#this silly little worm poem has NO reason to go as hard as it does
inkspvlled-blog · 5 years
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( kristen stewart, twenty-seven, cisfemale ) by chance have you met TAYLOR FLEMING yet? i hear SHE has lived in CAPITOL HILL for THREE YEARS and works as a WRITER. i’m surprised you haven’t met them yet but for when you do, i hear they can be quite CALLOW but also BEGUILING. for whatever reason they remind me of OLD FLANNEL T-SHIRTS, WORN DOWN CHUCK TAYLORS & WEARING SUNGLASSES AT NIGHT.
folks!! *claps hands* i’m ron & i’m very glad to be here w all of u cool ppl. i’m 23, pronouns she/her & i live in the gmt -3 timezone. anyways, now that all that info is outta the way, i should probably tell y’all i’m a messy person who loves messy plots so yk, any plot??? we love that, we’ll stan it, we’ll spice it up. the Flavor, yk?? so okay, let me not ramble anymore and start talking abt taylor god why do i talk so much
first of all i just wanna say taylor is the human form of this vine and also her personality is just the real bros of simi valley although??? she was born and raised in new york but who the fuck knows ya know
there’s nothing particularly strange to taylor’s story, no batman-esque Origin, no tragedy other than being completely ordinary and feeling frustrated because yk, milennials rlly b out here thinking they are special
she has an older and a younger brother, which is why she’s not really a girly girl and learned how to throw a nice uppercut really early in life so her brothers would leave her the fuck alone
during high school she was def “not one of those girls” which quickly subsided into oh fuck i’m not one of those girls cause i’m fucking in love with those girls. or any girl. she’s fucking gay :/
that whole panic lasted a few days until she decided to come out and wow big fucking shocker her whole family was already sus so it was like, not a big deal? like ofc her dad took a while getting used to it but by now they are all settled n ready to go. and her mom confided in her that she had previously experimented w women which is not something sixteen year old taylor wanted to know but guess what??? she did anyways
definitely one of those moody teens who were like no one Understands my teenage angst and spent days shackled up in her room watching old movies and feeling so unique and special writing her poems and drawing on her sneakers and listening to all time low ya know
she also really liked skating and like, experimenting with drugs which is not something she does anymore but she really made a lot of dumb choices when she was a teen. not anymore though, she will indulge in the occasional mary jane, howmstever
due to believing she looked like a fucking alien during high school (which we know its not true), she developed a personality that’s very charming and agreeable with people because it was the only way she could approach girls
anyways, she eventually grew out of all that bUT the writing and refined her personality a little. she’s less of an obnoxious person and more of a dry humor but still v approachable kinda gal. she has only written one book so far and it’s surprisingly doing well?? though she def has room to improve
she went to nyu for english literature (cliche, i know) and during that time taylor really exceeded expectations with her essays and chronics and the polished but humorous kind of way she writes. sort of a tongue in cheek kinda thing where even her most difficult professors found charming yk
her move to seattle three years ago was due to a job offer for writing for the seattle times, and she writes little chronics every now and then while she’s working on what should be her next book but we don’t know if it will ever see the light of day
*claps hands* personality
has an emotional support succulent collection
can be kind of funny in a really silly way or be very sarcastic and there’s no in between
dude and bro are definitely endearment terms
has a hard time talking about her feelings and expectations bc most of the time she feels like fucking shit which, relatable
vapes a lot :////
flirty fun & fresh but don’t try to pin her down to commitment cause....... that’s not a can of worms we want to open today mi amigo
self sabotage galore!!!
