to 500
The target audience was businesses that need fleet insurance. This spans a wide range of industries, from those operating coaches and taxis through to motor trade.
Our strategy focused on technical SEO and content creation. There was one big issue, though: we didn’t build the site ourselves, nor did we have the level of access that would allow us to make any design or fundamental changes that could support SEO and lead generation. In turn, our strategy had to be heavily content-driven.
Our strategy
1. Add a chat function
In November 2019, we added the ‘TawkTo’ chat function to the site which has helped generate leads. After analyzing when their audience was visiting the website, we found that most users were on the site late at night and on weekends.
With their team being out of the office and unable to answer any phone calls during these timeframes, we thought it would be of value to offer an online chat function to help capture inquiries so potential customers wouldn’t be put off or frustrated! This would put them at an advantage compared to their competitors who were not doing this.
We implemented the bot so it appears on the tab as a message notification, drawing people’s attention to the page even when it isn’t the active tab. So far, 330 inquiries have been made through this function.

Fleetcover Chat Bot
  2. Implement technical SEO
Tweaks that support technical SEO are perhaps some of the most important changes you can make to see real results. We implemented this by:
Optimizing page titles
Creating meta descriptions that were between 100-155 characters, using keywords that naturally fit
Using the optimal image sizes that each website required
Using alt text for images
Implementing internal and external links where possible
Utilizing FAQ schema on the more frequently searched questions
Optimizing the sitemap by getting rid of URLs that wouldn't support organic search
Using the robots.txt file to point search crawlers in the right direction
Creating 301 redirects. There were a number of outdated pages as well as 404 errors that needed to be addressed
Making usability tweaks to the design. We were very limited in what we could achieve on the site as the incumbent were not massively helpful in terms of the access they would give us. We were able to get round this in certain areas, an example being the ‘Get a Quote’ buttons. We had a feeling user metrics mattered in this competitive market, so we did our utmost to capitalise on this.
3. Optimize the “Get a Quote” form
We added heat mapping and anonymized visitor recording to the site. When we analyzed the data, it became very apparent that many people weren’t filling out the “Get a Quote'' form due to it being too long — like standing at the bottom of a mountain, trying to work out the right route to the top! The original form had almost 10 questions, which overwhelmed the user and resulted in low conversion rates.
Step one of Fleetcover Quote form
Step two of Fleetcover Quote form
We’ve had great success using multi-step forms on other client’s sites, so we decided to create one for Fleetcover. We had all the questions needed to provide a full quotation, but split it all up into easier-to-digest tabs and user-designed icons, rather than just text.
Our new form was built creatively and had four steps, making the process easier. With this change alone, leads from the form grew from 175 before November 2019 to 1,489 over the past 12 months (751% increase).
4. Focus heavily on content creation
Example of Fleetcover service page (HGV fleet insurance)
Service pages
Content creation is an area where we really got the chance to demonstrate creative flair alongside data analysis. We started by reviewing Fleetcover’s service pages, and fleshed out the content to make it more engaging.
Example of Fleetcover service page (FAQs)
Keyword research and search intent
Over time, we continued to research keywords, focusing heavily on understanding the search intent behind them, and creating detailed content and FAQs to meet the audience’s needs and Google's understanding of those intents.
One topic we’ve been focusing on is the rise of electric vehicles and how this will grow and affect the insurance industry. As the development and popularity of these vehicles progresses, we’re going to look at how we can use this in our content strategy.
Formatting and style
Including clear, natural CTAs at the end of each piece was really important, not only to round out the articles, but also to encourage readers to use Fleetcover’s broker service. See an example from our piece about business car insurance below.
In addition, utilizing a simple but effective tone of voice helped to meet the needs of potential consumers and give them the information they need in a straightforward way. When focusing on keywords/phrases that contain industry jargon, we always include information about what the word or phrase means for those with informational intent about a particular topic, for example ‘fleet breakdown cover’.
We achieved the goal of gaining more sales, as website conversion rates jumped from 3% to 14%, and leads increased from 175 to 1,489 (751%). This massive increase (pleasantly) surprised us as we are working with a site with a domain authority of 22 in a competitive industry, so to achieve these results so quickly was a great boost for both ourselves and Fleetcover.
