#this post is dedicated to kadelarenta bc shes lowkey the number 1 creon fan fr
embersofhope-if · 11 months
I would like if you could also post the Ceron facts as well. The Ash and Mc family Facts were adorable. Thank you
i have arrived with Creon/Capitol facts. I know its not as many as the other list but i didnt want to run the risk of spoilers. Anyways! enjoy
For Creons' 15th birthday, they asked mc for a kiss (only if they've been romanced before the games)
Snow already knew who Mc was before they were reaped
Creon almost always has on gold eyeliner
Creon has written poety about mc, but they'd rather die than ever share it
MC once mentioned that creon looked good in red, and ever since then, Creon has made sure to wear something red every time they see mc
Mc immediately caught the Capitols eye whenever they were interviewed during Ashs games and has had fans ever since (they're kinda like that side character thats barely there but the fans absolutely love them and now they get their own show)
Creon may have done well in school, but they absolutely sucked at taking test and hated them with a passion
Whenever Ash died, Creon almost immediately tried to call Mcs home
They were kind of relieved that nobody answered because they honestly had no idea what to say
When Creon was really young, they had dreams of being a writer, but those dreams quickly died whenever their father died
Creon once owned a dog, and they've been trying to convince their mom to get another one, but she refuses
Creon has a softspot for children☝️
Whenever Mc had told them that their district was probably going to vote for them to go into the games thats when Creon started to put together a plan on how to make sure Mc makes it out
Unsurprisingly, Aurel and Creon don't get along very well
Creon also thinks its very funny that Aurel gets stuck with Woof as their mentor because they know he's not really going to be able to help them
Creon and Tigris get along surprisingly well (...it may be because they remind her of Coryo)
Tigris requested to be Mcs stylist and refused to take any other tribute
One of the first things Creon said to Tigris when talking about their plan for mc was "We don't need to make everyone like them we need to make sure everyone falls in love with them" and Tigris is set on making sure that happen
Creon doesn't fully understand the point of the Games, but they can't imagine what life would be like without them so they pretend to think they're necessary
Because Mc had that group of fans after Ashs games, their Uncle didn't even give them the choice on whether or not they wanted to go to those Capitol parties
Mcs Mother felt that if they went it would help out the family name so there was no debate about it
Mc and Creon would sneak off and not reappear until it was time to leave
Creon would always make sure to get their dance with Mc before the night ended tho
And they would also bring Mc gifts any time they were in the Capitol
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