sometimes dresses like a dad and she won’t realize it until she sees an elderly man wearing the same outfit minus the baseball cap
dogs??? we love them in this household
an asshole but a nice??? asshole?? ig
here’s her pinterest board
idk if this intro makes sense at all but i tried and that’s all we can do, isn’t it??? anyways, if you’d like to plot w this???? alien pls like this post or wish upon a star and i shall contact u
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angstymarshmallow · 7 years
All 50 questions for Drake/MC? 😆 Sorry if it's too much for you! By the way, your stories are awesome! 👍 You were one of the first Choices writers I found (before I had an account) and I loved your stories! Keep on writing! 😊
Oh not a problem sweetie! I’m actually so happy you asked because those two are very dear to my heart. Aww thank you so much, gosh like my heart is so full right now 💕 I adore you and your poems! Likewise friend, keep writing!💕 Without further ado:1. Who is the early bird/ Who is the night owl? Drake’s up first in the morning because he enjoys morning runs; since its one of the rare moments to see the prince before the rest of Cordonia awakens from their slumber to pry him away. MC despises waking early because she’s the night owl in their relationship. She spends an unhealthy amount of time reading with her night light on or staring at Drake’s innocent expressions while he sleeps.2. Who is the big spoon/ Who is the little spoon?Drake loves being the big spoon because of how perfectly MC fits inside his arms. He rests his chin by the space in between her shoulder and likes to inhale her scent (because he secretly likes the sweet smell of strawberry body wash she uses).3. Who hogs the cover/ Who loves to cuddle?Drake hogs the covers at night, especially since he’s usually asleep first. MC doesn’t mind until it’s time to sleep and then it turns into a wrestling match with him still half asleep. They both like to cuddle even though Drake pretends it annoys him when MC moves closer. Usually, he gives a long insufferable sigh before acquiescing to her cuddling demands.4. Who wakes the other one up with kisses? Since Drake’s usually up first, he is surprisingly affectionate in the morning. He likes to trail kisses across her jaw down to her neck. Sometimes MC is so far deeply invested in sleep, she doesn’t respond. Other times, she wakes up with a laugh before pouncing on him. 5. Who usually has nightmares? MC knows Drake is troubled by nightmares because of the occasional frown she feels pressing into her shoulder while he’s asleep. Sometimes he even mutters in his sleep, and she hears Savannah slip from his lips every once in awhile. She can’t do much while he’s lost in his nightmares, so she worries and frets over him until his nightmare is over.6. Who would have really deep emotional thoughts at the middle of the night/ Who would have them in the middle of the day? They both have them during the middle of the night, when they get a chance to sneak away and watch the stars together. Sometimes they are too lost in thought and sit beside with each other in companionable silence. During the day it’s MC because Drake avoids having those kind of thoughts like the plague and MC doesn’t.7. Who sweats the small stuff? MC over analyzes a lot things. Especially when they’re alone together. She’s constantly wondering what he’s thinking when he doesn’t make any effort to talk and sometimes gauges his reactions quickly even when they’re non-verbal responses.8. Who sleeps in their underwear (or naked)/ Who sleeps in their pajamas? Drake sleeps nude on most nights because he finds it more comfortable than boxers. MC thinks it’s sexy but also finds it ridiculous because their bedroom is cold at night. (This probably explains why he likes to hog the blanket). MC sleeps in underwear.9. Who makes the coffee (or tea)? Drake finds tea soothing and is very particular about how he makes it. MC never gets it right and sometimes it ends in arguments because of how much sugar she puts in it. MC prefers coffee except when Drake makes her tea.10. Who likes sweet/ Who likes sour? MC likes a lot of bitter tasting things and Drake teases that it’s because she’s already too sweet to stomach anything more. He secretly has a sweet tooth but tells her otherwise until she catches him snooping for sweet treats.11. Who likes horror movies/ Who likes romance movies? Drake likes to criticize horror in general and is never satisfied with them. He enjoys it but he likes to point out things in the middle of it which takes away from how scary they are some of the time. He also enjoys it because MC’s cuddles up to him when she’s scared and buries her face into his shoulder whenever there’s a particularly scary scene on display. MC adores romance movies and can often quote a lot of what they say (because she’s perceptive and can usually predict where they’ll lead). Drake barely stomachs romance most of the time. He watches them to humor her, but mostly ends up criticizing every move the main characters makes and points out plot inconsistencies. Then it turns to a giant pillow fight when MC gets too frustrated at him calling the main character stupid or brainless.12. Who is smol/ Who is tol?MC is definitely smol and Drake is definitely tol. I had to google this because I had no idea what they meant LOL.13. Who is considered the scaredy cat? Drake is a giant scaredy cat. He calls himself practical and prefers not to go outside his comfort zone. MC usually pushes him to because she’s fearless and a little too brave in his eyes, whenever she commits to one of their sporadic adventures.14. Who kills the spiders? Drake kills them after  rushing in only to find MC screaming and pointing in fear at them, clutching a pillow like it’s a certified weapon on the other side of the room. He usually rolls his eyes at that point and begrudgingly kills it (on rare occasions he chases her with it).15. Who is scared of the dark? MC is afraid of the dark, it reminds her too much of horror movies and before long she starts imagining a serial killer will come up behind her at any given moment to end her life. This thought occurs a lot when Drake isn’t there distracting her with his voice, or his rough kisses or his inquisitive hands. The only time she doesn’t mind is in the presence of other people because she assumes if a serial killer does attack, she won’t be the first one to go in a group. 