Fleetcover was previously spending a considerable amount on purchasing leads from other companies, whereas now they have invested into SEO, which has significantly increased the number of leads they generate. With SEO, these leads are of a higher quality than PPC leads, and are therefore more likely to use their services. There is little need for Fleetcover to purchase leads now, as the business is becoming its own profitable arm of Walmsleys Insurance Brokers.
We’ve helped Fleetcover gain online visibility for certain keywords such as “fleet insurance brokers” (#1) and “fleet insurance quote” (#2). Their positioning for “Fleet breakdown cover” has also moved from #15 to #4, and “fleet insurance quote” has moved from #10 to #2. The main benefit of these ranking improvements is the huge increase in traffic!
We also gained top spot for the main keyword of “fleet insurance”, but this has since been taken by one of the juggernauts (excuse the pun) of the industry. We’ll be back, but for now, domain authority reigned supreme.
In April 2019, Fleetcover was only ranking for 229 keywords, and they now rank for 824, a 259% increase.
As mentioned, we saw results beginning in November as Google crawled the site more actively and found more relevant content. Therefore, April - November 2019 is our “before” comparison for what we’ve managed to achieve over the past 12 months:
April - November 2019:
Impressions: 296,000
Clicks: 2,220
November 2019 - November 2020:
Impressions: 1,880,000 (up 322%)
Clicks: 6,470 (up 194%)
Thanks to more than exceeding our set KPI goals, we were shortlisted for three SEO awards this year, and Fleetcover’s CEO had only good things to say:
“For years we’ve been looking for a company to do exactly what you have done and I can honestly say in 12 years of being involved in marketing, this is the first time that any marketing company has proactively gone ahead and done something for us in this way. I’ve whinged about it for so long that it made my day when it dropped in my inbox. Really chuffed.”
Well, that just speaks for itself, doesn’t it?
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
0 notes
thanhtuandoan89 · 3 years
How We Increased Our Client’s Leads by 751% on Less Than £1K Per Month [Case Study]
Posted by LydiaGerman
It’s a common misunderstanding that working with a small budget for SEO means you can’t generate results. How can you possibly make enough improvements to the site in so few hours per month?
Well, for us at Tao Digital Marketing, our work with Fleetcover goes to show that results can be achieved by focusing on the most important changes in the little time you have.
In this case study, we’ll break down how we increased leads by 751%, keywords by 259% and impressions by 535% on a budget of less than £1,000 / $1,347 per month, equating to one day’s work. That’s a small spend for SEO, but making the right changes at the right time, and focusing our efforts on the most important aspects, generated these positive results.
Our objectives were similar to what every website ultimately wants to achieve: generate leads for the business and increase online visibility for relevant search terms.
To be a little more specific, we picked this client up in March 2019, but of course, results generally started to pick up from November 2019 as Google started to crawl the site more regularly.
Our targets/KPIs for the next 12 months were based on numbers from April-November 2019, as below:
Increase leads from 175 to 500
Install a new chat function on the site and gain 50 leads through it
Increase site clicks from 2,200 to 5,000
Increase keywords ranked for from 229 to 500
The target audience was businesses that need fleet insurance. This spans a wide range of industries, from those operating coaches and taxis through to motor trade.
Our strategy focused on technical SEO and content creation. There was one big issue, though: we didn’t build the site ourselves, nor did we have the level of access that would allow us to make any design or fundamental changes that could support SEO and lead generation. In turn, our strategy had to be heavily content-driven.
Our strategy
1. Add a chat function
In November 2019, we added the ‘TawkTo’ chat function to the site which has helped generate leads. After analyzing when their audience was visiting the website, we found that most users were on the site late at night and on weekends.
With their team being out of the office and unable to answer any phone calls during these timeframes, we thought it would be of value to offer an online chat function to help capture inquiries so potential customers wouldn’t be put off or frustrated! This would put them at an advantage compared to their competitors who were not doing this.
We implemented the bot so it appears on the tab as a message notification, drawing people’s attention to the page even when it isn’t the active tab. So far, 330 inquiries have been made through this function.

