#this post brought to you by me wishing I could do a really nice greenscaped betta tank
chipped-chimera · 4 months
I think one of the most frustrating things about this whole Self Growth! Uncovering and recovering from the trauma! Finally developing a sense of self! etc. is like ... my entire life everything I did and how I acted revolved around basically double if not triple masking to please everyone else and minimize being a target. I am now over that. Which is great! I under the mechanics of it, so I can dismantle it! I can finally do what I want!
But I've dealt with this for so long that now that I finally am willing to let go and just do what I want - I fucking can't because my body won't fucking let me because my energy seems to permanently be in the shitter.
All I wanna do is live my OWN damn life.
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