16. Who is scared of thunderstorms? MC is but pretends she isn’t by masking her fear and coupling it with the dark. Unless it’s thunderstorms during the day, then she cuddles up to Drake and waits for it to end. 17. Who works/ Who stays at home? MC stays at home and works on her novel. It’s supposed to sum up her whole experience during the first year of living in Cordonia (all the ups and downs of competing over the prince). It’s a work in progress but she uses the time she spends alone while Drake’s at work to write fervently about it.18. Who is a cat person/ Who is a dog person? Drake’s a cat person because they show exactly the right amount of affection he does - which is not a lot. He likes dogs too because of their loyalty to him, even when he yells at them for being silly but cats tend to gravitate to him. MC is a dog person and is usually the person their dogs go to for a belly rub. 19. Who loves to call the other one cute names? MC loves to call Drake very cutesy names, which he pointedly ignores most of the time until she calls him something proper. Like Darling, or baby. He doesn’t react to snugglepuss, or cherrytop very nicely.20. Who is dominant/ Who is submissive? Drake’s the dominant when they get into a heated argument otherwise - it depends on the circumstances.21. Who has an obsession (over anything)? Drake obsesses over anything that doesn’t go his way. He constantly tries to think of ways it could have gone better, or comes up with different scenarios that could have happened.22. Who goes all out for Valentine’s Day? Valentine’s Day brings out the romantic in Drake. It’s one of those rare moments when Drake goes all out for how much he cares about MC. He strictly does it so long as she doesn’t make a huge deal about it (which she does anyway) but he likes seeing her happy and only complains about it jokingly.23. Who asks who out on the first date? MC doesn’t care about traditional roles. She sees what she wants and takes it. It took awhile for them to admit their feelings for each other considering their extenuating circumstances. But MC is first to admit her feelings for him and the first to ask him out because she doesn’t have a lot of patience for could-bes if she hasn’t tried it yet.24. Who is the talker/ Who is the listener? Drake prefers to listen since he doesn’t like to voice his own opinions unless MC coerces it out of him. It’s just his way of dealing with things to kind of bottle them up until they unfortunately spill over. MC is one of the only people he opens up to. She knows when to push and if he’s in a particular mood, she fills the silence with nonsensical things to distract him. Sometimes she pushes hard though, and they get into another one of those heated arguments.25. Who wears the other ones clothes? MC steal Drake’s tank tops as apart of her morning routine. They’re roomy on her and too tight on him (she decides this because his muscles distract her). 26. Who likes to eat healthy/ Who loves junk food? They both adore junk food and often eats cronuts and hamburgers on date night. She’s showing him more about American culture through the junkiest of foods Cordonia can offer, and on the rare occasions they visit New York - she spoils him with it. They only grab a bite of something healthy when they are both feeling guilty.27. Who takes a long shower/ Who sings in the shower?Drake loves long showers because he has a tendency to have lot of shower thoughts. It’s not intentional, but usually he spends a lot of time thinking and uses all the hot water. MC sings in the shower to whatever song is stuck in her head at time (because usually there’s a song stuck inside her head).28. Who is the book worm? MC loves to read and spends a lot of time in the libraries when she’s alone at home. She also likes to read them at night when Drake has fallen asleep first.29. Who is the better cook? Drake makes a lot of tasty meals and saves their tastebuds considering MC can’t cook worth anything. It’s one of the reasons why she always opts for junk food because she somehow messes up following a recipe most of the time. It’s no competition.30. Who likes long walks on the beach? MC likes taking long on the beach walks while only accepts for swimming competitions. He’s usually the winner and brags about it for the rest of the night, but never mentions it on off chances when MC wins.31. Who is more affectionate? MC loves being affectionate. Whether it’s holding hands, catching him off-guard with a kiss or cuddling, she’s usually the one to initiate (unless they’ve got liquor in their system). Then Drake’s the affectionate one, his inhibitions makes him bolder and a lot more confident in making a move. He’s also more affectionate when they’ve got into a fight and tensions are high. 32. Who likes to have really long (deep) conversation? Since Drake prefers to listen, MC