Fleetcover Chat Bot
  2. Implement technical SEO
Tweaks that support technical SEO are perhaps some of the most important changes you can make to see real results. We implemented this by:
Optimizing page titles
Creating meta descriptions that were between 100-155 characters, using keywords that naturally fit
Using the optimal image sizes that each website required
Using alt text for images
Implementing internal and external links where possible
Utilizing FAQ schema on the more frequently searched questions
Optimizing the sitemap by getting rid of URLs that wouldn't support organic search
Using the robots.txt file to point search crawlers in the right direction
Creating 301 redirects. There were a number of outdated pages as well as 404 errors that needed to be addressed
Making usability tweaks to the design. We were very limited in what we could achieve on the site as the incumbent were not massively helpful in terms of the access they would give us. We were able to get round this in certain areas, an example being the ‘Get a Quote’ buttons. We had a feeling user metrics mattered in this competitive market, so we did our utmost to capitalise on this.
3. Optimize the “Get a Quote” form
We added heat mapping and anonymized visitor recording to the site. When we analyzed the data, it became very apparent that many people weren’t filling out the “Get a Quote'' form due to it being too long — like standing at the bottom of a mountain, trying to work out the right route to the top! The original form had almost 10 questions, which overwhelmed the user and resulted in low conversion rates.
Step one of Fleetcover Quote form
Step two of Fleetcover Quote form
We’ve had great success using multi-step forms on other client’s sites, so we decided to create one for Fleetcover. We had all the questions needed to provide a full quotation, but split it all up into easier-to-digest tabs and user-designed icons, rather than just text.
Our new form was built creatively and had four steps, making the process easier. With this change alone, leads from the form grew from 175 before November 2019 to 1,489 over the past 12 months (751% increase).
4. Focus heavily on content creation
Example of Fleetcover service page (HGV fleet insurance)
Service pages
Content creation is an area where we really got the chance to demonstrate creative flair alongside data analysis. We started by reviewing Fleetcover’s service pages, and fleshed out the content to make it more engaging.
Example of Fleetcover service page (FAQs)
Keyword research and search intent
Over time, we continued to research keywords, focusing heavily on understanding the search intent behind them, and creating detailed content and FAQs to meet the audience’s needs and Google's understanding of those intents.
One topic we’ve been focusing on is the rise of electric vehicles and how this will grow and affect the insurance industry. As the development and popularity of these vehicles progresses, we’re going to look at how we can use this in our content strategy.
Formatting and style
Including clear, natural CTAs at the end of each piece was really important, not only to round out the articles, but also to encourage readers to use Fleetcover’s broker service. See an example from our piece about business car insurance below.
In addition, utilizing a simple but effective tone of voice helped to meet the needs of potential consumers and give them the information they need in a straightforward way. When focusing on keywords/phrases that contain industry jargon, we always include information about what the word or phrase means for those with informational intent about a particular topic, for example ‘fleet breakdown cover’.
We achieved the goal of gaining more sales, as website conversion rates jumped from 3% to 14%, and leads increased from 175 to 1,489 (751%). This massive increase (pleasantly) surprised us as we are working with a site with a domain authority of 22 in a competitive industry, so to achieve these results so quickly was a great boost for both ourselves and Fleetcover.
Fleetcover was previously spending a considerable amount on purchasing leads from other companies, whereas now they have invested into SEO, which has significantly increased the number of leads they generate. With SEO, these leads are of a higher quality than PPC leads, and are therefore more likely to use their services. There is little need for Fleetcover to purchase leads now, as the business is becoming its own profitable arm of Walmsleys Insurance Brokers.
We’ve helped Fleetcover gain online visibility for certain keywords such as “fleet insurance brokers” (#1) and “fleet insurance quote” (#2). Their positioning for “Fleet breakdown cover” has also moved from #15 to #4, and “fleet insurance quote” has moved from #10 to #2. The main benefit of these ranking improvements is the huge increase in traffic!
We also gained top spot for the main keyword of “fleet insurance”, but this has since been taken by one of the juggernauts (excuse the pun) of the industry. We’ll be back, but for now, domain authority reigned supreme.
In April 2019, Fleetcover was only ranking for 229 keywords, and they now rank for 824, a 259% increase.
As mentioned, we saw results beginning in November as Google crawled the site more actively and found more relevant content. Therefore, April - November 2019 is our “before” comparison for what we’ve managed to achieve over the past 12 months:
April - November 2019:
Impressions: 296,000
Clicks: 2,220
November 2019 - November 2020:
Impressions: 1,880,000 (up 322%)
Clicks: 6,470 (up 194%)
Thanks to more than exceeding our set KPI goals, we were shortlisted for three SEO awards this year, and Fleetcover’s CEO had only good things to say:
“For years we’ve been looking for a company to do exactly what you have done and I can honestly say in 12 years of being involved in marketing, this is the first time that any marketing company has proactively gone ahead and done something for us in this way. I’ve whinged about it for so long that it made my day when it dropped in my inbox. Really chuffed.”
Well, that just speaks for itself, doesn’t it?
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
0 notes
drummcarpentry · 3 years
How We Increased Our Client’s Leads by 751% on Less Than £1K Per Month [Case Study]
Posted by LydiaGerman
It’s a common misunderstanding that working with a small budget for SEO means you can’t generate results. How can you possibly make enough improvements to the site in so few hours per month?
Well, for us at Tao Digital Marketing, our work with Fleetcover goes to show that results can be achieved by focusing on the most important changes in the little time you have.
In this case study, we’ll break down how we increased leads by 751%, keywords by 259% and impressions by 535% on a budget of less than £1,000 / $1,347 per month, equating to one day’s work. That’s a small spend for SEO, but making the right changes at the right time, and focusing our efforts on the most important aspects, generated these positive results.
Our objectives were similar to what every website ultimately wants to achieve: generate leads for the business and increase online visibility for relevant search terms.
To be a little more specific, we picked this client up in March 2019, but of course, results generally started to pick up from November 2019 as Google started to crawl the site more regularly.
Our targets/KPIs for the next 12 months were based on numbers from April-November 2019, as below:
Increase leads from 175 to 500
Install a new chat function on the site and gain 50 leads through it
Increase site clicks from 2,200 to 5,000
Increase keywords ranked for from 229 to 500
The target audience was businesses that need fleet insurance. This spans a wide range of industries, from those operating coaches and taxis through to motor trade.
Our strategy focused on technical SEO and content creation. There was one big issue, though: we didn’t build the site ourselves, nor did we have the level of access that would allow us to make any design or fundamental changes that could support SEO and lead generation. In turn, our strategy had to be heavily content-driven.
Our strategy
1. Add a chat function
In November 2019, we added the ‘TawkTo’ chat function to the site which has helped generate leads. After analyzing when their audience was visiting the website, we found that most users were on the site late at night and on weekends.
With their team being out of the office and unable to answer any phone calls during these timeframes, we thought it would be of value to offer an online chat function to help capture inquiries so potential customers wouldn’t be put off or frustrated! This would put them at an advantage compared to their competitors who were not doing this.
We implemented the bot so it appears on the tab as a message notification, drawing people’s attention to the page even when it isn’t the active tab. So far, 330 inquiries have been made through this function.

Fleetcover Chat Bot
  2. Implement technical SEO
Tweaks that support technical SEO are perhaps some of the most important changes you can make to see real results. We implemented this by:
Optimizing page titles
Creating meta descriptions that were between 100-155 characters, using keywords that naturally fit
Using the optimal image sizes that each website required
Using alt text for images
Implementing internal and external links where possible
Utilizing FAQ schema on the more frequently searched questions
Optimizing the sitemap by getting rid of URLs that wouldn't support organic search
Using the robots.txt file to point search crawlers in the right direction
Creating 301 redirects. There were a number of outdated pages as well as 404 errors that needed to be addressed
Making usability tweaks to the design. We were very limited in what we could achieve on the site as the incumbent were not massively helpful in terms of the access they would give us. We were able to get round this in certain areas, an example being the ‘Get a Quote’ buttons. We had a feeling user metrics mattered in this competitive market, so we did our utmost to capitalise on this.