chats about a lot of different things to which he mostly responds to sarcastically or to poke fun at something. Drake likes having really long (deep) conversations when they talk about family.33. Who would wear “not guilty” t-shirt/ Who would wear “sin” t-shirt? Drake would wear the ‘not guilty’ shirt because MC has an adventurous spirit. Sometimes too adventurous, and lands them into trouble with Cordonian guards. She’ll wear that ‘sin’ shirt proud though and keep her chin up because she doesn’t regret a single minute of it.34. Who would wear “if lost return to…” t-shirt/ Who would wear “I am…” t-shirt? That “if lost return to…” shirt is totally MC’s; especially when they have one of their whiskey nights. Drake is almost as affected by liquor as she is but does a better job of holding it together. If they ever buy shirts like that hers would probably say “if lost return to her possessive boyfriend Drake” while Drake’s shirt would say “I am the responsible one. Not boring. Responsible.” Or something like that.35. Who goes overboard on the holidays? MC loves the holidays! (Even Cordonian holidays), she makes him apple pie every year and every year she does it wrong and he heaves it back out because he tries to be supportive of her disastrous cooking. Drake prefers not to celebrate over the holidays but MC chides him and tries to insist on being in the holiday spirit.36. Who is the social media addict? MC’s phone is somewhere near by. She likes to check her account frequently and always posts about their pets. Not to mention sneak pictures of Drake when actually smiles and when he’s not looking surly at something (these are rare moments that demands to be documented).37. Height difference or age difference? Height difference. MC’s a measly five feet five while Drake towers over her at 6 feet. They are close to the same age.38. Who likes to star gaze?They both do, it’s one of those rare moments where they get to disappear from the rest of the world even though it’s for a little while.39. Who buys cereal for the prize inside? MC does and Drake always teases her that she’s childish for it - in which she promptly sticks out her tongue and denies it. The irony is not lost on Drake.40. Who is the fun parent/ Who is the responsible parent?MC is the fun parent, often taking their kids across trips to visit her side of the family in New York and doesn’t hesitate when they ask her if they can sleep over by a friend’s. Drake is more protective of their children. He’s the strict one that says no most of the time. Sometimes, leaving their daughter in tears.41. Who cries during sad movies? MC cries during sad movies and sometimes uses Drake’s shirt for tissue if there is none available. He more or less rolls his eyes but feels more deeply about sad movies than he lets on. Especially when they’re about family struggles. He just has a far better poker face than MC.42. Who is the neat freak? Drake’s a neat freak that gains anxiety as soon as he sees anything out of place. MC is unorganized by nature so sometimes he loses his patience with her when he finds their room in disarray or anywhere else in the house for that matter. She just says she’s doing a little of redecorating until she’s forgotten where she’s placed something.43. Who wins the stuffed animals at the carnival for the other one? Drake does because he knows MC loves tiny stuffed animals to bits. Although she can manage to win on her own, she lets him because he enjoys winning something for her.44. Who is active/ Who is lazy? They’re both active and spend a lot of time through various outdoorsy activities.45. Who is more likely to get drunk? Sometimes they have drinking contests but MC usually loses because she can’t tell after the twelveth shot if Drake’s affected by it as much as she is. (He is, he just has a better poker face). She’s just better at showing how drunk she is.46. Who has the longer food order? MC likes to add little things to her order which Drake likes to point out she won’t actually finish eating but more or less leave un-touched in her rush to try everything.47. Who has the more complex coffee order? Drake has a very complicated coffee order in the rare occasions that he drinks it. If it’s not done right it puts him into a foul mood until he finds a good spot for tea instead. MC drinks the same type of coffee.48. Who loses stuff?MC loses stuff all time because she forgets where she puts them if she doesn’t get back to it fast enough. It drives Drake crazy because it usually ends up in someplace bizarre; finding her keys in their kitchen sink or her toothbrush by the garage.49. Who is the driver/ Who is the passenger? Drake likes driving because he’s a hands on kind of guy. MC likes driving as well but not as much and can use this opportunity to make Drake laugh and take pictures of him in secret for herself and sometimes her social media account.50. Who is the hopeless romantic?  They both are. Drake is just very good at hiding that about himself, unless it’s Valentine’s Day. MC is seamless with showing her romantic side in a lot of time they spend together. Whether its flirting or being honest about her feelings, or touching him with small gestures every so often - she’s open with her affection once they’ve committed to being each other’s romantic partners.
Man this was so much fun. I’m sorry if it’s a little long. This just helped me in all kinds of potential fic ideas in the future for these two. Thanks so much for the asks @catsrthebossヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ  Hope you enjoyed my answers!Send me an OTP ask here 
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