3. Optimize the “Get a Quote” form
We added heat mapping and anonymized visitor recording to the site. When we analyzed the data, it became very apparent that many people weren’t filling out the “Get a Quote'' form due to it being too long — like standing at the bottom of a mountain, trying to work out the right route to the top! The original form had almost 10 questions, which overwhelmed the user and resulted in low conversion rates.
Step one of Fleetcover Quote form
Step two of Fleetcover Quote form
We’ve had great success using multi-step forms on other client’s sites, so we decided to create one for Fleetcover. We had all the questions needed to provide a full quotation, but split it all up into easier-to-digest tabs and user-designed icons, rather than just text.
Our new form was built creatively and had four steps, making the process easier. With this change alone, leads from the form grew from 175 before November 2019 to 1,489 over the past 12 months (751% increase).
4. Focus heavily on content creation
Example of Fleetcover service page (HGV fleet insurance)
Service pages
Content creation is an area where we really got the chance to demonstrate creative flair alongside data analysis. We started by reviewing Fleetcover’s service pages, and fleshed out the content to make it more engaging.
Example of Fleetcover service page (FAQs)
Keyword research and search intent
Over time, we continued to research keywords, focusing heavily on understanding the search intent behind them, and creating detailed content and FAQs to meet the audience’s needs and Google's understanding of those intents.
One topic we’ve been focusing on is the rise of electric vehicles and how this will grow and affect the insurance industry. As the development and popularity of these vehicles progresses, we’re going to look at how we can use this in our content strategy.
Formatting and style
Including clear, natural CTAs at the end of each piece was really important, not only to round out the articles, but also to encourage readers to use Fleetcover’s broker service. See an example from our piece about business car insurance below.
In addition, utilizing a simple but effective tone of voice helped to meet the needs of potential consumers and give them the information they need in a straightforward way. When focusing on keywords/phrases that contain industry jargon, we always include information about what the word or phrase means for those with informational intent about a particular topic, for example ‘fleet breakdown cover’.
We achieved the goal of gaining more sales, as website conversion rates jumped from 3% to 14%, and leads increased from 175 to 1,489 (751%). This massive increase (pleasantly) surprised us as we are working with a site with a domain authority of 22 in a competitive industry, so to achieve these results so quickly was a great boost for both ourselves and Fleetcover.
Fleetcover was previously spending a considerable amount on purchasing leads from other companies, whereas now they have invested into SEO, which has significantly increased the number of leads they generate. With SEO, these leads are of a higher quality than PPC leads, and are therefore more likely to use their services. There is little need for Fleetcover to purchase leads now, as the business is becoming its own profitable arm of Walmsleys Insurance Brokers.
We’ve helped Fleetcover gain online visibility for certain keywords such as “fleet insurance brokers” (#1) and “fleet insurance quote” (#2). Their positioning for “Fleet breakdown cover” has also moved from #15 to #4, and “fleet insurance quote” has moved from #10 to #2. The main benefit of these ranking improvements is the huge increase in traffic!
We also gained top spot for the main keyword of “fleet insurance”, but this has since been taken by one of the juggernauts (excuse the pun) of the industry. We’ll be back, but for now, domain authority reigned supreme.
In April 2019, Fleetcover was only ranking for 229 keywords, and they now rank for 824, a 259% increase.
As mentioned, we saw results beginning in November as Google crawled the site more actively and found more relevant content. Therefore, April - November 2019 is our “before” comparison for what we’ve managed to achieve over the past 12 months:
April - November 2019:
Impressions: 296,000
Clicks: 2,220
November 2019 - November 2020:
Impressions: 1,880,000 (up 322%)
Clicks: 6,470 (up 194%)
Thanks to more than exceeding our set KPI goals, we were shortlisted for three SEO awards this year, and Fleetcover’s CEO had only good things to say:
“For years we’ve been looking for a company to do exactly what you have done and I can honestly say in 12 years of being involved in marketing, this is the first time that any marketing company has proactively gone ahead and done something for us in this way. I’ve whinged about it for so long that it made my day when it dropped in my inbox. Really chuffed.”
Well, that just speaks for itself, doesn’t it?
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
0 notes
lakelandseo · 3 years
How We Increased Our Client’s Leads by 751% on Less Than £1K Per Month [Case Study]
Posted by LydiaGerman
It’s a common misunderstanding that working with a small budget for SEO means you can’t generate results. How can you possibly make enough improvements to the site in so few hours per month?
Well, for us at Tao Digital Marketing, our work with Fleetcover goes to show that results can be achieved by focusing on the most important changes in the little time you have.
In this case study, we’ll break down how we increased leads by 751%, keywords by 259% and impressions by 535% on a budget of less than £1,000 / $1,347 per month, equating to one day’s work. That’s a small spend for SEO, but making the right changes at the right time, and focusing our efforts on the most important aspects, generated these positive results.
Our objectives were similar to what every website ultimately wants to achieve: generate leads for the business and increase online visibility for relevant search terms.
To be a little more specific, we picked this client up in March 2019, but of course, results generally started to pick up from November 2019 as Google started to crawl the site more regularly.
Our targets/KPIs for the next 12 months were based on numbers from April-November 2019, as below:
Increase leads from 175 to 500
Install a new chat function on the site and gain 50 leads through it
Increase site clicks from 2,200 to 5,000
Increase keywords ranked for from 229 to 500
The target audience was businesses that need fleet insurance. This spans a wide range of industries, from those operating coaches and taxis through to motor trade.
Our strategy focused on technical SEO and content creation. There was one big issue, though: we didn’t build the site ourselves, nor did we have the level of access that would allow us to make any design or fundamental changes that could support SEO and lead generation. In turn, our strategy had to be heavily content-driven.
Our strategy
1. Add a chat function
In November 2019, we added the ‘TawkTo’ chat function to the site which has helped generate leads. After analyzing when their audience was visiting the website, we found that most users were on the site late at night and on weekends.
With their team being out of the office and unable to answer any phone calls during these timeframes, we thought it would be of value to offer an online chat function to help capture inquiries so potential customers wouldn’t be put off or frustrated! This would put them at an advantage compared to their competitors who were not doing this.
We implemented the bot so it appears on the tab as a message notification, drawing people’s attention to the page even when it isn’t the active tab. So far, 330 inquiries have been made through this function.

Fleetcover Chat Bot
  2. Implement technical SEO
Tweaks that support technical SEO are perhaps some of the most important changes you can make to see real results. We implemented this by:
Optimizing page titles
Creating meta descriptions that were between 100-155 characters, using keywords that naturally fit
Using the optimal image sizes that each website required
Using alt text for images
Implementing internal and external links where possible
Utilizing FAQ schema on the more frequently searched questions
Optimizing the sitemap by getting rid of URLs that wouldn't support organic search
Using the robots.txt file to point search crawlers in the right direction
Creating 301 redirects. There were a number of outdated pages as well as 404 errors that needed to be addressed
Making usability tweaks to the design. We were very limited in what we could achieve on the site as the incumbent were not massively helpful in terms of the access they would give us. We were able to get round this in certain areas, an example being the ‘Get a Quote’ buttons. We had a feeling user metrics mattered in this competitive market, so we did our utmost to capitalise on this.
3. Optimize the “Get a Quote” form
We added heat mapping and anonymized visitor recording to the site. When we analyzed the data, it became very apparent that many people weren’t filling out the “Get a Quote'' form due to it being too long — like standing at the bottom of a mountain, trying to work out the right route to the top! The original form had almost 10 questions, which overwhelmed the user and resulted in low conversion rates.
Step one of Fleetcover Quote form
Step two of Fleetcover Quote form
We’ve had great success using multi-step forms on other client’s sites, so we decided to create one for Fleetcover. We had all the questions needed to provide a full quotation, but split it all up into easier-to-digest tabs and user-designed icons, rather than just text.
Our new form was built creatively and had four steps, making the process easier. With this change alone, leads from the form grew from 175 before November 2019 to 1,489 over the past 12 months (751% increase).
4. Focus heavily on content creation
Example of Fleetcover service page (HGV fleet insurance)
Service pages
Content creation is an area where we really got the chance to demonstrate creative flair alongside data analysis. We started by reviewing Fleetcover’s service pages, and fleshed out the content to make it more engaging.
Example of Fleetcover service page (FAQs)
Keyword research and search intent
Over time, we continued to research keywords, focusing heavily on understanding the search intent behind them, and creating detailed content and FAQs to meet the audience’s needs and Google's understanding of those intents.
One topic we’ve been focusing on is the rise of electric vehicles and how this will grow and affect the insurance industry. As the development and popularity of these vehicles progresses, we’re going to look at how we can use this in our content strategy.
Formatting and style
Including clear, natural CTAs at the end of each piece was really important, not only to round out the articles, but also to encourage readers to use Fleetcover’s broker service. See an example from our piece about business car insurance below.
In addition, utilizing a simple but effective tone of voice helped to meet the needs of potential consumers and give them the information they need in a straightforward way. When focusing on keywords/phrases that contain industry jargon, we always include information about what the word or phrase means for those with informational intent about a particular topic, for example ‘fleet breakdown cover’.
We achieved the goal of gaining more sales, as website conversion rates jumped from 3% to 14%, and leads increased from 175 to 1,489 (751%). This massive increase (pleasantly) surprised us as we are working with a site with a domain authority of 22 in a competitive industry, so to achieve these results so quickly was a great boost for both ourselves and Fleetcover.
Fleetcover was previously spending a considerable amount on purchasing leads from other companies, whereas now they have invested into SEO, which has significantly increased the number of leads they generate. With SEO, these leads are of a higher quality than PPC leads, and are therefore more likely to use their services. There is little need for Fleetcover to purchase leads now, as the business is becoming its own profitable arm of Walmsleys Insurance Brokers.
We’ve helped Fleetcover gain online visibility for certain keywords such as “fleet insurance brokers” (#1) and “fleet insurance quote” (#2). Their positioning for “Fleet breakdown cover” has also moved from #15 to #4, and “fleet insurance quote” has moved from #10 to #2. The main benefit of these ranking improvements is the huge increase in traffic!
We also gained top spot for the main keyword of “fleet insurance”, but this has since been taken by one of the juggernauts (excuse the pun) of the industry. We’ll be back, but for now, domain authority reigned supreme.
In April 2019, Fleetcover was only ranking for 229 keywords, and they now rank for 824, a 259% increase.
As mentioned, we saw results beginning in November as Google crawled the site more actively and found more relevant content. Therefore, April - November 2019 is our “before” comparison for what we’ve managed to achieve over the past 12 months:
April - November 2019:
Impressions: 296,000
Clicks: 2,220
November 2019 - November 2020:
Impressions: 1,880,000 (up 322%)
Clicks: 6,470 (up 194%)
Thanks to more than exceeding our set KPI goals, we were shortlisted for three SEO awards this year, and Fleetcover’s CEO had only good things to say:
“For years we’ve been looking for a company to do exactly what you have done and I can honestly say in 12 years of being involved in marketing, this is the first time that any marketing company has proactively gone ahead and done something for us in this way. I’ve whinged about it for so long that it made my day when it dropped in my inbox. Really chuffed.”
Well, that just speaks for itself, doesn’t it?
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blue-eyed-devils · 6 years
Rant about commission artists and personal whinging after the jump. You’ve been warned.
Tried to commission an artist to do a scene with my five muses. No luck. Most didn't listen to brief. A few I directly approached said no. They all charge by each individual figure making it ridiculously expensive. you know those fan works with a bunch of characters being fun together as a group? I want something like that, not something complicated. But Artists Say No. Whyyyyy so difficult??!?!
Some of you might not know this about me, but I used to be something of an artist myself. Went to art school, sold work - not that I was anything above student level skills. But you can kinda get how serious i was about it. For years. Anyway, one year, I kind of had an epic breakdown and haven't been able to paint or draw since. Even years later, when I try, I kinda have a meltdown. I’ve just lost whatever meager skills i did have, and that’s extremely frustrating and depressing.
So its a big deal for me to even think about attempting creating again for my muses. But with commission artists being so difficult/pretentious, I think I have no choice.
#FirstWorldProblems  I know. Sigh. I need a slap. 
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